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A00901 The fall of Babylon in vsurping ecclesiastical power and offices And the miserable estate of them that pertake of her fornications. 1634 (1634) STC 1101; ESTC S101521 80,856 100

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day of the Lord of hosts shal be upon every one that is proud and loftie that is lifted up and he shall be brought low In the meane while wee must know Chap. 5.1 he planted a vinyard in a very fruitfull hill and he fenced it he looked that it should bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grapes therfore he tooke away the hedge thereof and it was not digged and pruned as it should be So was the hedge taken from the church in the time of the persecutions when she brought forth the wilde grapes of mens inventions Isa 24.5 Ezech. 5.6 Amos. 2.4 Men will confesse it was for some sinne as Israel was alwaies plagued Because they transgressed the lawes changed the ordinance marke changed the ordinance brake the everlasting covenant Though they kept it in fundamentall points of religion yet with Korah and Vzzah they brake and changed it in Ecclesiasticall order service and ceremonies which opened the gap to greater transgressions Had they continued in his ordinances doubtles they had never beene so afflicted he would have beene to them as he promised to Israel Exod. 34.24 I will cast out the nations before thee and enlarge thy borders neither shall any man desire thy land when thou shalt goe up to appeare before the Lord thrice in the yeare he would so have ruled theire enemies hearts but when men observe not his ordinances or like the Angels keepe not theire first estate then by his plagues he seekes to abate theire pride Now wee shall have seene that in the primative church the Clergie did soone decline from his waies in such things were plagued Isa 9.16 Chap. 52. Chap. 42.24 Chap. 8.16 both they and theire people For the Leaders of this people cause them to erre and they that are led of them are destroied So they that rule over them make them to howle and my name continuallie every day is blasphemed Who gave Jacob for a spoile and Jsrael to the Robbers Did not the Lord he against whom wee have sinned for they would not walke in his waies e. And therfore he saith binde up the Testimonie Seale the law among my Disciples Certaine that lived despised in corners and persecuted even of some of theire owne brethren while he hid his face from the howse of Jacob. Ier. 2 30. Isa 57.17 For saith he in vaine have I smitten your children they received no correction your owne sword hath devoured your Prophets c. For the iniquitie of his coveteousnes was I wroth and smote him J hid me and he went on frowardly in the way of his owne heart So that Coveteousnes hath in all ages beene the roote of all evill Ier. 6.13 especially in church-men For every one is given to coveteousnes and what followeth thereupon from the Prophet to the Priest every one dealeth falsely And they bend theire tongue like theire bow for lies such as are for theire honour or proffit but they are not valiant for the truth Such was the fruite of coveteousnes and ambition in Elies Sonnes such in Gehezi in Ziba and others as well of the Priests as of the people and such hath it ever beene as well in the christian as in the Iewish churches There was doubtles a lust of the eies after the pride of life a seeking after preheminence and authority in the Bishops of Rome from the verie death of the Apostles Theire devises to superintend over neighbour churches or parishes and theire Decrees in theire Synods wherin they for the most part ruled all for theire owne glorie do sufficiently declare it this was the foundation of theire greatnes And som desire there might be of filthie lucre but the first open proofe recorded is that decree of Vrbanus Platina in Vrban 1. that the church might receive from the faithfull inheritance of lands This was aboute the yeare 224. For before times the preaching Bishop was maintained by that which the seaven Deacons gathered for the poore and church vses as both Damasus and Platina shew in the life of Evaristus who died for the Truth in the yeare 109. and was it seemes the last of the vncorrupt Pastors of that litle flock in Rome He presumed not to make ordinances And so as Hegesippus saith to the times of Trajan or thereabouts the church continued cleane and vndefiled as a virgin Euseb lib. 3. c. 26. lib. 4. c. 21. but since that sacred companie left the world the conspiracie of iniquitie began to worke with open face They tell vs indeede of an ordinance that his predecessor Annaclet made against Clergie mens nourishing of long haire in head or beard Platina in Anaclet 1. Cor. 11.14 which haveing respect to that of the Apostle seemed tollerable But the Apostles words were sufficient what neede such an ordinance yet if he made it that served for a pretence that they might make others The like may be saide of that commaund of his that the consecration beeing ended