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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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the conscience is not afraide off any winde or weather off any storme or tempest when as it staieth yt selfe vpon the lorde and followeth him in that waie wheren he goeth before Furthermore they that are gouerned can by no meanes better be browght to doe there dewtie ād persuaded to doe that which they owght then when they vnderstād that it is the lordes will and cōmandemēt whose embassador the mynister is For they reuerēce only that authoritie which they knowe to be off god hereoff we haue a manifest example in Dauid whome it staied oftētime being readie to fall and oftentimes also raised vp againe being beaten downe to the grounde that he came not to the kingdome by his owne ambicion as his enemies falselie blamed him but by the authoritie off god who called him and off Samuell the Prophete who by the Lordes cōmandemēt had anoynted him The maiestie and authoritie off which creacion at the last so moued all Israell that is to saie the ten tribes which for the space off seuē yeres were not obedient vnto him that they receiued him willinglie for there king whome before they had disdained For this cause also S. Paule so diligentlie almost in the beginning off euerie Epistle calleth him selfe an Apostle and seruante off God. For this cause also he taketh so greate paynes in his Epistles to the the Corinthes to proue his Apostleshippe which some false brethren sowght to take from him that by that meanes they might dyminishe his credite and authoritie with the churche Neyther in deede was he more confirmed by any thing in his infinite perilles trobles and labors which he bare for the Gospells cause then that he assured him selfe off the aide and assistaunce off God in the discharge off that dewtie vnto which he was appointed by him Which great fruyte and commoditie iff it maie moue vs let vs tarie ād waite for the Voice of God to call vs to beare office in his churche and let vs first be assured most plainlie and manifestlie that we are called thereunto by his gouernment and authoritie Lest that hauing entred in by the backe dore we finde the lorde to be punisher and Auenger off this ambycion the people disobedient and vntowarde and our owne consciences shaking and trembling not only at greate and vndowbted daungers but at euerie bugge and at the shaking off euerie leafe Therfore the authoritie off God is to be wayted for to the taking in hand or bearing off any ecclesiasticall office and so to be waited for that we ambiciouslie seke yt not by any disceitfull or vnhonest meanes And let no man boast here off his giftes and worthynes and in confidence thereof as a suter seke and laboure for honor For How fytte soeuer he semeth to be for any charge and office yet no thing is here to be taken rashelie in hand without the authoritie off God who will vse in his affaires whome it pleaseth him It is rehearsed in the holie historie off the iudges off what a meruoulons strengthe and mete for a Prince Sampson was yet notwithstanding iff he had not bene borne the Nazarite off the Lorde and chosen and apointed from his Mothers wombe to deliuer the people he owght not to haue sowght vengeaunce off the Philistines or to haue deliuered his owne countrey from there power and gouernment but rather to haue excercised that greate strengthe and might as Arrius writeth that Philoctetes bestowed his dartes vpon birdes and not vpon his armed enemies Neither had it bene lawfull for Salomon to haue taken in hand the gouernment off the kingdome off Israell to put in practise that excellent and worthie gifte off wisdome and gouernment in yt except the Lorde had first chosen him to succede in the princelie throne off his father Dauid and the administracion his his kingdome And worthelie were Absalon and Adoniah reiected who thinking them selues worthie toke that honor vnto them that he who was chosen by the Lorde and thought worthie by him might rule and gouerne As also was Core in the like case and the rest off his faction And after also king Vzziah desyring honors and places besides the good will and pleasure off god For the Lorde knoweth how to rule his familie and whateuerie man is to be put in trust withall according to that honestie and credite that he knoweth euerie one to be off So that he that resteth not in his iudgement but wolde haue and seketh by all meanes to procure vnto him selfe more then the Lorde hath geuen him must nedes accuse him off folishenes or off malice and therfore be giltie off most grieuous and haynons sinne And let them not obiecte against vs that sayinge off the Apostell that He that desireth the office off a Bishoppe desireth a good thing to proue and cōfirme this ambicious sewing and laboring for the ministerie whereas yt is so farr off that these wordes should kindle and enflame vs hereunto that contrariwise the Apostle semeth by these wordes to haue sowght to bridle our hastie desyre For whereas the Apostle saith that the office off a Bishoppe is a worthie worke to what ende thincke we doth he call yt so but therewithall to admonishe vs how hard yt is and that it requireth a man both off singuler learning and godlines For so yt followeth that Bishoppe owght to be off an honest and blameles life sober temperate liberall meke apte to teache and so forth And this is the worthines off the off ce off a Bishoppe which the Apostle sheweth in this place and which he so meruaileth at in other places that he thincketh no man mete to take so greate a charge vpon him By which dignitie and worthines off the office the Ambicion off men is rather quenched then kindled For vnderstanding thereby how greate and waightie a calcalling it is we are warned to take hede that we run̄e not rashelie to it but rather that we prepare our selues long before with all studye care and diligence for the bearing off so greate a burthen As for the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to couette or desire yt is ill alledged for the profe off any ambicious seking off the mynisterie Whereas the Apostle vnderstandeth a godlie zeale to set furthe the glorie off god and to edifie his churche which wisheth and desireth indeede to be made able once by the grace off God to serve him and his churche in that calling which meditateth and thinketh dailie hereupō and exerciseth and prepareth him selfe thereunto bestowyng wholie all studie and laboure to that ende yet notwithstāding waiteth for the voice off God and authoritie off the churche to call him and by an vnripe and headie desire or ambicious kinde off hastines preuenteth not the tyme off his calling We reade that Christe our Sauior him selfe althoughe he were endewed with all heauenlie wisdome yet laie he hidde as yt were without exercising any publique office to the thyrtie yere off his age and taried for that
voice of his father whereby being declared the Beloued sonne of God in whome only the father was well pleased he might be sent out to goe off his embassage ▪ he had disputed indeede once before with the Doctors in the Tēple but that was no full execuciō off any publique office but as yt were a certeine florishe ād plaieng at wasters whereby he prepared him selfe vnto a full combate and a greater battel Lykewise did the Apostles who did not thrust them selues in to the churche without his cōmanmandement and apointment but waited for that voice Goe preache the Gospell and baptize those which beleue The same modestie appeared in the Bishoppes of the primitiue churche so lōg as it cōtinewed vncorrupted and in goode estate for after as they were not afraide to enter into the churche by fraud and doceyte so being once entred in they behaued them selues in yt with like faithfullnes and modestie that they entred in whie doe we not therfore bridle this posting and spurring for the mynisterie and contenting our selues with the godlie and zealous desire off our mynde and our laboure and studie to prepare our selues thereunto flee and avoide this shamefull ambicion These so notable and worthie examples let vs esteme as a lawe made against Ambicion which yff we shal be so bolde as to transgresse let vs assure our selues that one daie in a most solempne courte and assemblie we shal be charged with Ambicion Neyther only in the office off a Bishoppe but in all other Ecclesiasticall charges this woyng off places and offices owght to be estemed vnmette and vnworthie for the modestie off any Christian man and how muche better were yt to send backe againe this laboring for offices and sutorlike care vnto Rome from whence yt came For as muche then as greate fruite ys lost by this ambicious seking for offices and honor which they reape who are fully persuaded off there calling and off the wille off God appointing them thereunto Seing also the examples off our Sauior Christe off his Apostles off the purer and primitiue churche doe call vs from yt and exhortethe vs to all sobernes and modestie and that hereby greate wrong is done vnto God whose authoritie is not waited for and that bothe the Lordes ordinaunce and our owne proffitte and commoditie calleth vs backe from this hunting after places and and offices Let vs at the lengthe