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A00430 Catholique traditions. Or A treatise of the beliefe of the Christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, in the principall controuersies of our time In fauour of the louers of the catholicke trueth, and the peace of the Church. Written in French by Th. A.I.C. and translated into English, by L.O.; Tradition catholique. English Eudes, Morton.; Owen, Lewis, 1572-1633. 1609 (1609) STC 10561; ESTC S101746 137,760 254

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for the rest this Treatise is not for the learned sort of whom we are willing to receiue both councell and correction wheresoeuer it shall so fall out It is but for to solace those which desire to learne and haue not the meanes to read diuers authors especially the Greeke and Latin Those also that search discourses garnished and painted out with all sorts of flowers and coulers shall not bee here satisfied This subiect cannot permit any rhetoricall sentences and the fashion of the Treatise is farre wide from it here is but a Collection of diuerse passages Coppies and sentences of authors word by word with briefe and simple Annotations The breuity is to the end that the simplicity should not be enuious and the simplicity is because that it is conuenient both to the matter and argument In like manner because that which is most plainely spoken should haue lest suspicion and be more intelligible I doe not doubt that this breuity will giue any aduantage to the contentious But I shall haue better meanes hereafter to satisfie them God willing Let it then suffice thee for this present Catholicke Reader to haue here a beginning of the knowledge of this subiect a knowledge which will increase in thee through the loue of the truth The ancient Bishop Meliton as Eusebius writeth did visite the Churches of the East for to learne what were the Canonicall Bookes and true writings of the Apostles If thou doest read this abridgment thou shalt imitate without any paine the holy curiositie of this good man A TREATISE OF THE TRADITION AND BELIEFE of the Christians of Asia Europa and Affrica in the principall Controuersies of our time QVESTION I. Whether Saint Peter had authority ouer the other Apopostles or onely the Presidencie and whether his successors haue the same authority THE EAST CHVRCH NIlus Archbishop of Thessalonica The Apostles being in Hierusalem St. Peter tooke not vppon himselfe the Primacy neither said he is it lawfull for me to make a Canon vpon the same But the Apostles and the Priests assembled themselues together for to consult thereupon and Saint Peter reiected them not but he began to speake and after him Saint Iames spake and they all did condescend to the opinion of Saint Iames that is to say Saint Peter himselfe and the rest of the Apostles and Priests Barlaam Monachus Graecus I acknowledge that St. Peter was an Vniuersall Pastor and Teacher but hee was not alone but also euery one of the other Apostles was in honour equall with him It is true that our Sauiour promised the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen to Saint Peter the which he declareth to bee no other thing then the power to binde and vnbinde But it is manifest that he gaue the same power to the other Apostles saying Whatsoeuer yee binde on earth shall bee bound in Heauen Wee doe conclude then that all the Apostles had equall and like honour in that which was belonging to the Church but Saint Peter was preferred in this holy dozen and for that the others were present he propounded the question and peraduenture receiued the honour to be set in the first ranke Maior Anacletus saith that the Apostles receiued with Saint Peter an equall Communitie of honour and authoritie but they would that hee should bee their Prince And this saying of Anacletus is confirmed by this signe to wit that the Grecians doe follow the contradictorie of our conclusion that is to say of the beliefe of the Church of Rome and none ought to say that soe great a people are in errour a people I say that haue receiued the faith before the Romanes and the most part at the very first foundation or planting of the Church Sacranus The Muscouites deny that Saint Peter was a true Pope or a true Bishop of the sea of Rome or that hee was the onely head of the Militant Church And they say that he receiued not of Iesus Christ full authority The same they beleeue of the Bishop of Rome the which they maintaine to bee like other Bishops THE SOVTH-CHVRCH ALuares Prester-Iohn sent to me to aske wherfore we haue diuided the Churches of Antioche and Rome seeing we professe to be Christians seeing that the Church of Antioche was in a manner the chiefest vntill the Councell of Pope Leo whom three hundred and eighteene Bishoppes assisted I answered as I had said once before to his greatnesse that indeed Antioche was heretofore the head of the Church which Saint Peter gouerned and dwelt in it fiue yeares and in Rome fiue and twenty yeares After that hee inquired whether we doe obay all that which the Pope commaunded vs I answered him that we doe and that we were obliged therunto by the Article of our holy faith which confesseth one holy Catholicke Church Whereupon hee replied that if the Pope would vsurpe so great prerogatiue as to vse towards them an vnlawfull commaundement they would not make any reckoning of it And if by such meanes their Abuna would presume so farre they would burne the Coppie of such commaundement Annot. By this discourse it is seene that the Aethiopian Church doth hold that the Primate of the Church may erre and commaund vnlawfull things although he doe it in the qualitie of a Primate for hee commandeth not by any other authority and that the Iudgement of the Church is good and valuable without the aduise and consent of the Primate THE REFORMED CHVRCH IN THE WEST THe Confession of England Christ is alwaies present in his Church and hath no neede of any Lieuetenant that should succeede him totally in the Church neither can any one mortall man embrace in his vnderstanding the Catholicke Church that is to say all the partes of the world much lesse to establish a good order and to administer and gouerne it well and duely The Apostles as Saint Cyprian sayth were all of an equall authoritie And the rest of them had the same authority as Saint Peter had It was spoken to them equally Feed goe through the Vniuersall world Preach the Gospell And as Saint Ierome saith All Bishops in-what place soeuer they be either in Rome or in Eugubio or in Constantinople or in Rhegium are of one selfe same merite or calling and of one selfe same Priesthood THE ROMAN OR LATIN CHVRCH POpe Leo. The Lord would that this holy charge should belong in such sort to all the Apostles that he hath appointed and ordained it in the person of Peter as soueraigne amongst the other Apostles Pope Stephan Forasmuch as the Romaine Church ouer the which wee doe sit and gouerne hath beene proposed for a mirror and example all that whatsoeuer she doth ordaine and command ought to be for euer inuiolably obserued Card. Bellarmine The Soueraigne Bishop is absolutely aboue the Councels and cannot subiect himselfe to their Coactiue sentence Besides this point is the most important of all Religion and to holde
Rome haue brought into their church many errours and haue innouated many things without and against the decrees of the councels withall they haue added to the Symbole of Nice of their priuate authority that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Sonne euen as from the Father That although that the vniuersall councell hath giuen the first seate to the bishoppe of Rome yet did not they beleeue that the church in future time could not take from him this place especially if the church of Rome should fall into any errour as they say she is already fallen 14 That in the meane while the prouinces of the Empire of Charles the great to wit Fraunce Italy Germanie and Spaine remained vnder the bishoppe of Rome as being their nearest Patriark which is the reason that they now go about to perswade men that the Primacie appertaineth vnto him by Gods Law but this should bee no preiudice to other Churches nor to the trueth 15. That the Bishops of Rome enriched with the gifts and Donations of the Kings of France and per aduenture beleeuing themselues to be that which was repated of them haue ouerthrowne both Spirituall and Temporall Monarkes and haue caused to bee receiued in places vnder obedience to them as well the Lawes of their predecessors the Popes made by the Church of Rome as also