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A00919 A Catholike confutation of M. Iohn Riders clayme of antiquitie and a caulming comfort against his caueat. In which is demonstrated, by assurances, euen of protestants, that al antiquitie, for al pointes of religion in controuersie, is repugnant to protestancie. Secondly, that protestancie is repugnant particularlie to al articles of beleefe. Thirdly, that puritan plots are pernitious to religion, and state. And lastly, a replye to M. Riders Rescript; with a discouerie of puritan partialitie in his behalfe. By Henry Fitzimon of Dublin in Irland, of the Societie of Iesus, priest.; Catholike confutation of M. John Riders clayme of antiquitie. Fitzsimon, Henry, b. 1566.; Rider, John, 1562-1632. Rescript.; Rider, John, 1562-1632. Friendly caveat to Irelands Catholicks. 1608 (1608) STC 11025; ESTC S102272 591,774 580

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name of Monkes pag. 277. OATHES Of the sundrie formes of Oathes of diuers Kinges at the time of their Corronation Reply pag. 112. The new Oath of Alle●gance and the ould Oath of Supremacie to be all one in substance ibid. pag. 113 The new Oath of Alleigance representeth the sl ight practised by Iulian the Apostata against the Christians ibid. pag. 114. ORDERS How contemptibly Heret ques speake of the imposition of handes calling it but a shaking of the elect into the Assemblie pag. 230. 231. See more in the woord Priest PATRICIVS Of S. Patrick and of his wonderfull vertues and holines of life Ep. Ded. par 6. 7. 13. S. Patrick with diuers other captiues being taken by the Irishe men in the warres against the Brittons was carried prisoner by them into Ireland Ep. Ded. par 30. PERSECVTION In the Abbay of Leuxouium in France 900. Monkes were all murthered in one day by pirates Ep. Ded. par 17. An Answere to the Obiection of Reformers touching the Persecution vnder Queene Marie pag. 4. A notable historie of Eusebius concerning the Persecutions of primatiue Christians sutable to this of our times Replye pag. 90. How Master Nigram was miraculouslie concealed in a search in Master Belinges house and how our Ladie appeared vnto him Replye pag. 93. 94. Christians prohibited by publique edict to enter into any common house boothe or markett or to goe abroade out of doores Replye pag. 96. The inscriptions of Dioclesian and Maximilian in marble pillers after their longe and greate persecution of Christians Reply pag. 83. Kinge Boleslaus of Polonia killed the holie Bishop Stanislaus as he was saying Masse Replye pag. 28. His Maiesties that now is Grandmother forced to vse hir conscience in a priuat chamber Replye pag. 97. How Eudoxia wife to the Emperor Arcadius abused the Legatts sent to hir husband in the cause of S. Iohn Chrïsostom Replye pag. 104. And how Valerius by violence brake one of the Bishops thumbes ibid. How the noble Same 's being a verie feruent Christian and abundantly riche hauing vnder him a 100. slaues was by the Emperor condemned to serue as a slaue to the most abiect of all his slaues together with his wife and all his retinewe Replye pag. 105. How Hunerick Kinge gaue the wife of the Lorde Saturus to the verie meanest of all his groomes Replye pag. 105. 106. Of the sundrie sortes of paines inflicted vpon diuers holie Martyrs for the faith of Christ. Replye pag. 116. PIXES How Gorgonia adored Christ inclosed in a Pix vpon the Altar pag. 318. Pixes vsed from the Apostles times ibid. Of a certaine woman who attempting to open a Pix was terrified by fire issuing out thereat ibid. Clebitius a Zuinglian Minister writeth of Heshusius another Reformer that when the siluer Pixes were melted and made away he caused others to be made of wood to reserue his Eucharisticall bread in which he kept so sluttshlie as was not good enough for a Cowheard to put his butter in pag. 199. PLACES That Christ was in fleshe in two places at once in heauen and in earth proued out of the Actes 9. 17. pag. 132. That his ascending into heauen much more proueth then disproueth his being in the Sacrament pag. 131. See more pog 276. Christ neuer so tied to one place that he could not be in another proued by VVestphalus and Melancthon pag. 54. Christ both sate at the table and held him selfe in his owne handes and that according to the leter as saith S. Aug. pag. 57. POPE The vniuersall authoritie of the Pope excellentlie proued by S. Bernard pag. 20. The Bishop of Rome called Pope and Apostolicall Lord of the vniuersall Church pag. 284. Flauianus chosen Pope by miracle pag. 371. The Pope called the Ruler of the house of God The Chiefe of all Priestes The Head of all holie Churches The head of the vniuersall Church pag. 2. POSSIBILITIE Of the Impossibilities imagined by Protestants against the B. Sac. VVhether it be impossible that qualities can be without a subiect pag. 132. VVhether any thinge beyond the condition of a naturall bodie be possible pag. 133. PREISTES How ancient Heretiques termed primitiue Priestes in contempt Romanish and Roman Priestes as Heretiques doe at this day pag. 2. Rider alloweth Priesthood as well to women as to men pag 228. Luther defēdeth that women may Preach Baptize and Consecrate and disputeth against S. Paul commending silence in women pag. 229. PRINCES Of the doctrine of Puritans touching the deposing of Princes Caluin saith that it is a villanous thinge vnwoorthie and wicked that a Christian man who is free should be subiect to other lawes then heauenlie and diuine pag. 218. Beza and Zuinglius that Princes are to be deposed and that the people should be only rulers of them selues pag. 218. Sundrie seditious Pamphletts dispersed by Puritans to this effect ibid. That they haue power to depose and dispose of Princes with the least breath of their mouthes pag. 222. Cartw●ight saith that the Prince submitts his Scepter vnto the Scepter of Christ and lickes the dust of the Churches feete pag. 223. The like is taught by Trauers Knox and others ibid. Of the insolent vauntes of Puritans that they made a Prince of Royall blood to lament his offence openly before the publique assembly pag. 224. That the supereminent authoritie of the Kinge must be confined within the limits of some particular parish Replye pag. 69. That he is to subiect his soueraigne power to the pure and Apostolicall simplic●tie as of an ouer-swayning and all commanding Presbiterie ibid. That his meeke and humble Cleargie haue power to binde their Kinge in chaines and their Princes in linckes of iron and if in case they see cause to proceede against him as against a Tyrant Replye pag. 69. See more in the three woordes Puritan Rebellion and Treason PROMOTORS The Promotors of these dayes like vnto those wh ch were employed in the persecutions against the Primatiue Christians Replye pag. 82. Tertullian saith that they were publique Baudes Iuglers Magitians Cheaters c. ibid. Meliton saith they were impudent and peruerse Sicophants and rauenous Thieues Replye pag. 82. The Lorde Cooke saith the Promotor is both a Beggar and a Knaue Replye pag. 91. Their office I confesse is necessarie and yet it seldome hapneth that an honest man is employed in it ibid. PROTESTANTS Protestants Religion professed but 30 yeare ould pag. 30. Protestants compared to Esops dogge pag. 109. Protestantrie had his originall from a Iew named Iosephus Albo. pag. 272. The Turkish Alcaron printed in Germanie by the direction of Protestants ibid. Aboue 200. seuerall sectes of Protestants pag. 291. VVhence Protestants were first so called pag. 300. How the common cause of Protestants is ingaged vpon Riders successe Replye pag. 59. PVRGATORIE Of Purgatorie Caluin testifieth prayers for the dead to be of aboue 1300. yeares antiquitie Replye pag. 28. See more in the woord Resurrection PVRITANS What Puritans are
corpus meum which is the proposition whereupon all this disputation and contention dependeth After the same manner a man may prooue the blessed virgin Marie to be Iohn the Euangelists mother Ihon 19.27 and say still notwitstanding any text brought against him as Christ said Ecce mater tua B●hold thy mother say what yee will the words be Christs words therefore they must be true they need no interpretation Christ is not a lyer And if a man aske a confirmation and say how prooue you this proposition of Christ to be true literallie in deed as Christ spake it This is a loose kinde of Logique You bring in for confirmation of the proposition the proposition it selfe and say Ecce mater tua Behold thy mother Th●● when the Catholiques demaund of you to prooue your proposition of Hoc est c●●pus meum whether it must be taken corporallie or spirituallie grammaticallie o● misticallie In Schools it is called Petitio principij then you bring the proposition it selfe and say Hoc est corpus meum to prooue Hoc est corpus meum and so you would prooue idem per idem which is verie childish and a begging of that as graunted which is yet in question betwixt vs and vndetermined VVhether the woords Behould thy mother had one or lyke sence with the woords This is my bodye Fitzimon 49. WE approue our sacrament to be the true body and blood of Christ because he being the Trueth and whose saying as the prophet saith is effected Ioan. 14.6 Dixit facta sunt mandauit creata sunt he spoke and it was done Psal 32.9 he commaunded and they were created because he I say 1. Cor. 11.24 Matt. 26.28 him selfe did affirme it to be his body which was to