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A26981 A paraphrase on the New Testament with notes, doctrinal and practical, by plainess and brevity fitted to the use of religious families, in their daily reading of the Scriptures : and of the younger and poorer sort of scholars and ministers, who want fuller helps : with an advertisement of difficulties in the Revelations / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1685 (1685) Wing B1338; ESTC R231645 1,057,080 615

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1. That Titus is not said to be settled in Crete as their fixed Bishop but left there in his Travels to settle fixed Bishops there The Scriptures tell us that Timothy Titus were Itinerant Evangelists that went about where Paul sent them to plant and settle Churches But the plain truth is that Apostles and such Evangelists as these where-ever they came had as great Authority as any meer Bishops and more and that they stayed in some Countrys longer than in others to settle the Churches and that the Churches after their Age thought it an honour to be their Charge and so called them their Bishops In which sense one Apostle might have twenty or forty Bishopricks as he planted and settled so many Churches But none of them were Bishops fixed and confined to one Church as those usually called Bishops then were so that to controvert whether Peter Paul Timothy Titus Luke c. were Bishops is a meer ignorant strife de nomine about the name while we are or easily may be agreed of the thing what work for those Churches they performed They were Bishops eminenter transient from Church to Church but he degradeth them that feigneth them affixed to any one as their sole and proper Flock 2. Note further That Titus ordaining Elders that is Bishops as Dr. Hammond noteth implieth the peoples consent for Titus had no forcing power 3. That Crete is said to have an hundred Cities in it being but a small Island and so must have an hundred Bishops if every City had one But doubtless Paul meaneth every City that had Christians in it enough to be a Church 4. That by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is meant any big Town such as our Corporations are and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 oppidatim is meant from Town to Town where there is matter for a Church And Paul never meant by this to confine Bishops to Cities and forbid them to Villages but he nameth Cities or Towns because then no other places had Christians enow for a Church 5. Dr. Hammond thinks that these Bishops then were only the single Pastors of single Congregations having no Sub-Presbyters but Deacons 6. The ordering of things wanting was not adding to their Faith and Religion or making them a Book of Canons but seeing them reduced to the obedient and orderly practice of that which the Apostles every where taught and settled 6. If any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly 6. Note If God bless not the Education of his own Children 1. The Church would doubt of his Fidelity or whether God will bless his greater undertaking 2. And his Family would be a scandal to Religion 7. For a Bishop must be blameless as the steward of God not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine no striker not given to filthy lucre 7. Note That the same man is called a Bishop here who was called an Elder v. 5. If then they were distinct Offices Paul neglected to describe one of them which is not credible when he describeth Deacons Deaconesses Dr. Hammond confesseth that there were in Scripture-times no Subject-Presbyters save Bishops that were under the Apostolick Order but he thinks that Bishops had power from the Apostles to institute another Order of Presbyters under them afterwards But 1. Where is there any proof of that Must Church-Government cast out all Ministers who believe not such an unproved Assertion 2. It 's thus disproved Paul giveth Timothy and Titus sufficient Instructions what Officers to Ordain in the Church which Canons were to be a Guide to all after-Ages But Paul gave them no Instruction or Canon for the Instituting of any New Order between Bishops or Elders and Deacons Therefore it is not credible that any such power was then given to other Bishops which he gave not to Timothy and Titus But as to others who say that the Apostles and Evangelists were then the only Bishops I answer de re we confess that these had power to go about to gather and settle Churches and de nomine whether such may be called Bishops let them quarrel that have nothing else to do But besides them every Town or Church had then their own fixed Bishop one or more and Deacons If Diocesans or Metropolitans will be Successors of the Itinerant Apostles and Evangelists or General Bishops let them restore to every Church their particular proper Bishops and not make Pastors that have not the power of the Keys As for them that say Paul includeth both Orders under the same names Bishops and Presbyters I answer Paul useth not only the same name but the same description and so the Order or Office also must be the same and both Name and Thing the same 2. Bishops are God's Stewards entrusted to govern by his Law and not Lords of his Church or of their Faith 3. By self-willed is meant self-conceited proud men that must be pleased and have their own will and cannot become all things lawful to all men for their good but will silence and excommunicate and reproach those that are most careful to do God's will if they do but cross their Wills and Canons 4. Not soon angry rather an angry wrathful man The rest see on 1 Tim. 3. 8. But a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate 8. But one that loveth to entertain men in his house a lover of goodness and good men of a sound and sober mind righteous holy as devoted to God continent and abstemious 9. Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers 9. Faithfully holding fast the word of Faith even that which we have preacht and taught from Christ that so he may be able to use sound doctrine both in Exhortation and in Confutation of Opposers 10. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers specially they of the circumcision 11. Whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucres sake 10 11. For there are many disorderly and unruly foolish vain talkers deceivers of mens Judgments specially those Jewish corrupt Christians before oft described Note That here it appeareth whom Paul meaneth in his Invectives in many Epistles even those mentioned Acts 15. that would have made Christianity but a Supplement to Moses Law and not Gnosticks only or chiefly Ebion and Cerinthus were of the worser degenerate sort of them and the Nicolaitans next 2 Note That Paul meaneth not stopping the Seducers mouths by force but by confutation by the word For Titus had no power of the Sword 3 Note That so great is the weakness and unstedfastness of many Christians that whole housholds may be subverted by the most gross deceivers If the Apostles Converts were such no wonder if ours be so 12 13. One of themselves even a prophet of their own said The Cretians are
go into Gallilee and there they shall see me 10. N. 1. He would not shew himself so openly to the malicious forsaken people at Jerusalem 2. His disciples and kinsmen are called his Brethren 3. No one evangelist mentioneth the whole of this History but what one omitteth another hath of which after 11. Now when they were going Behold some of the watch came into the city and shewed to the chief priests all the things that were done 12. And when they were assembled with the Elders and had taken counsel they gave large money to the soldiers 13. Saying say ye His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept 14. And if this come to the governours ears we will perswade him and secure you 11. N. What will convince hardned forsaken men 15. So they took the money and did as they were taught And this saying is commonly reported among the Jews to this day 15. N. 1. Lying is the Devils great meanes against Faith And the love of money is the meanes that subserveth it 2. They that will not believe the truth easily believe deceiving lies 16. Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them 17. And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted 17. N. Tho the evangelists say no more of Christs meeting them on this Mountain and what he there said to them and Luke and John say nothing of it and there seem a strange difference in their Narratives of Christs appearances it is but one saying what another had omitted and no one of them saying all of which after on John 20. and 21. 