amende the custome which we haue that to come flocking from all partes to that place where orders as we call them by a popishe name are geuen by the bishoppe to seke and sewe for them to bring letters off Lordes or Iustices or some other off our frendes in our commendacion and fauoure Fynally Let vs amend whatsoeuer yt is whereby a lawfull calling may be corrupted and stained and now at the Lengthe which we owght to haue done long agoe Let vs decree according to the worde off God that no man hereafter sewe for any calling in the churche Let euerie man more shamefastlie and modestlie offer his labour and diligence Let all men kepe them selues at home and there abyde and wayte for the voice off God and authoritie off those who are chosers to the taking vpon him off any ecclesiasticall charge or function There do yet remaine certaine thinges to be spooken off ecclesiasticall officers touching the execucion off that office wherunto they be called Off which the first is that the vocacion wandre not freely wher it listethe but be ioined with a charge off some certeine place and churche For yt is not here as yt is in the profession off the arts that we should esteeme thes orders as certein commendacions and the churches allowinge off any mans worthines as it is in them that by the Iudgment and authoritie off the vniuersities are preferred to the profession off the liberall sciences or off the cyuall law or phisick or any other such like For they haue none apointed them whom they should teache or heale or geue counsell vnto or wher they should exercise ther profession but as they see it commodious for them selues go to thos places which they thinck fyttest for them or iff they thinck good sit idle at home But the ministers apointement ought not to be suche that hauinge receiued as it were the commendacion and allowance of lerned men they should after provide a place for them selues as they thought most commodious or ells sit idle all ther life tyme at vome iff they list For thes admissions and allowances off studentes are geuen vnto thē as honors and rewardes which haue no more labor hanginge vpon thē then they list and iudge to be profitable for them But thes honors are suche that men are rather chareged then preferred by them and indeed rather to be esteemed burthens then honors whose nature is suche that as gardaynshipppz are graunted not for his cause who is chosen but rather for theirs who haue neede off their care helpe and labor So that iff ther be no suche in the churche ther is no cause off apointinge any to ecclesiasticall charges Therfore the Apostles did at no tyme appoint mynisters or deacons that afterwards should prouide them selues churches wher they should teache or whos treasury they should ouersee or ells be idle if they would but they ordeined deacons Pastors and Elders as the necessytie off the churche did require Thus we reede in the sixth off the Actes that when the state off the churche off Ierusalem did require the Apostles ordeined deacons ouer the treasury off that churche to see the orderinge off it and the prouision for widowes and pore folkes Thus also Paule and Barnabas in the xiiij off the actes ordeined elders in euery churche and neyther lefte the churches as orphanes with out any to care and prouide for them neither apointed any elders but vnto suche certen chuches as had need off them So also Sainct Paule expressely commandeth Titus whom he hade left in Crete to set the churches in order that he should appoynt Elders in euery citye that is to say wher ther was any churche or nomber off thos that beleeued And for this same cause I thinck ther is scarcely any wher in the holy scriptures mencion made off Elders and Deacous wher together with all is not mencioned the name off the churche place or cytie wher in they did exercise ther office Thus Paule in the Epistle to the Philippians maketh mencion off ther Bishoppes and Deacons Thus also also Sainct Luke writethe in the Actes Sainct Paule sent for the Elders off Ephesus and that the churche off Antioche sent vnto the Aoostles and Elders at Ierusalem aboute the question off Circumcision And also in Saint Peter writinge to the churches wchich wer scattered in Pontus and Galatia in the fifte chapiter I exhort saithe he the Elders which ar amonges yow that is to say the Elders which are set ouer your seuerall churches And in the same place he
succeded by inheritance vnto the Apostles and therfore haue receyued yt off them allthoghe I should graunt them the first the second yet is disprouued by most manyfest testimonies and examples of the appostles them selues For let vs see iff euer the Apostles in any election did challendge this power and authoritie vnto them Sainct Luke writeth off thre elections holden by the appostles the fyrst in the fyrst off the Actes wher a new Apostle is chosen The second in the sixth wher the Seacons the third in the fourtenthe wher the Elders ar appointed in euery church For althoughe the Apostles did not choose Matthias But left it to the Lott which should declare the Lordes will and counsell therin because this was proper and peculier for that office off Apostles that they should not be chosen off men nor by men But immediatly from the Lord him selfe yet in settinge forth two ther is a certene kind off choise and election But what is ther in all this actiō that either Iames whome some say to haue bene Bishopp at Ierusalem or P●●er or any off the other Apostles doth take vnto him selfe For althoughe that Sainct Luke declareth that Iames was present heere yet we reade not that he was cheefe ther or tooke vpon him as he was Bishoppe authority to appointe an Apostle Or ells thos two off whom one should be chosen by the Lott But contrawise we see that he challenged no more to him selfe then either Andrew or Philipp or any other off the rest off the Apostles In deed Peter as Proloquutor propoundethe all the matter and purteth vp as yt wer this grace vnto the churche off chosinge an Apostle And he him self declareth what one they ought to choose and what especially in ther election they ought to respect and regard But vsed no particuler or special autoritie in choosinge the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They sett forthe Which is off the plurall nomber vsed by Sainct Luke in that place dothe manyfestly declare and proue Therfore in this first and solemne election off the Apostles ther was nothinge done or said from whence this infynite power and authoritie may be deriued vnto the Bishoppes But contrariwise seinge Iames taketh nothinge to him selffe nor Peter nor any other off the rest nay seinge all the Apostles togeether doe nothinge heere off ther owne authoritie nor choose whom yt pleasethe them It is sure and manifest that That Bishopp that will not take him selfe greater then an Apostle or then all the Apostles can by no right challendge to hym selffe any suche power or priuiledge in gyuinge and apointinge the offices off the churche But Let yt be that this election for the choice off Mathias and the great office and callinge wherevnto he was chosen had somewhat singuler and extraordinary and let vs see the next that is the election off the Seacons written by Saincte Luke in the sixthe chapter off the Actes wherin ik is so farr off that Peter or Iames or any other off the Apostles challenged any thinge aboue the rest vnto them selues in choosinge off them that contrariwise ther was nothinge done but by the common consent and agreement off them all For Sainct Luke dothe expressly declare that the multitude off the disciples we called togeether by the twelue that the choosinge off Seacōs was propoūded by the twelue and that the election beinge ended the praiers were made and handes laid on by the twelue For allthoughe they did not all call them to geether nor propounde the election nor make the praiers yet so expresse a speakinge as Sainct Luke vseth heere That the tvvelue called the disciples together and the words off the plurall nombre which he vsethe in euery place off this history do manyfestly proue that nothing was done heere by the priuate commandement or counsell off any but that cōtrariwise all thinges passed by the com̄on consent and authoritie off all the Apostles Therfore in this second and most solemne election bothe for the presence off all the Apostles and multitude off the disciples They take the repulse againe and can not obteyne this immesurable and princely authoritie in the churche which they seeke to haue The last is the election off Elders written in the fourtenth off the Actes which was heeld not by all the Apostles but only by Paule and Burnabas wherin althoughe they two ruled all the actiō and did moderate and gouerne the Iudgment off those that gaue the voices yet that they vsed no power and authoritie off ther owne in electinge the Elders off the churche euen that one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chosinge by liftinge vp off the handes off the people doth manyfestly declare Therfore the Bishopps receyued not this authoritie by inheritance from the Apostles whose elections I haue declared to haue beene furthest off from this lordly authoritie For so they had bene taught off Christ that his kingdome was notlike the kingdomes off