all the faithfull should communicate or they that would not should goe out of the church These theire best preceps were steps to intollerable presumptions in others as in Alexander who succeeding Euaristus ordained holy water the masse and other inventions which others increased So was this of Vrbanus a step to extreme coveteousnes and many other corruptions Cyprian yeeldeth this reason of the persecution of Decius Cyprian lib. de lapsis Because every man slept in the coveteous desires of his owne heart it was high time for God to awak them with his rod There was no longer any devotion left in the priests Anno 253 no sincere faith in ministers no mercie in theire works no government in their manners c. The Bishops them selves who should have served for a spurre and patterne of well doeing abandoning theire holy functions and forsaking theire flocks goe a gadding into other countries haunting marts and faires for filthie lucres sake litle caring to relieve theire hungrie and starving brethren so themselues might haue money at will getting lands by fraude and money by griping vsurie and what did wee not deserue for these ill doeings The Churches ye see were not the more purified but more defiled after diocessan Bishops were set vp Howsoeuer this shewes theire follie who ascribe so much to the wisedom and holines of those times Eusebius giues the like reasons of the persecution of Dioclesian Platina in Marcel as Platina observeth saying Eusebius imagineth that it was permitted of God for the corrupt manners with the too much libertie and indulgence of the Christians espetiallie of the Clergie to bridle whose perversnes the divine justice ordained this persecution while he saw dissembling in theire countenance fraud in their hearts and deceite in theire words For these striving among themselves with envie pride enmities hatreds seemed to s●●iour more of a tyrannie then of the Priesthood alltogether forg●tt●ng the Christian pietie and rather profaning then celebrating the divine
THE FALL OF BABYLON IN VSVRPING ECCLESIASTICALL POWER AND OFFICES AND THE MISERABLE ESTATE of them that pertake of her fornications Revelation 18.4 Come out of her my People that ye be not pertarkers of her sinnes and that ye receyve not of her plagues Imprinted in the yeare of our Lord. 1634. THE PREFACE TO THE Reader IT was a question prophetically asked of those times wherein the Church and truth of God should suffer greatest persecution and opposition why doe the Heathen rage Psa 2. and the People imagine a vaine thing The Kings of the Earth set themselves the Rulers take counsell together against the Lord and against his Christ saying Let us breake theire bands asunder and cast theire cords from us But for all these forces and devises of men who are not Iewes indeed Christians indeede but Gentiles and Heathen Yet saith God have I set my King upon my holy hill of Syon and that as he saith to have the Heathen for his inheritance and the ends of the Earth for his possession eyther to rule them by the rod of his power by the revealed word or to break them in pieces like a Potters vessel ●or it had beene s●yde He shall judge among the Nations Isa 2. Well therefore is it added Be wise now therefore o ye Kings be instructed ye Iudges of the earth Serve the Lord with feare c. For as the Church of God in generall so every true member of it will be ready to say Chap. 33. The Lord is our Iudge the Lord is our Lawgiver the Lord is our King and that therefore it were a happy thing if Princes and States would be pleased to consider that they are onely Lords over men properly and directly as they are theire subjects and not as they are Christs Disciples Christians and spiritually his subjects withall that God is not pleased with unwilling worshippers whereby neyther Christian societies are bettered nor the persons themselves For while all are compelled to a conformitie especially if it be in things not according to the word of God many haveing presently theire Religion in respect of mans authority not of Gods become Hypocrites Timeservers and a kinde of Atheists which is worse such men by theire formalitie though they have litle else in them doe oft attaine authority in such Churches and thereby get dominion over mens faith in other things For though in the primitive times the Bishops of Rome had no such ample power yet the fi st step to it was that of imposing conformitie in things devised by men by them counted indifferent and innocent if not proffitable and necessary which power beeing graunted them they soone got authority over all Ministers and People and then so much over Kings that in verie pollicie they thought it theire best course to hold all theire subjects in matters of Religion to the obedience of the Church of Rome rather then to adventure the danger of her displeasure whereby they brought both themselves and theire subjects into a far worfe thraldom then that of the Aegyptian bondage What reason then is there that this power thus Popishly taken up should