18. And Jesus came and spake to them saying All power is given to me in heaven and on Earth 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost 18. After these and other appearings to them Jesus said As I have dyed to redeem the World in order to the ends of my undertaking the Father hath given me an Universal Propiety and Governing power by the right to Redemption as chief Administrator under him in Heaven and Earth So that henceforth all the concerns of men in this World and the other are at my dispose and all men under my Government by Right and Obligation By which authority I now commission you to go abroad the World and make all Nations to the utmost of your power my Disciples taking them into my Church by Solemn Covenant celebrated by Baptizing them into the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost N. 1. Christs Right of Dominion and Empire is founded in the Fathers Covenant with him as redeemer 2. And being Vniversal Lord Redemption is so far universal as to prove these and other common effects Rom. 14.9 To this end Christ dyed rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living 2. The word translated Teach signifieth Disciple to me or make Nations my Disciples 3. All Christians should endeavour to make Christianity the National Religion that the Kingdoms of the World may become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ that is that they be Christian Kingdoms and not only Christians gathered out of Kingdoms 4. This maketh not all to be Christians who are in those Kingdoms but only such as are Discipled 5. Infants being parts of all Kingdoms this text commandeth to Disciple and Baptize them they are made Disciples by being justly dedicated to Christ by those that have true Power to dispose of them to learn of him and obey him as they grow up and are Capable As Christ was relatively Head of the Church in his Infancy when his humane nature was uncapable of the actual administration so are Infants capable of being Disciples by Covenant Dedication by those that have the dispose of them for their good and can covenant for them which men and by Relation and Obligation God had never a Church on Earth of which Infants were not Infant-members since there were Infants in the World 6. To be baptized into the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is no less than by solemn Covenant to give up ones self to God the Father as our Father reconciled by Christ our chief owner and rules and our chief Benefactor even as our God and to Christ as our Saviour and the Holy Ghost as our Sanctifier And meerly to consent to learn of Christ makes none a baptizable disciple 7. Baptism is Christening and is the badge of those that must love and take each other for Christians and the terms of Church Unity till it be nullified by verbal or actual apostacy And it is Church tyranny and Schism to make Canons which shall exclude those from the Church of Christ whom he taketh in by baptism before they impenitently nullify that Covenant in whole or in some essential part viz. by proved denying essentials of Faith or forsaking some essential part of obedience 8. Baptism making us Christians is our state of Regeneration by which we may know our right to Justification and Salvation that is He that consenteth heartily and unfeignedly to the Baptismal Covenant is Regenerate and justified and shall be saved And he that doth consent but with the mouth and outward signe or leaveth out some essential part in his heart consent is regenerate only sacramentally and a visible member of the Church but is not justified nor shall be saved 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and ●o I am with you alway to the end of the World 20. And when you have Baptized them and so united them to me and my universal Church upon their understanding professed faith and repentance and dedication of their seed to me then congregate them in order under faithful Pastors And as you as general Teachers to all the Churches must deliver to them all the commands which I have committed to your trust by word and writing so these Pastors must further instruct them that they may grow up in knowledge of all these my commands And in the performance of this charge I shall by the help of my Spirit and protection be present with you and such pastors in their course to the end of this World or age till I shall come in glory to the final judgment Tho you see me not I shall be as really assisting to you and regardful of you even in all your labours and sufferings as if you saw me Note 1. This general command of teaching all Nations Christs commands includeth writing the Scriptures without which they could not teach posterity in all Nations his commands 2. It maketh them his intrusted Apostles from whose fidelity we may believingly receive his commands And therefore implyeth the promise of his Spirit to make them true and credible reporters 3. It implyeth that his commands are the universal Laws for his Catholick Church And no man or men have authority
and not the Holy Ghost's seven Graces that is here meant is after manifested 2. Why they are called Seven some say is because seven goeth for a number of perfection whence the Seven Planets the seven days of the week c. But this is but mens conceit and no part of God's Word Nor can we prove hence that God hath set seven Angels above all the rest But all that we can know of it is that John being commanded to write to seven Churches numbereth the Guardian Angels accordingly from their Charges 3. This is no Prayer to these Angels but a notice that God's Mercies are communicated to those Churches by their Ministry and this message sent by them from Christ The naming of the seven Spirits before Christ is no preferring them as above him But Christ is after named becausse much more is to be said there of him together 5. Why seven Churches only are named men variously conjecture some say because they are spoken of prophetically as in their names seven states of the Universal Church or its notable parts to the end are signified But this being impossible to be proved is rather to pretend another Revelation than to expound this Others say that it being only the Pro-Consular Asia that John wrote to these seven being the Metropolitan City-Churches did comprehend all the rest as parts under them But 1. T●is also is but a Humane Imagination without any proof 2. If they mean that these were then made Ecclesiastical Metropolis's it 's a fiction without and against Historical evidence which tells us of a far later date of Metropolitical Churches 3. If they mean that they were Metropolis's only in a Civil sense and that the Apostles in planting Churches there purposed or ordained that afterwards Church-Power should follow the Order of the Seats of Civil Power I answer 1. That this is a crude unproved Assertion and therefore of no authority or credit 2. And it 's known that it was four hundred years after that this was decreed by a Council as a new thing 3. And this was so far from being Apostolical that it confounded the Church setting in superiority the worst men that could but get into a Metropolis and putting all Bishops and Churches at present under the Power of the People and Pr●sbyters o● one City which was a Metropolis and chose their own Bishop Yea Dr. Hammond thought that then no B●s●op had any Presbyters under him and so there w●re n●ne but his People to chuse him for the Neigh●●ur ●ishops did not though they ordained him Yea it turneth Churches upside down at the will of every Emperour Heathen Infidel or Christian who can enfranchise or disfranchise Cities at his pleasure 4. And there is no proof that these seven were all and only the Civil Metropolitical Cities of Asia 3. Both these then being mens unproved Imaginations yea and unlikely it remaineth that these seven Churches were most eminent in Asia both for greatness and those tryals vertues and faults which Christ was pleased to note as the occasion of this message And if he see cause to send a message to seven it belongs not to us to ask him why he sendeth to no more 5. And from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the Kings of the earth 5. Note 1. By faithful witness is meant the faithful and certain Messenger and revealer of Gods will to man 2. By first begotten is meant both the Greatest and most Excellent and the first in order and causality who Rising from the dead is the cause that we shall Rise 3. He is Prince of the Kings of the Earth not only as Greater than all Kings but as over them all in power by whom they reign and who d●th dispose of all Eph. 2.23 Matth. 28.19 Joh. 17.2 Joh. 13 3. Joh. 5.22 Eph. 1.21 Col. 1.15 16 17. Phil. 2.9 10 11. 5. Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood 6. And hath made us Kings and priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen 5.6 To this Glorious Lord and Saviour who shewed his wonderful Love to us by his giving up himself a sacrifice for our sins that the Merit of his Blood might cleanse us from guilt and sin and justify us from it before God and who hath chosen and sanctified us and made us by his Grace a peculiar holy People to God dignified in our Relation to Christ as Kings in honour and brought us near to God like cons●crated Priests to offer him our daily service acceptable through Christ To him I say shall be Glory and Dominion for ever in the acknowledgement whereof let all his Saints rejoice 7. Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen 7. I have oft before enquired whether this Coming of Christ be 1. his Coming by the Roman Armies to destroy Jerusalem 2. Or his setting up Christianity in the World and destroying Heathenism 3. Or his Coming at last in Glory The matter is true as to all the three But the text seemeth most strained by the first exposition and least by the last Every way he is dreadful to his enemies But every eye seeth him not the first way nor did the destroyed Jews acknowledge it to be by him 8. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty 8. I am everlasting before all Worlds and without end and he who hath Power over all Note These words seem to be the words of Christ and not of God the Father And with the sixth verse which ascribeth to him everlasting Glory and dominion do seem plainly to speak the Godhead of Christ 9. I John who also am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ 9. I John who was your brother and companion undergo the like sufferings as you do in the same belief and subjection to Christ in his Kingdom and in Patient enduring for his sake was in the Isle of Patmos whi●her I was banished for my Testimony and preaching the faith of Christ 10. I was in the spirit on the Lords day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet 10. I was there in a transporting rapture by the Spirit of God on the first day of the week called by the Church The Lords day observed in commemoration of his Resurrection And I heard a voice call to me as lowd as a trumpet Note 1. The vain cav●l of those that deny the Lords day here to mean the Christians day of holy worship even the first of the week I have fully confuted in