this world wherin some one hathe the chiefe authoritie to whome the rest ought to obey and whom they call ther Lord an master But he had appointed ●oir greatest or greater then his fellowes they had lerned that he was only king to whom all ought to be obedient and that they ought to lyue togeether like fellows in equall place and degree one with an other But they flee from the Apostles to the Euāgelistes And that fauour they could not get off the Apostles they hope to atteyne by them therfore they fetche the begynninge off this power and authoritie from Tymothie and Titus loff whom they say the one was bishop at Ephesus and the other in Candy And Timothie say they was commanded that he should not lay on his handes to rashly vpon any which commandement had bin in vayne iff the election off ministers had not beene in the Bishopps handes But I aske them how they proue that Tymothe was bishoppe at Ephesus For I thinck they will not bringe me that subscriptiō To Tymothe first chosen bishoppe off Ephesus much lesse Eusebius authorite the Author wheroff is vnknowne and off no great credit which also is not sett at the end off the first epistle against the most manifest testimoni off the Scripture which callethe Tymothie not a Bishoppe but an Euangelist for so Sainct Paule expresly calleth hym in the ende off his secōd epistle vnto him And the whole history prouethe that it cannot be that he could haue taried long at Ephesus who followed Paule trauelinge throughe so many churches and serued him in his iourny whom Paule himselfe doth witnes in mani places to haue beene an eye witnes off his afflictions whome he sent some tymes to Ephesus namely when he went into Macedonia sometymes to Corinth witnessinge that he did the lordes worck euen as he him selfe As also to the Rom. he calleth him his follow laborer as one that labored to gee●her her with him in plantynge and orderinge off churches and last ●ff all that ther may be no way
for I se no cause whithis may not aswel bee referred to all the maner off ordeininge of thē as to that which followeth Therfore that at the last I may cōclude all this matter The Euāgelistes ar no more Patrōes for this matter then the Apostles wer neyther is ther any the lest deed or word off eny off them wherby this tyranny may be allowed Therfore let them confesse as the thinges in deed That this mischife was borne and bred at Rome which after together with the empier spred it selfe ouer into all landes But all the question off the chosers off Ecclesiasticall officers is not yet thus ended For all thoughe I haue concluded owte off the worde off god that one man can not vsurpe this power without tyranny yet here arise new pleas and controuersies And it is doubted whether this be equally to be permitted vnto all or only vnto certene chosen men that exercise ordinarie Iurisdiction in the churche As for me when I consider both the holy scriptures and the exāple off the best reformed churches I thinck it most agreing with the will off God that that Senate and counsell which exercisethe ordinary authoritie in all the affaires off the churche and whom for the same cause the Apostle calleth leaders and ouer seers and exhorteth the church to obey them an suffer it selffe to be ruled by thē shold also haue most a doe in this busynes to gouerne the Electiō and to guyde and direct the iudgmēt of the rest of the churche with ther wisdōe and authoritie Neither do I bring in heere any Oligarky or tyrannous rule off a few and reteyne still the same tyranny in the churche chaunginge only the persons For I would not that the iudgment off the rest off the churche should be contemned and neglected or that the counsell or elders off the churche should off ther owne authoritie sett one ouer the churche whom they list against the churches will but that the Elders goinge before the people also follow and hauinge hard and vnderstorde ther sentence and decree may either by some outward token or ells by ther sylence allow it iff it be to be liked off or gayne say it iff it be not iust and vpright And not only gayne say yt but iff iust cause of ther dislikinge may be brought make it alltogether voyde and off none effect vntill at the last a meete one may be chosen by the authoritie and voices off the Elders and allowed off by the consent and approbacion off the rest off the churche So that herein ther is no cause to cōpleine that by the bringing in off the rule of a fewe the maiesty off the wholl church is diminished we read in deed that it was some what otherwise practized in the sixth and fourthēet off the Actes ād that the people had the chiefe power and authoritie in thos elections but that me thinck was done for a speciall cause which doth not in like maner belonge vnto vs neither ought to be referred to the ordinary and perpetuall gouernment of the church For as in cōmon welthes not only suche wher the people is to be made soueraigne or a few but also euē wher the kingdome of one is to be established before it be confirmed all the power is in the peoples handes who of ther free will choose magistrates vnto them vnder whos autoritie they may after be gouerned and afterwardes not all the people but only the magistrates chosen by them administer and gouerne the affaires off the common wealthe So it cometh to passe in the establishinge off the churche So that when as yet ther were none set ouer them all the authoritie was in all mens handes but after that they had once geuen the helme into the handes off certē chosen men this power no lenger belonged vnto all but only to thos who wer chosen by them to steare and gouerne the churche off god As for the election off Seacons ther was yet an other especiall reason why yt was meet that they should haue beene chosen all the churche For when the Grecians murmured against the hebrues and complained that they had wronge for that in the distribucion which was dailie made for the help off the poore ther widowes were not dewly regarded It was need full that they to whom this charge was to be cōmitted should be chosen by all the company that all occasiō off complayninge and suspicion might be taken away therfor that which once extra ordinarilie was done by the people for certen speciall and particuler causes and respectes ought not to be referred to the perpetuall certē stable and ordinary maner of gouerninge the church Althoughe euen in this election the Apostles reserued vnto themselues the chiefe authoritie of ●●yinge on of hādes and allowing or dissalowinge the iudgmentes and voices off the people which power and authoritie seinge in the very tyme off the Apostles thē selfes and that by ther allowynge yt was trāslated to the Ecclesiasticall consell and the Elders that had the ordinari gouernment as after in dew place shall appere whi shall I not thinck that the power also of examininge and doinge of other thinges that perteine to the electiō is to gether with the other translated vnto them Therfor keepinge the right libertie off the churche I conclude oute iff the word off god and the examples off the Apostles That no thinge be done not only against the god will theroff or vnknowinge to the same but also not with out the consent and approbation off it But we must keepe also the iust authoritie off the elders that they goe before the people in the election that they try and examin thos that a●e to be chosen that they iudge off ther worthines and publishe vnto the church whom they haue thought mee●e and worthie that beinge allowed by the consent off a●● they may bey receiued for thus the wholl body off the churche is b●st preserued when euery part and membre doth his office when the eyes do see and leade the waye and the other partes suffer them selues to beled and guided in the way But the Elders in elections as also in all the rest off the gouernment off the churche ar as E●es vn●o the rest and leade and direct them that either through ignorance or beinge blinded with ther owne desires they slyde not in the way For which causes I said they ar called gouernors Ouer seers and Elders And how shall the people be able to iudge off the diuers giftes off the Spirit off god to chose this man to gouerne that to teache and an other to ouerse the treasury off the churche for as thes be diuers offices so to discharge them well they had neede to be indewed with diuerse guiyftes off the holie ghost that be chosen therunto as after shal be declared more at large in ther seuerall offices But euery man is not able to iudge off thes diuerse guyftes which ar fitt for what purpose and at