still be maintayned against the poore subjects From the beginning it was not so For the Ancients finding the burden imposed by Heathen Tyrants to be intollerable sayde Tertull. that it is no propertie of Religion to compell to Religion which ought to be taken up freely that no man is forced by the christians against his will Lactanc seeing he that wants faith and devotion is vnserviceable to God and that God not beeing contentious would not be worshipped of the vnwilling And in deede after he had manifested his whole truth the new Ierusalem his true church if these things would not serve to convince men he saith He that is vniust let him be vniust still and he that is filthie Rev 22. let him be filthie still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still Yet doe I not denie all compulsion to the hearing of Gods word as the meanes to worke religion common to all sorts good and bad much lesse excuse civill disobedience palliated with religious shewes and pretences vsed by Annabaptists others or condemne necessarie restraint of publik idolatrie the excercise of all erronious religions So as these rules of reason be held inviol●ble That the bond betweene Magistrate and subject is essentially civill but religious accidentally only th ugh eminent So that he is only to hinder and punish that which God would have hindred and punished and to cherish that only which God would have cherished and not by the cunning of prevaricators who serve not the Lord Iesus but theire owne bellies to be drawne either to hold them guiltie that follow Gods Testament or those guiltlesse who erre in theire hearts practises because they have not known his waies nor indeede will know them whence it may come to passe that he that persecutes the chu ch of Christ defēdeth the Synagogne of Satan may thinke he doth God service when he hath rather cause to feare that he helpeth his grand enemie the devill I have therefore endeavoured to shew these things in the fall of Babylon and withall that as the christian Magistrate hath his power of Magistracie from God which his Christianitie serves to sanctifie and direct so vndoubtedly he is to vse it for God and his honour and that in his true worship in which he is espetially honoured and only against the contrarie The world doth ring of three complaints 1. When a State professeth the reformed Religion hath Churches governed by Elders as neere as it can to the practise of the primitive Churches yet by a tolleration or connivance gives leave to Annabaptists Arminians Lutherans Papists and others to have Churches in the same Cities 2. When a State is of the Popish Religion and maintaynes it yet both gives absolute tolleration to the reformed Religion and contemnes it as in France 3. When a State professeth the Protestant Religion and withall a hierarchie traditions and Ceremonies which are Romishe commanding all to a conformitie in them and forbidding all confutation of them and of some other Popish Arminian tenets and practises much connived at In the two first men say if Sathan have a Synagogue or Throne in the one ende of a Citie yet Christ hath a Throne in the other his Temple is open and his Servants have libertie to serve him as the primitive Churches did neyther is any man compelled to other they may freely preach write against all errours This cannot be sayde of the third and therefore if a poore Christian that would flie out of Babylon be forced to dwell in one of them let him learne by Christs word in which he ought to take up his habitation THE FALL OF BABYLON IN VSVRPING ECCLESIASTICALL POWER AND OFFICES And the miserable estate of them that pertake of her Fornication THE church
doe what they list in religion shall be sure to be flattered in it as the popes were as soone as ever they grew greate and to have any power over the Clergie and this indeede made them attempt what they list and carrie or obtaine it while verie few durst call it incroaching or corruption such was and such is the fruite of this power in the church and therfore God would neither commit the election or confirmation of his ministers nor the government to one in a diocesse but to the presbyters and members of every church as abovesaide Men will not see these things but if wee tell them these all doe contrarie to the decrees of Christ to stop our mouthes with those Iewes and others of the baser sort they say These all doe contrarie to the decrees of Cesar Act. 17.5.7 saying that there is another King in these cases namely Christ making a verie heinous matter of it that wee are so bold as to affirme it But it were to be wished that they would so give vnto Cesar the things that are Cesars as not to take from God the things that are Gods to give them to Cesar These are things that have been manifested to be Gods Why then will they perswade Kings that they doe God service and shew love to his church his Ierusalem while they strengthen the Prelates that vsurpe these offices suppresse the verie name of the presbiterie and make Princes beleeve