be deliuered and his blood which was to be shedd and consequently his true body and his true blood which truely and not only figuratiuely were deliuered and shedd These powerfull woords of Christ which your great Melancthon saith Melanct. l. 3. epist Zuing. Oecolamp fol. 132. Mat. 24.35 wil be one day thunder to the misbeleeuers and which woords when heauen and earthe will fayle will remayne are our foundation Yf the blessed Virgin Marie be sayd to be the mother and S. Ihon the sonne it is sayd in such maner as only to giue to vnderstand that he should honoure and cherishe hir as his mother and no otherwyse and so the scripture sheweth he conceaued it as being without any circumstance conioyned to conceaue otherwyse But in the B. Sacrament Christ a whole yeare befor in the sixt of S. Ihon haueing forwarned Ioan. 6.55 c. that he would giue to be eaten his true fleash which should be their meat truely and his true blood which should be their drincke truely at the last supper making his new testament all being very attentiue in solemne maner he tooke blessed and broak bread saying this is my body c. So that it is not an idle proofe or idem per idem to proue it to be Christ corporaly when we shew Christ our omnipotent Lord to haue affirmed it with the former circumstances more to this effect shall follow God willing in our 62. number 50. But you should haue prooued by other places of Scriptures Rider that Hoc est cor●us meum changeth the nature and substance of bread and wine and you should haue proued by the Scriptures Esay 7.10 that the Prophets foreshewed this strange con●eption of Christ to be conceaued of bread as well as they did foreshew his con●eption of the virgin And you should haue prooued by the Scriptures that it is ●ot onelie a Sacrament but a sacrifice not onely Eucharisticall but as well pro●itiatorie and not onelie profitable to the quicke but also to the dead nay not ●nelie for plagues among men but murren and diseases also among beasts Cum ●ultis alijs quae nunc c. Now shew by the Scriptures that Hoc est corpus meum hath such a sence that the simple people may repose themselues more securely vpon your opinion and proofes But till you prooue it which you can neuer doe they must know you haue and doe deceiue them with false expositions against veritie antiquitie au●horitie yea consent of the old Church of Rome VVhether Christs woords doe testifie a change of nature And whether it was prophecied 50. THe nature of bread and wyne must be changed Fitzimon when they are turned into the body and blood of Christ one proofe serueth to proue the one and the other What proueth Eua to be a woman Gen. 2. Exod. 43. Exod. 7.17 Ioan. 2.8 proueth hir not to ●e a bone wherof she was made What proueth Moises rodd turned to a serpent and after into a rodd the riuers of Egipt turned into blood water turned into wyne and all other such alterations proueth thē not to haue bene what thy were befor The prophets did shew this not conception but transubstantiation when they fortould that Christ should be a preest according to the ordre of Melchisedech who sacrificed in bread and wyne wherby was signified Psal 109.4 Hebr. 5.6.20 c. 11.17 Iuel in his reply art 1. saith Iuel the sacrifice of the holy communion I say who sacrificed by confession of VVhitaker as also did Christ according to his being a preest of that ordre and that can not be conceaued of ether of bothe but in bread and wyne For the other cruental sacrifice of his passion was done not actiuely by Christ but only passiuely and that rather according to the ordre of Aaron then of Melchisedech Malach. 1. The prophets did shew this transubstantiation when they fortould that among the Gentiles from east to west there should be a cleane oblation offred to Gods name in euery place c. Which can not be vnderstood of any thanksgiuing or prayses as you imagin such being not peculiar to the Gentils Chrysostom hom in ps 95. but frequent among the Iewes Vpon which woords saith S. Chrysostom Behould how cleerly and playnly he hath interpreted the mystical table which is the vnbloodie Host Yea besyds all other proofs by Scripturs and Fathers which by the mercie of God shal be afforded in our treating of the Masse take this also from your Beza Beza in cap. 22. Luc. u. 20. Regius in 2. par operum resp ad 2. libros E●ky de missa c. 7. Bibl. l. 1. de paschate Israelit pag. 25. 26. Vrbanus Regius Tremelius and Bibliander That befor the coming of Christ the ancient Israelits were commanded to celebrat a figuratiue communion in bread and wyne in token that the Messias would institute no figuratiue but true and substantial communion in the same By which is proued to the full contentment euen of the least indifferent that for whom soeuer Christ offred it may be proffitable be they quick or dead such sacrifice contayning truely and substantialy the same
in Cardinall Caietans opinion writing vppon saint Thomas Aquinas in this manner Per Euangelium non possunt catholici hereticos conuincere ad intelligenda verba haec hoc est corpus meum proprie sed tenendum hoc esse solum ex authoritate ecclesia quae ita verba consecrationis declarat That is the Catholickes cannot conuince or inforce the Heretickes by the Gospell to vnderstand these wordes hoc est corpus meum this is my bodie properlie but this exposition must bee fetched and held from the authoritie of the Church So this your religion is none of Christs because it is not warrantted by the gospell of Christ which so expoundeth the words of consecration See I pray you what one of your leardnest Friers reports out of one of your skarlet Cardinals of Rome that you cannot prooue by Christs Gospell these words this is my bodie to haue a proper and litterall signification So that CHRISTS Gospell condemnes your litterall and proper exposition and so your carnall presence of Christ must be maintained from and by the authoritie of the church of Rome though Christ and his Gospell say no. Alasse with what conscience dare you teach the Catholicks this heresie Super quaest 75. Art primo Fol. 236. Printed at Venice 1593. which by your owne confession hath no warrant from Christs Gospell And Cardinall Ca●etane himselfe writing vpon your saint Thomas Aquinas speaketh to the same purpose that the Scriptures speake nothing expresse expresly of Christ his carnall presence in the Sacrament but onely in these words hoc est corpus meum which words saith he are two waies expounded first properlie secondlie metaphoricallie But saith hee the maister of the sentences is to be taxed Lib. 4. dist 10. who held too much with the figuratiue interpretation And there you shall see that he blusheth not to say that your litterall sence is not from the Gospell but from the church of Rome And if your Romane Church may be both partie witnesse and iudge there is no doubt but the verdict must sound on your side And there the Cardinall handles Duas nouitates valde mirabiles which being dulie examined parturiunt montes c. with manie other forgeries and fooleries to maintaine your carnal kingdome of your Breaden-god Thus much concerning your two consecratorie propositions which by the testimonie of Scriptures and Fathers be figuratiuelie to be expounded as we say not properlie and litterallie as you vntrulie teach How Caietan and the Master of Sentences are by him falsifyed 61. I Confesse that a late Frier might be owld in age Fitzimon But I would fayne be instructed what proofe is affoorded that concerning Angles by him declared late and owld is not shewed litle pithe or method in such medlie Angles then affirmeth saith he that hereticks can not be cōuicted by the gospell to vnderstand This is my bodie properly Why can any doubt therof that hath any common sense Do we not behould that hereticks notwith standing the gospell do denye it Do we not behould that M. Rider among the rest immediatly befor affirmed that it was vnheard of in 800. yeares after Christ and therby is made an heretick by his owne alleadged late and ould Angles Should we not remember the open protestation of a Protestant Bullinger decad 5. de caena apud Schluss lib. 2. art 16. Zuinglianos non posse credere Christum esse in coena praesentem vero suo corpore licet omnia in mundo Concilia omnes Angeli Diui id iubeant credere The Zuinglians not to be able to beleeue Christ to be in the supper according his true bodie although all the Concils of the world all Angels and Saincts did command to beleeue it To inferr also that what can not be proued out of the gospel is condemned by the gospell is a blasphemous Riderian sequel For nether the holy Trinitie nor manifould principal parcels of our beleefe mentioned in the 33. number can be proued by the gospell yet are not condemned nether by the gospell nor by condemned enemyes of the gospell And could impudence it selfe informe and inferr in the woords following that Caietan professed Christ and the Gospell not to stand for the true propre and litteral sense of these woords Hoc est corpus meum Caiet in 3. part D. Th. q. 75. a. 1. O desperat deprauations Thus Caietan discoursed Habemus igitur ex veritate verborum Domini in sensu proprio corpus Christi veraciter esse in Eucharistia hoc est primum quod ex euangelio habemus circa hoc sacramentum VVe haue therfor owt of the veritie of the woords of our Lord in their propre sense the bodie of Christ to be verilye in the Eucharist and this is the first that we haue owt of the gospell belonging to this Sacrament Behould now the forhead of M. Rider and thinke in equitie whether impudence inioyed euer a more ordinarie tabernacle to seat and plant it selfe then therin Caietan saith M. Rider affirmeth that the Scriptures speake nothing expresselye of Christs carnal presence I leaue the woord Carnal to the Carnal interpreter in the sacrament Contrary to which saith Caietan him selfe the woords of our Lord in their propre sense teach the veritie of Christ verilye being in the Eucharist Againe He blusheth not saith M. Rider to say that your litteral sense is not from the gospell Contrary to which worthye to wreast blushing out of a flint saith Caietan and that in the same place cited this we haue out of the gospell belonging to this Sacrament Is it not therfor the 47. vntrueth that we are sayd not to be able by the gospell to proue the real presence because we are sayd to say that hereticks can not be conuicted by the gospell The sacred Scripture saith Prou. 29. Verbis non emendabitur seruus durus Si enim intellexerit non obediet By woords ether of God or man will not the stiffe seruant be amended for although he vnderstand he will not obey Is it not the 48. The 47 48 49. 