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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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✝ verse 19 And this he said signifying by vvhat death he should glorifie God ⊢ And vvhen he had said this he saith to him Folovv me ✝ verse 20 Peter turning savv that disciple vvhom IESVS loued folovving * vvho also leaned at the supper vpon his breast and said Lord vvho is he that shal betray thee ✝ verse 21 Him therfore vvhen Peter had seen he saith to IESVS Lord and this man vvhat ✝ verse 22 IESVS saith to him So I vvil haue him to remaine til I come vvhat to thee folovv thou me ✝ verse 23 This saying therfore vvent abrode among the brethren that that disciple dieth not And IESVS did not say to him he dieth not but So I vvil haue him to remaine til I come vvhat to thee ✝ verse 24 This is that disciple vvhich giueth testimonie of these things and hath vvritten these things and vve knovv that his testimonie is true ⊢ ✝ verse 25 But there are * many other things also vvhich IESVS did vvhich if they vvere vvritten in particular neither the vvorld it self I thinke vvere able to conteine those bookes that should be vvritten ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXI 17. Feede my sheepe As it was promised him Mat. 16 that the Church should be builded vpō him and that the keies of heauen should be giuen to him so here it is performed he is actually made the general Pastor and Gouerner of al Christs sheepe For though the other ten as Matthias and Paul also afterward were Apostles Bishops Priests aud had authoritie to binde and loose to remitte and rete●ne to preach baptize and such like as wel as he Yet in these things and al other gouernement Christ would haue him to be their head and they to depend of him as head of their College and consequently of the whole flocke of Christ no Apostle nor no Prince in earth if he acknowledge him self to be a sheepe of Christ exempted from his charge And that Christ maketh a difference betwixt Peter and the rest and giueth him some greater preeminence and regiment then the rest it is plaine by that he is asked whether he loue our Lord more then the other Apostles do where for equal charge no difference of loue had bene required To Peter saith S. Cyprian our Lord after his Resurrection said Feede my sheepe and build●d his Church vpon him alone and to him he giueth the charge of feeding his sheepe For although after his Resurrection he gaue his povver alike to al saying As my Father sent me so I send you take the Holy Ghost if you remitte to any their sinnes they shal be remitted c. Yet to manifest vnitie he cōstituted one Chaire so disposed by his authoritie that vnitie should haue origine of one The rest of the Apostles vvere that Peter vvas in equal fellovvship of honour and povver but the beginning cōmeth of vnitie the Primacie is giuen to Peter that the Church of Christ may be shewed to be one one Chaire S. Chrysostome also saith thus Why did our Lord shede his bloud truely to redeeme those sheepe the cure of vvhich he committed both to Peter and also to his Successors And a litle after Christ vvould haue Peter indued vvith such authoritie and to be far aboue al his other Apostles for he saith Peter dost thou loue me more then al these do Wherevpon our Maister might haue inferred If thou loue me Peter vse much fasting sleepe on the hard floure vvatch much be patrone to the oppressed father to the orphans and husband to the vvidovves but omitting al these things he saith Feed my sheepe For al the foresaid vertues certes may be done easily of many subiects not onely men but vvomen but vvhen it commeth to the gouernement of the Church and committing the charge of so many soules al vvoman kind must needes vvholy giue place to the burden and greatnes thereof and a great number of men also So writeth he And because Protestants would make the vnlearned thinke that S. Gregorie deemēd the Popes Supremacie to be wholy vnlawful and Antichristian for that he condemneth Iohn of Constantinople for vsurping the name of vniuersal Bishop resembling his insolence therein to the pride of Antichrist note wel the wordes of this holy father in the very same place and Epistle against the B. of Constantinople by which you shal easily see that to deny him to be vniuersal Bishop is not to deny Peter or the Pope to be head of the Church or supreme Gouerner of the same as our Aduersaries fraudulently pretend It is plaine to al men saith he that euer read the Gospel that by our Lordes mouth the charge of the vvhole Church vvas committed to S. Peter Prince of the Apostles for to him it vvas said Feed my sheepe for him vvas the prayer made that his faith should not faile to him vvere the keies of heauen giuen and