that as they doe more or lesse vphold theire hierarchie so God will more or lesse blesse them theirs Wherein they reason like Baronius Baron in an 452 who speaking of the law of Valentinian abovementioned which curtailed the power of Bishops saith That the making of it incensed the wrath of God and caused Attila with the Hunnes to come downe upon the Empire When that was rather because he left them so much power as he did and did not rather reduce them to that order and power wherein the Apostles left them taking away all that which made the word of God in divers particulars of none effect or is contrarie to his ordinances though it had been given them by Emperours or Synods They should have all knowne that it is the King eternall and immortall who is only wise 1. Tim. 1.17 Isa 30.22 Pro. 8. mark that word onelie wise especially in Spirituall things The Lord is our Iudge the Lord is our lawgiver the Lord is our King Christ beeing the wisdom of God saith By me Kings raigne and Princes decree justice that is when what they can they governe according to Gods revealed wisdom Much more then in matters of religion they are not set in the throne to doe and require the doeing of theire owne will but Gods as David acknowledged and therefore saide Give thy judgments ô God thy judgments not mens not mine to the King and thy righteousnes to the Kings Sonne Psa 70.1 2. Chron. 29.23 2 Sam. 22.51 1 Chro. 29 11.12 So it is saide Solomon sate on the throne of the Lord insteade of David his father who is saide to be Gods King Every king therefore should acknowledge God King of his kingdom as David of his Thine o Lord is the greatnes the power the glorie the victorie and the majestie for all that is in the heaven in the earth is thine thine is the kingdom o Lord thou art exalted as head above all that is thē above Kings who beeing set on the throne of the 〈◊〉 that is to see his word his lawes Statutes observed to se● 〈…〉 the righteousnes thereof for then doe they bring theire glorie honour to the new Ierusalem Hos 2.19 then is he maried to them and theire pepole ín righteousnes in judgment in loveing kindnes in mercies as he promiseth that is when Kings make priests and people live and doe according to the order which he appointeth them in his word as both Hezechiah and David himselfe did when he saw Vzza slaine for breaking that order He sits on the throne of the Lord that gives his power strength to God and to his ordinances as the Kings which are the hornes of the Beast gave theire power and strength vnto the Beast to enforce his lawes rites and errours on theire people which was a war against the lambe But at last as is graciously promised The lambe shall overcome them Rev. 17. For he is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings If therefore they will be saide to sit on his throne they must doe the like for Christ against Antichrist and all enemies of his truth seeing God hath set his King vpon his holy hill of Sion to rule all nations in matters of religion and therefore addeth Be wise now therefore o ye Kings Psa 2. Let it not be saide your subjects dwell where Sathan hath his throne for Antichrist or any other David knew the true wisdom when he saide 2. Sam. 22.22 J have kept the waies of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God for all his judgments were before me c. And when in an assemblie of all his Princes Captaines 1. Chro. 28 1.8.9 and 〈…〉 to them Keepe and seeke for all the com● 〈…〉 ●th Solomon and 〈…〉 th●e but if 〈…〉 ●●●●re did God 〈…〉 ●e a King among his Sonnes He w●s a King indee●●or God seeing he thus raigned psa 47.3 and in this ●ense had ever such sayi●gs in his mouth God is the King of all the Earth The shields of the eart● belong unto God For the Lord is a greate God and a grea● King above all Gods The holy one of Israel is our King The prelates and theire adherents say there must be order in the church diocessan Bishops to be over others Objection question and reje● 〈…〉 ●ers God hath not appoin● 〈…〉 therefore Kings and councels 〈…〉 I answer this is to say 〈◊〉 God hath not had a sufficient 〈…〉 ●rch and to accuse his Testament of insufficiencie as if th● 〈…〉 ●d not as well provided for his church in this case as in others when yet for these ends he ordained Elders to be Bishops 〈◊〉 every congregation Now all his ordinances are perfect His worke is perfect Deut 32.4 for all his waies are judgment He is God and changeth not therefore to say that this was only for the times of the Apostles and as the church increased and those times changed the wisdom of men might provide better is a greate presumption yet such hath beene the wisdom of the flesh Act. 15.18 and of the world to thinke so But knowne vnto God are all his works from the begining of the world Men cannot in time better them If the Eldership had not beene sufficient he would either never have ordained it to be so soone abolished or have foretold and given authority to his church to ordaine diocessans This he did not but for bad to adde