a book called the Divine appointment of the Lords Day And it needs no confutation to those that are acquainted with Church History who know that this day hath been kept holy as of Apostolical ordination and practice by the universal Church ever since the Apostles daies the hereticks themselves consenting 2. Christ owned his own day and the suffering of his banished Solitary Servant by the Communication of these extraordinary Revelations and by the extasie of Spiritual influence 11. Saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and what thou seest write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia unto Ephesus and unto Smyrna and unto Pergamos and unto Thyatira and unto Sardis and Philadelphia and unto Laodicea 11. N. 1. The first sentence is out of divers Greek Copies but is before spoken is the description of Christs Eternity 2. This was written by Christs Command 12. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me And being turned I saw seven golden Candlesticks 12. To see who that voice came from which I heard 13. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle 13. One in the shape of a man who was a representation of Christ in splendid clothing like Aarons Note Whether it was the Angel that thus represented Christ or Christ himself who assumed this appearing shape immediately is uncertain 14. His head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire 15. And his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters 14 15 Christs apparition signifieth his Innocency Glory by whiteness his terrible majesty by his fiery eyes and feet and his dreadful voice to affect all with Reverence and his foes with terror 16. And he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength 16. And in his right hand were held seven Stars which signifie the Pastors of the seven Churches commissioned and upheld by him And a two-edged Sword from his mouth signified his Word sent forth with power to convert and save the Elect and to convince and condemn the obstinate rejecters And his countenance was glorious as the Sun in its clearest appearance 17. And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me Fear not I am the first and the last 17. He laid on me his supporting hand of Love when his terrible Glory had cast me at his feet and bid me Not fear for his Glory is joyful to his Servants though terrible to his Enemies He is my Almighty Eternal God and my Hope 18. I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the keys of hell and of death 18. I am Christ who was lately Incarnate on Earth and crucified for your sins and now live your King and Intercessor in glory and shall die no more And death and all separated Souls are in my power to be taken into Happiness or cast out 19. Write the things which thou hast seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter 19. Write these Revelations for posterity which contain what thou seest and the Exposition of some things that already exist and the Prophecy of many things to come 20. The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the seven golden candlesticks The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches 20. Note It is a great Controversie what is meant by Angels here 1. Some say that the Prophetical phrase being primarily of proper Angels as the Guardians of the Churches yet as in their names intending the message to the Churches themselves so it is here spoken of and to the Churches but as denominated from their several Angels And this seemeth to me the most likely sense viz. To the whole Churches Pastors and People under the name of their Guardian Angels though blaming the Churches and not the Angels which should not seem strange to them who feign such good men as Timothy to be the Angels who were not guilty of the crimes here reproved Thus Augustine d● Doctr. Christ lib. 3. c. 30. citeth and seemeth to like Tyconius's Exposition who supposeth the whole Church meant under the Angels name 2 Others suppose the Presbytery of each Church collectively governing them are called the Angels 3. Others think that only the Metropolitans are meant as Heads of Presbyters and other Bishops 4. Dr. Hammond thinks there were Sub-Presbyters in Scripture times and so that it is Metropolitans that are here meant but such as were but single Pastors of Congregations like a Parish-Pastor now that hath not so much as a Curate un●er him save Deacons but was Metropolitan over many Diocesses of such single Bishops I am far from believing 1. That any such Metropolitans were then settled 2. Or that such Churches had but one Pastor 3. Or that the single Bishop of a Metropolis was blamed for the faults of many Diocesses of Churches 4. Or that the Bishops of the excellent Primitive Churches were so quickly degenerate and guilty of the crimes here mentioned specially if Timothy was one And this Exposition too grosly slurs Episcopacy But if they were but single Pastors of single Churches the difference is no great moment What he speaketh of the Apostles intending so great a change afterward as Diocesans have made requireth proof CHAP. II. 1. UNto the angel of the church of Ephesus write These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks 1. To the Pastors and Flock of the Church of Ephesus meant by the name of their Angels These things saith Christ before described and commandeth me to write them Note 1. I believe not that Timothy was their Bishop in the ordinary sense as a fixed Pastor of that Church alone but that he in his Itinerant course described in Scripture doing the work of an Evangelist was there sometime and is therefore by the Ancients called their Bishop as Apostles were called Bishops for planting and taking care for many Churches when as there is not the least proof that they appropriated any Diocesses or Churches to each as their proper charge which other Apostles might not use the same Authority with or were fixed to any 2. I believe it yet less probable that Timothy was the Angel here accused of leaving and falling from his first Love 2. I know thy works and thy labour and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them
Educate your Children and to keep them from tempting Company and snares To cry out of dumb or unfaithful Ministers while you are worse at home your selves is but self-condemnation Are M●n●st●rs more obliged to care for your Childrens Souls by Nature or by Vow and Covenant than you are Can they do that for whole Parishes which you will not do for for one Houshold or your own Children The first Charge and part is yours If Families treacherously neglect their part and then look that all should be done at the Church you may as wisely send Boys to the Universities before they are taught to Read or Write in lower Schools If there be any hope of the amendment of a Wicked Miserable distracted World it must be mostly done by Family-Religion and the Christian Education of youth Godliness is profitable to all things but the Curse of God is in the house of the wicked And the ungodly betrayers of Souls of themselves Children and Servants will very quickly be Summoned to a terrible account Especially those that should as Rulers be Exemplary to the vulgar and are ashamed to own serious Family-Religion as if all beyond some formal Hypocrisie and lip labour were a dishonour to their houses or a needless thing These helps which I offer them that need it is that when they Read the New Testament daily in their Houses they may not read all the Paraphrase to their Families but such particulars of Exposition and Doctrinal Notes as they find most suitable to their case And I think it will not be unuseful to the Younger and Weaker sort of Ministers and the Poor ones that cannot buy larger Commentaries And if Rich Men will give their Tenants and Neighbours such Books as are suitable to the instruction of Families and the People will diligently use them it may do much to keep up saving Knowledge and Practice where the publick Ministry faileth most The God of Mercy Teach Foolish Men to have Mercy on their Families and themselves The Farewel Ne vacua sit pagina TIme and Work end Blest Souls are gone before Consumed Lights may serve to kindle more The dead can speak God can his Lamps restore The Winds that blow them out will quickly cease H●gh Pride rough Passion God can soon appease TRUTH LOVE and CONCORD raise with great increase The WISE PURE PEACEABLE for this hee 'l chuse PROUD-WOLDLINGS RAGING-FOOLS he will refuse And Snuffers not Extinguishers will use Yet Satan will not cease Tares will be sown RULERS and GUIDES hee 'l strive to make his own By STORMS and SCANDALS some will be o'rethrown Diotrephes must Rule Judas be Rich The Ignorant will err young Ears will itch The blind will lead the blind into the Ditch Lord convert Saul Check Jewish rage And Sects which sad Church-Wars do wage Let LIGHT and LOVE PROUD WRATH asswage But those blest Souls who dwell with thee Better things see And better be Than Adam or the Golden Age. ERRATA Reader I cannot gather all the Errata These few I note for thy correction INtrod p. 1. l. 23. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. c. 19. v. 19. Par. for ninth r. tenth and for If r. self Luk. for c. 7. r. 4. Joh. c. 5. v. 5. Par. fo●●8 r. 50. c. 6. v. 38. Par. l. 11. r. that the l. 12. for or r. of v. 40. Par. l. 1. r. one w●●● by c. 17. v. 5. Par. l. 12. add The Divine nature uniting c. v. 9. Par. l. 12. put out of c. 18. v. 1. r. the b●ook c. 1● v. 34. Par. put out since Act. 8. v. 22. Par. r. Prayer of a c. 17. contents r. contemn Rom. 13. Annot. l. 3● for ●ha● shall r. 10 c. 47. r. no●isie 1. Tim. c. 6. Annot. l. 5. r. bad bin better l. 7. for answering r. 〈◊〉 Rev. c. 19. v. 10. Par. l. 6. put out we v. 17. Par. l. 6. r. is the ib. for fable is r. fables l. 10. for ●r of Advertisem p. 1. l. 27. r. purposed p. 3. l. ult for in r. is p. 5. l. 35. for her's r. her p. 6. l. 24. r. say p. 9. l. 41. r. Terret l. 42. ● let him p. 13. l. 35. r. Infelicity The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ THO it be not known when or by whom all the Books of the New Testament were gathered and made up into one nor when or by whom this Title was set before them and tho for a time some Churches received not the Epistle to the Hebrews nor that of James the 2 of Peter the 2. and 3. of John that of Jude or the Revelation Yet it hath never the less satisfactory evidence of its Truth for this uncertainty and delay I. For As long as we know it is all the word of the Spirit of God it satisfieth our Faith whether all be bound up in one Book or in many And John the Apostle living long after all the rest it is more than probable that none were received in his time but by his approbation and consent and even in the daies of the Apostles they gave Testimony to the Writings of one another so Peter doth of Pauls and Jude transcribeth much of 2 Peter 2. telling us that even inspired Apostles disdained not to use and repeat each others Writings without any guilt of vain repetition or being plagiaries II. And that the few books doubted of by some were commonly afterwards received tends more to the confirming than the shaking of our belief of their Authority certainty after doubt is the most confirmed certainty It must needs be some time before all the Churches to whom the several Epistles were written could produce and Communicate them by convincing proof to all the rest And yet we must know that the Epistles to particular Churches were sent to them as to members of the Church Universal and they were obliged to communicate them to others so that we must not take them as private Letters III. Whoever first gave this title to the whole Book The New Testament or Covenant c. it 's of no great moment to know It was The New Testament before it was so entitled as one Volume But the Church hath by continual owning this Title shewed that they have received all these Books as Gods word and the whole New Testament and that no more are to be received as such The Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of which Grotius in his preface hath spoken at large signifieth indeed Gods statute Law concerning Mans Duty and Salvation or Gods constituted and proposed terms of Life And tho 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more strictly signifie usually a Mutual Covenant this doth but imply the consent of Man to the Law or terms of God It is the same thing that is called a Law and a Covenant in several respects As God enacts it and promulgated it before mans Consent it is a Law and a conditional deed of Gift and Testament and an offered Covenant in several respects
When man consents it is a Law accepted a gift and Testament accepted and a mutual actual Covenant the Law hath its introductive History and Doctrine its precepts prohibitions promises and threats And the Covenant hath the same parts only denominated from mutual consent But because there are Laws of more or less rigor and of various tenours it is the Law of Faith or Grace which is the Covenant Testament and Gospel which is now before us denominated from the Donative and Promissory parts though precept and threatening be included IV. It is of great importance that we err not by giving too little or too much to the sacred Scriptures from both which extreams many dangerous errours How 1. On the left hand those err that deny it to be Gods word of infallible truth intelligible and perfect as to its proper use without humane supplements written or orall Doctrinal or Canon Laws and those that deny it to have infallible ascertaining evidences of its truth These be-friend infidelity heresies prophaness Church Tyranny leaving it to Clergy-men to make us a new Faith New Sacraments and a new Religion at their Pleasure and to persecute good men that dare not renounce the Scripture sufficiency and Christs perfection by obeying their dictates and Cannons as Co-ordinate with Christs if not co-equal These make Church-concord utterly impossible while they deny the sufficiency not only of the essentials but of all the Bible to be the terms of Concord without their supplements or additions as if Christ that is the Author and finisher of our Faith and the maker of his own Church had not so much as told us what a Church or a Christian is or whom we must take for such into our love and Communion nor fixed the necessary terms of Union but left them to none knoweth whom even fallible men lyable to error and Tyranny that can but get uppermost and say then that they are the true Church and the Masters that must be obeyed while they are themselves of as many minds as they are of different Countrys interests and degrees of knowledge and sincerity 2. On the other side those overdo in ascribing to the Scripture who say that God had no Church or the Church no infallable rule of Faith and life before the writing of i● and who say that men converted by the Creed Catechismes preaching or tradition without knowing the Scripture can have no saving faith and that think none can be saved that doubt of any Canonical Books text or matter whether it be Gods word or that say Scripture is so perfect that there is no humane imperfection of the Pen-Men foun● in phrase word or method and that God could not have made it better or that every Book may be known to be Canonical and every reading to be right when copies vary without Historical tradition by its own evident light and that we have no more cause to doubt of any word or matter than of the truth of the Gospel and that Reason is of small use either for the proof or exposition of the Scripture but the most illiterate if he found a Bible that he had never heard of may by its own light know its truth and sense as well as studious learned Men and that no other Books need to be read● and that the Scripture is a sufficient teacher of Physick Logick Grammar c. and that nothing is to be used or done in the External Forms Modes and Accidents of Gods Worship but what is particularly commanded in Scripture and that it telleth every man whether he be sincere and justified or not and not only telleth him ●ow to know it by inward evidence with many other such mistakes proceeding from mistaking the use of the Scripture by which its perfection must be measured Which all tend to confusion and at last to infidelity or doubting of the whole when these errour● are discerned V. And tho all the Scripture be of equal truth as it is Gods word yet many untruths are in it as uttered by Men and Devils which God truly recordeth And all parts are not of equal necessity or weight And as many err by casting off the Old Testament so others err by equalling it to us with the New It is Gods word left to acquaint us what was heretofore and to shew us how Christ was prophesied of and expected and how the Church was governed in the darker and more servile state and times But we have great cause to take heed of overvaluing its use to us lest we contradict Paul that saith that even that which was written in stone is done away and the Law Changed with the Priesthood and the old and faulty Covenant for a Better of which see the nine first Chapters to the Hebrews c. Judaizers are they that most of Pauls Epistles are writt●n against And as John Baptist wa● greater than the Prophets so the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he Ev●n the holy Patriarks and David had a far more obscure Revelation of Christ and grace and the love of God and the glory to come then we have And accordingly we should have much more faith holiness and comfort than they It is dangerous making the best of them our Examples in points of faith or duty wherein they came far short of Gospel light and grace God doth not now bear with Poligamy as lie did then nor with such divorces nor doth the Gospel countenance such streams of blood as the Israelites ordinarily shed nor such lies as David was oft guilty of nor such a strange life as Solomon lived I mean that such faults will not now consist with true grace under our fuller light and mercy as would do then to men in a darker infant Age and therefore let us take heed of presuming on their Examples Christ and his Apostles are far fitter for our imitation David fills most of his Psalms with such complaints of his Enemies and curses against them as shew a far deeper sense of the suffering of the flesh and the concerns of this life than Peter and Paul shewed who suffered far more and for a holier cause and rejoyced in tribulation and then is suitable either to the precepts or examples of Christ All was not well said and done by good men which is recited in the New Testament much less in the old So far are they mistaken that say the Jews and Gentiles were bound to believe the Apostles in no more than they proved out of the Scripture that most of the Creed was to be believed by other evidences And Christ and his Apostles gave us so full proof of the truth of the Gospel as that their attestation of the Old Testament is to us a more convincing proof of its Divine Authority than any others Therefore Christians must read and honour the Old Testament and study it but the New far more to which it is that the Heart and Life must be conformed There Heavenly glory shineth far