authoritie to binde and loose to him the cure of the Church and principality vvas deliuered and yet he vvas not called the vniuersal Apostle This title in deed vvas offered for the honour of S. Peter Prince of the Apostles to the Pope of Rome by the holy Councel of Chalcedon but none of that See did euer vse it or consent to take it Thus much S. Gregorie who though he both practised iurisdictiō through out al Christendom as other of that See haue euer done and also acknowledged the Principality and Soueraintie to be in Peter and his Successors yet would he not for iust causes vse that title subiect to vanitie misconstructiō But both he al the Popes since haue rather called them selues Seruos seruorum Dei the Seruants of Gods seruants Though the word vniuersal Bishop in that sense wherein the holy Councel of Chalcedon offered it to the See of Rome was true and Lawful For that Councel would not haue giuen any Antichristian or vniust title to any man Onely in the B. of Constantinople and other which in no sense had any right to it and who vsurped it in a very false and tyrannical meaning it was insolent vniust and Antichristian See also the Epistles of S. Leo the Great concerning his practise of vniuersal iurisdiction though he refused the title of vniuersal Bishop And S. Bernard that you may better perceiue that the general charge of Christs sheepe was not onely giuen to Peters person but also to his successors the Popes of Rome as S. Chrysostom also before alleaged doth testifie writeth thus to Eugenius Thou art he to whom the keies of heauen are deliuered to whom the sheepe are cōmitted there be other Porters of heauē other Pastors of flockes but thou hast inherited in more glorious differēt sort For they haue euery one their particular flocke but to thee al vniuersally as one flocke to one mā are credited being not onely the Pastor of the sheepe but the one Pastor of al the
verse 8 For the vvhich cause ″ I beseeche you that you confirme charitie tovvard him ✝ verse 9 For therfore also haue I written that I may knovv the experiment of you vvhether in al things you be ″ obedient ✝ verse 10 And vvhom you haue pardoned any thing ″ I also For my self also that vvhich I pardoned if I pardoned any thing ″ for you ″ in the person of Christ ✝ verse 11 that vve be not ″ circumuented of Satan for vve are not ignorant of his cogitations ✝ verse 12 And vvhen I vvas come to Troas for the Gospel of Christ and a doore vvas opened vnto me in our Lord ✝ verse 13 I had no rest in my spirit for that I found not Titus my brother but bidding them fare vvel I vvent forth into Macedonia ✝ verse 14 And thankes be to God vvho alvvaies triumpheth vs in Christ IESVS and manifesteth the odour of his knovvledge by vs in euery place ✝ verse 15 For vve are the good odour of Christ vnto God in them that are saued and in them that perish ✝ verse 16 To some in deede the odour of death vnto death but to others the odour of life vnto life And to these things vvho is so sufficient ✝ verse 17 For vve are not as very many ″ adulterating the vvord of God but of sinceritie and as of God before God in Christ vve speake ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. ● This rebuke sufficeth This Corinthian for incest vvas excommunicated and put to penance by the Apostle as appeareth in the former Epistle c. 5. And here order is giuen for his absolution and pardoning Vvherein first vve haue a plaine example and proofe of the Apostolike povver there of binding and here of loosing there of punishing here of pardoning there of retaining sinnes here of remission Secondly vve may hereby proue that not onely amendment ceasing to sinne or repentance in hart and before God alone is alvvaies ynough to obteine ful reconcilement vvhereas vve see here his separation also from the faithful and the Sacraments and from al companie or dealing vvith other Christian men besides other bodily affliction al vvhich called of the Apostle before interitus carnis the destruction of the flesh and named here Rebuke or as the * Greeke word also importeth mulct penaltie correction chastisment were enioyned him by the Apostles commaundement in the face of the Church and by the offender patiently susteined so long Thirdly we see that it lieth in he handes of the Apostles Bishops and spiritual Magistrates to measure the time of such penance or discipline not onely according to the weight of the offence committed but also according to the weaknes of the persons punished and other respectes of time and place as to their wisedom shal be thought most agreable to the parties good and the Churches edification Lastly by this vvhole hardling of the offenders case we may refute the vvicked heresie of the Protestants that vvould make ●he simple beleeue no punishment