those Lawes which they themselues from time to time doe adde thereunto in somuch that the Churches of the East South and North with good reason haue opposed themselues against these enterprises The confession and beliefe of the Apostolicke Churches about this Question here in controuersie is this That the first seate which is by diuine Law so farr as is necessarie for the order of Councels and is meete to shew vnitie is by the Ecclesiasticall Law as also the Sea that appertaineth to any such Bishop whome the Catholicke Church shall iudge to be fit and capable of such a charge QVESTION III. Whether Miracles are sufficient proofes that a Christian Nation ought to bee held for a true Church and without errour THE EAST CHVRCHES MArcus Paulus a Venetian The Citizens of the Citie of Tauris are Mahomets but there are some Christians that inhabit there to wit Nestorians and Iacobites Neere to which Towne is a Mountaine which was once remoued out of his place by the occasion that followeth The Sarrazins willing to scandale the Gospel said that it was written If you haue faith as much as a grine of Mustard-seede you shall say vnto this Mountaine remoue hence to yonder place it shall remoue Well said the Sarrazins mocking the Christians if your saith be so excellent cause this Mountaine to remoue out of his place Then one of the Christians feruent in faith spake to the Mountaine with a great confidence Get thee hence The which incontinently remoued in the presence and fight of all the people The very same Author maketh mention of a Pillar hanging in the ayre which sustaineth the Vault of a Church in Sammarchan Vilimont Whosoeuer would see a thing worthy of memorie must goe to a little Towne called Sardinale inhabited by the Christians of the Church of the Syrians where Turkes Sarrazins or Moores cannot dwell but they die before the yeeres end Faber Not farre from the Citie of Muscouia there is a great Monasterie wherein is the Sepulchre of one Sergius an Abbot which Monasterie is very much frequented of the people for it was holden very famous for many miracles that were there wrought whereof it shall be sufficient to produce one Which is that two blind men were restored to their sight there The same Author It is a common thing amongst the Muscouits to enchant Serpents with words and chase away Diuels and deliuer and helpe them that are possessed Thomas Lopes The people of Mangalor say that they went very often to the Sepulchre of S. Thomas which is in their Countrey who wrought among them many miracles The Ecclesiasticall Historie of Constantinople maketh mention that Arsenius was instituted Bishop by the Pope hee being then become a member of the Church of Rome for which cause hee was Excommunicated by the Patriarcke Pachomius a little after that hee died and his soule went with the soules of Arrius and Eutiches hereticks and his body was found black swollen which caused great feare to those that saw him THE MERIDIAN CHVRCH ALuares There is a Sepulchre of one of the Sons of King Abram which they say was a Priest Amongst other miracles which they attribute vnto him they say that the Angels did minister bread and wine vnto him when he celebrated The same Author They attribute the title of a Saint to a certaine King whose name was Balibeta towards whom the people beare such great deuotion that all Ethiope doth runne thither where his body is buried which they report to worke great miracles Idem There is a Monastery called Abba Gariman retaining this name of one which as they report raigned in Greece who hauing forsaken his Kingdome retired to this place to do penance for his sinnes where he finished his daies very holily and they report that he at this present doth miracles THE CATHOLIKE ROMAN CHVRCH GLoss Canon glorios We must enquire of miracles done in the life time and after death And to the end that these may be true miracles foure things are requisite first that they be of God and not framed by arte or by the diuell for miracles are wrought by the wicked secondly that they be contrary to nature as that of the Rodde of Moses turned into a Serpent thirdly that they be not wrought by wordes but thorough the merites of a man fourthly that they be for the confirmation of the faith Annot. Whosoeuer would know more amply the Miracles of the Latin Church may reade the Legends and liues of the Saints THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the French-men We beleeue that the word conteined in the Canonicall Writings proceeded from God And forasmuch as it is the very rule of trueth it followeth that neither antiquity nor customes nor the multitude nor humane wisedome neither iudgements nor visions nor Miracles ought to be opposed to it ANNOTATION THe East Churches doe beleeue that the Roman and Ethiopian Churches doe holde an erroneous and Hereticall opinion although there are Miracles wrought amongst them In like manner the Romanes doe pronounce an Anathema against all Christians that haue not obeyed them as well against them of the East and South as also the North Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Church of Affricke refuse nay scorne to goe and submit or subiect themselues eyther to the Greeke Church or to the Latine Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Latin church in the foresaid Canon dooth confesse that Miracles are wrought by wicked persons The reformed Church saith that Miracles or the bruite of Miracles ought not to be taken as a Marke of the true church And which is more
Russia doe hold that it is lawfull for the secular Lords to beate and depose their Patriarches Bishops and Priests Louis Regius The king of Moscouia surpasseth in crueltie and rigour of commanding al the Monarches of the world and hath gotten such authority ouer all his subiects as well Ecclesiasticall as secular that he may dispose at his pleasure of their liues and goods They confesse publikely that the will of the Prince is the will of God and therefore they call him the keeper of the keyes of heauen and Gods Chamberlaine THE SOVTH-CHVRCH THeuet The Gerich that is to say the Emperour of Ethiope is as the Pope in his countrey and causeth all things to passe vnder his hands both the temporall and the most part of the spirituall Moreouer he bestoweth benefices vpon such men as are of good life and learning I meane the Ecclesiasticall and vpon none else THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of Ausburg There hath beene great disputation concerning the authority and power of Bishops wherein some haue very ill handled both the Ecclesiasticall authority and the temporall power From this confusion haue sprung and arisen great warres and stirres during the time that the popes relying vpon the power of the keyes haue not onely instituted a new manner of worship charging mens consciences by reseruations of cases and by violent excommunications but also they haue attempted to transport the kingdomes of the world and to take the Empire from the Emperours But good men and those that were learned in the Church haue heretofore reproued these things THE ROMANE CHVRCH EXtraua Vnam sanctam Admit that the Grecians and others say that the Primacy of the Church was not giuen to S. Peter and his Successors then doubtlesse they must confesse that they are not of the flocke of Christ who said that there is one fould and one shepheard We are taught by the wordes of the Gospell that there is therein two swords that is to say the one a spirituall the other temporall For when the Apostles said Loe here are two swords the Lord answered not that there were too many but said it is enough Truely he that denieth that the temporall sword is not in the power of S. Peter taketh very little regard to the wordes of the Lord who said Put vp thy sword into the sheath the one and the other is therefore in the power of the Church to wit the spirituall and the materiall and both swords ought to be gouerned by the Church the one by the Priests the other by the hands of kings and men of war but according to the will and permission of the Priests for the one sword must be vnder the other sword ANNOTATION THe Bishop of Rome was obedient in times past to the Emperours of Constantinople but after such time as the Citie of Rome was taken away from the Emperours of of the East and King Charles sur-named the great had receiued from the said Bishop the title of Emperour He and his successors grewe so much obliged to the same Sea of Rome that the Popes perswasion ioyned with their deuotion hath caused that they haue giuen the higher place to them which