our Reward is Wages for the value of our Work as beneficial to God in Commutative Justice but only speaketh of the proportion 3. Nor doth it imply That any in Heaven will murmur at other mens Salvation but that the Jewish Disciples were yet inclined to grudge that the Gentiles were equalled with them And it is to cure such envy now 13.14 But he answered one of them and said Friend I do thee no wrong didst thou not agree with me for a penny Take that thine is and goe thy way I will give to this last even as unto thee 15. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own Is thine eye evil because I am good 13.14.15 I break no Covenant with thee Thou art not meet to give me Laws of Equity Liberality to another is no wrong to thee Am I not the rightful disposer of my own Must I give none more than the Value of their Work deserveth All shall have Equity but all shall not have equal bounty Thou shouldst be glad of thy Brothers receivings 16. So the last shall be first and the first last for many are called but few chosen 16. So the last called in time may be made the Chief in Dignity and the first called in time may be in Grace and Glory among the lowest Yea of many that come into the Church at the first calling as the Jewish Disciples few may prove sincere and Saved 17. And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the Twelve Disciples apart in the way and said to them 18. Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be betrayed to the Chief Priests and to the Scribes and they shall Condemn him to Death 19. And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to Crucifie him and the third day he shall rise again 17.18.19 He fore-told them that at Jerusalem he should Suffer be Crucified and Rise again c. Note This frequent Prediction was a full proof of Christs truth and voluntary Suffering 20. Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her Sons worshiping him and desiring a certain thing of him 21. And he said to her What wilt thou She saith to him Grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on thy left in thy Kingdom 20.21 N. Ambition is even in Christ's Disciples till special Grace humble them seeking Preferment and Honour in the Church is a Vice that Christ giveth us this warning to avoid Carnality is apt to corrupt the Minds even of Eminent Ministers and Disciples 22. But Jesus answered and said Ye know not what ye ask are ye able to drink of the Cup that I drink of and to be baptized with ●he baptisme that I am baptized with They ●a● to him We are able 22. You think to find Worldly Honour and Dignity in my Kingdom But you are mistaken It is Suffering for me that you must expect Can you drink of this bitter Cup as I must do and be Baptized in Blood as I must be And they over-confidently answered We are able Not knowing their tryal or their weakness 23. And he saith to them Ye shall drink indeed of my Cup and be Baptized with the baptisme that I am baptized with But to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father 23. Ye shall indeed suffer more than now ye think of James was quickly Martyr'd But to be next me in my Kingdom is not to be given by me upon such Petitioning but onely to those to whom my Father hath prepared it and who shall be fittest for it 24. And when the ten heard it they were moved with indignation against the two brethren 24. Note 1. As some are prone to Ambition so others to envy them and be too much offended 2. This ambitious part of Christs Ministers here bega● Discontent that tended to Schism had not Christ soon rebuked it 3. Christs own Twelve Apostles had their mutual Distasts 25. But Jesus called them to him and said Ye know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise Authority over them 26. But it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be Great among you let him be your Minister 27. And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your Servant 25.26.27 Christ rebuketh these Ambitious desires of Superiority among them and saith The Civil Government by the Sword which the Gentiles exercise is as Lords by force and fear and the Great in strength command the rest to do their wills But in my Church as such among you my Disciples it shall not be so But tho you must be subject to the coercive Government of Magistrates yet your own proper Government and pre-eminence shall be by serviceable Humility and Love over Volunteers Church-greatness shall consist in being most greatly serviceable to the conversion and Edification of Souls and in most humble condescention to that end And he shall be accounted the Chief Pastor and Christian who is most humbly serviceable to all And the Proud and Domineering and Unserviceable shall be the lowest or basest 28. Even as the Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransome for many 28. As I my self came not to live in State with great Attendance of Servants but to serve Men for their good not to receive by their service to me but to save them by my Service for them and giving my very Life a Ransome for many 29. And as they departed from Jerico a great multitude followed him 30. And behold two blind men sitting by the way-side 31. When they heard that Jesus passed by Cryed out saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David 29.30.31 The Blind hearing by fame that he Healed all cryed to him for Mercy believing that he could heal them 32. And Jesus stood still and called them and said What will ye that I shall do t● you 32. Note Believers may have what they will of Christ which is meet for them and they for it 33.34 They say to him Lord that ou● eyes may be opened So Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes and immediately their eyes received sight and they followed him 33.34 Note 1. Bodily Calamities are easily felt and Bodily Welfare is easily desired 2. And tho Christ most value those who prefer Spiritual Mercies yet he hath compassion also on mens Bodies as serviceable to their Souls and to his Glory CHAP. XXI 1. AND when they drew nigh to Jerusalem and were to come to Bethphage to the mount of Olives then sent Jesus two Disciples 2. Saying to them Go into the Village over against you and straitway ye shall find an Ass tyed and a Colt with her loose them and bring them to me 3. And if any man
called till they cast off this Theocracy yet the Holy Ghost here tells us that Moses eminently Prophesied this of Christ who must be Universally obeyed as our Soveraign and not to obey him will be sure Condemnation of which the Jews destruction was a fore tast 24. Yea and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after as many as have spoken have likewise foretold of these days 24. The sum of all the Prophets was to foretell the sufferings and the Kingdom of Christ now begun 25. Ye are the Children of the Prophets and of the covenant which God made with our Fathers saying unto Abraham And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the Earth be blessed 25. According to the Flesh ye are the Posterity of the Prophetical Nation and first in that Covenant whch God made with Abraham pronouncing all Nations blessed in his Seed as thence deriving their blessedness 26. Unto you first God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities 46. Accordingly God having raised up his Son doth first offer him and his Grace to you before he be Preached to the Gentiles we declare to you his Miracles Resurrection and Doctrine that you may be turned from your unbelief and other sins and be a People first blessed as pardoned and sanctified and saved by his Grace CHAP. IV. ANd as they spake unto the People the Priests and the Captain of the Temple and the Saducees came upon them 2. Being grieved that they taught the people and Preached through Jesus the Resurrection from the dead 3. And they laid hands on them and put them in hold unto the next day for it was now even-tide 1. Note The great Persecutors and Silencers were the Priests who should have been the holiest and the Sadducees that believed no life but this and next the Soldiers that were mercenary One would wonder what should make such Bruitists as the Sadduces to be such furious Silencers and Persecutors If there were no life to come what harm can other Mens hopes o● it do them But in depraved Souls all Faculties are vitiated A blind mind hath a malignant heart and a cruel hand To this day who Persecute Men more for Preaching and seeking the heavenly Glory than Atheists and Bruitists who believe there is none such 4. Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed and the number of the men was about five thousand 4. The Assembly that owned Christianity was increased to above five thousand and that success grieved the Malignants 5. And it came pass on the morrow that their Rulers and Elders and Scribes 6. And Annas the high Priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as many as were of the kindred of the high Priest were gathered together at Jerusalem 5. Their Rulers the High Priest and their consorts met in Council 7. And when they had set them in the midst they asked By what power or by what name have ye done this 7. Who gave you Power and Authority to set up as Miracle workers and Preachers to the People 8. Then Peter filled with the holy Ghost said unto them Ye Rulers of the people and Elders of Israel 9. If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man by what means he is made whole 10. Be it known unto you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye Crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand here before you whole 8. It is Christs Power that did the Cure and to his Glory they proclaim it 11. This is the stone which was set at nought of your Builders which is become the head of the corner 12. Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved 11 12. He whom you rejected is made the Leader and Head over all And it is only by trusting and obeying him that man can be saved 13. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marvelled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus 13. When they perceived their freedom of speech and that thay had not been bred up to Learning but were vulgar persons untaught they marvelled and took notice that they had seen them with Jesus 14. And beholding the man which was healed standing with them they could say nothing against it 14. The Evidence of the fact silenced them at present but did not cure their heardened hearts 15. But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the councel they conferred among themselves 16. Saying What shall we do to these men for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem and we cannot deny it 17. But that it spread no further among the People let us straitly threaten them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name 15. Note O their Blindness and Devillish malignity of these silencers of Christs Ministers while they confess the miracle and should consult how to repent of their former wickedness they go on to consult how to silence the Preachers And think the Apostles so cowardly that their threatning would serve to hinder them from preaching 18. And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus 19. But Peter and John answered and said unto them Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more then unto God judge ye 18 19. The hardened Wretches called them and silenced them by their pretended Authority commanding them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus But Peter and John answered the miracle proveth Gods attestation and we know it by his spirit and dare you say that you are greater than God And that we should obey you against his command None but an Atheist dare affirm it Q. But may not Christian Rulers and Prelates silence Ministers though the Jewish might not Ans Either of them may silence Blasphemy and wickedness But sure Christian Rulers have no more power to fight against Christ and his Gospel and silence his Ministers than Heathens but much more obligation to encourage them Q. But must not Ministers called by Men obey Men that silence them though Apostles called by Christ might not Ans They that are called justly by Men are called by Christ who that way signifyed his Will And Timothy that was called by Men is charged before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall Judge c. to Preach the word and be instant in season and out of season c. Which way ever Christ call Men they are bound to be true to him Christian Rulers must be obeyed in the determination of Circumstances as time places maintenance
true Judgment that no Man Clergy or Lay do either by Command or his own practice put a Stumbling-block Scandal or occasion of sinning or hurt in his Brothers way pretending the lawfulness of the thing or his own authority to impose it Souls must not be so driven upon sin 14. I know and am perswaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of it self but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean to him it is unclean 14. I that am an Apostle and therefore want not Knowledge nor Authority to command what should be commanded in such cases do know and am perswaded in and by the Lord Jesus that none of the Meats counted unclean and avoided by the Jewish Christians are unlawful in themselves and that they mistake that think otherwise But it is unclean and unlawful to him that thinks it so or else Men must do that which they think God forbideth which were formal disobedience to him 15. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat now walkest thou not charitably Destroy not him with thy meat for whom Christ died 16. Let not then your good be evil spoken of 15 16. But if by thy unnecessary practice of an indifferent lawful thing and much more if by thy compulsion thy mistaken Brother be hurt and galled and discouraged in Religion now thou art guilty of the great sin of uncharitableness when he was guilty but of a pardonable unwilling mistake And see to it that thou do not thus by the practice or urging of thy things indifferent destroy him for whom Christ died by drawing or driving him to that which to him is sin Christ purchased Souls by a dearer price than things indifferent It 's good in you to know more than he and lawful to use such Meats as he scrupleth But turn not your Knowledge into a scandal and offence and mischief 17. For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost 17. For it is not every lawful indifferent thing no nor every truth or smaller duty which Christianity and Salvation and right to our Love and Communion lieth on These are not essential to the acceptable Subjects of Christs Kingdom Think not so unworthily of him that came to free us from the Mosaical Ceremonies that he hath made such things as these the necessary terms of Love and Communion in his Church But it is in Righteousness before God and Man and in the Love and Practice of Peace with all and in the joyful sense of the love of God and hope of Glory shed abroad on our Hearts by the Holy Ghost taking pleasure to help and comfort our Brethren in the way to Heaven This is Christianity 18. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men 18. For notwithstanding such difference in lesser things he that is such a one and in these things sincerely serveth Christ is acceptable to God whoever censure him despise him or excommunicate him and he is approved of Wise and Charitable Men and is one whose Life even the Natural Conscience of Men will secretly be forced to approve and condemn them that condemn and vilifie him 19. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edifie another 19. Instead therefore of Excommunicating Abusing or Despising one another for such Ceremonies or small differences as these if we are Christians let us lay by these matters of contention and earnestly pursue the things that make for the Common Peace of all Christians though thus differing and the things by which we may further each others Edification and Salvation and not obtrude our own Opinions or things unnecessary to the hurt of others and division of the Church 20. For meat destroy not the work of God All things indeed are pure but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence 20. Obtrude not your scrupled Meat or Ceremonies or small things to the destroying of Men's Souls by driving or drawing them to sin All such indifferent things are pure to the pure but it is your sin if you use them much more if you impose them to the scandal offence or hurt of others 21. It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth or is offended or is made weak 21. It is thy duty to forbear even Flesh and Wine when they are not necessary if the use of them will occasion sin or more hurt to thy Brother than good to thee much more to avoid obtruding thy indifferent things on him who takes them to be sins 22. Hast thou faith Have it to thy self before God Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth 22. Hast thou more Knowledge than he to believe those things to be lawful which he judgeth sin Keep thy knowledge and belief to thy self to justifie thy Judgment to God but use it not to the hurt of others Happy is he that useth not his Knowledge of good and evil to his own condemnation It 's a sad kind of Knowledge which is used to destroy others and condemn thy self 23. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat because he eateth not of faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin 23. I may well call it destroying thy Brother For if he do the indifferent thing who rather thinketh it to be unlawful it tendeth to his damnation because it is sin in his Opinion and Interpretation while be believeth it to be so or not to be lawful For what ever a Man doth believing it to be sin and not believing that God alloweth it is certainly a sin in him CHAP. XV. WE then that are strong ought to bear the Infirmities of the weak and not to please our selves 1. We then even Church Governours as well as others that are more knowing instead of driving Men of weaker understanding to go against their Consciences in unnecessary things ought to bear their weakness with compassion and in Love and Patience and not to practice what we think lawful on pretence that we are in the right when it tendeth to their hurt much less to force them to our way 2 3. Let every one of us please his Neighbour for his good to edification For even Christ pleased not himself but as it is written The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me 2 3. Let every one of us not excepting my self that am an Apostle lay by his own humour and self-will and chuse the way by which he may edifie his Brother by bearing with his weakness For even Christ to condescended and accommodated himself to the good of others As it is written The reproaches c. He suffered for Men's sin against God 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope 4. Which saying was primarily