finishe and perfect it and off the other parte a iudge ād a reuēger if he did cōtemne and neglect it Therfore S. Paule stirring vp Timothe to the diligēt discharge of his dewtie in all partes maketh menciō off layinge on of hādes warning him that he neglecte not that place and calling which he was called vnto for to prophesie by the layinge on off the handes off the Elders Furthermore ther is yet an other vse off this ceremony which belongeth to the confirminge and strenghtning off him that is chosen who was admonyshed therby to remember that the same hād was allways ready to helpe to ease his burden and to beare him vp that had laid it vpon hym that being assured to haue been called to his office off god he might execute yt with great corage being terrified with no feare or daunger The second vse and cōmoditie hereoff that perteyneth vnto the churche is that they seinge this authoritie to be off god and the partie set ouer them in his name should acknowledge and lerne to reuerence thos that haue care and charge ouer them and to be obedient vnto them in such thinges as perteine vnto ther office And this is the right vse off that layinge on off handes which is vsed in the ordering off ministers Which being left and forsaken the Papistes and we that with out any iudgment keep ther fond and foolishe Traditions vse an other sorte which was neuer practized in ordeininge off the Officers off the churche But in geuing off the giftes of the holie ghost to all thos that beleeued and were baptized not that Ordinary laying on off handes the vse wheroff ought allwais to remaine in the church but that which was extraordinary and serued only for a certen tyme and season For by cause the Apostles when they as the stewardes off God did distribute the holy ghost that is to say the diuers and manifold giftes off the spirit to them that embraced religion vsed this signe and as it wer this sacrament off laying on off handes Thes Ioly fellowes who notwithstandinge that power off geuinge the holie ghost was ceased kept still the signe ād laying ther handes vpō the priestes bad them receyue the holy ghost which no man gaue them no nor cold geue them onlesse yt were extraordinarilie this beinge proper to those tymes and to the apostles only neither do they consider that this ceremony is farr vnlike the other which they vsed to the ordeininge off the officers off the churche for this was wont to be vsed in those dayes all most to all the faithfull The other to thos only that had some charge in the church and that when they gaue the guiftes off the holy ghost extra ordinarilie This was nothing so as may plainly appere out off the places which I haue named aboue both off Paule and Barnabas and also off the Deacons And as for Paule that he had receyued the holy ghost and was endewed with thos extraordinary guyftes before that handes were laid vpon him on this sort It may be proued by that that Christ had appered vnto him from heauen and made him a worthie vessell to beare his gospell into all partes so that streight way he preached in the synagoges and declared Christ to be the sonne off god As for Barnabas Sainct Luke doth plainly witnes that he was full off the holy ghoste wherby I vnderstand the extraordinary guistes and off faithe whome also before he testified to haue bene one off those that first professed the Gospell so that the laying on off handes which followed in the xiij off the actes was no geuinge off new giftes but as the holy ghost speakethe in that place a separacion and setting a part and as it wer a consecracion to the goinge aboute off a great worcke and taking vpon him a more trauellsome charge and office As for the Deacons we read that the Apostles when they wer to the chosen gaue warninge that they should choose mē full of wisdome and off the holy ghost wherby I doubt not But that they signified that they should choose off them that wer qualified with thos singuler and diuers gyftes and that the churche accordinge to ther prescription did choose the Deacons from emonges thos thre thousand which Sainct Luke had spoken off before Therfore that the Bishopp in ordeininge off ecclesiasticall officers and layinge his handes vpon them biddethe them receyue the holie ghost hath no shadow or shew of any practize off the Apostles but is a Popishe rite and ceremony folishly at the first ād with out any foundacion off the scripture instituted by them or who so euer were the authors off it off an imitacion off that which is not in deede But which they thought to be And after receiued by the authors of our discipline by ther leaue with no great Iudgment and yet kept in the church with as litle Ther remainethe yet one thinge in this matter off Ordinaciō to be declared which is to whōe the right and authority off ordeining belonges A pointe not so hard to be declared as that which hath allready beene handled off Election Seinge that ther can be found no example where any one or the whole churche haue vsed this authoritie in all the holy scriptures Neyther any precept or commaundement wherby either the Bishoppes or the people should thinck the right hereoff to perteine vnto them For as for that place off Paule to Tymothe which allwais they obiect against vs Take heed thovv lay not thy hands rasshly vppon any I trust it is sufficiently answered allredy and declared how that in thos wordes ther is nothing graunted to Timothe aboue his fellowes And that he was warned only to take heed off him selfe that he were not ledde away by other men or should thinck that iff he did anything rasshly yet might be excused by the example and authoritie off others But contrarywise we reade euery where that in all ordinations ther were mo that layd on ther handes or if one did it yet all this matter was ruled by the authoritie off the counsell off the church Thus the Docters and Prophetes off Antioche ordeined Paule and Barnabas in the xiij off the Actes lickwise the xij Apostles in the sixthe off the Actes laid ther handes vpon the Deacons that were chose by the churche And lest we should doubte to which off the ordinarie offices off the church the Apostles had left this power and authoritie Sainct Paule declareth that yt was the Elders that laid ther handes vppon Timothe Off which patrimony left by the Apostles the Bishoppe in deed suche a one I meane as Paule describeth in his first Epistle to Timothe and the third chapter and in the first to Titus is fellow heyre with others and succeded in some part as after more largely shal be declared when I handle the authoritie off the Elders But to be sole and only heyre they shall neuer proue by any right off the
iust cause now to complaine that our church wanteth so worthy an office do not the slaunders off our aduersaries who are ready to take all occasions to speak euill off the Gospell require suche watchemen to watche and see that offences rise not in the churche doth not the shamefull wickednes off men require suche Censors And can this noble lawe off doinge all thinges orderly and comely in the churche off God want those any longer who shold haue a care to see it kept That all thinges come not to confusion and be turned vpside downe Therfore let Elders be restored to our churche againe which are both necessary helpes for the safetye and preseruation off yt and worthy ornamentes for the estimation off the same Let vs obeye the Lordes Commaundement touchinge the ordeyninge off Elders yff either the safety or estymacion off the church be deare vnto vs or yff we haue any care off doinge our duty vnto god As for election and Ordynacion off them seing yt may be taken out off those Generall rules which I haue giuen before and doth not requyre any thinge to be speciallie spoken in this behalffe Let vs conclude this matter and together with all euen the whole treaty which hath bene handled concerninge the symple charges and offices off the churche besech ing God our most mercifull father that yt may please him to haue mercy off our churche and that as he hath raised yt in a māner from the deade and oute of the graue againe So he would also vouchsafe to adorne and beautyfy yt being raised vpp That yt may please hym to take awaye the deformyties off yt cutting off that which is superfluous and supplyinge that which wantethe To encrease hir beau●y and ornamentes and to Poolishe and perfect her with his most freshe and lyuely colors To restore trewe Discypline againe To abolishe the Canon lawe that only they which are called may bare office in the churche That Ambition may be repulsed and put back That the the lawes off lawfull Election and ordynation may be kept Fynally that a lawfull Mynistery may be established thoroughout the Realme which may continewe for euer That Deacons may be made for the poore and Elders to admonishe such as goe astray And last off all that as he hath most mercifully allready begonn in our church all thinges which he hath most wisely appoynted to the glorifyinge off his name and preseruinge off his churche So yt may please hym of like grace and fauour to perfect and finishe his worck emonges vs And thus much off those offices and charges off the churche whiche we call symple It followeth now to speake off the Consystory or Councell off the churche Whereoff allthoughe ther be no newe or speciall Eelection and ordynacion because yt consisteth off suche as are allredy called to the former offices yet I thought Good euen for this cause to distinguishe them from the former for that here no one man hath any office or authothoritye to do any thing as in the former But ther is one office off all which they all do execute in common together For the Consistory or Councell off the churche is the company and Assemblye off the Elders off the churche who by common Counsell and authoritye do rule and gouerne the same Vnder the name off Elders I do meane only Pastors Doctors and those who are by proper named called Elders For I see not what ground yt hath that some would also haue