of a mans ovvne person for sinnes cōmitted nor penance enioyned by the Church nor any paines temporal or satisfaction for our life past to be necessarie but al such things to be superfluous because Christ hath satisfied ynough for all Vvhich Epicurian doctrine is refelled not onely hereby but also by the Prophets Iohn the Baptistes Christes and the Apostles preaching of penance and condigne workes or fruites of repentance to euery man in his ovvne person and not in Christes person onely and by the vvhole life and most plaine speaches and penitential canons of the holy doctors and Councels prescribing times of penance commending penance enioyning penance and continually vsing the word satisfaction in this case through out al their vvorkes as our Aduersaries them selues can not but confesse 8. I beseche you They vvhich at the beginning did beare to much vvith the offender and seemed Io●h to haue him excommunicated in so austere maner yet through their obedience to the Apostle became on the other side so rigorous and so farre detested the malefactor after he vvas excommunicated that the Apostle novv meaning to absolue him vvas glad to intreate and commaund them also to accept him to their companie and grace againe 9. Obedient Though in the last chapter he discharged him self of tyrannical dominion ouer them yet he chalengeth their obedience in al things as their Pastor and Superior and consequently in this point of receiuing to mercie the penitent Corinthian Vvhereby vve see that as the power and authoritie of excommunicating so of absoluing also vvas in S. Paules person though both vvere to be done in the face of the Church els he vvould not haue commaunded or required their obedience 10. I also The Heretikes and others not vvel founded in the Scriptures and antiquitie maruel at the Popes pardons counting them either fruitles or vnlavvful or no elder then S. Gregorie But in deede the authoritie power and right of them is of Christes ovvne vvord and commission principally giuen to Peter and so aftervvard to al the Apostles and in their persons to al the cheefe Pastors of the Church vvhen it vvas said Whatsoeuer you loose in earth shal be loosed in heauen By vvhich commission the holy Bishops of old did cut of large peeces of penance enioyned to offenders and gaue peace grace or indulgence * before they had accomplished the measure of their appointed or deserued punishment and that is to giue pardon And so S. Paul here did tovvardes the Corinthian vvhom he assoiled of mere grace and mercie as the vvord donare or ●endonare doth signifie when he might longer haue kept him in penance and temporall affliction for his offence Vvherof though he had already before God invvardly repented yet vvas he iustly holden vnder this correction for some satisfaction of his fault past during the Apostles pleasure To remit then the temporal punishment or chastisment due to sinners after the offence it self and the guilt therof be forgiuen of God is an Indulgence or pardon vvhich the principal Magistrates of Gods Church by Christes vvarrant and the Apostles example haue euer done being no lesse authorised to pardon then to punish and by imitation of our Maister who forgaue * the aduouteresse and diuers other offenders not only their sinnes but also often the temporal punishments due for the same are as much giuen to mercie as to iustice 10. For you Theodorete vpon this place saith that the Apostle gaue this pardon to the Corinthian at the intercession of the blessed men Timotheus and Titus And we may read in sundrie places of S. Cyprian namely that Indulgences or remissions vvere giuen in the primitiue Church by the mediation of holy Confessors or Martyrs and by cōmunicating the satisfactorie vvorkes of one to another to vvhich end they gaue their letters to Bishops in the behalfe of diuers their Christiā brethrē a thing most agreable to the
his vocation and doctrine to their trial and approbation and to ioyne in office teaching and societie or communion vvith them For there is no extraordinarie or miraculous vocation that can seuer or separate the person so called in doctrine or fellovvship of Christian life and religion from the ordinarie knowen societie of Gods people and Priestes Therfore vvhosoeuer he be vpon vvhat pretence so euer that vvil not haue his calling and doctrine tried by the ordinarie Gouerners of Gods Church or disdaineth to go vp to the principal place of our religion to conferre vvith Peter and other pillers of the Church it is euident that he is a false teacher a Schismatike and an Heretike By vvhich rule you may trie al your nevv teachers of Luthers or Caluins schoole vvho neuer did nor euer durst put their preaching to such conference or trial of holy Councel or Bishops as they ought