50. 51. vntruth vntrueth vpon such premisses that Christs gospell condemneth vs The 49. that by our owne confessions we haue no warrant from the gospell The 50. that Caietan relateth proofs against vs As lowd and lewed is the 51. vntruth Caietan to reprehend the Master of Sentences for houlding to much with the figuratiue interpretation he only reporting of him that he pursueth their error who esteemed such woords should be taken metaphoricalie Gentle Readers to you I say in the woords of S. Augustin S. August l. 2. con Petil. VVe are constrayned to heare debat and refute these tryfles only because the seelie by them be not entangled For otherwyse what greefe could be greater then to spend tyme and payne in incountring him whose protection is to peruert disproofs into proofs affirmations into negations falshods into truethes foes into frends and not to weye synn or shame because he
Zuinglius as the Emperor is in his banner ibid. Caluin Beza Peter Martyr and Iewell no otherwise in the Sacrament then in a sermon ibid. Musculus saith that nether naturallie nor personallie nor reallie nor corporallie nor spirituallie nor figuratiuelie nor significatiuelie is bread the bodie of Christ. pag. 252. SVPREMACIE Of the Supremacie of the Pope and authoritie of the Church of Rome confirmed by the testimonies of the ancient Fathers of Protestants themselues pag. 240. Diuers other proofes for the Popes Supremacie Replye pag. 35. 36. Of the new Oath of alleigance and of the Popes Breue and Cardinall Bellarmins leter Replye pag. 109. 110. 111. 112. VVhat Sr. Iohn Perrot said to a shrinking Scismatick who accepted the Oathe of Supremacie pag. 115. TRADITIONS Of diuers thinges beleeued by Protestants not contained in the written woord of God pag. 29. TRANSVBSTANTIATION Diuers inuincible proofes for Transubstantiation both out of Catholiques and also out of Heretiques them selues By S. Ciprian pag. 128. By S. Bede pag. 129. By Berengarius pag. 303. By VVickliffe ibid. By Iohn Husse and others ibid. That it is the custome in Gods woord to call thinges altered by their former names pag. 90. VVhat sundrie sortes of most forcible woordes the ancient Fathers vsed to expresse Transubstantiation pag. 128. Proofes of Transubstantiation by S. Anselme pag. 66. By Lanfrancus ibid. By S. Ciril of Hierusalem pag. 200. By Tertullian pag. 244. By S. Damascen pag. 255. By S. Ambrose pag. 258. By S. Cyril of Ierusalem pag. 265. 266. Of the change of substances the formes remayning proued by sundrie instances pag. 366. The floute of a Pagan saying an infant shrowded in a cake of flower is giuen to them that are made Christians pag. 370. TREASONS Of sundrie Treasons practized by Puritans against their Princes Kinge Iames our soueraigne restrained and indangered by the treacherous practizes of Puritans pag. 224. Puritans for this fact published a iustification vnder the title of A Declaration of the iust c. printed anno 1582. ibid. Primatiue Christiās falsly accused by their persecutors of Treasons as Catholiques are at this day by Heretiques pag. 225. Of the dutifull and loyall respect of Catholiques towardes their Princes ibid. The Treason of Puritans against his Maiestie in Rutheuen and in Striueling Replye pag. 17. Puritans in France Geneua and Cabillon not priuatlie but sinodicallie resolued the killing of Kinge Queene Princes and nobilitie Replye pag. 69. The Queene Douager then Regent was rebelliously contemned and violently hastned to death Replye pag. 69. By Puritans in Scotland the Kinge and Queenes Secretarie was killed in their sight Replye pag. 69. The Queene great with childe of his Maiestie that now is designed to death with a Pistoll if it would haue taken fyre Replye pag. 70. She forced to surrender hir crowne to a bastard ibid. Lastly exiled to hir finall destruction ibid. His Maiestie that now is imprisoned by Puritans censured by excommunications and sought his death by the Earle Gowrie Replye pag. 70. Finally made him as him selfe saith a Kinge without State without honor without order where heardles boy●● would braue him to his face ibid. VESSELS Of the vses of consecrated Vessels of gould and siluer proued by S. Aug. pag. 198. Also by Theodoretus Prudent●us and Theophilactus ibid. By S. Chrisostom pag 234. How pagan Emperors cried out in admiration at the sumptuousnes of holie Vessels ibid. VNCTION Of the doctrin of Reformers concerning Extreme Vnction see Replye pag. 68. VNITIE Of the sweete Vnitie and agreement in doctrine that is betwixt our late Reformers The Lutherans in their publique writinges condemne the Churches of England France Flanders and Scotland and call their Martyrs Martyrs of the Diuel pag. 158. The curteous entertainment of Lascus Superintendent of 175. fugitiues at Coldigna in Denmark ibid. Protestants assembled sundrie times and in sundrie famous Cities to ioyne in a fraternall attonment confesse that there is no other hope nor helpe but the hastining of the great day of Iudgment to shut vp all their variances pag. 159. Nicholaus Gallus saith that the contentions amongst vs are not smale nor touching trifles but of the highest atricles of Christian religion pag. 172. The Lutherans say of the Caluinists that they giue the lye to the Sonne of God pag. 173. Tilman saith that they inforce them selues against the woordes of the Sonne of God pag. 180. Heshasius saith that they blaspheme with an impudent mouth the Sonne of God pag. 180. Againe they blaspheme barbarously and are culpable of the blood of Iesus Christ and are murtherers of him ibid. Luther saith They will say any thing boast of any thing confidently affirme any thing but prooue nothing pag. 296. And againe Luther saith Let no man●● leeue their Protestations for it is certaine that th y lie and lie againe ibid. VVigandus saith that they are nether flocks nor towe but the capitall points of Christian doctrin that they contend about Replye pag. 50. Puritans say of the religion professed in England th●t ●t is Antechristian and none but betrayers of God doe defende it Replye pag. 39. George Maior saith The euangelicall Doctors doe more brutallie and cruellie contend amongst them selues then any barbarous Ruffians Replye pag. 50. And the like hath Chitreus another brother in the Lord. ibid. Caluinists to requite the Lutherans say they haue resuscitated damned heresies out of Hell Replye pag. 56. And Lutherans againe to them The Caluinists haue allowed for their Catholique faith the heresie of the Arrians Eutichians Appolinarists Tomotheans Acephalists Theodosians Gaianits and Macarians Reply pag. 56. Iohn Scut saith The Sacramentarian profession is a iakes or sinke of many heresies the last rage of Sathan Replye pag. 56. And the Puritans That there is no right religion established in England Replye pag. 68. That they be all Infidels that goe to their Churches ibid. pag. 65. That it shall be easier for Sodom and Gomor in the day of Iudgment ibid. That it is a verie Babilon c. Againe the Puritans say that the Protestant Ministers are dumbe dogges Idol shepheards c. Replye pag. 88. 89. And finally the variablnes of their doctrin is cleerly manifested by sundrie examples of their owne proceedinges Replye pag. 97. 98. 99. WICKED Euident proofes that the wicked receiue the bodie of Christ in the B. Sacrament By S. Gregorie Theodoret S. Chrisostom S. Hierom Origen and others pag. 150. pag. 212. Sundrie pregnant inferences vpon Protestant suppositions to proue that the wicked may eate the bodie of Christ. pag. 207. 208. 247. WOORKES Of good Woorkes see pag. 154. ZVINGLIVS Zuinglius saith of him selfe and his brethren that leacherie had made them infamous pag. 18. Zuinglius died in rebellion armed pag. 18. His epitath ibid. How a black or white Aduiser appeared in the night to Zuinglius and taught him how to expound the woord is in this is my bodie pag. 104. An Errata of some faultes escaped in