David's indeed but all such are written in Scripture to teach us also Patience and imitation of such examples of Charity and so to confirm our hope 5. Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like minded one towards another according to Christ Jesus 5. I know the danger of this selfish uncharitable humour of imposing Mens own Opinions on all others as terms of their Communion with them and therefore as I have used this long and plain exhortation against it I shall also pray for you that the God who is patient with the weak and is their Comforter and yours will grant you so much Grace and Charity as to make you imitators of him and of the Love and Condescension of Christ and to bear with others and do by them as you would be born with and used your selves 6. That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorifie God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ 6. That you may with Unity and Concord hold your holy Communion for worshipping God without uncharitable Excommunications or Separations vilifying or censuring each other which can never be expected by driving each one to agree in small unnecessary things or without bearing with the mistakes and differences of one another when all are guilty of many mistakes and such differences must still be expected 7. Wherefore receive ye one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God 7. I conclude therefore by beseeching you to receive one another with Love to your Communion and Kindness as you would be Christian imitators of Christ and as you are sensible of his needful Mercy to your selves in receiving us that once were Enemies and still have manifold sins and errours to the glorifying of God's Love and Mercy And pretend not your Knowledge or Authority or Piety against so commanding a Motive and Example ANNOTATIONS on the former Chapter and this THe Subject of the former Chapter is handled on thus far and here that Chapter should have ended He that understandeth the former and present State of the Christian Churches and the Pride and Ignorance to which Man is liable will easily perceive that it was not in vain that the Spirit of God did by the Apostle handle and decide this Case of receiving Dissenters in tollerable Cases into Love and Communion The Jews were so tied up from Legislation in God's Matters by the knowledge of God's Prerogative in their Theocracy that they had less room for the Canons and Engines of Mans making to exercise their Pride and Uncharitableness by than the Romanists have since done And yet the Pharisees plaid their part and by their Traditions made void the Law of God and preferr'd their Ceremonies before the weighty Matters of the Law and would not understand what that meaneth I will have mercy and not sacrifice and thereby did condemn the guiltless And Christ found the Samaritans and Jews at the Debate Whether in this Mountain or at Jerusalem men ought to worship overlooking that Worship which is in Spirit and in Truth And alas what work have Domination unnecessary Canons and Censures made in the Christian Churches these 1300 years And it is an Instance what power Blindness and Prejudice and Worldly Interest have to frustrate the plainest Decisions of God's Word that so full and express a Decision as these two Chapters make with 1 Cor. 12. and Eph. 4. and James 3. hath signified as little with the Dividers and Proud almost as if there had been no such written And yet such Men call for a Judge of Controversies because of the pretended Obscurity of the Scriptures when nothing can be plainer than this which they despise They mean that such as they must be Judges and God shall make the Words if they may make the Sense How great is the number that go on the two sides of Uncharitableness here reproved especially on that which is largeliest insisted on One side saith All God's Truths are precious and none must be sold for Peace and we must not partake of other Mens Sins As if our great Duty of Love Forbearance and Communion were our Sin or a partaking of the Faults of all that we joyn with The other Side pretend 1. That Paul only requireth Forbearance in things Indifferent undetermined by Governours and not after such a Command or Determination 2. Or that he giveth only a Temporary Rule for the present Concord of Jews and Gentiles till the setled Church should take a contrary Course I will not here answer these at large having done it in my Book called The only Way of the Churches Concord But I say That I despair of reducing that Man to the Truth herein who shall continue of either of these Opinions after he hath seriously perused the Text and hath considered 1. That St. Paul here useth I think above twenty Arguments from Morality and common Christian Duty which he would not do for a mutable Case which Bishops may change when they will 2 That Rome was then a famous Church and therefore had Pastors or one at least and that he writeth to the whole Church and therefore to the Pastors And sure he never meant The Clergy shall receive such Dissenters to Communion and neither by Canon or Practice cast them out till they think meet to do otherwise and till have made such Canons Paul doth not so play with Contradictions in so long and grave a Reprehension 3. That St. Paul oft puts himself in as under the same Obligation with the rest And if an Apostle called from Heaven may not do what 's here forbidden what Bishops can prete●d a Right to do it by greater Authority or Wisdom But they that have not known the Way of Peace may say something against the fullest and plainest Description of it and the sharpest Reproofs of God himself But he will expound these Chapters to their Consciences if ever he make them Healers of his Church As to those that say It is not Church-Communion that Paul here speaks of I refer them to the plain Text and Dr. Hammond's Annotations which they value The God of Love and Peace hath given Laws for Love and Peace so strict and full and clear that all World may see that it is not he that alloweth the Canons or Censures which have so long torn the Churches 8. Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the Circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the fathers 9. And that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his mercy 8 9. And that you may understand my Argument from the Example of Christ I say that it was his Office to reconcile both Jews and Gentiles to God who will receive them both And therefore they should live as reconciled to each other Christ was a Mininister of God circumcised being a Jew and personally exercised his Ministry among them to perform Gods true Promises to the Fathers And yet his Gospel extendeth to the Gentiles also that
promised or as Incarnate and were no pa●t of that peculiar People the Jews but Aliens whom they justly refused Communion with and were Strangers from the Covenant which promised Peculiarity and so had none of the hope of Redemption which those Promises gave nor knew how as reconciled to be accepted of God and lived as Atheists without the true Knowledge of God or Trust in him or Obedience to him though you had many Idols 13. But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ 13. But now ye are Christians you are brought as nigh God as the believing Jews the Partition being taken down and the Covenant of Grace founding an Universal Church purchased and sealed by the Blood of Christ whose peculiar People now ye are 14. For he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us 14. For he is the Maker of our Peace with God and one another and hath taken away the Division between Jews and Gentiles which was like the Wall which kept the Gentiles in the outer Court of the Temple and opened to us all a way into the Sanctuary 15. Having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man so making peace 15. Being Man in the common Nature of Man and offering his Body a Sacrifice for the Sins of all he hath abolishe● the Law of Moses which contained Ordinances Ceremonial Typical and Political with severe Penalties and maketh us all one Catholick Church united in himself the Head 16. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby 16. And as his one Body was crucified for both so he thereby reconcileth both to G●d in one Body or Society which is his Church having abolished the Enmity 17. And came and preached peace to you which are afar off and to them that were nigh 17. And this Gospel of Reconciliation and Unity he hath by himself and his Apostles preached and offered Grace and Peace both to Gentiles and Jews 18. For through him we both have an access by one Spirit unto the Father 18. For through his Merits Intercession and Covenant all Believers Jews and Gentiles are made the Children of God and are sealed by his Spirit of Adoption which is an Intercessor within us by whom we have access to God 19. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the saints and of the houshold of God 19. And now this Reconciliation being made by Christ you Gentiles are no longer Strangers or Forreigners to the Church or peculiar People of God but are free Denizens Burgesses or enfranchised Citizens with the rest of the holy Society even Members of the Holy Catholick Church of Adopted ones which is as the Houshold of God 20. And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone 20. And I may liken you not onely to the Houshold but to the Ho●se of God of which you are a living part built on the Doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets qualified by the Holy Ghost and authorised by Christ to call and gather his Catholick Church and so may secondarily be called its Foundation Christ himself being the primary Foundation or Chief Corner-stone 21. In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. 