ought as their predecessors did to shew themselues obedient to the secular power Notwithstanding this when the Latin Monarches saw their authority too much abated they could not suffer this indignity from thence arose those disorders which all Europe hath seene vnder the Frederickes Henries Philip sur-named the Faire the factions of the Guelphes and Gibellines and such like Tragedies Our Realme of France hath vnto this present maintained some liberties which were heretofore purloyned and taken away from Italy Spaine and England But now she fostereth and nourisheth in her bosome ingratefull children who daiely endeuour and seeke to receiue the Councell of Trent Besides if the Emperours of Germany haue opposed themselues against the attempts of Rome the Grecians haue passed farre beyond them The Pope would haue taken away before this time the Title of Emperour from the Emperour of Greece The Gretian by the consent of the Apostolike Sea had transported into the East S. Peters Chaire and notwithstanding the Anathemes and inforcements of the Romane Court the Empire of the East was maintained many ages that is to say vntill the yeare 1453. A fatall end at which time the prophecie of Daniel should be accomplished He shall plant the Tabernacles of his Palace betweene the Seas in the glorious and holy Mountaine yet he shall come to his end and none shall helpe him Vntill that time this Empire was not held but from God and by the sword as the Glosse of the Canon Si Imperator The Emperour say some men hath not his authority from the Pope but from God onely and the same doe I likewise allow of But where is that true Emperour It is he of Constantinople for the other that is to say he of Germany is but a maintainer and defender of the Church of Rome I must not passe ouer with silence how the Romanes doe open iniury to Charles the great King of Fraunce saying that the Pope gaue him the Empire of the West which is most false and vntrue for Charles obtained it by Armes and had conquered and brought the Citie of Rome it selfe into subiection if it had pleased him or if they had not willingly yeelded themselues vnto him If hee submitted himselfe to the Pope it was of curtesie and deuotion and not of any duetie As for the Christians of the East they haue beene called Melchites that is to say Royalists or Imperialists because that they haue neuer acknowledged none no not the greatest man in the World but the imperiall Maiestie In like manner the Christians of Affrica are also Melchites The auncient Catholike Church was Melchite more then seuen hundred yeares for there was neuer any Councell where the Emperour had not the highest place or that the Popes of Rome yeelded not their due obedience The holy Apostles haue also beene Melchites yea our Sauiour Iesus Christ himselfe for he payed tribute aswell for himselfe as for S. Peter Likewise in the estate of the Israelites an estate ordained of God the Priestly Soueraigntie bowed to the secular authoritie although that that high sacrificer had an vnlimited iurisdiction and that he was the representatiue Image of the great and eternall Sacrificer Iesus And as those that ranke the high Priest vnder Emperours and Kings are Royalists and Emperialists in like manner in our time the reformed Christians haue called those of the contrary opinion Papists as who would say subiects of a Priest for in Greeke Papa signifieth a Priest a name neuerthelesse which doth not properly belong but to those that beleeue that the Pope hath power to iudge and depose Kings By this which hath bene spoken a man may see that the Imperialists are Catholikely spread through the foure quarters of the world and that their beliefe in this point hath bene from
chiefest Bishoppe resideth being ordained to giue Orders of Priesthood and Ministerie according to the Perswasion and Custome of the Nestorians THE SOVTH CHVRCH ALuares The Patriarch of the great Negus who is ouer all Aethiopia is called Abuna without whom there is none found which hath authority to make Priests but by him alone THE REFORMED CHVRCH MOnsieur du Plessis If our aduersaries aske vs what was the vocation of those first Ministers which vndertooke the Reformation of the Church in these last dayes we wil answere that it is the very same vocation and succession whereof they bragge But that vocation which they abuse our men haue well vsed And to the vaine succession which they so much stand vpon wee haue added the succession of true doctrine without the which all succession is but continuance of abuse and a vaine title For Iohn Hus Luther Zuinglius Oecolampadius Bucer Capito Martyr and others out of whose schoole the Ministers are come forth were Priests Curates and Doctors in Diuinitie I forbeare to speake of Archbishops Bishops and Cardinals in Germany England Italy and Fraunce THE LATIN CHVRCH THe Canon Renouantes Renuing the auncient priuiledges of the Patriarchall Seates we doe ordaine that after the Romane Church which by the disposing of God obtaineth the principalitie of the ordinarie power and authority ouer al the rest as a Mother and Mistresse of all the faithfull Children of Christ that of Constantinople haue the first place that of Alexandria the second that of Antiochia the third and that of Ierusalem the fourth reseruing for each one her proper dignitie in such sort that after that their Prelates haue receiued the Pall or Robe of the Bishoppe of Rome the which is the liuery of the plenitude of the Pontificall Office and made vnto him the Oath of obedience and fidelity they likewise haue license to giue the foresaid Pall to their Suffragans receiuing of them the Canonicall profession and taking of them promise of obedience to the Church of Rome ANNOTATION THe question is not here to know in what part of Christendome the true succession and Ordination is to bee found and which is the Church that hath it not This cannot bee found out by the Tradition of the Churches and the greater number therof for euery one seuerally doth condemne in generall and in particular all the rest It is sufficient to know whether they beleeue that it is necessary for Bishops and Priests to take their ordination from one head or cheefe whosoeuer he be It may be gathered out of the Authors afore alleadged that they doe thinke that the Apostles hauing left Successors behind them in all parts and quarters those Successors had power to ordaine Bishops Neuerthelesse for order sake the Church hath giuen particular charge and authoritie to the Patriarkes and Metropolitanes to ordaine other Bishops Also the Bishops of Constantinople Ierusalem Antiochia Alexandria and others haue equall authoritie euery one in his owne quarter and they are installed into their charges by those of their quarter without incroaching one vpon another Also those of the Clergie of England haue their odinay and lawfull ordination for if the Church of England did voluntarily submit it selfe to receiue Ordination and Confirmation from the Church of Rome she might challenge her auncient right Touching the Pastors and Euangelicall Doctors of other places the Romane Catholikes doe thinke them as much or rather more intruded without vocation seeing that Luther and Zuinglius themselues and others were no Bishops and consequently excluded by their Canons from the power to ordaine But the answere is that indeed a Priest alone as a Priest cannot ordaine but a Priest authorised by a companie of Priests may for he hath the place and power of the body of the Presbetery If a companie of Priests cannot make a Priest a Bishop the Pope could not be a lawfull Bishop of Rome for he is not made Bishop of Rome but by Priests and Cardinall Deacons that is to say the principallest of the Church of Rome it followeth therefore That Ordination dependeth not vpon an vniuersall head but onely vpon the Patriarkes or Metroplitanes of euery place QVESTION XXXIIII Whether Priests and Deacons may marry as well by Gods law as by Ecclesiasticall law THE EAST CHVRCHES THeuet The Priests in India are married and neuerthelesse cease not to execute their duties and offices Item The Priests of the Armenians are married as all the rest of the East Countreyes Item No man is made Deacon in Moscouia that is not married neuerthelesse he is not permitted to marry twise and he that marrieth twise remaineth amongst the Lay people and he that remaineth continent although he cannot sacrifice by reason of age yet doth he assist at the Sacrifice Vilam In Syria the Priests are married as in Greece in briefe they doe imitate very neare the vse and customes of the