march 6. 1632. Yea a greate Bishop in a sermon before the King charged one that writ for the presbyterie with Arianisme whether truly or no I know not for he namd not the man nor the book for feare least his proofes of the presbiterie should be looked into So much do they bewray the rottennesse of theire cause that will not endure touching nor to be looked vpon and in the meane call vpon men to frequent common prayer be obedient and conformable to theire mother the Church c. Beeing willingly ignorant that when of old som began to finde fault with the increase of superstition and tyranie in Romish Prelates Canons they reckoned them Schismatikes willed men to seeke peace stirred them vp to love of common prayer conformitie in ceremonies and externall devotions building of Churches c. Whereby ignorance increased and the truth was daily more and more betrayed and sold till it was too late to reforme them Princes and noble men could not doe it because they beeing nourished in this ceremonious and superstitious part of religion fell themselves into ignorance and so into many quarrels and noisom lusts like the Prelates one growing dissolute another vsu●ping another circumventing killing warring as in France betweene the Kings and the Duks of Burgundie and other Princes In England betweene the howses of yorke and Lancaster the Kings and Rebels they had not a Gospell truly preached to order and aw them so they could not see that all these errours in the Clergie and indeede in themselves came from altering the presbyterall government and giveing such authority to Bishops who for theire owne ends were readie to side with any of them So Protestants in other countries have observed that when the Palatinate was loosing the churches in Germanie France and other parts in greate miserie yet the church of Prelates theire adherents in England did litle helpe them but rather hindred such as would siding with the Duke and others charged by the parliaments to practise secretly for the popish partie or a newtralitie vnder colour that they were conformable to the English discipline and therfore Protestants but at the best that is indeede such as the hierarchie bringeth forth either newters or men of a mixed religion partly popish in the hierarchie Canons and ceremonies most followed and maintained and partly protestant in som points of faith more coldly defended by the most who also seemed to thinke it dangerours to maintaine ancient and honest priveliedges as free elections free speaking and parliamentarie power in searching out and reforming corruptions in church and common wealth both the one and the other beeing by som factious cunningly accounted a puritanicall zeale and a trenching vpon the prerogative of Princes when indeede the prerogative themselves sought to maintaine was only that of corrupt Prelates and favourits who have abused our Kings with such incensings and whisperings as the protestations of the parliaments laboured to manifest It is no neede to tell how they were prevented or that thereupon greate divisions followed both at that time and since especially in religion The Prelates not enduring that the howse of Commons should medle with it nor with the most notorious delinquents that did but favour theire partie who thus strove to helpe and vphold one another what ever became of the cause of Christ at home or abroade Gal. 5.9 Not to mention what boldnes and corruption this hath since bred in other inferiour bodies and government A litle leaven leaveneth the whole lumpe The french and other Protestants say theese are the fruits of maintaining the hierarchie and ceremonies which are Popish and so serve many for a cloak of poperie or trecherie or Arminianisme or prevarication or persecution or newtralitie or what a man will whereby the English haue beene brought into greate contempt theire peace thus attained beeing scorned as savouring of corruption or Newtralite in Religion and as more helping to support then ruin Babylon and her chiefe fort and wall the howse of Austria and as thus haveing lost theire honour both abroade and at home The Bishops could cover all this and turne the fault vpon the puritans that would not flatter as themselves did And yet in all this like the Romanists they bluster with the name authority and wisdom of Christs Church whether they be truly of it or the world The name Church if the Greeke word be considered signifieth coetus evocatus a companie or people called out Coetus evocatus as Israel out of Egypt or men out of darknesse ignorance or worldlinesse How few are thus called out of poperie temporising and earthlinesse I know divers Ministers that have subscribed are in all other things of the reformed Religion and thorowly called out of poperie save onely that for feare of loosing theire liveings they dare not see one part of it in the case of the hierarchie things that are against the presbiterie But consider the Church of England as the Bishops that govern it account it in themselves and theire adherents in a Synod