that Church of which sayd S. Hierome aboue a thowsand yeares a goe S. Hieron in ep ad Damasum qui extra hanc domum agnum comederit prophanus est Qui tecum non colligit spargit He that eateth the lamb owt of this howse is prophan He that doth not gather with thee doth scatter But because as to other phrases so to this of sandie superstition M. Rider is tyed choosing rather to be variable in his beleefe then in his phrase we must once at least examin the reasonablenes therof First then I fynde in our Sauiour a saying wherupon it may seeme that M. Mat. 7.16.27 Rider hath grownded these tearmes Euery one that heareth these my woords and doeth them not shal be like a foolish man that built his howse vpon the sande and the rayne fell and the fludds came and the wynds blew and they beate against that howse and it fell and the fall therof was greate This may in deede belong to that profession Mat. 16. which is not built vpon the rock against which the prowd gates of hell can neuer preuayle Such are they that build not vpon the Church of Rome which S. Cyprian S. Hierome Arnobius Hippolitus S. Cypr. l. 1. ep 3. l. 4. ep 2. S. Hieron ep ad Damas Arnob. in ps 106. Hippol. apud Prudentium Dorotheus in Synopsi Prosper lib. de ingratis S. Cypr. lib. 1. ep 3. S. Aug. in psal con partem Donati Prosper Dorotheus c. do tearme Cathedram Petri locum Petri sedem Petri the cheyre of Peter the place of Peter the seate of Peter To which Church for the promise made to Peter that the gates of hell showld neuer preuayle against his faythe sayth S. Cyprian ad Romanam fidem perfidiam non posse habere accessum To the Roman fayth error not to haue accesses And of which Church sayth S. Augustin vpon the same assurance of our Saluiour Ipsa est Petra quem superbae non vincunt inferorum por●ae this is the rock which the prowd gates of hell can not surmownt Which also tyme it selfe demonstrateth true only of the Roman Church obtayning saith agayne S. S. Aug. de vtilitate Credendi c. 17. Augustin the topp of authoritie frustra circumlatrantibus hereticis hereticks in vayne barking rownd abowt it together with Infidels Turks Iewes ambitiouse Emperours and malignant Emulatours So that the euent confirmeth the woords of Christ to be true and the woords haue performed the trueth of the euent that to build vpon the Church of Rome S. Math. 7.25 is to build lyke the wyse man vpon the rock and the rayne fell and the fludds came and the wyndes blew and they beate against that howse and it fell not for it was fownded vpon a rock Who then must be the builders vpon the sands all they that are not in the forsaid Church that is fownded vpon the protected rock of Rome For the rayne falling from aboue that is the decrees of the Catholick Church doth wash and wast awaye all their fanatical fantasies as appeareth by induction in the heresies of the Arians Pellagians Donatists c. The fludds that is the succession of tyme ouer viewing the fruicts of their liues and doctrin do beare away their pyles and propps of estimation wherupon their hypocritical building consisteth The wynes that is their owne mutual contradictions and contentions doe ruine and prostrat the hautie habitation and bring it as a second prowd towre of Babilon by disagreeing tongs to vtter distruction yea and obliuion This we haue perceaued from the begining in all buildings and frames erected besyd the rocK of the Roman Church that now we can not dowbt of the lyke destruction to them of these tymes which alreadie we behowld to crack and sundre in their fundations by dislyking their scriptures sacraments seruice communion bookes ceremonies translations and in vaine forming reforming deforming them as alwayes learning and neuer attayning to the knowledge of trueth 2. Tim. 3.7 So that we may well say and they in shame can not denie it that all the figures of their figuratiue opinion lyke leters and lynes drawen in sand by such vayne fludds and wyndes are dayly defaced and alreadie vtterly forgotten in many prouinces wher they vaynly thowght to haue had stidfast fundation Thus much for the title Rider 2. GEntlemen It is not vnknowne vnto all or most of you that in Septēbre● 1602. my Fryendly Caveat to Irelands Catholicks against the insufficiēt answere proofes of Maister Henry Fitzsimon Iesuit touching the Corporall presence of Christs inuisible flesh in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper presented it selfe to the view and censure of the world which being also deliuered to Master Fitzsimon his hands hee promised a present confutation if I would procure his Nephew Cary to be his Clarke to ingrosse the same which presently I obtained of the right Honourable the Lord Lieutenant and within fifteene daies after comming to Maister Fitzsimon he shewed me twelue sheets or therabouts written in confutation of my worke promising me that within a month I should haue a perfect Copie of the same But what shifts and delaies since hee vseth to keepe it from my particular view which he offereth to most mens fight I had rather his letters if neede bee vnfould them thē I write them proclaiming still with his stentorian voice to euerie corner of the kingdome That Rider is ouerthrowne horse and foote which when some of his best fauorites had told me I vrged him then more earnestly assuring him vnlesse hee gaue mee a Copie I would recall his Clarke 2 Title VVhether it be true that I vsed slights and delayes to confute M. Rider 2 HE that appealed to S. Vincent Lirin Fitzimon as to one that did adward the title of Catholick to Reformers to S. Bernard as one that did disproue the supremacie of the Pope and now in his title alluded to our fundation as forsooth vpon sandie superstition and the same new all men may know him to be inconsiderat or ironical in speaking of all things contrariously and peruersly Wil yow behowld him to follow on in the same tenor He telleth first that vpon the view of his booke I promised a present confutation but that after I vsed many shifts and delayes to keepe it from his particular view and yet blondred abroad in a stentorian voice that Rider was ouerthrowen horse and foote Of all which nothing is true but that I promised a present confutation of his Caueat Of the residue part is improbable and part impossible For it is improbable that I being close prisoner in the castle of Dublin showld proclaime in a Stentorian voice to euery corner of the kingdome that Rider was ouercome And how cowld M. Rider perswade him selfe that I together was in the Castle from which he knew I did neuer in fiue yeares depart and also abroad in euerie corner he not being able to beleeue that Christ him selfe
of men Fitzsimon 98. Take notice Right Honorable of the Concil of this soule puritantcie of equalitie or parisitie here vttred against all former and later iniunctions of our soueraigne Princes and all parlament statuts Take notice also Right honorable L. Chancelour yf there be any and the rest of that sort that M. Rider here assureth his ecclesiastical authoritie to be equal to yours Take lastly notice all fauourers and frends of Protestantcie that Luther Zuinglius Caluin Latimer c. are here disauowed and disclaymed to be ether your Apostles or to haue had lawfull commission as nether seeing Christ in fleash nor haueing immediate commission from him Here also is S. Paul denyed to be an Apostle Act. 3.21 vnlesse he did see Christ in fleashe yf he did see him here is condemned that doctrin of Protestants that heauen must contayne Christ so as he could be no where else till the day of iudgement Which doctrin Beza whom the English bibles especialy of the yeares 1579. 1580. do most carefully follow confesseth wittingly to haue affirmed contrarie to the Scripture in all greeke and latin copies only to frustrat therby yf he could the real presence For yf S. Paul did see Christ in heauen the neerest part of the lower heauens being at lest 1700. myles off it had bene a great miracle and as great to behould him in fleash Nether is such M. Riders meaning but only them to be lawfull Apostles who had seene him corporaly and bene conuersant in fleash with him In which sence S. Paul so often assureth this to be the 92. The 92. vntruth vntruth as he auerreth himselfe to be an Apostle as also all others doing the same althoughe in that sence of M. Rider he neuer sawe Christ in the fleash A NECESSARIE DIGRESSION CONTAYNING A declaration what Puritants are what they teache and pretende 1. Viret dial 3. alborit Daemonum IT was general in all late Reformers in their first reuolt for incuring the peoples beneuolence to discommend the tyranie they were kept vnder by their bishops informing them that such vsurped authoritie being shaken off as being repugnant to the liberty purchased by Christ in his gospell they showld be free bothe from all terrours of eccleciastical cowrts and censures recaue into their handes the Church liuinges Cōfessed by Zuickius to Caluin in Caluins epistles Epist 33. whereby they and al poore and needy poople at their discretion might be releeued yea and enriched This plausible motion buzzed from eare to eare the light people inclined to sedition vpon all motions of greater libertie By Caluin him selfe epist. 66. 