21. In whom as the Head of Union all the Church of God being compact into one holy Society as it were of Living Stones is built riseth and groweth up to be an holy Temple to the Lord increasing to its perfection 22. In whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit 22. And as God called the Temple at Jerusalem his Dwelling so by the Spirit of Christ you also with all the rest of the Faithful are built up as a holy Temple in which by the same Spirit God will dwell Note That 1. The Catholick Church is not onely that which was once by the Policy of Emperours and Bishops called Catholick as National being in that Empire onely and under its Laws but as it containeth all Christians in the World 2. That it is Headed onely by Christ the Center of its Unity 3. That inspired Apostles and Prophets being the M●ssengers of new Divine Revelation are its secondary Foundation by an Authority and Qualification proper to them and not extending to Bishops or their Councils who come after them 4. Note the great Dignity of the Church as resulting from this Foundation Christ and the Reconciliation wrought by him 5. That they that would destroy this Unity and Superstruction fight against Christ and would destroy the Church which is most notably done by setting up a false Head or Foundation or making false uncapable Terms of Union by the presumptuous Canons and Laws of Usurpers 6. That though this Church have no Uniting Head but Christ yet it must be compact as the Members of his Body and have one Faith Hope Baptism and Spirit of Love and abhor Division as Destruction CHAP. III. 1. FOr this cause I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles 1. Having those great Encouragements I Paul even glory that I am Christs Prisoner for the Gentiles sake even for preaching the Gospel for their Conversion and Salvation Note That at once Paul was the Jews Prisoner as his Accusers and Persecutors and the Heathen Romans Prisoner as his Judges and Christs Prisoner both finally as suffering for his sake and obligatorily as Commissioned for a Persecuted Work and the Gentiles Prisoner finally as suffering for his Labours for their Salvation 2. If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward 3. How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as I wrote afore in few words 2 3. For I suppose you have heard how for your good God hath commissioned me to declare and dispence to you the Gospel of Grace and Gifts of the Spirit and by Revelation from Heaven by the Voice of Christ and inwardly by his Spirit made known to me the Mystery of Mans Redemption and the Calling of the Gentiles as I wrote briefly before 4 5. Whereby when ye read ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit 6. That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel 4 5 6. In which you may read my Explication of this Mystery and perceive that Christ hath acquainted me with it which in former Ages was not openly and clearly made known to Men as it is now by the Spirit revealed to the holy Apostles and Prophets who
to make Laws for the universal Church on Earth but he and to undertake it is to undertake the prerogative of Christ and to be Vice-christ by usurpation be it Pope or Councils 4. Yet the precept of observing his commands forbids not the observing of the commands of any lawful limited local rulers under him not crossing his commands Parents Masters Pastors Princes must be obeyed in their Provinces and Places even about Gods worship If men make subordinate Laws according to Christs General Laws of Love Concord Edification Order they must be obeyed as e. g. what translations of Scripture to use what Psalms Meters Tunes Gestures Time Place and abundance such like The Gospel according to St. MARK Note 1. That this is the same Mark against whom as not fit to be taken with them St. Paul sharply contended with Barnabas even to parting a sunder But it was not as charging him with any crime but as unfit to be taken with them in so long and hard a work which he before deserted 2. It is said by some to be a tradition that Mark wrote this from the Mouth of Peter but that is uncertain 3. It is questioned seeing it is only the eleven Apostles to whom Christ promised the Eminent help of the Spirit to bring all his Doctrine to their remembrance and lead them into all Truth How can we be sure that Mark and Luke who were no Apostles and had not this promise did never mistake in their writing the Gospel Ans Tho Christ promised not Infallibility to all Preachers then he promised and gave the Eminent Miraculous gifts to the Spirit to others as well as to the Apostles as appeared in Stephen Philip and others And this spirit was to sit them for the work to which they were called which his miracles by them attested 2. And the Apostles that then lived approved these writings of Mark and Luke and so did the Churches where the gifts of the Spirit did then most abound who also delivered them down to us Whether this Mark was Bishop of Alexandria or only a transient Evangelist there a while is an Historical controversie of no great Moment When Antioch had at once so many great Apostles Prophets and Teachers and no one of them then a Bishop to rule the rest as their Pastor we may well conjecture that the case of Alexandria did not much differ from that of Antioch and Jerusalem where neither James nor any one was Governour of the Apostles The Reader must not expect that I repeat at large the Paraphrases or Notes which are written on Matthew when the same History and words are by Mark repeated CHAP. I. 1. THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God 2. As it is written in the prophets Behold I send my messenger before thy face who shall prepare thy way before thee 3. The voice of one crying in the Wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight 1. c. The publick entrance of Christ on his Ministry and Preaching the glad tydings of Salvation was by the preparation of Johns Ministry Preaching Repentance to fit men for the Kingdom of the Messiah at hand which the Prophets had foretold Note Whether by the Prophets be here meant Isay and Malachi or onely Isay is a Controversie of small moment 4. John did Baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins 4. John told the Jews that the Messiah was now come and brought Pardon and Salvation to all that received him and therefore perswaded them all to Repent that they might be Pardoned and fit Members of his Kingdom and Baptized those that Professed this 5. And there went out unto him all the land of Judea and they of Jerusalem and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan confessing their sins 5. The generality of the people longing for the promised Messiah were glad of this News that he was Come and thronged to John Confessing their Sins and Professing Repentance and were Baptized by him 6. And John was clothed with camels hair and with a girdle of a skin about his loyns and he did eat locusts and wild honey 6. N. This kind of Eremetical Life and Abstinence is overvalued by them who place Merit or Perfection in it and is unjustly vilifyed by some who know not of how great use it is some persons to withdraw from worldly Vanities and Temptations 7. And preached saying There cometh one mightier than I after me the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose 7. N. Christ and his Servants are patterns of Humility But Satan and his servants are known by Pride 8. I indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost 8. My Baptism doth but prepare you but his shall power out the Spirit on the Baptized 9. And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized of John in Jordan 9. N. Qu. Did Christ Profess Repentance for the Remission of Sins If not how was he capable of Johns Baptisme Answ He was not Baptized to the same uses as other men but as owning Johns Baptisme and the Coming of the Kingdom of God As a General will wear the same Colours with his Soldiers though theirs signifie subjection to him 10. And straitway coming up out of the water he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him 10. See on Matt. 3. 11. And there came a voice from heaven saying Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased 11. N. God from Heaven Preached the Gospel at Christs Baptisme 12. And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness 13. And he was there in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan and was with the wild beasts and the Angels ministred to him 12.13 N. 1. To conquer Temptations is to conquer Satan 2. Angels brought him meat at the end of the Forty days 14. Now after that John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God 14. That the Kingdom of God was coming 15. And saying The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel 15. The promised time of the Messiahs appearing is Come Repent and believe this glad-tidings 16. Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers 17. And Jesus said to them Come ye after me and I will make you to become fishers of men 18. And straitway they forsook their nets and followed him 16. c. See on John 1.40 and Matt. 4.18 19. And when he had gone a little further thence he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother who also were in the ship mending their nets 20. And straitway he called them and they left their father Zebedee in