Grecians Scarga The Russians and Moscouites admit no man to be Priest that hath not a wife Theuet In Cyprus the Bishops haue in all ages bin married as well as the Priests THE SOVTH CHVRCH ZAga Episcopus The reason why Priests are married with vs is because that Saint Paul thought it better both for the Clergie and Laitie to marrie then to burne He himselfe saith that a Bishop ought to be the husband of one wife irreprehensible and sober and the Deacons likewise Item The Bishops and Priests cannot marry twise vnlesse the Patriarke will dispence with them Aluares It was demaunded of me in the presence of Prester-Iohn wherefore we doe not obserue the Statutes of the holy Councell of Nice seeing therein it was ordained that Priests should marrie and a little after hee saith thus Besides his Maiesty caused me to speake more concerning the marriages of Priests asking me if it was euer knowen that the Apostles were married Wherevnto I answered that I remembred not that euer they married any woman after that they were called by Iesus Christ and although that Saint Peter had a daughter that was before such time as he was of the number of the Apostles but they told me that their bookes did commaund that they should marry the which expresly Saint Peter had in charge THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe Confession of England We say that marriage is holy and honourable in all kind of people and each estate and as Saint Chrysostome saith that it is lawfull for a married man to mount vp to the Episcopall Chaire THE LATIN CHVRCH POpe Lucius Let such Ministers Priests and Deacons of the Altar be chosen for the seruices of the Lord as obserue and keepe continency ANNOTATION THe Latines do note aboue all the rest that the Christians of the East South and North are contrary to them in this point as well as the Protestants The vulgar thinke that there is no other difference The foresaid people notwithstanding doe differ from the Protestants in this one point that
were and haue beene since in the Canon of the Hebrewes wherein the books of the Maccabees VVisedome and the third and fourth booke of Esdras are not conteined That the Authours of these bookes were not as the Prophets inspired of God who confirmed their doctrine with Miracles this is the cause why the Church in that time receiued the one into the Canonicall authoritie and not the other That the Catholike Church much lesse the Romane cannot make newe Articles of Faith To affirme that the Auncient Church knewe not nor taught the verity in that behalfe and that the Church hath had since new reuelations is an absurd thing In fine that they first which numbred these Deutero-canonicall or Ecclesiasticall with the Propheticall intended not to equalize them but rather thought good to put them in the Volume of the holy Bible because that there are good precepts in them and Histories whereby one may see the estate of the Church after the time of the Prophees vntill the comming of the Redeemer The Councell of Trent doth hold likewise for Apocrypha and in suspect the 4. book of Esdras although it be in the volume of the Bible There are also learned men of great account in the Catholike Romane Church as Cardinall Caietane Nicholas de Lyra and others which hold not the bookes of Maccabees for authenticall books And the generall voyce is that The bookes of Wisedome Syrach the third and fourth of Esdras the Maccabees and others although that they may perhaps call them Canonicall haue not equall authority with the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles QVESTION IX Whether the Latine Translation be of the same authoritie with the Originall Hebrew and Greeke written by the Prophets and Apostles THE EAST CHVRCH NIcholas The christians of the East say that the Popes of Rome whom they hold for heretikes together with their Sectaries haue wholly corrupted and changed the Gospel and other books of our Religion in taking away and adding that which seemed to them most fit to serue their insatiable couetousnesse The King of Moscouia The Chapters which thou cytest out of Apostolicall epistles and Gospels agree not with ours Here Lasicius marke that which followeth The writings of the Apostles are otherwise distinguished by the Russians then by vs for in their language there is in S. Matthew 116. chapters the most part of them so little that there is sometimes but three little verses therein according as the sense of the discourse requireth and a little after he saith that all that was done by one Cyrillus a Priest of the Church of Constantinople which they doe obey who vnderstood the Sclauonian tongue Aug. Eugub saith that the Grecians hold the translation of the seuentie Interpreters which almost quite through differeth from the latine Translation Aluares saith that Prester-Iohn asked him how many of the Prophets had foretold the comming of Iesus Christ I answered saith he that there was not any one amongst them which made not some mention of his comming Afterward hee asked him how many bookes S. Paul had written who answered one booke diuided into many epistles Annot. This discourse sheweth that the Churches of Ethiope haue neuer seene the Latin Bible of the Church of Rome and regarded not to approue it if they found it differing from the Hebrew THE REFORMED CHVRCH IN THE VVEST THe confession of the Swizers We doe receiue onely that Interpretation of the Scriptures for Orthodoxal and lawful which is taken out of the Scripture it selfe expounded according to the true sense and meaning of the language wherein they were written VVhitaker Wee Englishmen doe hold that the Latine translation of the Church of Rome is in very many places miserably corrupted and falsified and that it is not authenticall and that the Hebrewe and Greeke edition is sincere Scripture THE ROMAN OCCIDENTAL CHVRCH THe councell of Trent The Councell considering that no smal profit would redound to the Church if of many Latine editions of the holy Scriptures one were knowne to be Authenticke doth ordaine and declare that the same vulgar edition bee held for such and that none be so bold to reiect it vpon what pretence soeuer ANNOTATION THe Authour of the vulgar Latin translation is not knowen The Romane Catholikes say that it is the labour of S. Ierome The Reformed Churches doe thinke that S. Ierome was not the Authour thereof Neuerthelesse the Councell of Trent doth authorise it Cardinall Bellarmine affirmeth that that Translation is true and that the originall is corrupted But there are many Romane Catholikes which doe hold the Catholike beleefe and haue made newe Translations and consequently corrected the vulgar Those of the East Churches hold that onely the Greeke Originals written by the Apostles are authenticall And as touching the bookes of the old Testament they allow of the Translation which is called the Translation of the seuentie or of Ptolomeus Neuerthelesse they hold it not for a certainty that those be altogether the translation of the seuenty which carry that name It is thought that the Apostles did vse the Translation of the said seuenty the which neuerthelesse was not altogether comformable with the Hebrew but if they haue approued it then it followeth that there was not any errour in that they haue alledged it Moreouer the Hebrew text is preferred before all other Translations The Latines doe obiect that it is not reasonable to receiue the Hebrew Bible of the Iewes The Greekes doe answere that our Sauiour and his Apostles had the Hebrew Bible and that they left the same to their successors from whom those of this present time haue receiued it from hand to hand and not from the vnbeleeuing Iewes and therefore the vulgar translation was taken from the Hebrew It followeth therefore that the Hebrew was then in the Church or else that the Romane Church hath taken it from the Iewes Masius saith that the Syrians hold for authenticall the Syrian translation of one Theodorus peraduenture they intend not to preferre or equalize it with the originall Hebrew and that the Grecians the Moscouites the Abyssines and the Armenians would attribute each one of them to the translation vsed in their Church as much as the Latins doe attribute to theirs which would be but so many particular opinions each one of them being reiected by the other and therfore the Catholicke assured opinion is That the Latin translation of the Romane Church or any other hath not equall authority with the originall Hebrew and Greeke of the Prophets and Apostles QVESTION X. VVhether the Traditions of the Latin Church are Catholicke and whether all Christian Nations are obliged to obserue them THE EAST CHVRCH NIcolas The Grecians say that they were the first Nations that were conuerted to the faith of Iesus Christ and that in consideration and regard thereof they are the men that truely and purely hold the Traditions of the Primitiue Church as it was preached and