108. Beza in tract de tribus Episcoporum generibus Viret dial 3. alborū demonum especialy supported by pretext of reformations and loue toward the woorde consented by hart and hande to aduaunce such zelous Reformers by whose direction they might so be exempted from superiours These Compagnions fynding the tyme and tyde fauorable spread their sayles discoursing exaggerating among the people the pryde the superfluities the tyrany the wickednes the ignorance other corruptions of prelats not sparing any informations true or false publick or secret honest or dishonest to make them more odious 2. These instigations preuayled first about Spyre in Germanie Surius in an 1502. where the multitude made a watch-woord among them selues contayning they could not be blessed by reason of the clergie But those wanting expert and resolut guids Thomas Munzer a quondam priest Surius in Commentarijs Luth. tom 7. in serm fol. 270. an 1553. and Luthers disciple excited his auditors by woord and example to second him and his fellow Phifer an apostat Moncke who condiscending to these perswaders not vnwillingly they presently entred into armes and destroyed in one yeare two hondred Abbayes and Castles in Franconia alone And although by the princes armed against them aboue a hondred thousand of them were slayne and Munzer taken and executed yet this contagious furie vpon the same perswasion of libertie to be purchased tooke such rooting in France Germanie Denmarke and Scotland that in France in ciuile warrs therupon vndertaken Lauat hist Fran. l. 9. fol. 208. an 1568. Luth. l. de captiuitate Babil c. de sacr ord Calu l. 4. Instit. c. 20. Beza ep 41. Zuingl l. 4. ep f. 186. li. 1. ar 42. in the space of three yeares are confessed by principal Protestants not so few as a hundred thousand iudge therby of the residue in all other places ouerthrowen The reformers animated them saying it is a villanous thing vnworthy wicked that a Christian man who is free should be subiect to other lawes then heauenly and diuine c. Agayne Princes are to be deposed and the gouernment to be mere Aristocratical that the people be only rulers of them selues And to inflame the people to aspyre to this dominion were dispersed in heapes seditious libells and pamphlets Iunius de potestate principum populi Vindiciae cont tyran Alitia Toc-sayn Fureur des François Reueil matin Concil sacré De iure reg apud Scotos De iure magistratus in subd Hotto Francog c. Wherupon Vide Buchā l. 16. pag. 590. hist. Scot. Magistrats were reiected Emperours contemned Kings deposed restrained and slaine Queens expulsed Contries Cities places fell to rebellion and reuolted denying other then puritan tribute to witt stroakes and Canon shott and that hurleburlie euery where was excited as vpsyde was downe lawes were abolished slaues were Lords as in the eyes and monuments of France Scotland Denmarke Flawndres c. is abundantly to all lamentation perspicuous Wherin how sparing I am to aggrauat at full against Reformers by whom all such perturbations hapned I leaue to such indyfferent vnderstandings who are not ignorant of my acquaintance with autheurs treating hereof other circumstances yet not informing but what I doe of them 3. Among these commotions the people in diuers Contryes and places recouering the forsayd libertie some retayned it in their owne hands others resigned it willingly or vnwillingly to their clergie supposing they would vse themselues with all desyrable religious moderation In places where the magistrate reserued it and Ministers aduentured to incroache into the publick administration against their wills they were by the Magistrate violently extruded out of their charge and Citties as Heshusius Wigandus Illyricus Index Faber c. Of Heshusius is sayd by Beza Beza con Heshusium Quaeritur Heshusius cur sexta pulsus ab vrbe est In promptu causa est seditiosus erat From Cities six exil'd wayleth Heshus The cause is knowen he was seditious And for the Magistrats defense is alleaged A Gantois of t● consistories in Hollande that they do suspect the pretended good forme of ecclesiastical gouernement First because they feare least it wil degenerat into a worse tyrannie then the spanishe inquisition secondly because they see a censuring of maners without lawes and lawfull forme of Iustice § In
oathe of supremacie The next I fynde to haue succeeded was one Samson not he against whom Cardinal Pole wrote Sander l. 7. de visib Monarch in anno 1563. Pag. 711. but another who refused a thowsand pound yearly rather then he would be conformable to the iniunctions of late parlaments The mayne pillers of Englishe Puritans were and are Cartwright Charke Reynolds Trauers Egerton Gardiner Barber Field Gellibrand Gilbie Sparks Knewstubs and Chaderton c. which three last together with Reinolds were the Agents and Embassadors for the Millenarie malcontented faction who became petitioners to his Maiestie But of these forsayd diuers recanted for ther liuings sake that now God be praysed few or none professe them selues of that coniuration because they sayled against the wynde Some others I could enumerate out of our Dublinians but because the title is become so infamous I will not recompt what Promotheans we haue in Dublin Wheras therfore I promised by their owne expresse protestations to conuict them to maligne all other authoritie besyde their owne I am now to iustifie my sayd promise yf first I only acquaint their first maner to come into the good lyking of the people In their gate they affected a grauitie Their eyes downward vnlesse by way of compassion as at some abuse they lifted vp the whyts of their eyes Their appareil neat and of precise quantitie and qualitie Their ruffs small Their countenances sadd Their woords choise and of exquisit and rare noueltie You shall heare of nothing but sanctifyed deifyed angelical super-celestial thoughts woords and deeds Many sighes and groans burst from them Their reprehensions intermedled with many sugred Apostrophes Their exclamations cheefly against pluralitie of benifices mariage of the clergie their ignorance superfluities c. All their conferences to commend frugalitie parilitie modestie and sobrietie Yet yf Barrowes and Greenwood Barrowes discouerie Greenwood against Giffor their owne brethren be true they are pernicious deceauers In all this description of them by their owne brethren I will keepe my hands cleane glosing hypocrits with God fasting pharisaical preachers cownterfeit prophets pestilent seducers sworne waged and marked disciples of Antichrist deluders suborners transformers of good consciences of whom Christ is to be vnderstood saying Yee are they who iustifie your selues befor men Luc. 16. but God knoweth your harts They are perfidious and Apostat reformists precise dissemblers Giddie and presumptuous intermedlers in all maters publick and priuat Stoical and Cynical watchmen ouer all actions c. 7. To come now to my promise to shew their aspyring ouer all authoritie and that by their owne confessions although I might bring a royal and real demonstration therof out of the summe of Conference befor mentioned pag. 80. 81. 82. yet I thinke more dutyfully of the partie then to grace Puritans who become insolent at the memorie of their rebellious violence by hauing had power to depose and dispose of such potentats with the least breath of his mouth First this complaint is confessed by Viret one of the very fownders as appeareth in seueral epistles of Caluin of the consistorian discipline Viret dial 3. alborum damonum The Ministers sayth he that haue renownced the Church of Rome in seeking to gett the Magistrats and peoples fauoure I craue good attendance to these woords auerring my first declaration in this treatise against the Pope Preists and Moncks disgraced so the state of preesthod and clergie and contrarywyse exalted so the state of the Magistrat that now they finde the smarte therof They ouerthrew a spiritual Pope and erected a temporal Pope But I pray you giue eare to a strange confession VVho so vseth sayth he such means to reforme the sault of the Pope dothe not reforme but deforme the Church Cartwright the proto-puritan in estimation of England presumed and trembled not to saye As pastors can not be officers of the common wealthe no more can the Magistrat be called properly a Church officer Els wher he sayth the prince submitts his scepter vnto the scepter of Christ Cartwright Cōf. cap. art 23. lib. 2. pag. 420. Vide l. 1. pag. 180. and lyckes the dust of the Churches feet Which is more then euer was done to Pope This is rownd puritancie one way by shewing an insolent pryde and strange Puritancie another way by speaking moste mildly when they intend most ambitiously Trauers in discourse of Ecclesiast disciplin pag. 148. 174. Knox in his exhortat to England pag. 91. Vide Archibold Hamilton in l. de confusione Caluinistica Rennecherius in psal 2. pag. 72. Trauers his scholer subscribeth saying Heathen Princes being conuerted to the fayth receaue no further increase of their power wherby they may deale in causes ecclesiastical then they had before Knox of Scotland is most resolute in this deposition of princes saying That all Princes ought to submit them selues vnder the yoake of discipline That what Prince King or Emperoure shall disanull the same he is to be reputed Gods enemie and to be held vnworthy to raigne aboue his people Yet listen to more rownde and playne dealing in this point Rennecher sayth The political empyre is but a subalterne regiment quasi inferius quoddam subsellium A lower and inferioure benche to the consistorial discipline By saying it is but a subalterne gouernement they intend Erast in farrag p. 36. that Kings and Princes shall only be honorable executioners as Erastus acknowledgeth of their appointments Against all princes and their statuts concludeth Martyn Mar-prelat Martyn sen B. 4. C. 1. That such lawes as maintayne Bishops are no more estimable then they which mayntayne stewes c. 8. Their indeuoure to come to this supreame authoritie is sometyme by incensing the people against the Magistrats statuts sometime by hyperbolical commendations of their discipline as it and no other is to be thought the expresse prescript of Christ and true religion all other discipline disproued Sometyme by seditious Pamphlets tending to make the state established and lawes odious and ridiculous as both tyranical and replenished Two puritan preachers in Stamford with all superstitious defectiuenes The Lord superintendent of Lincolne as all other commanders opposed him selfe against the publick puritanical fast as appeareth by a leter dated to the Aldermen of Stamford 5. of September in the same yeare Suddenly vp started two puritan preachers the first sayd openly That without the warrant of fleashe and blood vnderstanding therby the magistrat and of acts of parlament they might proceed in their purpose The second That he was of noe spirit who would respect any edicts of Queene Counsell or Bishops that their proceeding was not hindred but by prophane and carnal wretches Concerning their commending this discipline to the people vnderstand these speeches follouing Gilbie p. 211. The wicked take parte with our aduersaries but the Godly ioyne with vs. This ecclesiastical discipline is the ouerseer and custos of the ciuil gouernement Rennecherus