Deacons to be off this company For seing that Sainct Paule calleth this assembly the company off Elders It followeth that they must be Elders who be off this assembly But the name off Elders is no wher in the Scriptures that I can remember attributed vnto Deacons But only vnto Pastors Doctors and suche as are properly so called To proue that Pastors and Doctors be Elders I neede not cite many places which are infinite where they are so named As for them who are specially called by this name That one place in the xij off the Romanes may sufficiently proue Where the Apostle distinguishinge the office off a Deacon into two partes geueth to those only the name off Elders and gouerners calling the other by an other name This Consistory therfore consisteth of these three ordres Pastors Doctors and Elders which is called by S. Paule the Assembly off Elders as also by the same Apostle they are all called by the name off Elders in an other place In the xviij off Mathew our Sauior calleth them by the name of the churche because they rule ād gouerne church matters vnder the name and authority off the churchr So likewise the name off all the assembly by Moses is geuen to the Elders off the Iewes that is to say vnto certein chosen and picked out men who were assigned by all the congregation to the gouernment off the affaires Thus plainly it is taken in the viij of nombres wher the Lord appointeth that the Congregation shall lay handes vppō the Leuites But I think no man will say that this is to be vnderstoode off all the congregatiō that so many thousandes should laie there handes vpon them as are rehersed to haue bene then in the host off Israell but the Elders and princes only as Aben Ezra doth rightly interprete yt Which is to be noted the rather because some will haue the wordes off our Sauior to be expounded off all the churche wher as accordinge to the manner off speakinge which the Hebries vse the Consistory or counsell off the churche is called the church where also it is to be obserued that togither with the name the thing it selfe is translated from the Iewes vnto vs That looke what a Counsell the Iewes vsed for the gouernment off the churche we ought to vnderstand by this name that suche a one is apointed by our Sauior to be in our churche Therfore in the same place he attributeth to this Counsell the chiefe gouernment off all churche matters that all such thinges as cannot otherwise be agreed and ended be at the last brought vnto them and ended by ther au●horitie and iudgement And iff there shold be any off so desperate boldnes that should dispise the authoritie off this Assembly off Elders Our Sauiour Christ pronounceth hym to he as an ethnik or a publycan assuringe suche a one that his stubburnnes and rebellion shall not escape vnpunished Wherfore he graunteth vnto them chiefe authoritie accordinge to his word to forgeue or retaine synnes which the Doctors off the church are wont to call the keies off heauen because that heauen is in a manner set open for them to enter into whome they haue thus accordinge to god his word forgyuen there synnes as contrarywise it is shutte and barred against them whose sinnes they doe retaine And seing that God hath giuē to our Sauiour Christ all power in heauen and in earth and that the keye off the house off Dauid which is the church off god is geuen to him
ther dewties off the helpe off Deacons as the Apostles had Let them remember that the bodye would bee destroyed yff there were no member in yt but the eye And that churche in like manner wherin no man beareth any office but the Bishopp Let them remember that god hathe so made the bodye that there is a merueilous necessary vse off the diuers membres theroff which variety off partes and members must needes be preserued yff we would haue the bodie whole healthfull and stronge Let this infinite Ambition and desyre off rule and off medlinge with euery thinge that is in the Lord Bishoppes be corrected Let the Consistorie and Assembly off the Elders being so necessarie and so profitable for all the affaires off the churche be established wherin they may haue indeede the fyrst place in respect off the worthines off ther office S that they leaue the second to the Doctors and the third to the Elders For the churche perceiue the howe hurt full a thinge yt is that they should take all vnto them selues and can beare yt no longer perceiuinge well that the shamfull prophanacion off the Sacramentes the manifold and intollerable abuses off excommunication which is the highest Iustice off the churche and other innumerable euilles flow and springe from no other fountaine then from this pride off the●●● and busy medling very hurtfull and daungerous for the state off the churche And thus muche off Ecclesiasticall officers off whom because I haue spoken more at large how they ought to be appointed for that in the appoyntinge off them Ecclesiasticall discipline dothe in a manner wholie consist I will recompense yt with the shortenes off that part which followeth which is touchinge the dewtie off all the Saintes and faithfull Vnder the name off the Sainctes are conteined all the rest off the churche which doe not exercise any publique office or function therin whose dewtie as in all other societies ys only this to suffer them selues willingly to be ruled and gouerned by those whom god hathe set ouer them whervnto there is a short but a notable and pithy exhortacion off the apostle to the Hebrevvs wherin he exhorteth them ād by them all other churches to obedience vnto them who haue the ouersight off thē that they may geue vp their accōpte of the charge off sowles which they haue taken in hand with ioye and comforte and that they maye readilie ād with good courage beare for the churches sake all suche labor grees cares and sorwes as are ioined vnto ther offices Neither let Magestrates think allthough in respect off ther ciuill authoritie the churche be subiect to them that in this behalffe they are to be exempted from this precept and commanndement off the Appostle who chargeth euery one to be subiect to those who in Lord are set ouer them for seing they ought to be carefull as well off the saluacion off the Magystrate as off others and that the sowle off the magystrate as well as of the rest is committed to theyr charge They must also as well as the rest submit them selues and be obedient to the iust and lawfull authoritie off the Officers off the churche For seinge they not onlie rule by the authoritie off Iesus Christ but in a māner do represent his person seing they rule not as they them selues list accordinge to ther owne will but only accordinge to this word and commandement Is it not meete that euen kinges and the highest magystrates should be obedient vnto them For yt is meet that all the princes and Monarches off the world shold geue vpp their sceptres and crownes vnto him whome god had made and appointed the Heyre off his kingdome and Lord off heauen and earthe I might alledge heare oute off the histories off all times diuers examples off godlie princes who submitted them selues to the order and gouernment off the churche apointed by god Who allthoughe as touching this life they did rule and gouerne yet they despised not the discipline ād correction off the Lord I might name out off the most auncient historye and holie Chronicles off the Hebrevvs kinge Azarias who allthoughe he proudely and boldly vsurped the priesthood yet when he was stryken by the Lord with a Leprosy and was therfore cast out of the temple and seperated from the cōmon society off men by the highe priest accordinge to the lawe which God had made therin He obeied the priest cōmandinge according to God his word and letting his sonne rule is his steade passed the rest of his life in solitarines alone by himselfe Amonges the Christian Emperors allthoughe ther be many worthy examples which now a dayes Princes may set before them to follow yet those two which the ecclesiasticall story reherseth off Philipp the first Christian Emperor and off Theodosius conteine a singuler example aboue the rest off godlie subiection wheroff the one beinge commaunded to absteine from the Sacramentes vntill he had first professed him selffe to be a penitent for that he had committed certen faultes and had made open protestacion off his Religion for that he was suspected He willinglie obeied the Bishopp or rather the word off god And both protested openly his grefe and srowe for the synnes he had committed and professed before all the churche his faithe and Religion The other that is Theodosius being not admitted by Ambrose into the churche into the which he would haue come did likewise so willinglie obeie that prostratinge hym selffe vppon the grownd and pauement off the temple in the sight off god and his Angells and all the churche followinge the meeknes off Dauid reprehended off Nathan declared the wūderfull sorowe which he had for his wiked fact and the slaughter committed at Thessalonica by his commaundement rehersing these wordes out off the Psalme My soule did cleane vnto the pauement Therfore all the faithfull and euen the princes and magistrates them selues ought to be subiect to the word off god and to Ecclesiasticall Discipline and then is the churche in florishing estate when bothe they who beare rule do commannd according to gods word and the● who be subiectes do willingly obeye But the Magistrates haue this proper and peculier to them selues aboue the rest off the faithfull To set in order and establishe the state off the churche by ther authoritie and to preserue and mainteine it according to godds will being once established Not that they should rule the Ecclesiasticall matters by their authoritie for this belongeth vnto Christ alone and to hym he hath committed this charge but for asmuche as the Apostle teachethe that they are apointed off God to th end that we may lyue a godlie ād a peceable life ād that the kinges off Israell by the apointement off god had charge to see the execution off all the lawe they ought to prouide and see that the seruice off god be established as he hathe appointed and administred by suche as ought to administre the same and afterwardes preserued