sinne is asked for him that is baptized wherein we must beleeue that God heareth his Church The churches alwaies are carried away some with more care others with lesse The Latin Church falleth into an extremitie and beleeueth the perdition of children not baptised in so much that she permitteth not onely the Laickes but also women to baptise yea Pagans and heretickes wherein she hath a particular opinion and that which the other Churches approue not to shew that they haue a better hope of the saluation of the same Infants And aboue all the rest the Church of Aethiope which beleeueth that they are sanctified in the wombes of their Mothers The Grecians doe permit the Laickes to baptize but they thinke not the same to be true baptisme And indeede the Moscouites who are vnited to the Church of Greece permit not the ministration of baptisme to any but vnto Priests and that within the Temple or at least wise that was the place in times past for Faber hath written so about a hundred yeares agoe peraduenture both they and the Greekes were then of this opinion and also now a daies they rebaptize them that are baptized by the Laickes The Protestants of Germanie doe permit the Laickes to baptize neuerthelesse they confesse that the children of the elect are saued without baptisme as it was concluded by them at Wirtenberg in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred thirtie sixe The Church of England imployeth all the diligence that may be possible Thus saith the Canon If any Minister being aduertised of any sickenesse and danger of death or finding any Infant within his Parish not baptized refuse to baptise them or do delay in such sort that being able to come in time where the Infant is to baptize him and the same Infant happen to die without baptisme by his fault the same Minister shall be suspended for three moneths and shall not receiue the fauour of absolution vntill he acknowledge his fault From that which hath beene said a man may drawe this conclusion as Catholike and Orthodoxall That Baptisme is the ordinary meanes for Infants to obtaine saluation yet neuerthelesse God saueth extraordinarily the Infants of the Elect which haue not neglected baptisme and that the Church which knoweth not the Elect ought to hasten by all good meanes the baptisme of their Infants QVESTION XX. Whether confirmation be a Sacrament that is to say a Ceremonie commaunded by God and whether it doth appertaine onely to Bishops THE EAST CHVRCH SAcranus The Russians say that there is no Sacrament of confirmation and therefore they receiue it not and ordaine their Priests without it Vilamont The Grecians denie the Sacraments of confirmation and of extreame vnction Gagninus The Moscouites abhorre this Sacrament of confirmation which they proue to be damnable because in all the Councels especially that of Nice it hath bene said I confesle one Baptisme and if there be but one Baptisme there is also but one vnction and the Priest and the Bishoppe haue the selfe same authority and vertue to dispence aswell with the one as with the other Theuet They also differ from our Romane Church in that they reiect the Sacrament of confirmation as a superfluous thing because say they he which was anointed by the Priest in holy Baptisme ought not to come vnder the hands of the Bishops seeing that therein the authoritie of the Bishoppe and of the Priest is alike THE SOVTH CHVRCH THe confession of Zaga-zabo Bishop of Aethiop Moreouer it is to be vnderstood that with vs confirmation and Chrisme or the oyle of extreame vnction are not holden for Sacraments neither are they in vse as I see they are here in the Romane Church THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of Wirtemberg We doe not doubt but that the Apostles in the beginning of the Gospell reuealed and confirmed at the Feastiuall day of Pentecost haue giuen by the impositition of hands the admirable gift of the holy Ghost to those which beleeued in Christ to the end that they should speake in diuers languages But of a personall and temporall act of the Apostles there ought not to bee a generall and perpetual Sacrament in the Church without the commaundement of God And it is a horrible thing to heare it reported that the Sacrament of confirmation which the Bishops Suffragans haue accustomed to minister to infants excelleth in dignitie the Sacrament of Baptisme For there are some which feare not to affirme the same As it is a thing say they done by the greatest that is to say by the Bishops and cannot bee done by the meaner sort of Priests so ought it to bee held in greater honour and estimation THE LATINE CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent If any say that those which attribute any vertue to the holy oyntment of confirmation doe iniurie to the holy Ghost Anathema If any say that the ordinary Minister of holy confirmation is not a Bishop onely but also a Priest Anathema ANNOTATION THe Apostolick Churches of the East North and South doe vse oyle after Baptisme Socolouius thinketh that this is the Sacrament of confirmation We follow here a contrary opinion first because that his Authors before alleaged and others denie it Secondly Zaga a Bishop of Aethiop sayth plainely that there is no oyle amongst them that is held for a Sacrament Thirdly the foresaid Churches do not hold the vse of oyle in Baptisme by the institution and commaundement of God but by the ordinance of the Church which say they hath inuented many things so speakes the Patriarch Ieremie touching the vnction Fourthly the Tradition amongst those people was to permit the Bishops onely to administer the sayd oyle of Baptisme Fiftly They administer this oyle only to shew that in Baptisme the Infant receiueth grace to beare the name of a Christian a name which commeth from Christ which signifieth anointed that is it also which as Ieremie declareth alwayes is called vnction A mysterie wee will speake of this word in his place To end the Church of Rome doth both the one and the other they vse oyle in Baptisme as the other Apostolicke Churches but besides in particular they make it a Sacrament Moreouer if they will haue vnction to be a Sacrament a part it followes then vpon that that the foresaid Churches haue Baptisme well nigh in the same simplicitie or puritie wherein it was ordained by our Sauiour for they adde not any thing neither salt nor spittle As for the rest the Protestants doe approue confirmation by the imposition of hands as is to be seene in the Constitutions of England but yet as a ceremonie not calling it a Sacrament To conclude the Councell of Trent which was very neere wholy composed of Italians and Spaniards doth excommunicate all the Apostolicke Churches for these two Articles first because they hold not besides the vnction in Baptisme a Sacrament of the vnction of confirmation Secondly because they say that although it were a
put more Wine then Water or whether one may vse any other liquor for want of Wine THE EAST CHVRCH LVbelz The Armenians vse vnleauened bread and mingle not any water with the wine Alphonsus de Castro The seuenth heresie is that which is iust contrary to the precedent for here the wine is put into the Chalice in such wise that there is no water at all put therein and hee saith that there needes not any mingling This is the errour of the Grecians which Guido Carme did put in the sixt place It is also the errour of the Armenians Scarga The Muscouites in the preparation of the Chalice doe mingle two or three droppes of Wine in hote water in such sort that one cannot perceiue the Wine consumed in the Water Also in stead of wine they vse sometimes the Iuice of Apples which they colour with some redde berries They make no scruple to put in so much water after the consecration that the wine being consumed by the number of the Communicants there remaineth no taste of wine at all Barbosa The Armenians that are in India in stead of the Sacrament of wine by reason that in India there is no wine doe take drie Raisons and lay them in water all night to mollifie or soften them and the day following when they say seruice they straine them and vse the Iuice in stead of wine THE SOVTH CHVRCH ALuares In Monasteries and Churches they keepe many Raisons halfe dried which