bishops to haue any more authoritie then preests as also because as other puritans can not tolerat any honour to the name of Iesus so could not he to the name of Christ but sayde that it was a filthye name Alan Copus dial 6. c. 17. and all that did beleeue in the name of Christ were damned Also that Christ was not redeemer of the world but deceauer therof Which with many other lyke articles he professed at his deathe as is not only affirmed but also proued by Alanus Copus alias Nicholas Harpsfeld against Fox All which M. Rider hath bound himselfe to beleeue Fox loc proxime cit Fox pag. 1151. Tom. 1. Luth. in disp de baptism Art 3. Gagninus l 6. hist Fran. Item Gerson tr 3. in Mat. Paul Aemil. l. 6. hist. Gal. Genebr in Chron. an 1280. by his former woords Thirdly Ihon Wesell denyed the holy Ghost to proceed from the Father and the Sonne Yet he a Foxian Martyr Fowerthely Haux denyed baptisme of Children to be necessarie to saluation yet he a Foxian Martyr Yet Melancthon and he a Foxian Confessor pronounceth Furor est affirmare quod paruuli sine Sacramentis sal● fiant it is furie to affirme that children may be saued without Baptisme Fiftly Almaricus as Gagnin relateth denyed resurrection heauen hell Christ in the Sacrament more then in a stone that God spake more in S. Augustin then in Ouid Yet he was a Foxian Martyr and by him made a great bishop which others could neuer haue knowen So he made Sr. Ihon Ould castle L. Cobham by his owne absolute authoritie as well allowed to make Lords and Knights as Martyrs and Confessours Fox pag 942. 943. 944 Sixtly Frith the learned and excellent Martyr of Fox affirmed the real presence no article of beleefe affirmatiue or negatiue although the expresse scripture record it and offred sayth Fox to Sr. Thomas More to beleeue the real presence without the adoration Ihon Clerke Fox in his Caleddar 12. 13 14. Nouemb. Iuly 3. Item Acts pag. 111. col 2. num 26. and Alice Potkins defended ther was no other Sacrament then Christ hanging on the crosse Antonie Person Testwod other assured the woords of Christ this is my body which is broken for you only to meane the breaking of Gods woord among the people All this by his former woords my Caualiero is bound to beleeue for these are Foxian Martyrs with whom he sayth he is consenting in vnitie and veritie of Doctrin So is againe William Cowbridge Alan Cop. dial pag. 6. 633. Fox pag 738. saying that nether the Apostles nor Euangelists nor sower Doctors of the Church haue hitherto reuealed how synners might be truely saued So Also is Richard Hunne saying that poore men and idiots haue the truth of the Scripturs more then a thousand Prelats and clercks of the schooles What say you M. Rider will you affirme the same according to your woord and bonde There is no remedie your obligation is to do it But I would know whether you now hould with the idiots rather then the Scholers Truly in any consequence you can not both for such promise and for being non proficiens accompagnie Scholers Yet yf you disdayne to be an idiot which your bond hath made you and perforce inuita Minerua will intrude your selfe among clercks listen how your Martyr in vnitie and veritie of doctrin Fox pag. 738. cometh ouer you he damned sayd Fox the vniuersitie of Oxford with all degrees and faculties in it So that vnlesse you take to be an idiot your Martyr condemneth you To be breefe in this ruthful obligation printed against your selfe to stand to such confederats besyd your making you selfe idiot c. you must auerr with Ihon Teuxburie Ibid. pag. 935. that it is impossible to consent to Gods law that all things are equaly belonging to all that the Iewes of good zeale putt Christ to death c. Of all othets mentioned in the examinatio of the Creed being all for the most parts saints of the same stamp add Calendarie you haue bound your selfe fast to ratifie their damnable blasphemies and to consent with them in vnitie and of doctrin You are to iustifie all that they haue affirmed or els your printed protestation will bewray your puritanical faythlesnes in performance of your promises 125. And next you bring in another learned Protestant Cheminitius Rider who you say alleadgeth Augustine Ambrose and Gregorie Naziazen to approoue your adoration in your sacrament Intimating to the world that we should either allow that in you which publikely we preach against or else that we should be at a discord amongst our selues touching this your opinion But the matter being exactlie examined out of these Fathers themselues and not by your Enchiridions or heresay the Catholickes shall see you wrong vs and abuse them And first it seemeth verie plaine you neuer saw or at least neuer read Chemnitius and my reasons bee these First you know not so much as his right name much lesse his precise opinion Chem pars 2. Canon 6. page 434. for you misspel his name Kemnitius for Chemnitius which had been a small fault if you had rightlie alleadged him touching the matter For your Tridentine Canon commandeth an externall or outward worship of Christ in the Sacrament vnder the formes of bread and wine And Chemnitius hee condemneth your outward worshippe for ydolatrous and teacheth onelie an inward spirituall worship And to prooue what I say I will trulie alleadge your Cannon then Chemnitius his examination of it and then let the Catholickes but iudge indifferentlie whether of vs deal more trulie and syncerelie in this case This is your Canon Si quis dixerit in sancto Eucharistiae sacramento Christum vnigenitum Dei Filium non esse cultu latriae etiam externo adorandum solemniter circumgestandum c. Anathema sit That is if anie man shall say that in the blessed sacrament of thanksgiuing that Christ the onelie begotten Sonne of God is not to bee worshipped with that outward and diuine worship which is proper and due onelie to God as well when the Sacrament is carried about in procession as in the lawfull vse of the same Page 435. 436. 437. let him be accursed Martyn Chemnitius examining this your Canon first condemneth your fained Transubstansiation and sheweth the reason for saith he vnlesse the Church of Rome had deuised this Transubstansiation you should haue been palpable ydolaters worshipping the creatures for Christ And therefore she imagined that the substance of bread wine were quite chaunged into Christs bodie and bloud no substance of them remaining lest the simplest should spie their ydolatrie Secondlie he expreslie condemneth your outward worship as ydolatrous and sheweth there that Christ must be receiued by faith and worshipped in spirit and truth Page 444. lines 2. 3. 4. And afterwards hee saith comprehenditur autem vera interior spirituali veneratio adoratio
insolencie sundrie Hereriques doe praise and extoll them selues and their owne Doctrin Zuinglius saith I knowe for certaine my Doctrin to be no other then the most sacred and true gospell by the testimonie of this doctrin I will iudge both men and Angells pag. 151. Luther saith I am assured Christ him selfe to name me an Euangelist and to approue me his Preacher pag. 151. Caluin saith the matter it selfe crieth out not Martin Luther in the beginning but God him selfe to haue thundred out of his mouth ibid. Luther that they only and first vnderstand the Scriptures and that all others haue bene deceiued pag. 384. A woorthie saying of S. Athanasius touching the obstinacie of Heretiques pag. 241. Luther Latimer Frithe Barnes Cranmer Iuell Bale Ridley and Horne all censured by Rider for Heretiques Replye pag. 39. HERETIQVES How Heretiques condemne the studie of all learning science and Diuinitie Luther burned the Canon lawes pag. 4. Zuinglians condemne all degrees of Diuinitie ibid. VVicliffe that Vniuersities Studies Colleges and Degrees are Ethnicall superstitions and Diabolicall ibid. Luther in his sermon De Studijs saith that Studere hath Stultū in the supin ibid. pag. 271. Luther and Melancthon condemne all Sciences as sinfull and erroneus pag. 16. 