for the kinde affection which I beare to that churche in which I haue bene bothe borne and browght vp and therfore loue most deerelie for goode causes euen as the Apostle saith to liue and die togither I thought yt I saie my dewtie to desire and beseche this Churche earnestlie and carefullie to thincke off this so greate a benefyte whereby yt maie be established for euer And most earnestlie to exhorte and admonishe yt to abolishe that popishe tyrannye which yet remayneth in the gouernment thereoff and to restore againe the most holie pollicie off●● 〈◊〉 the churche which our Sauior Christe hath 〈◊〉 vnto vs and to feare lest that the lorde will punishers and will be reuenged off vs iff we contynewe still to despise his discipline But forasmuche as there be many who because they delight rather in a faire owtwarde shewe then the trew symplicitie off the Gospell striue and contend to retaine still this Popishe Hierarchie and conterfaite manner off gouerning the churche blaming that order for many causes which we persuade vnto This whole controuersie is fullie and at large to be disputed of that when they vnderstand the goode cause that we haue to repriue the one and require the other they maie ioyne togither with vs in earnest praiers vnto god and humble suyte vnto hir maiestie That this Popishe tyrannie being at the last vtterlie abolished and cleane taken away In place theroff a better and more holie gouernment of the churche accoding to Goddes worde maie be established Which cause I purpose so to handle that fyrst drawing out the right paterne and platforme off the lawfull pollicie and gouernment off the churche as Christe and his Apostles haue lefte it vnto vs togither their withall I will note our faultes and errors in euerie pointe that by this comparison the trewthe maie more clerelie shine and appeare fyrst therfore seing we haue not to doe with such as reiecte all discipline off the Churche that yt maie be better vnderstode what it is whereoff we dispute I will declare what the lawfull discipline off the churche is I call therfore Ecclesiasticall Discipline the pollicie off the Churche off Christe ordeyned and appointed off God for the goode administracion and gouernment off the same That I make here God the Author off discipline wherupon yt followeth that we haue to fetche the rules thereoff from no other fountaines but from the holie scriptures had nede be more fullie proued because it is denied by many who dare affirme that there is no precepte geuen touching this matter but contend that it is wholy lefte vnto iudgement of the magestrate and off the churche first then let thē tell vs whie they denie that god hath thus carefullie prouided for Christiane Churches and whie they affirme yt to be lefte free for vs to rule it as we lifte seing that in the olde churche off the Iewes All thinges which perteined not onlie to the gouernment off the cyuile state but also off the Ecclesiasticall for althoughe with them god was Author of bothe yet he wold haue them distinguished the on from the other were so diligentlye and exactelie destributed and bothe commanded by god and commended to writyng by Moses that yt was expresslye forbidden that Nothing should be added vnto yt nor taken from yt For yt appreareth manyfestlye that that exacte paterne off Discipline came not fyrst from Moses but from God by this that Moses testifieth so often that the lorde had apointed the maner off creating and ordeining Ecclesiasticall officiers and and there power and authoritie who aso allwaies readie to punyshe the transgressors off his ordinances with most grieuous plages and punyshementes There is a notable historie in the ninthe off Nōbers off certeine vncleane persons who thincking yt no sufficient cause whie they shold not eate the Passeouer with the rest off Israell because they were polluted with touching off a deade bodie which thei must needes doe seing there died dailie some emonghest them as off necessitye yt commeth to passe in so greate a multitude went to Moses and Aaron desiring that they might not be secluded from that solempne communion off the churche But what doth Moses in this case what taketh he vpon him Surelie nothing at all but referreth the cause wholie vnto God by whose answere they were forbidden to eate the Passouer with the rest off Israell and were put off vnto the next moneth Off which cause properlie belonging to this Discipline which we handle and referred to God yt maie be clearlie vnderstoode That Moses in all the gouernment off the churche did nothing by his priuate authoritie but onlie deliuered vnto them that which the lorde had commanded which thing also Moses him selfe doth plainlie testefie by his often repeating off these wordes As the Lord had commanded And this is that faithfulnes which the Apostle to the Hebrewes commendeth in him that he ruled not the howse off God by his owne will but by the authoritie off the Lorde the master off the howsholde And how preciselie ys yt commanded in the Tabernacle that all should be made after the fashō and paterne which had bene shewed by the Lorde in the Montaine neyther so long as kinges were in any tollerable state Any eyther kinges or priestes toke vpon them any suche authoritie to appointe matters belonging to the churche but all thinges were ruled and gouerned according to the will and authoritie off god For whereas in the fashion and buiding off the temple and in the offices off the leuites and off the Singers certeine thinges were somewhat otherwise appointed by danid and Salomon then they had bene commanded by Moses That chaunge and alreracion was not made by the authoritie off Dauid and Salomon as kinges but by the will off God himselfe who apointed yt so by his Prophetes as appeareth in the Chronicles Therfore also the fashion and paterne of the tēple after it was ouerthrowne was so exactelie drawne out by Ezechiell that the newe temple might he builled againe according to the paterne off God shewed by his Prophete Wherfore also Erra and Nehemiah exacte all there reformacion to the paterne off Moses Dauid and Ezechiel Seing then so stable and certeine a rule off gouerning the churche contynewed vnto Christe the lawes and ordinances were appointed by god him selfe and that it was accompted wicked and vnlawfull for any man boldlye to haue taken any thing in hand in these matters and that suche as did so eschaped not the grieuous punishement and vengaunce off God whie doe they now at the last deliuer god off this care or rather spoile the churche off hir patrone and defender by whose gouernment yt might be preserued and who sitting in the sterne at the helme yt neuer feared any stormes or tempestes but was allwaies safe in all daunger And how absurde and vnreasonable a thing is it then especially to thincke the loue and care off God to be demynished towardes his churche when
mountaines and wandringe in the woodes with out a guyde which he him selfe spared not to spēd his life for to bring yt into the way againe we are in no part inferior to the Papistes them selues Is this then our discipline is this that order which some men often tymes praisinge in wordes desire nothinge less in deed Is this the gouernment and administracion off our churche and yet no man may be suffred freely to speake for the reformaciō of the churche and restoringe againe of the pure and perfit gouernmēt of the Apostles Seinge thes are most manifestly contrary to the example off our Sauior Christ and off the Apostles Seinge they threaten the certeyne ruyne and ouer throw off the churche Seinge they do not only shake but turne vpward the pillers off the same Haue we not Good cause to be moued bothe for the Glory off God and the saluacion of the churche to requyre more holye ordinaunces and a better gouernment off the same Can any man esteeme thes light matters and off small waight that the sacred Lawes off God are openly violated and broken with oute any shame that the churche which Christ hath redemed with his bludd is neglected That ther is no regard had off discharginge off dewties That a man taketh to hym selfe which the Aungelles dare not and that the Archbishopp dare geue the Pastor leaue contrary to the expresse commandement off God to forsake his flock or graunt him suche priuiledges wheroff that same dothe necessaryly follow which no Archangell