to do and vvould do if it vvere of God as S. Paules vvas 2. In vaine Though S. Paul doubted not of the truth of the Gospel vvhich he preached knovving it to be of the holy Ghost yet because other men could not nor vvould not acknovvledge so much til it vvere allovved by such as vvere vvithout al exception knovven to be Apostles to haue the spirit of truth to discerne vvhether the vocation spirit Gospel of Paul vvere of God he knevv he should othervvise vvithout conferēce vvith them haue lost his labour both for the time past and to come He had not had saith S. Hierom securitie of preaching the Gospel if it had not been approued by Peters sentence and the rest that vvere vvith him Hiero. ep 29. c. 2. See Tertul. li. 4 Cont. Marc. nu 3. Therfore by reuelation he vvent to conferre with the Apostles at Hierusalem that by them hauing his Apostleship and Gospel liked and approued he might preach vvith more fruite Vvherein vve see this holy Apostle did not as the seditious proud Heretikes do novv a daies vvhich refusing al mans attestation or approbation vvil be tried by Scriptures onely As also vve may learne that it is not such absurditie as the Aduersaries vvould make it to haue the Scriptures approued by the Churches testimonie Seing the Gospel vvhich S. Paul preached being of as much certaintie and of the same Holy Ghost that the Scriptures be vvas to be put in conference and examination of the Apostles vvithout al derogation to the truth dignitie or certaintie of the same And the cauilling of Heretikes that we make subiect Gods Oracles to mans censure and the Scriptures to haue no more force then the Church is content to graunt vnto them is vaine and false I or to beare vvitnes or to giue euidence or attestation that the preaching or vvriting of such is true and of the Holy Ghost is not to make it true no more then the Goldsmith or touch-stone that trie and discerne vvhich is true gold make it good gold but they giue euidence to man that so it is And therfore that disputation also vvhether the Scripture or the Church be of greater authoritie is superfluous either giuing testimonie to the other and both assured by the Holy Ghost from al error the Church yet being before the Scriptures the spouse of Christ and proper dwelling temple or subiect of God and his graces for the vvhich Church the Scriptures vvere and not the Church for the Scriptures In vvhich Church there is iudicial authoritie by office and iurisdiction to determine of doubtful questions touching the sense of the Scriptures and other controuersies in religion to punish disobedient persons Of which iudicial power the Scriptures be not capable as neither the truthes determinations of the same can be so euident to men ' nor so agreable and fit for euery particular resolution as diuersitie of times and persons requireth Certaine is the truth and great is the authoritie of both but in such diuers kindes as they can not be vvell compared together The controuersie is much like as if a man touching the ruling a case in lavv or giuing sentence in a matter of question should aske vvhether the iudge or the euidēce of the parties be of more authoritie or credit vvhich vvere as friuolous a dispute as it were a disordered part for any man to say he vvould be tried by no other iudge but by his owne vvritings or euidences Vvith such tristers and seditious persons haue vve to do now a daies in diuinitie as vvere intolerable in any prophane science or facultie in the vvorld 6. Added nothing The Gospel and preaching of S. Paul vvas wholy of God therfore though it vvere put to the Churches probation as gold is to the touch stone yet being found in al pointes pure nothing could be altered or amended therein by the Apostles Euen so the Scriptures vvhich are in deede vvholy of the Holy Ghosts enditing being put to the Churches trial are found proued and testified vnto the vvorld to be such and not made true altered or amended by the same Vvithout vvhich attestation of the Church the holy Scriptures in them selues vvere alvvaies true before but not so knowen to be to al Christians nor they so bound to take them And that is the meaning of the famous sentence of S. Augustine Cont. ep fund c. 5. vvhich troubleth the Heretikes so much I vvould not beleeue the Gospel saith he vnles the authoritie of the Church moued me 7. To Peter of the circumcision Vve may not thinke as the Heretikes deceitfuly teach that the charge of the Apostles vvas so distincted that none could preach or exercise iurisdiction but in those seueral places or towardes those peoples or prouinces onely vvherevnto by Gods appointment or their ovvne lot or election they vvere specially designed For euery Apostle might by Christes commission Mat. 28. Goe and teach al nations vse al