called the Church representative and maintaining theire power canons and ceremonies with the fruits and practises of them who can say it is coetus evocatus Much lesse if you vnderstand it of halfe a dozen of Prelates that are courtiers in a manner ruling all are followed and flattered by many temporising Clergie men and a world of ignorant gentlemen and people And what if one corrupt Bishop get into such favour as to rule all the rest shall he like the Pope account himselfe the Church Not onely all these ill fruits but all that are in the Church of Rome came from altering that order of Bishops which the Apostles left by setting one presbyter of a greate citie over the rest and giving him first a litle authority as President of theire councell and then a litle more till he came to be accounted the sole Bishop of a diocesse And therfore as cunning Clarks as they make themselves our saviour may in these cases say of them If you were blinde Ioh. 9.41 if ye did confesse your blindnesse if ye had not the light of Gods word to shew it to you ye should haue no sinne But now ye say wee see chap. 101. therfore your sinne remaineth He that entreth not by the doore into the sheepefold but climeth vp another way the same is a thiefe and a robber I am the doore As he is the word of the father that revealeth him so is he the doore If a man come with any other Doctrine then the word revealed or enter by any other way to be a Pastor or Governour of the Church then such lawfull election and mission as is ordained in the word if he enter by any other rule office authority or title then such as the word alloweth he is a theefe and a robber that commeth not but for to steale a hireling as the Pharises were They complaine of lecturers as vnlawfull yet none
must complaine of them Men will not see theese things This peoples heart Mat. 13.15 saith he is waxed grosse and theire eares are dull of hearing and theire eyes haue they closed c. When Christ commeth he will distinguish the sheepe from the goates and know them by this mark as himselfe saith My sheepe heare my voice If ye continue in my word then are ye my Disciples indeede my sheepe indeede otherwise not This is as well true of them that are at Synods as at Sermons both the one and the other beeing but conventicles if they continue not in the word but teach or receive for doctrines precepts of men A diocessan Bishop would like a player seeme to be that which he is not namely a Bishop of the new Testament when yet he makes them of none effect and so is an hypocrit by his office one that saith not against him that would have presbyters restored this man is against Gods ordinance but against the Doctrine of our Church a custom or a canon of a councell and therfore an hipocrit but if Christ shall say to this vsurper depart I know you not I ordained no such offices no such canons who is then the hypocrit It is true indeede that among the many orders of the Popish Religion diocessan Bishops and theire officials are the most ancient and that secular Priests which anciently were presbyters did before the Nicene councell differ litle from the presbiters Christ ordained save that Bishops had wrunge most of the government out of they re hands but when loosing power in excommunication they also became subject to the Bishops and to be governed by theire Lawes Rules and canons as they all by the Pope they left and lost Christs marke tooke on them the marke of the Beast But then as they had made the presbiterie of none effect so the Regulars supplanted them There are many orders of these Regulars or Monles who haveing obtained of Boniface 4. and others after him to have the administation of the word and Sacraments got the hearing of mens confessions and by degrees stole from Bishops and Priests all that reputation which they had with the people and became the stoutest champions of the papacie in all the designes thereof as is at large proved in Plesses his Historie of the papacie progress 51. c. These were the Augustines Benedictines Iacobines Heremits Carthusians but especially the Dominicans and Franciscans Cordiliers and Capuchins and last of all the Iesuits and fathers of the Oratorie These and others have all theire severall Rules and so are severall Religions Yet they all have the marke of the Beast They all hold of him and for him not of Gods word nor for it And so ye have seene also that English Bishops and theire officials Deanes Prebends Subdeanes Archdeacons pettie canons and the like doe not hold theire authority and right in theire orders to execute theire offices from Gods word but from other rotten principles and have taken them from the custom and authority of the Pope Church of Rome or from a child or a woman Edward 6. or Queene Elizabeth that to hold them vpon any such humane authority or to say the word of God giveth leave so to hold them is to change the truth of God into a lie and to worship serve the creature more then the creator For of Christs Testament they doe not nor cannot hold them If they