are laid in water for the space of twelue daies till that they beginne to swell then they take them and afterwards put them vnder a Presse because that of the liquor that issueth from them they celebrate Diuine seruice THE REFORMED CHVRCH REspon ad Ierem. We mingle not water with wine in the holy Supper because that Iesus Christ sayd I will not drinke henceforth of the fruit of this Vine and made no mention of any water In like manner we do not thinke it necessary to mingle any water yet if peraduenture there be any we hold it indifferent THE LATINE CHVRCH HOnorius A pernitious abuse is brought into the Countrey that is to say that they put more water then wine in the sacrifice whereas according to the reasonable custome of the Church they should put more wine then water Comp. Theol. If there had bene more water then wine the consecration should haue bene hindered Lochmaier But for want of wine one may omit the signe of the blood which yet he must do by dispensation from the Pope ANNOTATION THe diuersitie of the practise of Christians doth declare that this is an indifferent point for the which we ought not to contest and striue And the one part ought not to condemne the other The Armenians doe mingle no water The Grecians mingle it not at the same time that the Latines doe The Abyssines and Indians mingle it not for any ceremonie but vse wine that hath more water then wine The Moscouites care not whether there bee more wine or water Also no man knoweth whether our Sauiour did mingle more of the water or of the wine The Protestants finde no fault with the Northren nations that vse Syder What should one doe saith Bucanus in a Region where is no bread as ours wherin is no wine we must vse such food as men vse in those Countreys for that agreeth with the intention of Iesus Christ The Catholike conclusion drawen from that before alleadged is That there is neither Diuine or Ecclesiasticall Law that condemneth those that mingle or those that mingle not water with the wine whether it bee by way of Ceremonie or without Ceremonie QVESTION XXVII Whether it be necessarie to Communicate vnder the signes both of bread and wine THE EAST CHVRCHES IEeremie Oecumenicke Moreouer we will aunswere to the abuse whereof you speake First you say that all ought to communicate vnder both kinds and you say well for we do so euen when we do participate of the venerable mysteries Nichol. In the Lords Supper the Grecians doe Communicate vnder both kinds Vilamont The Nestorians doe consecrate with leauened bread after the fashion of the Grecians Idem When the Iacobites do minister the Communion to young children it is vnder both kinds being therin conformable to the Grecians the Syrians THE SOVTH CHVRCH THeuet When they doe Communicate they receiue vnder both kinds which also I haue seene obserued of the Abyssins by their Sect in Ierusalem Aluares Their vessels are farre bigger then ours are but of an ill fashion vsing no plate and they celebrate the Masse with the wine of raisins which they powre into the Chalice in great quantitie for all those that Communicate of the body doe likewise of the blood THE REFORMED CHVRCHES THe Confession of England There must be giuen to the people that come to the Cōmunion both the one and the other kind of the Eucharist for the Lord hath so commanded and his Apostles haue so ordained through all the earth and all the auncient Fathers and Catholicke Bishops haue imitated them THE LATIN CHVRCH THe Councell of Constance Being aduertised that in many Churches they haue continued to administer to the Laicks the Sacrament in both kinds we doe declare that although that Iesus Christ did so seeing that afterwards it hath bene receiued by the Priests and by the Lay people vnder the signe of bread onely that all this notwithstanding the Law and authority of the Canons and the custome approoued by the Church Romane hath obserued and obserueth to auoide certaine dangers that this Sacrament shall be distributed vnder one kind we do commaund vpon paine of excommunication that no Priest do minister the Cōmunion to the people vnder both kinds of bread wine ANNOTATION THis Question hath no difficultie all nations except the Latins doe thinke that they ought herein to obey Iesus Christ Those that doe hold the holy Scripture to be true doe confesse that euen in things which seeme to be of small importance God will be obeyed yea Adam and all his children and race for hauing eaten of the forbidden fruit was lost And God would haue slaine Moyses because that his Sonne was not circumcised Vzzah fell downe dead because hee touched the Arke notwithstanding his good intention It is a wonder to see that those that beleeue this haue yet made a Law contrary to the Diuine commaundement of God The fault is now a dayes knowen to many yet they will not confesse that there is any error therein for feare least men should call into question other doctrines So it is that all nations doe confesse That wee ought to Communicate in both kinde of bread and wine QVESTION XXVIII Whether the Sacrament must be kept to bee carried in procession and for other vses or onely to bee carried to the sicke THE EAST CHVRCH GAgnin They vse the Sacrament of the Eucharist in both kinds they
is to say that they neuer receiue or admit any into the gouernment of the Chrurch but onely those men that are married This hath bene practised in all ages peraduenture the Church hath had respect to that which S. Paul saith that a wise Bishop must gouerne well his owne family so that they would haue none but aged and approued men And whereas they admit not them that are twise married it is because they want not conuenient and fit men for that charge vnto the which the most continent are preferred one may therefore say That Church men may marry both by Diuine law and by Ecclesiastical law but cannot marie twise and continue in their office without dispensation QVESTION XXXV Whether there be more then three Orders in the Church that is to say Bishops Priests and Deacons THE EAST CHVRCH ALlphonsus de Castro The Grecians as Guido saith besides the sacred orders admit not any inferior orders but only Readers and they say that the other that is to say exorcists Porters acoluthytes ought not to be accounted amongst the orders Idem The Armenians acknowledge but three orders that is to say Bishops Priests and Deacons THE SOVTH CHVRCH ALuares There assembled a great multitude of people to receiue imposition of hands of the Abuna for no other but he could giue them orders the said Abuna made an exhortation vnto them in the forme of a Sermon then he caused thē to passe through a tent wherin he was and made euery one of them read on a booke and if they could read he caused them to passe on further and vpon those that were examined and were found capable he imposed his hands and they were ordained Deacons THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe Confession of the Frenchmen As touching the true Church we doe beleeue that it ought to bee gouerned according to the policie which our Lord Iesus Christ hath established that is to say that there be Pastors Elders and Deacons to the end that puritie of Doctrine may haue his full scope and course that vices may be corrected and repressed and that the poore and all that are afflicted may be succoured THE LATIN CHVRCH ISidorus All those that serue in Christ his Church are called generally Clerkes whose names and degrees are these the Doore-keeper Psalmist Lector Exorcist Acolythit Sub-deacon Deacon Priest and Bishop And the orders of Bishops are fower to wit Patriarchs Archbishops Metropolitans and Bishops ANNOTATION FIrst The Church is composed of Clerkes so called of the word Cleros which signifieth heritage because that they are after a speciall fashion dedicated to the seruice of God and of the Laickes that is to say those of the Common people so called because that they are the greatest part thereof Of Clerkes some are Bishoppes that is to say Superintendants others Priests that is to say Elders others Deacons that is to say Dispensers Secondly there are fiue degrees of Bishoppes according to the fiue sorts of assemblies or resortes The Parson or Curat which resideth in Parishes for so were the particular Churches in times past called yea the greatest The Bishops of the Diocesses gouerning the Presbiterie or the Senate of the Diocesse The Metropolitans in the Prouinciall Synods the Patriarches in the Synods of nations and the Oecumenicke or generall as they call the Bishoppe of Constantinople at this day which ought to preside or rule in