spiritual functiō through the vvhole vvorld yet for the more particualr regard care of prouinces for peace order sake some were appointed to one countrie some to an other as of the other Apostles we see in the Ecclesiastical histories and for S. Peter S. Paul it is plaine by this place other that to them as to the tvvo cheefe and most renovvmed Apostles the Church of al Nations vvas giuen as deuided into two partes that is Ievves and Gentiles the first and principal being S. Peters lot that herein also he might resemble our Sauiour vvho vvas sent namely * to the lost sheepe of Israel and vvas properly * the Minister of the Circumcision the second being S. Paules vvhom Christ chose specially to preach to the Gentiles Not so for al that that either he vvas limited to the Gentils onely vvhō the Actes of the Apostles report in euery place first to haue entered into the Synagogs preached Christ to the Ievves as he vvrote also to the Hebrues euer had special regard honour to thē
sending to thrust and intrude him self into an other mans charge ⸬ A proper terme for Heretikes that shape thē selues into the habit of true teachers specially by often allegation and commentatiō of the Scriptures Reade the notable admonition of the auncient vvriter Vincentius Livinensis in his golden booke Against the Prophane neuelties of al heresies The Epistle vpon the Sunday of Se●agesme Phil. 3 5. Dou. 25 3. Act. 16 23. 14 18. 27 15. b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Chrysostom and Theophylacte interpret it of daily conspiracie against him others of multitude of cares instāt vrgēt vpō him c non vror 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 9 24. As Eue by the Serpent so the people are seduced by Heretikes Heretikes sometime eloquent Knovvledge better then gay wordes Yong orators among heretikes preferred before the aūcient Doctors ⸬ By this vve may proue that it is neither impossible incredible nor vndecent that is reported by the auncient fathers of some that haue been rauished or rapt whether in body or out of body God knovveth brought to see the state of the next life as vvel of the saued as damned ` Againe ⸬ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vvhich S. Augustine saith ep 108 is spoken here of doing great penance for heinous sinnes as P●ni●●ntes did in the primitiue Church So that it is not onely to repent or to amend their liues as the Protestants translate it Visiōs haue no credite with heretikes ● Mach● 15 11. The Apostles some greater then other we must sticke to the faith first 〈◊〉 ●anted by miracles Deu. 19 15. ` shal knovv c Ecclesistical power to punish offenders by the cēsures of the Church The Epistle in a ●oti●e Masse of the B. Trinitie c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 16 16. 1. Co. 16 20. Vve may knovv that we haue faith but not that vve are in grace ⸬ New Gospellers that peruert corrupt or alter the one onely true and first deliuered Gospel are to be auoided See S. Augustine Cont. Faustum li. 32. c. 27. c The Epistle vpon the Commemoration of S. Paul Iun. 30. Act. 9 1. ⸬ S. Iames was called our Lordes brother after the hebrew phrase of the Iewes by vvhich neere kinsmen are called brethrē for they were not brethren in deede but rather susters children S. Paul sent to preache by ordinarie impositiō of hādes No shevv of learning or vertue must moue vs from the faith Preaching cōtrarie to the saith receiued is forbidden not other preaching Tra●t 98 in Ioan. The Gospel is not onely in the written word of scripture but in vnwritten tradition also After-preaching ouersowing of nouelties ●rgueth false doctrine The Apostles curse vpon al that teache nevv doctrine and dravv men from the Cath. Church Li. cont proph haer nouit * Aug. ep 165. Zeale against heretikes B. Paul doth visite S. Peter of honour and reuerence tovvard him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deu. 10 17. c See the marginal Annotation Rom. 2. v. 25. c That is in presence before them al as ●eza him self expoundeth it Yet the English Bezites to the more disgracing of S. Peter translate to his face No. Test an 1580. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 3 19. 20. ⸬ By this and by the discourse of this whole epistle you may perceiue that when iustification is attributed to faith the vvorkes of Charitie be not excluded but the vvorkes of Moyses law that is the ceremonies sacrifices and sacramēts thereof principally and consequently al workes done merely by nature and free wil without the faith grace spirit aide of Christ S. Paul conferreth vvith S. Peter and the rest for trial of his doctrine The heretikes submit their doctrine to no trial of Bishops or Coūcel The approbation of S. Paules doctrine by Peter the rest vvas very requisite No absurditie that the Scriptures be approued by the Churches testimonie The Church maketh not Canonical Scripture but declareth that it is so The Scripture Church cōpared together for antiquitie authoritie c. The Scriptures alvvaies true in them selues are so knovven to be by the Church The Apostles commissiō general through the vvorld yet peculiar to certaine prouinces Iewes and Gentiles specially committed to the two principal Apostles Mat. 15. Ro. 15. Neither Peter only of the Ievves nor Paul Apostle of the Gētiles only Act. 10. 