271. Richard Hunne damned as Fox testifieth vniuersities with all degrees and faculties pag. 271. A Prudent demand of the Emperor Theodosius to certaine Heretiques newly sprung vp Ep. Ded. par 40. IESVS All honor denied by Reformers to be due to the name of Iesus pag. 308. Item that the people should not be taught to bowe at the name of Iesus Replye pag. 66. IESVITS Of the malice and rage of Heretiques against the Iesuits pag. 62. 63. Of the continuall indeuours and labours of the Iesuits for the sauing of soules ibid. A Princelie and most honorable testimonie of Henrie the 4. the French Kinge of the integritie of the Iesuits pag. 72. IMAGES Caluin abolishing the Images of Christ his Saints yet allowed his owne pag. 194. Caluins answere to some repining thereat If any quoth he be offended with this sight let him ether put out his eies or presently goe hange him selfe ibid. VValer a Murtherer and Minister hanged on a gibbet the picture of Christ Crucified pag. 210. Riders conclusion that treason is committed by iniurie to the pictures and persons alike ibid. Riders owne Sonne attempting to pull downe an Image was by Gods Iudgment precipitated from a height and all to crushed ibid. VVorship of Images proued out of Nicephorus pag. 253. INSTITVTION How Protestants flye and abhorre the woordes of Christs Institution Bullinger saith that there is no vertue at all in rehearching them pag. 122. Zuinglius that they ought not to be read in ministring the Supper pag. 123. Iohn Scut that Caluinists doe so hate them that they can not abide to see or heare them pag. 169. Iohn Lassels that they should not be spoken in the Institution ibid. A Scotish Minister ministred the Communion without them pag. 179. Item they are auoyded out of the Scottish Communion booke ibid. Swenkfilde flouteth at them ibid. Peter Martyr tearmeth the woordes of Christs Institution Hoc est corpus meum but a fiue woorded proofe ibid. Luther saith Carolostadius wresteth miserably the pronowne This. That Zuinglius maketh leane the Verbe Is. O colampad tormenteth the woord Bodie Others butcher the whole Text. Some crucifie the half thereof so manifestly doth the Diuel hould them by the noses pag. 171. Thus he Luther againe saith they feare lest they should stumble and breake their neckes at euery sillable which Christ pronounced pag. 175. Riders ridiculous comparing the woordes of Christs Institution with the woordes of Circumcision pag. 178. Luthers confession that he strayned euerie vaine of his bodie and soule to auoide these woordes ibid. Persons Testwood both Foxes Martyrs and others say the woordes This is my body which is broken for you to meane the breaking of Gods woord amonge the people pag. 308. IRELAND Diuers opinions of Authors concerning the first Conuersion of Ireland Ep. Ded. par 4. The vniuersall Conuersion of Ireland attributed to S. Patricke ibid. par 4. Of the fame of Ireland for learning Discipline and Deuotion Ep. Ded. par 7. 9. 11. 14. The testimonie of S. Bede ibid. par 14. 16. 17. The testimonie of S. Bernard ibid. By what meanes learning and deuotion came first to decaye in Ireland ibid. par 12. 13. The testimonie of Marianus Surius Molanus and Theodoricus ibid. pag. 19. 21. Irish of Royall and Princelie race Religious persons and Saints Ep. Ded. par 20. The Vniuersitie of Paris and Pauia errected by Irishe men ibid. par 21. Ireland a 1000. yeares after Christ retained the name of Scotland ibid. par 26. 36. Ireland in times past the only knowen Scotland assured by two kinde of Proofes ibid. par 26. 27. 28. 29. IVSTICE Origen submitted his proceedinges to an Infidels arbitrement and preuailed against fiue aduersaries Reply pag. 7. The same did Archilaus Bishop in Mesopotamia and others ibid. The memorable Iustice of Kinge Cambises against a corrupt Iudge Replye pag. 20. A Counseller vnder Fredrick the 2. for abusing his authoritie had his eies pluckt out of his head Reply pag. 103. Another vnder S. Lewes was hanged ibid. Lewes of Luxenburge Earle of S. Paul lost his head Replye pag. 104. Item 12. or 13. noble men of England and else where brought to vtter ruine and miserable death for the like ibid. LADIE The Beggars answere to Mistris Kirie who said she was as good as our Ladie pag. 154. LINCOLNESHIRE A true prediction of the Lincolnshire men about the alteration of Religion pag. 343. GOOD LIFE How Heretiques generallie accuse one another for lack of good Life since they fell from the Catholique faith and of sundrie other enormities Caluin that they haue plunged them selues into all riot and laciuiousnes pag. 17. Smidlin That the worlde may knowe they are no Papists nor to haue trust in their good woorkes not one good will they practize pag. 17. Insteed of Fasting they vse Feasting ibid. For almes to the poore they vnfleece and fley them ibid. Prayers they turne to oathes c. ibid. Spangberg that they are become so wylde that they acknowledg not God ibid. Luther saith They speake of the gospell as if they were Angells but if you regard their woorkes they are meere Diuells pag. 115. They beleeue as hoggs and as hoggs they die ibid. Againe he After the Reformed gospell reuealed vertu to be slaine iustice oppressed temperance tyed truth torne by doggs faith lame wickednes continuall deuotion fled heresie remayning pag. 206. LVTHER How intollerably Luther is extolled by some Reformers Luther set for a Saint in Foxes Calendar pag. 14. Luther begot truth ibid. Iewel calleth him the most excellent man sent of God to lighten the world pag. 15. Mathesius the supreme father of the Church ibid. Amsdorfe Luthers like in spirit and faith in wisdome and profounditie of holie
what they teache and pretend That Ministers may excommunicate the greatest Prince pag. 113. That he that is excōmunicated is not woorthie to enioy life vpon earth ibid. That it were good that rewardes were appointed by the people for such as kill Tyrants as commonly there are for such as haue killed VVolues or Beares ibid. Doctor VVhitegift saith of them that they seeke to transfer the authoritie of Pope Prince and Bishop to th●m selues and to bringe Prince and Nobilitie into a verie seruitude pag. 159. That Puritans seeke by degrees to be ridd of all lawes of all authoritie and to haue all thinges subiect to their Consistorian Discipline pag. 200. The definition of a Puritan by one Butler of Cambridge pag. 221. A notable Description of the deepe Dissimulations and Hipocriticall proceedinges first practized by Puritans to gett them selues into the fauour and good liking of the people pag. 221. 222. How Puritans dispense with them selues to dissemble cheate and counterfett to take all Ecclesiasticall degrees and to practize all Ceremonies of Cappe Tippet c. to remayne in their offices and places of promotion pag. 231. Of the Puritans hiperbolicall commendations and setting foorth of their Discipline pag. 223. Rene●her saieth that the polliticall Empyre is but a lower and inferior benche to the Consistorian Discipline ibid. The Puritans appeache Kinge Iames of periurie because he dissaloweth their Discipline pag. 224. Puritans Caueat th●t no names be vsed which sounde ether of Paganisme or Papistrie pag. 228. The holie Consistorian Discipline of Puritans borrowed from a Iew named Cornelius Bertram pag. 272. Caluin teacheth that as soone as a man is illuminated with the knowledge of the truth instantly he is freed from all obligations of obeyinge ether Church or Prince Replye pag. 112. PVRITANS What the Kinges Maiestie doth censure of Puritans and what sundrie of the Reformers them selues doe say of them Barrowes saith th●y are pernicious Impostors presumptuous Pastors Iewish Rabbins Balaam t s dissembling Hipocrits Smel-feastes Apostats and souldiers of Antechrist pag. 161. Others th●y are pernicious Dreamers glosing Hipocrits with God fasting Pharisaicall preachers counterfett Prophets pestilent Seducers sworne waged and marked Disciples of Antechrist c. pag. 222. And againe they are perfidious and Apostat Reformers precise Dissemblers giddie and presumptuous Intermedlers in all matters publique and priuat watchmen ouer all actions pag. 222. The Kinges Maiestie speaking of them saith that the Puritanicall spirit is periured treacherous inhuman c. Replye pag. 16. 17. They are very pestes in the Church and commonwelth Reply pag. 70. No deserts can oblige them no oathes or promises binde them c. ibid. Againe saith he Yee shall neuer finde in no border theeues greater ingratitude and more lyes and vild periuries then with these frantick spirits Replye pag. 170. And Knox him selfe saith that nether can oath nor promise binde any such people subiect to the Euangile to obey and maintaine Tyrants ibid. pag. 70. 71. REALL Proofes for the Reall Presence both by Catholiques by Heretiques them selues Corporall and Spirituall presence not opposite pag. 37. 38. The remorce of Bucer Peter Martyr and Oecolampadius for hauing euer writen or bewitched any with the Protestants opinion against the Reall presence pag. 53. 