say from the Nicence councell wee have seene the weaknes of that hold in this perticular and indeede that as well many of the ancient as of the later councels have in many things beene carried by mens private interests and practises as appeareth among other Testimonies by an Epistle of Bishop Iewel annexed to the Historie of the councell of Trent and further that Bishops had not then theire courts and such power as afterwards and as they now have in England where in the Reformation it was set vp in the same power the Popish Bishops had enjoyed if not in greater because they were freed from the tyranie of the Pope and lastly that none of all these have the Testimonie of Iesus for theire orders offices and Rules They are not of that Temple or Church militant which Iohn saw but of the owter court though neerer the Temple and Altar then the Papists For all that are of that Temple have the Testimonie of Iesus as well for theire offices as Doctrines which you see none other have but presbiters Pastors helpers and Deacons Not excluding such Majestrates and people as are of the reformed Religion these church orders and no other have his marke who when he is ready to powre out his last plague on Babylon and other cities saith behold I come as a theife Rev. 16.15.16 Where I thinke he meaneth in that last plague against all Antichristian adversaries and in the voyces thunders the exceeding greate earthquake and haile and the fall of Babylon which are of it accompanie it or follow soone after it as Revel 2. Repent or else I will come vnto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth For then it is that the Angel crieth Babylon the greate is fallen is fallen and is become the habitation of deuils c. Then Babylon comes in remembrance before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fircenesse of his wrath and therefore he addeth Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments least he walke naked and they see his shame that is in lusts and ignorance or worshipping the Beast or his Image or receiving his marke in part or in whole For they that would not doe this though they may come into trouble for the witnesse of Iesus and for the word of God yet these seaven plagues take not hold of them Luk. 21.36 they watch and are thought worthy to escape these things they raigne with Christ and have part in the first resurrection Rev. 13. God therefore sends vs to see when this vial is powred out or at least to heare that voyce It is donne or that Babylon is fallen is fallen c. Which seeme to follow close after the powring out of the seaventh vial that it may drive vs to repentance before such lamentable iudgments fall on vs at least on all them who pertaking with her in her sinnes are sure to receive of her plagues a thing that is not enough regarded by many in England Christ also comes as a thiefe in the last day And then when he shall looke on the soules of many who have had voices in Synods upon the soules of many a preacher of many an officer and many a hearer and shall see there is little in them but the Canons and ceremonies of the pretended church and a reverent opinion of them because of theire pretended antiquitie or if they have knowledge and zeale in many other things as the Papists have in some they withall have zeale and ignorance
misteries But what then saith he doe we think will becom of our age Wherein our vices are increased to that height that they haue scarce left for vs a place of mercie with God How litle Religion is there and that rather dissembled then true he might haue saide and that rather after mens inventions then Gods ordinances what corrupt manner c. Eusebius say more yet I haue chosen to allege him in Platinaes words to keepe malicious mindes from pretending deceite in alleadging it Men may well thinke that when with constantine there entred such a deale of peace and plentie there must needes be more corruption Theire owne Authors shew it for Baronius saith Baron in 324. art 78. 79. Constantine in the 24 yeare of his raigne ordained that the Bishops should from that time forward haue the same Priueliedges which the idolatrous Priests had enjoyed in times past They had saith he as chiefe among them Rex Sacrificulus who in solemne feasts was wont to watch and haue an eye ouer the rest They had also theire Soueraigne Pontife Pontifex Maximus Arbitrator of all questions arising among them and who can think saith he that Constantine could longe endure that these should exceede Christians in pompe and glorie He might haue saide that the Bishops of Rome could long endure it Howsoeuer this was the goodly reason of theire greatnes contrarie to that of Christ Luk. 22. the Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship ouer them c. but ye shall not be so Yet Baronius sheweth the Pope and Cardinals to haue the honour in riding clothing and other things that these Pontifes had It appeares in Platina on the like of Eleutherus that the power of Bishops Archbishops and Patriarchs was taken from the