15. v. 7. Calu. li. 4. v. 6. nu 15. Iustit Caluins folish reason that Peter vvas not B. of Rome his derogaciō from Peters Apostleship The Church founded at Rome by S. Peter and S. ●aul Al Catholike preachers and Pastors must communicate vvith Peter his successors The heretikes ridiculous argumēt against Peters preeminence The heretikes malitiously derogate from S. Peter Paules reprehension of Peter teacheth vs the zeale of the one and humilitie of the other It proueth nothing agaist Peters superioritie that he vvas reprehended The superior may be reprehende or admonished of the inferior Heretikes reprehension of Catholike Bishops in rather railing S. Peters errour vvas not in faith but in conuersation or behauiour Luc. 22 32. * See S. Chrysost Theophyl c. ⸬ For any people or person to forsake the faith of their first Apostles Conuersion at the voice of a few nouellaries seemeth to wise men a very bewitching sensles brutishnes Such is the case of our poore coūtrie Germanie and others Gen. 15 6. Ro. 4. 3. ⸬ This faith whereby Abraham was iustified and his children the Gen. i●s beleeuing in Christ implieth al Christian vertues of which the first is faith the groūd foundation of al the rest and therfore here and els where often named of the Apostle Gen. ●● 3. Deu. 27 26. Abac. 2. Ro. 1. Leu. 18. Deu. 21. The Epistle vpō the 13 Sūday after Pentecost Gen. 22 18. Ro. 3 9. 11 32. Notwithstanding venial sinnes men are truely iust and may keepe the cōmaundements Iac. 2. Not only faith Baptisme giueth grace and iustification not faith only The Epistle vpon Twelfth eue ⸬ That is the rudiments of religiō wherin the carnal Iewes vvere trained vp or the corporal creatures wherein their manifold sacrifices sacraments and rites did consist Ro. 8 15. ⸬ So ought al Catholike people receiue their teachers in religion vvith al duetie loue reuerence The Epistle vpon the 4 Sūday in Lent Gen. 16 15. 21 2. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Es 54 1. Ro. 9 8. ⸬ This mutual persecution is a figure also of the Church iustly persecuting Heretikes contrarivvise of Heretikes vvhich be the childrē of the bondvvoman vniustly persecuting the Catholike Church Aug. ep 48. Gen. 21 10. External vvorship of God by vse of creatures necessarie hovv the Heathen Ievves Christians differ in the same The vse of external elemēts in the Sacraments Our Sacraments fevv easie in respect of the Ievves S. Augustine falsely alleaged of the Heretikes for tvvo Sacraments only ep 118. c. 1. in ps 103. cōc 1 The other
of the Apostles confessing the faith and receiuing these things in other mens names Where the holy Doctors meane only that these prerogatiues were not geuen to him for his owne vse but for the good of the whole Church and to be imparted to euery vocation according to the measure of their callings and that these great priuileges geuen to Peter should not decay or die with his person but be perpetual in the Church in his successors Therfore S. Hierom to Damasus taketh this Rocke not to be Peters person only but his successors and his Chaire I saith he folowing no cheefe or principal but Christ ioyne my self to the communion of Peters chaire vpon that rocke I know the Church was built And of that same Apostolike Chaire S. August saith That same is the Rocke which the proud gates of Hel do not ouercome And S. Leo Our Lord would the Sacrament or mysterie of this gift so to pertaine vnto the office of al the Apostles that he placed it principally in blessed S. Peter the cheefe of al the Apostles that from him as from a certaine head he might poure out his giftes as it were through the whole body that he might vnderstand him self to be an aliene from the diuine mysterie that should presume to reuolt from the soliditie or stedfastnes of Peter 1● Build my Church The Church or house of Christ was only promised here to be builded vpon him which was fulfilled Io. 21 1● the foundation stone and other pillers or matter being yet in preparing and Christ him self being not only the supereminent foundation but also the founder of the same which is an other more excellent qualitie then was in Peter for which he calleth it my Church meaning specially the Church of the new Testament Which was not perfectly formed