54. Christ receiued with the fleshly mouth according to Luther pag. 10. VVith hart and mouth according to S. Aug. ibid. Our flesh is fed with the bodie and blood of Christ according to Tertul. ibid. He permitteth our teeth to be printed in his fleshe accrrding to S. Chrisost ibid. He dwelleth in vs corporallie according to Cyrillus pag. 11. By naturall partaking according to Ciril Alexandrinus pag. 9. The bodie and blood which the Apostles did behould and the Iewes did shed according to S. Aug. pag. 9. Reallie not Figuratiuelie according to Lyra. pag. 53. VVe receiue not only a Figure but the bodie of Christ according to Theophilact pag. 53. Not significatiuelie but substantially according to S. Anselme ibid. The true bodie taken from the Virgin and which hunge on the Crosse according to Innocentius pag. 66. The flesh assumpted for the life of the world according to the holie Caenons pag. 67. That which was crucified and which was buried ibid. That which tooke flesh of Marie according to S. Aug. ibid. That although it seeme horible to eate the flesh of man c. Yet that notwithstanding such seeming we both eate drinke the flesh and blood of Christ. S. Aug. pag. 84. That it is a fearfull thing for a man to deuoure his Lorde which neuertheles we doe in receiuing S. Aug. pag. 85. In forme is the fleshe of the woord of God true meate saieth Origen pag. 89. Him selfe is receiued into the breast saith Clemens Alex. ibid. The same is proued by Caietan pag. 100. By Lanfrancus pag. 106. By S. Ambrose pag. 131. By Bucer pag. 132. By S. Chrisost pag. 174. By S. Cyril pag. 136. By S. Leo. pag. 286. By S. Martial pag. 289. By Anacletus pag. 289. The Reall presence fortified and confirmed by the Confessions of all chiefe Protestants and those the most approued of all the worlde pag. 303. By Berengarius ibid. By VVickliffe ibid. By Iohn Husse ibid. By Hierom of Prage ibid. By Oecolampadius ibid. By Bucer pag. 304. By Caluin ibid. By Sir Iohn olde Castle pag. 305. REBELLION Of the Insurrections Rebellions of Puritans against their Princes of the infinit deale of blood which hath beene shed thorough this occasion Muntzer taken and executed and aboue a hundred thousand of his followers slaine in Rebellion against their Princes pag. 218. In ciuil warres in France in the space of three yeares not so few as a hundred thousand men weere ouerthrowne pag. 218. Of Puritans incensing the people against the ciuil Magistrate and of the answere of two Puritan Preachers in Stamford to the L. Superintendent of Lincolne opposing him selfe against their publique Puritanicall fast pag. 223. The Rebellious intentions of Puritans openly certified by sūdrie of their owne bookes intituled Martin Mar-plelat Mar-Martin VVoork for the Cooper The Counter-cuffe An epistle to Huffe Ruffe and Snuffe Hay any woorke Myles Monop c. pag. 224. A Description of the bloodie spirit of Lutheran and Caluinian Ministers Sturmius sayeth they condemne banishe and nayle to the Crosse whom they please Replye pag. 81. That if the Magistrate would but for three dayes lend them the swoord would ensue c. ibid. Lanoy incensed the men of Rochell to iterate their Rebellion against the Kinge Replye pag. 112. RESVRRECTION Luther saith of Caluinists that it is certaine they tend to manifest Apostacie concerning this Article pag. 16. Villagaignon of the Caluinists the hope of life not to belonge to the bodies but to the soules ibid. Almaricus one of Foxes Martyrs held that there was no Resurrection of bodies pag. 161. Others that no soule doth remaine after death pag. 162. At Geneua to destroie Purgatorie they would haue decreed the soule
is to all men notorious Thus then he sayth A testimonie of HENRY the Fovverth the French King of the integritie of Iesuits Ex apparatu Antonij Posseuini QVOD nonnulli ecclesiastici Iesuitis aduersantur scientiam semper odio habuit imperitia Obseruaui autem cum de ijs restituendis loqui cepi duo inprimis genera hominum restitisse hereticos improbos ecclesiasticos Quod quidem a criorem mihi stimulum ad eos reuocandos addidit Quod de Pontif. Max optime sentiant cumque reuereantur id quo que ipse facio Attamen non sum nescius nil ab ijs amplius de summi pontificis potestate dici doceriuè quam reliqui Theologi Catholicaque docet ecclesia Neque vero aliquid docent quod ecclesiastici mihi non tribuant quod est tribuendum Nec vnquam inuentus est qui ab ijs necem regum didicerit Quare totum hoc quod illis obijcitur nihil est Triginta amplius anni effluxere cum in Gallia iuuentutem excolunt centumque scholasticorum millia ex eorum collegijs aut studia absoluerunt aut ad ea quae iurisprudentiae siue Medicinae sunt accesserunt Anne istorum aliquis id se didicisse vel audiuisse à Iesuitis fassus est Addo Ministri exstant hereticorum qui plares annos apud Iesuitas vixerunt interrogate eos quid de vita Iesuitarum sentiát Profecto censendum est eos quam pessime de ijs loquuturos si non ob aliam causam saltem vt suam ab ijs emigrationem excusent I am vero mihi liquido constat id fuisse ab ijs quaesitum respondisse autem de moribus Iesuitarum nihil esse quod obloqui quisquam possit Quod vero ad doctrinam attinet neminem latere quod doceant Sane pauci huic examini se subijcerent conscientiam eius est opus esse securam qui aduersarij sententiae stare velit De Baterio qui me voluit interficere tantum abest vt Iesuita eius confessionem vt vos dicitis exceperit vt à Iesuita premonitus de tota re fuerim Bareriumue alter Iesuita monuerit damnationem aeternam incursurum s●id vnquam attentasset De Castello nil vnquam cruciatibus tormentis extorqueri potuit aduersus Varadeum neque contra alium quemlibet Iesuitam Quod nisi ita res habet cut eis pepercistis nec supplicium de ijs sumpsistis qui in vestra potestate adeo erant in vinculis Sed demus non tamen concedentes aliquem ipsorum id ausum fuisse anne omnes Apostoli ob vnum Iudam plectendi fuerint Vel an ego satisfaciam pro lattocinijs criminibusue omnibus quae posthac commiserint quicunque aliquādo sub me militarunt c. The same translated THat certaine Ecclesiasticals are aduersaries to Iesuits alvvayes vnlearnednes hath hated learning I haue obserued vvhen I began to speake of their restitution tvvo sorts especially to oppose them selues Hereticks and bad Ecclesiasticalls vvhich indeed gaue me a greater prouocation to reuoke them That they of the highest Bishop sheake vvell and reuerence him I allso doe the same Neither am I ignorant that they of the supreame Bishops authoritie nether speake nor teach more then other Diuines and the Catholicke Church doth teache Beside they teach nothinge that the Cleargie should not giue me my due Nether vvas any euer founde that of them learned the destruction of Kinges VVherfore all that is obiected to them is nothing Thirty yeares and more are runne ouer since they haue trained the youth in France and a hundred thousand of their schollers haue ether ended all their studies or become Lavviers or Phisitians of all these hath any euer confessed to haue heard or learned of Iesuits any such matter I adde that there are Ministers of the hereticks that many yeares haue liued amonge Iesuits enquire of them vvhat they thinke of the Iesuits life Verely it is to be thought that they vvould speake most slanderously vvere it but only to excuse their running avvay from them I am preuie it to haue bin demanded of them and them to haue ansvvered the Iesuitts proceedings to be inculpable as for their teaching it to be publick Verily fevve others vvould submitte them selues to such triall and his conscience muste be secure that dareth to abide his aduersaries verdict Of Barrery that vvould haue killed me it is so vntrue that a Iesuit had heard as you say his confession that by a Iesuit I vvas forvvarned of the vvhole dessigne and another Iesuit intimated to Barerie that he vvould incurr eternal damnation by such attempt Of Castell by noe torments could euer be vvreasted any thing against Varad or any other Iesuit VVhich if it vvas not soe vvhy did you spare them and did not execute them they being both in your povver and prisons But let vs yet vvithout condiscending therto admitt that any of them had bene faultie are all Apostles for one Iudas to be punished Should I be thought guiltie for all thefts and crymes committed by them vvho had some tyme bene my soldiours c. By this Royal record learne M. Rider that onlye for the smarte feared to your festered vlcers the Iesuits are odious to you Chirurgians to any greueously mayned or lightsomnes to bleared and affected eyes Wherfore Celius vt Cantharides letioribus frumentis viridioribus innascunturiosis sic inuidia eos arrodit precipuè qui boni sunt quique ad gloriam serpunt via virtutis As glasse-wormes breede sonnest in the purest graine and rypest roses so enuie nibleth or gnaweth at them most who are good and who by vertu become glorious O dirum exitium mortalibus O nihil vnquam crescere nec magnas patiens exurgere laudes Syllius l. 17. inuidia O detestable ruine to mankinde O enuie smothering all increase not suffering greate deserts to haue their prayse But as I sayd befor Plin. lib. 18. c. 16. your enuious rancour maketh vs as the grecian grasse the worse we are vsed the more to florish All our greefe is for your interest therby because as Democrates said inuidus seipsum vt ini●●ū conturbat Democrates the malitious do torment them selues as their owne enemyes Yf you can content your selues spare not vs who in dede moneremur si M. Cato si Lelius saptens si alter Cato si duo Scipiones ista loquerentur Nunc talibus displicere laudariest Wowld be extreamly afflicted Soneca de Remed for tuit yf Marcus Cato yf the sage Lelius yf Cato the yonger yf both the Scipioes did condemne vs. But now to displease such is our great commendation To lye in wayte and seeke impietie in the iust mans howse or in the socie●ie Prou. 24.15 by forging how can it be but most desyrable S. Ambros. l. 2. de interpell c. 2. 3. Quia volens inimicus aliquid dicere aduersurus nos quo crimen affigeret non inuenit quod