example of these pagans they were then onely held in titles of like nature but now in the power pompe and riches of them Polidor Virgil also acknowledgeth that many things haue com into the Church of Rome from the Hebrewes the ancient Romans De invent rerum l. 5. c. 1. Book of the Iubile see the Root of Romish Rites and other Pagans M. Derlincourt proueth this out of the Bishop of Mande Gratian and divers others of their owne Authors and among other things that the dignities and power of Bishops Archbishops and Patriarchs were taken from the heathen And for theire wealth Cedrenus in his Historie saith that Constantine in the 26 and 27 yeares of his Empire laboured to pull downe the idols and to conuey theire rents and revenues to the Churches From this greatnes of dignitie and wealth there soone followed a greatnes of power and tyranie in imposing the Romish Lawes aboute supremacie worshipping of images praying to Saints single life of Priests purgatorie pardons and the like Was not Babylon fallen in all this Was not here a manifest change of Christs ordinances aboute Bishops and other things Excommunication was at first a punishment inflicted by many not of one But they haueing made one breach 2. Cor. 6. and 2. Thess 3 14. Histor of the counc of Trent l. 4. p. 331. to set vp a kinde of diocessan Bishops the mysterie of iniquitie could not rest there but as one saith the members of the Churches neglecting theire duties at last left all to the Bishops who out of ambition embraced it and the persecutions ceasing erected a tribunall which was much frequented That yet they judging honestly at the first Constantine made a Law that there should lie no appeale from the Sentences of the Bishops which authority they abusing that Law aboute 70 yeares after was revoked by Arcadius and Honorius and one made that they should not be thought to haue a court which was executed in Rome it selfe and after by Valentinian strengthened by another Law to that purpose This was not digging vp the roote of the mysterie of iniquitie by taking away this diocessan power and restoring the Eldership whereof not onely Princes but euen Clergie men were now growne ignorant but lopping the branches which after grew and spread more then euer for this power thus taken away was restored by Justinian who 500 yeares after Christ established vnto them a court and audience And after the power of Bishops greatly increased when they came to be Councellours to King and Princes and to beare offices vnder them as to be Chancellours Treasurors and the like Whereby theire Canons power traditions and Ceremonies came to be receiued with the greater authority and no man durst gainsay them were they never so superstitious popish and tyranicall All this came from theire first presumptions in not abiding in the ordinance and Wisdom of God touching the Edership as they were willed but giue●ng a kinde of authority and superintendencie to the Pastor or Bishop of greate cities ouer the lesser townes and all presbiters aboute them For thus Bishops by that meanes encroached from one step to another till at last the verie name of the presbiterie grew odious vnto them as it doth now to the Bishops and theire defenders in England where all proofes of it are prohibited and more carefully kept from Princes and people then any Popish Doctrine and as if they were as dangerous as the Blasphemies of Arrius and other monsters And thus blinded by ambition coueteousnes and flatterie they despise the Law of the Lord Amos. 2. and theire lies caused them to erre after which theire Fathers walked they would rather doe as theire Fathers had donne and taught then as God commaunded And thus wee see that the Lord may say vnto them Mal. 3.7 Euen from the dayes of your Fathers ye are gon away from mine ordinances and haue not kept them And which is a greater mischiefe the antiquitie of this wicked wandring is made an authority against the old and good way as against a foolerie and against all that seeke it as against Hypocrites fooles and Schismatikes By reason whereof Ier. 6.10 men talke in vaine that tell them of Gods ordinance or the new Ierusalem wherein they shall be restored they cannot hearken Behold the word of the Lord is vnto them a reproach Hos 6.12 they haue no delight in it God writeth to them the greate things of his Law but they are counted as a strange thing groundles and mad opinions worthy imprissonment banishment and what not It is a wonderfull thing that men should professe to liue in the light and obedience of the Gospel and yet like hypocrites despise it in any thing as they doe in matter of the presbiterie and those gracious promises of the new Ierusalem which are confirmed and sealed in the new Testament with the blood of the Sonne of God I confesse it is thus in many of the gentrie and commons because they are not suffred to see any proofes of it If any be not willing to see them that is worse But in the Prelates many Clergie men yea and som Princes who haue seene proofs of theese things or