may challendge to him selff Or shall thos thinges also which I haue handled from the begynninge to this place be esteemed small faultes to ground Ecclesiasticall discipline not vpon the word off God and the will off the Lord Iesus But off the canon lawe Which suerly I doubt not to affirme to be the very fountaine and springe from whence all the rest off the Corruptions do flow that popishe priestes womē Archdeacons and Chauncelers with ther Officialles Commissaryes and the rest off that Trashe do bringe ther impure handes and neuer sanctified vnto God to do his holie seruice to preache his word to handle and distribute his facred mysteries to order and gouerne his churche And nothinge seare any punishement off this ther boldnes and most vnworthie prophanacion off the holie offices That Ionathan the Leuites shamefull example in seekinge a Maister or as we call yt in gettinge the good will off a Patrone is taken to be followed That Dauid and Salomons example in callinge the Priestes and Leuites to ther cyties and townes and the Apostles in ordeininge no ecclesiasticall officer but vnto certen churches is neglected and contemned And last off all that Thes wicked and intollerable faculties Prerogatiues Priuiledges and dispensacions tha● I haue spoken off at suffered in our churche Are all thee I say to be countid trifles or certen light faultes and tollerable errors For my par e suerly I thincke as allso I suppose all they will do that will were this by the word off God as by the gold smythes ballance that ther is neuer a one off these light and small to be esteemed but that they ar all heynous trespasses and matters off Treason to be examined and iudged off in the highest courtes Therfore in the name off God let vs not seeke to bringe this holie doctrine off reforminge our discipline into hate and displeasur vnder a shew that yt is a newe and a false pretēce that all innouaciōs ād chāges are dangerous but rather abrogating thes most vniust and vnrighteous lawes dispensacions and as I may well call them pardones and indulgencies at the last let vs call agayne that maner off gouerninge the churche and that discipline being now lost which the Lord him selfe by his embassadors and Apostles hathe apointed Thus hauinge described and layd out the lawfull vocacion off all those which occupie any publique place in the churche let vs now come to the partes and members of the same which especially are two wherin the right maner off geuinge thes offices doth consist that is In election and ordinacion which is so properly called Election is the appointinge by the Elders the rest off the churche allowing it off a fitt man to the bearinge off some office in the churche And as for Election that it is necessary to the geuinge off any off thes offices it may appeare euen off that that S. Paul ioineth it with examinacion and trial and diligently warneth Timothie that he lay not on his handes vpon them that be vnworthie but only vpon thos that after a iust triall beinge had are found meet and chosen That same is proued also by the continuall vse off the Apostles who by the iudgmēt and authoritie off the churche apointed Bishopps to teache and Deacons for the orderinge off the Treasury off the churche For Christ hath not chosen any certen hous or famyly as it was in old tyme vnder the law wherin the gouernment off the churche should all wais remaine He gaue herein no right off Petigree stock and blood no ministers by inheritance but he would haue the iudgement left free vnto his churche and the offices theroff to be gyuen by choyse and worthines Off which election for asmuche as it was so necessary for the state off the churche that without yt the churche it selfe could not longe continew Our Sauior Christ was very carefull and therfor declared particularly and distinctly all thinges which apperteined to the orderyng theroff For he hath perfectly and diligently shewed bothe who owght to choose and to whom especially this care ought to belonge and what ought to be followed and regarded in chosinge off euery one For althoughe this question and controuersy off the chosers hathe beene diuersly disputed off by lerned men yet allmost all off them cōsen in this that ther must be moe to deale therin and that so great and so wayghtie a charge and belonginge to the especiall and singuler commodytie or discomoditie off the wholl churche ought not be committed to the authoritie off any one but be ordered and ruled by the iudgement and consent off many And this is the generall opynion off all thos that euer disputed lernedly and wisely in this cause from which I thinck no man can dissent but the Papists and they that haue succeded them in that authoritie which they most vnuistly and not without open iniury and tyranny doe vsurpe For the Bishopps that challeng this power vnto them selues by ther meere authoritie and ther owne only Iudgment and aduise to apoint the officers off the churche cannot challenge this by any right or law off God but exercise a very tyranny thoughe indeed longe agoe browght into the churche which lest I may seeme to haue said with out cause and to haue condemned them with out hearinge them to say what they can let them shew forth from whom and by what right this infynit power and authoritie is come into ther handes yff they say they haue
to escape In the end off the same Epistle wherin he is called a Bishop he sendethe for him from Ephesus to Rome which suerly he would neuer haue done yff he had beene appointed Bishopp ther or one off thos elders whom Paule in the twentieth off the Actes sent for to miletum and exhorteth to contynuall watche and ward And Paule hym selfe writeth that he willed him to tary at Ephesus not that he had ordeined him bishopp ther. A like obiection they make out off the Epistle to Titus wher it is written that Paule left him in Creta that he should appoint Elders in euery towne But it may lickwise be annswered that the Apostle saithe not that he ordeineth him Bishopp off the churches off Creta But only that he leaft him in Creta namely so longe vntill he had sett suche thinges in order as Paule beinge otherwise called away could not tarry to do and had appointed Elders in euery citie which apperethe by this that he commanded hym when thos thinges wer done to come to him to Nicopolis into Macedonia Lickwise in an other place he writeth that Titus was gonn into Dalmacia so that yt is cleere enoughe that Titus had no charge off any certen place or church Therfore seing I thinck yt is sufficiently proued that Titus and Tymothie were Euāgelistes and not Bishoppes how doeth that make for the Bishoppes which we see by ther Epistles was granted vnto thē For I thinck they will not compare them selues with the Euangelistes or affirme them selues to be off equall authoritie with them which iff they should they might be easelie confuted as after in dew place shal be declared But that we may put the case that Timothie was Bishopp at Ephesus and that we may freely graunt that what so euer may apperre to haue beene lawfull for him to be lawfull also for them Let vs see now what the Apostle graunted to Timothie For soothe say they that he might choose off his owne authoritie the officers off the church Let vs then see whether it be so or not And here is first to be noted that they do yll geue that vnto Election which perteyneth not to Election But to Ordinacion For the laying on off handes was not wonte to be vsed in choosinge off any Officers off the churche But in ordeininge off him Then that we graunt them this also That election hereby is signified I say that ther Tyranny and Lordly authoritie is by no place more confuted then by this which they bring for them selues which that yt may more cleerly appeere I must first take away a certen false exposicion which they bringe off this place that after I may the more easyly convince them by the true and naturall meaninge theroff Heere say they Tymothie is warned that he lay not his handes to hastely vpon any nor communicate with other mens faultes namely with thers say they who allthoughe they be vnworthy seeke to enter into the ministery An interpretacion very vnfytt either for the wordes off the Apostle or for those tymes Will they confesse that euen in thos tymes this ambicion had crept into the churche that as now a dayes so then also they went vnto the Bishop for order and layinge on off handes for otherwise what other men̄s fault is this wherwith the Apostle warne the Tymothi that he pollute not him selfe for what fault can this bee Not to be fitt to taky vpon him an ecclesiasticall function But herein is the fault that he that is giltie to him selfe off his owne vnworthines desirethe notwithstandinge to take that vpon him which he is not able to be are with out great offence But who will say that so shamfull Ambicion raigned in the churche in thos daies which many yeeres after was borne and brought vpp at Rome And iff the church had then been steyned with this blott would not Paule expresly haue forbidden this Ambition seinge that he would haue a bishoppe to be blamles and prouided by all meanes that he sholde not swell and wax prowd Therfore this is off smaller waight then it may be allowed and the meaninge off this place is farr otherwise nam