and finished and distincted from the Synagogue til whitsunday though Christ gaue Peter and the rest their commissions actually before his Ascension 18. Gates of hel Because the Church is resembled to a house or a citie the aduersarie powers also be likened to a contrarie house or towne the gates wherof that is to say the fortitude or impugnations shal neuer preuaile against the citie of Christ And so by this promis we are assured that no heresies nor other wicked attempts can preuaile against the Church builded vpon Peter which the Fathers call Peters see and the Romane Church Count saith S. Augustine the Priests from the very See of Peter and in that order of fathers consider vvho to vvhom hath succeeded that same is the rocke vvhich the proud gates of Hel do not ouercome And in an other place that is it which hath obtained the toppe of authoritie Heretikes in vaine barking round about it 19. To thee In saying to thee vvil I geue it is plaine that as he gaue the keies to him so he builded the Church vpon him So saith S. Cyprian To Peter first of al vpon vvhom our Lord built the Church and from vvhom he instituted and shevved the beginning of vnitie did he geue this povver that that should be loosed in the heauens vvhich he had loosed in earth Wherby appeareth the vaine cauil of our Aduersaries which say the Church was built vpon Peters Confession only cōmon to him and the rest and not vpon his person more then vpon the rest 19. The keies That is The authoritie or Chaire of doctrine knowledge iudgement and discretion betwene true and false doctrine the height of gouernement the power of making lawes of calling Councels of the principal voice in them of confirming them of making Canons and holesom decrees of abrogating the contrarie of ordaining Bishopes and Pastors or deposing and suspending them finally the povver to dispense the goods of the Church both spiritual and temporal Which signification of preeminent power and authoritie by the vvord keies the Scripture expresseth in many places namely speaking of Christ I haue the keies of death and Hel that is the rule And againe I vvil geue the key of the house of Dauid vpon his shoulder Moreouer it signifieth that men can not come into heauen but by him the keies signifing also authoritie to open and shut as it is said Apoc. 3. of Christ who hath the key of Dauid he shutteth and no man openeth By which wordes we gather that Peters authoritie is maruelous to whom the keies that is the power to open and shut heauen is geuen And therfore by the name of keies is geuen that supereminent power which is called in comparison of the power graunted to other Apostles Bishops aud Pastors plenitude potestatis fulnes of power Bernard lib. 2. de considerat c. 8. 19. Whatsoeuer thou shal bind Al kind of discipline and punishment of offenders either spiritual which directly is here meant or corporal so farre as it tendeth to the execution of the spiritual charge is comprised vnder the word bind Of which sort be Excommunications Anathematismes Suspensions degradations and other censures and penalties or penances enioyned either in the Sacrament of Confession or in the exterior Courtes of the Church for punishment both of other crimes and specially of heresie and rebellion against the Church and the chee●e pastors therof 19. Loose To loose is as the cause and the offenders case requireth to loose them of any the former bandes and to restore them to the Churches Sacraments and Communion of the faithful and execution of their function to pardon also either al or part of the penances enioyned or what debtes so euer man oweth to God or the Church for the satisfaction of his sinnes forgeuen Which kind of releasing or loosing is called Indulgence finally this whatsoeuer excepteth nothing that is punishable or pardonable by Christ in earth for he hath committed his power to Peter And so the validitie of Peters sentence in binding or loosing whatsoeuer shal by Christes promis be ratified in heauen Leo Ser. de Transfig Ser. 2. in anniuers-assumpt ad Pontif. Hilar. can 16. in Matth. Epiph. in Ancherato prepe initium If now any temporal power can shew their warrant out of scripture for such soueraine power as is here geuen to Peter and consequently to his successors by these wordes whatsoeuer thou shal binde and by the very keies wherby greatest soueraintie is signified in Gods Church as in his familie and houshold and therfore principally attributed and geuen to Christ * who in the scripture is said to haue the key of Dauid but here cōmunicated also vnto Peter as the name of Rocke if I say any temporal potestate can shew authoritie for the like soueraintie let them chalenge hardly to be head not only of one particular but of the whole vniuersal Church 27. Workes He saith not to geue euery man according to his mercie or their faith but according to their workes August de verb. Apost Ser. 35. And againe How should our Sauiour reward euery one according to their workes if