generall Synods The Bishoppe being considered without Iurisdiction is by Diuine Law Let all things be done in order saith S. Paul If he be considered with Iurisdiction and out of assembly he is by positiue law Let the Bishops know saith Saint Ierome that they are greater then the Priests more by the custome of the Church then by Diuine institution This word More sheweth that he acknowledged a certaine Diuine authoritie in them Therefore the Bishoppes in the charge of ruling or gouerning are successors of the Apostles and Euangelists For after them this charge fel to the most ancient Pastor of euery Church One may gather by all likelyhood that it is of such Bishoppes which is spoken in the Apocalyps Write to the Angell of Ephesus Write to the Angell of Pergamus but by and by afterwards a man holdeth it better that Non aetas sed meritum faceret Episcopum The second sort of Clerkes are the Elders whereof some are Preachers and Doctors and doe all that which the Bishop doth excepta Ordinatione The others doe teach the rudiments or principles of religion but not in publicke Sine Episcopo which if they befound fit to doe they are called Liturgij and haue power to administer the Sacraments hauing sufficient instructions contained in the Formularies of the Church These Elders are called Papes in Greece The Russians haue few Preachers but onely these Papes They are very profitable and necessary for little Churches and for the meaner sort of people which get more instruction from a simple Cathechisme then from a learned Sermon They finde many men capable of this office and vse to chuse those that are good and approued people and which are no charge to the Church In Aethiope saith Theuet the Priests after that they haue said Diuine seruice doe goe to worke to get their liuing seeing that the Reuenues which they haue are not sufficient to nourish them and their Familie For they giue not such Donations to the Church there as they doe in these quarters Of these Priests the Nouvelle 123. maketh mention We permit not that any Priest be made which is not fiue and thirtie yeares of age And S. Paul saith The Priests that rule well are worthy of double honour especially they which labour in the word and Doctrine The third sort of Clerkes are the Deacons their office is to serue at the Tables or Altars as well in the receiuing of the gifts or offerings as in the celebration of the Liturgie Fourthly the Laickes doe also employ themselues in Ecclesiasticall affaires Princes themselues doe rule ouer the Clergie of their Dominions The Elders of the people were in times past Counsellors to the Bishops Saint Ambrose thinkes it not good that men should loose any benefit of time Those of the Clergie haue since that cast away this precept altogether The Laickes which serue in the Church are the Sub-Deacons Readers Singers Porters Acolytes Labourers and Diaconisses These according to the Councell of Nice ought not to bee accounted amongst the Clerkes There were no Monkes in times past As concerning the office of Sub-Deacons Lecturers c. they haue beene in seuerall times and places established in a formall office yea and that with ceremonie Neuerthelesse and yet this is the question whereof Diuines doe here dispute the Catholike Church doth beleeue That these little Offices are not Sacramentall that is to say neyther by Diuine nor Apostolike institution QVESTION XXXVI Whether there be an indeleble or perpetuall Character imprinted in the soules of Clerkes that doth
vpon which the ordinarie Bishoppes of cities were constituted And withall Tradition confirmeth this for there is no Church in the world which nameth not the Apostles before the Bishops yea the Church of Rome preferreth the Apostles before the Popes It remaineth then for vs to search who was the successor of S. Iohn in the Catholike Primacy whether Polycarpus was his successor in Ephesus or Simeon successor to S. Peter in Ierusalem or Albinus of Alexandria successor of S. Marke successor and chosen of S. Peter or Ignatius successor of Euodias and of S. Peter in Antioch or Euaristus successor of Clement and of Linus and of S. Peter in Rome There are two Churches which haue contended herein more then eight hundred yeeres that is to say that of Constantinople and that of Rome The Romane Church saith that S. Peter hath ordained is from God that Rome should haue the Primacie and power to command and that for euer They of Constantinople say on the contrarie side that our Lord neuer spoke any such words much lesse Saint Peter himself and if any such thing had been some one of the Apostles would haue written of it this Article being the foundation of all the doctrine and gouernement of the Church Moreouer Saint Peter himselfe would haue Preached the same and Saint Iohn who succeeded and out-liued S. Peter would not haue stayed in Ephesus Well then you see that all the Churches planted by the Apostles not excepting any one doe testifie after many ages that neither they nor their fathers neuer beleeued nor held that the Primacie by diuine power was due to the Church of Rome but rather that it appertaineth to whosoeuer shall bee chosen and elected by the greater part of the Churches and that the Bishop of Rome alone ought not to be q beleeued much lesse in his owne proper cause In like maner many learned men of the Latine Church doe confesse that the reason wherefore Rome is helde to haue the Primacie in diuine affaires is an opinion of the vulgar sort So that rather to Constantinople appertaineth the Primacie seeing it was giuen her by the Apostolicke Churches which they gaue not then to Rome being one of the last seates of Saint Peter but onely in regard of the Imperiall seate Well then to make this the more intelligible it is necessarie to know how it happeneth that the Citie of Rome now a dayes pretendeth that the Primacie is due to her by diuine right The aboue mentioned Apostolicke Churches doe surmise as followeth and say First that Saint Peter had the first place among the Apostles for he was oftentimes demanded many things by the Lord and he answered in the name of his fellowes ouer whom neuerthelesse he had no iurisdiction nor authority although that some doe thinke that he resigned it to Saint Iames when they were together at Hierusalem after that S. Iames was instituted Bishoppe that is to say after that hee was staied that hee should make his ordinarie residence there Secondly that Saint Iohn during his life after the time of S. Peter had the first place amongst all the Euangelists and Bishoppes Thirdly that he neuer taught that Rome by Diuine right ought to be the Mistresse of the other Churches if he had S. Polycarpus his Disciple and others his successors in Ephesus had not debated so earnestly and obstinately against the Roman Church touching the feast of Easter Fourthly that after S. Iohn the Bishop of Rome obtained by iust title the first place among the Bishops which were vnder the Romane Empire for seeing that the Citizens of Rome then raigned ouer the Inhabitants of other Cities hee had been both proud audacious and vnreasonable which would haue preferred himselfe before their Bishop especially without any ordinance of a Councell Fiftly that the churches of Italy and other their neighbours through the laps of time gaue to the Bishop of Rome not only the first place but also the superintendancie ouer the Bishops neare them in particular for to giue his aduice in matters that happened till a Synode might be had Sixtly that the councell of Nice approued the same and ordained that Alexandria should in like manner haue the ouer-sight of the Churches of Egipt and of Affrica and that the church of Antioch should ouer-see those of the east And after a certaine time because the Emperiall seate was transported vnto Constantinople it was ordained that that Bishop should be ouer-seer of the Greeke Churches and the Bishop of Ierusalem should be admitted to be one of the fiue for Palestina and those fiue were called Patriarches Seuenthly that the Bishop of Rome all this while had the first seat but yet without any vniuersall iurisdiction but rather euery one of the foresaid fiue Patriarches iudged or rather gaue his aduise and opinion till a Councell might be had as euen to this day they of Constantinople although that they call themselues Oecumenicke are subiect to Synodes but yet of Greece onely Eightly that Maurice Emperour of Constantinople would haue taken away the primacie from Gregorie Bishoppe of Rome and giuen it to Iohn Bishop of Constantinople who for a Marke of his place desired to haue the