y this That Paule foreseyng longe before that greeuous wolues not sparing the flock would ryse vp euen off the Elders off Ephesus them selues and that Tymothie was but off equall authoritie with the Elders in gouerninge off the churche and choosinge off others into the same place and degree and that they that were suche wold choose to b● Elders and lay ther handes on suche as wer like them selues he warneth Timothy that he do nothing rashely in this behalffe neyther iff any suche thing happen althoughe other like neuer so well off it yet he shall not suffer him selfe to be led away by ther authoritie to the allowynge off it but iff he could not keep others by his counsell from so doinge at the least he should keepe hym selff pure and innocent for so he addeth emphatically Keepe thy self pure communicate not vvith other mens faultes And this is the true and naturall meaninge off this place wher by yt appeareth that the Apostle not only grauntith him no princely authoritie for then he would not haue warned him to keepe him selfe pure from allowynge any suche Election but haue commanded him off his meer authoritie to haue hindered and stayed yt and to haue made the choise of the rest off no effect by his negatiue voice but contrariwise that he was off so equall authoritie with the rest off the Elders that iff they had chosen one vnfyt in some respect yet he could not off his owne meere authoritie haue put hym back nor done any more in this matter thē any off the rest And that he could only take heede vnto him selfe that he allowed not any vnripe or vnworthie Iudgmētes off other officers Therfore ther is no cause which they should make Tymothie the Author off this ambition and tyranny Now let vs examin also the example off Titus whom they do trewly affirme to haue beene commanded to appoint Elders in euery citie but I suppose no man will thinck that Paule graunted more to Titus then eyther he and Barnabas or then all the rest off the Apostles tooke vnto them selues neyther iff he had graunted is it like that Titus being a yonge man and his scholler and as it wer his sonne would haue vsed it For as the Iewes say in a cōmon prouerbe it is enoughe for the seruāt to be like his maister which sayinge allso Christ him selfe alloweth when he said that the disciple is not aboue his maister And that it owght to be enowghe for the scholer iff he be suche as his maister is But I haue shewed allredy what both Paule and all the rest off the Apostles did Neither is it ●ike that Titus did otherwise ordeine Elders in euery towne then Paule did in euery churche especially seing Paule doth expressly warne him to appoint them as he had commāded
it had bene needefull to haue bene vsed ther is no doubt but that Christ would haue warned his Apostles off yt especially seing that these thinges were before so at large set out vnder the lawe For it is not to be thought that Christ was lesse diligent in shewinge how god would be worshipped vnder the Gospell then Moses in shewing the same vnder the lawe Or that Moses being a seruant was more faithfull in the administracion off the Lordes house then Christ the Sonne and heire in his owne fathers howse Therfore to binde the Mynisters to any certen fashion or forme off apparell hath no grownde off any precept off the gospell or commādement out off the word off god They are therfore the inuencions off men and off what men but euen off suche which haue soughte to paint and adorne with these colors the shame off ther wherishe idolatrie ād superstition For as iff they had bene ashamed off the simplicitie off the gospell which they ought rather to haue had in reuerence and in honor They thought good to follow what so euer had any shewe or ostentacion in any Religion and thought it to be vsed to the setting forthe off the gospell Thus they take out off the lawe allmost all ther massing apparell by a folishe and ridiculous imitation that hauing an alter and a priest they might not want apparell for the stage As for the surplice it is notable which is written off hope Siricius who fetcheth the cause and originall off yt from Christ and prouethe that we ought to vse a lin̄en garmēt at deuine seruice be cause Christ was buried in a winding sheete A notable reason surely why we should vse the surplice in our churches but peraduēture they are ignorant off ther owne antiquities and the surplice is to be thought rather to haue bene borowed by them off certen Egyptian monckes who vpon the skinnes which they vsed to weare for there apparell did weare lynnen garmentes from whence also the name off Surplice seemeth to come Such like reasons are to be founde in there wrightinges but to let passe these trifles it is to be lamented that euen amonges vs who professe the Gospell there were some that when the whole papacie was to be consecrated and this Rome to haue been vowed to destruction accordinge to the vowe and curse off the citie off Hiericho who being deceiued with the faire and glitteringe shewe off the Babylonishe garmentes brought them as Acan did into the tentes off Israell For why do they commande a cope and surplice to be vsed in diuine seruice or a Tippet and a Square Cappe to be worne dailie but because they thīk it is of some authority with the people and bringeth some estimacion to ther office and to ther persons ād is thought to be of great force to make a mā seeme to be graue ād off authoritie For thes be the best reasōs which they are wont to bring wherby they would signifie both that thes ij sortes off apparell are not commanded for Religions sake and that the abusing off them heretofore cannot nor ought not to take away the right vse off them which belongeth to comlynes and order to which ende contrary to the Apostles mind they wrest that place off S. Paule That all things are to be done orderly in the church But iff they perteine only to a decency and comlynes what needeth any commandement to be giuen to a minister to vse dailie the tippet and the square cappe and a Priestes gowne and at devine seruice the cope and the surplice seing a minister who is sett ouer the gouernment off the churche and by the Apostles rule ought to be suche a one as not only is able to vse him selffe honestlie in euery thing but also suche as keepeth his familie in order and ought to be an example off all modesty and honest comlines to his flock who suerly iff he be meet for suche an office and worthie to handle the word off god will take heede that he doe not dishonest his worthy office by vile and vnhonest apparell But seing they make no worthie ministers but readers and seruice saiers yt was needfull they should appoint them what cappe they should weare and howe the sleeues and collers off ther gownes should be made and suche like Althoughe they atteine not this decency and comlines which they pretend for often times ther is nothing more filthye and vnhonest then this kinde off apparell And iff any can vse a comely square cappe he can vse also a rounde cap which is as comely and so muche more as it is fitter for his heade thē the square Therfore ther is no cause to prescribe this apparell to be dailie worne for decencie and order But they say the Ministers must be distinguished from other men and that they may be knowne off ther parishiners and church This is euen as great a reason as the other For iff they did set suche a shepheard ouer the sheepfolde off god who were able as well with his voice as the sheppherd with his hooke and staffe to rule his sheepe who were able also to heale the sicke and diseased and to bringe home againe suche as wander and straie out off the waie finallie iff they set a right sheppherd ouer the flocke the sheepe would knowe him by his voice and would not need to haue any marke by his apparell to knowe him Therfore allthoughe this reason might be off some force for hirelinges yet it cannot be of any force for meete and worthie ministers And wheras they alledge also Order and decencye for there surplice I would knowe whie yt should seeme more comelie and decent for a Minister that be should preache or praie in a surpl ce then in a gowne .. In white raiment then in black apparell For as for the coloure me thinketh black to be more comely for him and for the fashion me thinketh a long garment reaching downe to the foote sholde be more honest and seemelie Further more do they not see that Simplicitie liked our sauior Christ that the Gospell is in a maner shadowed and couered by these vayles and figures that by this meanes the waie is made open to bringe in many other moo ceremonies for as good respectes as these be do they not also think that we perceiue that nothing ells is sought by this which they call comelines and order but only a conformitie with Papistes and a superstitious decency as also in vsing the signe off the crosse in baptisme the rounde cake in the Lordes supper and many other suche ceremonies and not that seemely order which the Apostle commandeth For iff the simplicitie and nakednes off the gospell misliked them why did they especially clothe it with popishe apparell seing we ought to be so muche the furder off and to abhorre ther doinges by how muche we are in greater daunger off them then off other heretiques because they liue amonges vs For which cause also