Title of a generall Bishoppe and that Gregorie did oppose himselfe against him least he should loose his place vrging how insolent that Title was and saying that Iohn would vsurpe Dominion ouer the other Bishops which peraduenture was not the intention of Iohn but he on the contrary side to shew that he was contented with the ranke or place of his predecessors called himselfe Seruus seruorum Dei The seruant of the seruants of God Ninthly that Phocas hauing slaine Maurice gaue to the Bishop of Rome which was then Boniface the first seate and Title of Generall or Vniuersall Bishop and yet without any iurisdiction or Dominion ouer the other patriarches which notwithstanding the churches acknowledged him not in that quality Tenthly that Charles the great King of France hauing subdued with armes a great part of Europe The citie of Rome craued his ayde against the Lombards who being ouer come by the same King the Romanes proclaimed him their Emperour 11 That then the Emperors of the East with the consent of the Patriarchall and Apostolicke Churches tooke from Rome the primacy and gaue it to the said Church of Constantinople 12 That then the Romanes seeing that by the Ecclesiasticall law they should loose the primacie began to say that the primacy belonged as of Diuine right to them and to their Bishop and consequently that the whole Church together could not take away from them the first ranke because that Rome is the Sea of S. Peter 13 That after that they of the East had rightly said that hee is successor of S. Peter which is elected confirmed and approued by the greatest part of the Churches in what place soeuer he maketh his residence and that imitateth S. Peter in doctrine and humilitie That the Bishoppes of
intercession of Saints the healing of diseases and such like If all this be besides and against the intention of Iesus Chrrist it is manifest that it were an abuse to cōuert it to other vses The Councell of Trent doth excommunicate those that hold this to be euill it would be knowen whether this Councell bee allowed by the Apostolicke Churches The Grecians say that in their Liturgie they make mention and remembrance of the Saints but this is not to say that they thinke that the Liturgie was ordained to that end Likewise although that the Armenians doe kisse and salute one another in the Liturgie yet no man will impute vnto them that they doe beleeue that it was instituted for to kisse salute one another If the Romane Catholikes cannot shew that the foresaid Nations doe say their Liturgies of purpose for to obtaine thereby the intercession of Saints It is a hazard but they will be found alone in that opinion attending to see if that will be we will here conclude as well vpon this last Article as vpon the precedents and will say That the Liturgie which the Latines call the Masse and the Protestants the Lords Supper is a Sacrifice wherein the Communicants by the receiuing of the Sacrament and Prayers doe obtaine forgiuenesse of their sinnes and by their prayers and offerings and not by the Communion doe profite those that Communicate not but this Sacrifice is not instituted to obtaine the intercession of the Saints nor for any other vses QVESTION XXXII Whether we ought to vse in the Church an vnknowen Language as Latin or any other and whether the people ought to read the holy Scripture or heare it read THE EAST CHVRCHES BElon When the Priest in Armenia readeth the Gospel the attendants doe salute one another both on the right hand and on the left euery one vnderstanding the Armenian tongue in which language it is alwayes read Vilamont The Iacobite doe vse many languages according to the seuerall Prouinces where they inhabite hauing neuerthelesse one particular language which they vse onely in Diuine Seruice but what language it was I could not discouer Idem The Nestorians vse the Chaldean language in their Liturgie or Diuine Seruice and in their Scriptures Idem The Armenians can speake diuers Languages but in their Diuine Seruice Masses Prayers and Ceremonies they vse the Armenian tongue which is vnderstood both of men and women throughout all their Countrey Nichol. The Grecians doe celebrate the Liturgie in their owne language to the end the common people may be able to vnderstand them Vilamont The Maronites doe vse the pure Syrian tongue in their Diuine Seruice Theuet The Moscouites haue fewe Preachers contenting themselues onely with the Lectures which the Priests make euery Sunday who reade vnto them the Gospell and Epistles of the Apostles and the bookes of learned men in a language that they vnderstand Cythraeus The Priests in Russia do consecrate with the words spoken by Iesus Christ but it is onely in the language of the Countrey THE SOVTH CHVRCH THeuet I haue seene many Bishoppes and haue heard their Masses which they say in the Abyssin language the which is very neare the Arabicke yea in the Characters themselues Aluares All their bookes whereof the number is great are of Parchment for they haue no other paper and their Scripture is read in the Tigique tongue which is Abyssin the first Countrey that receiued the doctrine of the Gospell THE REFORMED CHVRCH CAluin It is euident that publicke prayers ought to be pronounced not in Greeke amongst the Latines neyther in Latine amongst the French-men and English-men as heretofore hath beene vsed but in the vulgar tongue to the end that they might bee vnderstood by the people for it is conuenient that all bee done in the Church to edification for no man receiueth any fruite from an vnknowne language THE LATIN CHVRCH THe Councell of Trent Albeit the Masse doth containe much instruction for faithfull people Neueruerthelesse it seemed not expedient to the Fathers that it should bee celebrated euery where in the vulgar tongue ANNOTATION IN the Catholike Church of the East VVest North and South is manifestly accomplished that Scripture which saith That all languages doe confesse the Lord. The Church of Rome onely say the Protestants labours to hinder the same They will not permit the Masse nor any part of Diuine seruice to bee celebrated in the French tongue in Fraunce and which is more they haue brought their Latine seruice into America But the people cannot say Amen to any purpose if they vnderstand not that which is said in the Church their vowes and their intentions cannot be ioyned together with those of the Priest The Priest and the people which speake a language vnknowne and barbarous each to other may thinke one thing and say another behold here the confusion Likewise one may gather by the places or sentences before alleadged that the foresaid Apostolicke Churches prohibite not at all the reading of the holy Scripture for if it be permitted to the Laicks yea commaunded to be present at the reading therof being written in the vulgar tongue it followeth that they may reade it also in priuate There are Romane Catholickes which on the contrary side doe abhorre and hate the same Their Doctors and Teachers not being ashamed to say that the Translation of the holy Scripture into the vulgar tongue is the mother of heresies But there are many Catholikes in the Church of Rome which are not of this opinion and who reade attentiuely the holy Scripture Immitating therefore the practise of the Catholike Church we will say That the language of the Countrey ought to bee vsed in euery Church and that it is good to read the holy Scriptures and to heare them read in the vulgar tongue QVESTION XXXIII Whether the Ordination of the Ministers of the Church doth depend on the Pope of Rome THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie Patriarch Ordinations are no further respected of vs then the holy Canons haue prescribed And as touching the Ordination of a Bishoppe the first Canon of the Apostles teacheth vs thus That a Bishop be ordained by two or three Bishoppes and a Priest by a Bishoppe in like manner the Deacons and the rest Nichol. The foure Patriarches are created and elected by the Metropolitans of the Prouinces who aboue all other things take great care to elect him who is amongst them the maturest in yeares wisedome and holinesse Gagninus All the Metropolitans of the Ruthenians and Moscouites haue their authoritie from the Patriarch of Constantinople and in the beginning the Metropolitan was elected and chosen by the iudgment and consent of the Bishops and Abbots and of all the spirituall orders but now the great Duke of Moscouia hath this authority Theuet Within the Iland of Gezert doth the Patriarch of the sect of the Nestorians make his residence And also there the