Propitiatorie and the Arke of the Testament Manna Aarons rodde and the golden altar Doth not the Sepulcher of our Lord seeme vnto thee more honorable Which as often as we enter into so often doe we see our Sauiour lie in the sindon and staying there a while we see the Angel againe sitte at his feete and at his head the napkin wrapped together The glorie of whose Sepulcher we know was long prophetied before Ioseph hewed it out by Esay saying And his rest shal be honour to witte because the place of our Lordes burial should be honoured of al men And at this present notwithstanding the Turkes dominion yet doe the Religious Christian Catholike men by Gods mighty prouidence keepe the holy Sepulcher which is within a goodly Church and Christians come out of al the world in Pilgrimage to it 19. Going then Commission to baptize and preache to al Nations geuen to the Apostles and grounded vpon Christes soueraine authority to whom was geuen al power in heauen and in earth 20. With you al daies Here Christ doth promise his concurrence with his Apostles and their successors as wel in preaching as ministring the Sacraments and his protection of the Church neuer to cease til the worlds end contrary to our Aduersaries saying that the Church hath failed many hundred yeres til Luther and Caluin ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF S. MARKES GOSPEL S Markes Gospel may be vvel diuided into foure partes The first part of the preparation that was made to the manifestation of Christ chap. 1. in the beginning The Second of his manifesting himselfe by Preaching and Miracles and that in Galilee the residue of the 1. chap. vnto the 10. chap. The third of his comming into Iurie tovvards his Passion chap. 10. The fourth of the Holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem chap. 11. to the end of the booke Of S. Marke and his conuersation with the tvvo Apostles S. Paul and S. Barnabee vve haue at large Act. 12 and 15. somevvhat also Col. 4. and 2. Tim. 4. and to Philémon Moreouer of his familiaritie vvith the Prince of the Apostles S. Peter vve haue 1 Pet. 5. For so it pleased our Lord that onely tvvo of the Euangelistes should be of his tvvelue Apostles to vvit S. Matthew and S. Iohn The other tvvo S. Marke and S. Luke he gaue vnto vs of the Disciples of his two most principal and most glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul Whose Gospels therefore were of Antiquitie counted as the Gospels of S. Peter and S. Paul them selues Marke the disciple and interpreter of Peter saith S. Hierom according to that which he heard of Peters mouth wrote at Rome a briefe Gospel at the request of the Brethren about 10 or 12 yeres after our Lordes Ascension Which when Peter had heard he approued it and with his authoritie did publish it to the Church to be read as Clemens Alexandrinus writeth li. 6. hypotypos In the same place S. Hierom addeth hovv he vvent into Aegypt to preach and vvas the first Bishop of the cheefe Citie there named Alexandria and hovv Philo Iudaeus at the same time seeing and admiring the life and conuersation of the Christians there vnder S. Marke vvho vvere Monkes vvrote a booke thereof vvhich is extant to this day And not onely S. Hierom in Marco in Philone but also Eusebius Hist li. 2. ca. 15. 16. 17. Epiphanius Secta 29 Nazaraeorum li. 1. to 2. Cassianus de Instit Caenobiorum li. 2. c. 5. Sozomenus li. 1. c. 12. Nicephorus li. 2 c. 15. and diuerse others do make mention of the said Monkes out of the same Author Finally He died saith S. Hierom the 8 yere of Nero and was buried at Alexandria Anianus succeding in his place But from Alexandria he vvas translated to Venice Anno Dom. 830. It is also to be noted that in respect of S. Peter vvho sent S. Marke his scholer to Alexandria and made him the first Bishop there this See vvas esteemed next in dignitie to the See of Rome and the Bishop thereof vvas accounted the cheefe Metropolitane or Patriarch of the East and that by the first Councel of Nice Whereof see S. Leo ep 53. S. Gregorie li. 5. ep 60. li. 6. ep 37. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF IESVS CHRIST ACCORDING TO MARKE CHAP. I. Iohn the Eremite of vvhom the Prophets preaching penance and liuing him self accordingly baptizeth the people to prepare them to Christ 7 telling them that it is not his but Christs Baptisme in vvhich they shal receiue the Holy Ghost 9 IESVS there is manifested from heauen 12 and by and by he also goeth into the vvildernesse 14 Beginning in Galilee 16 after that he hath called foure Disciples 21 he preacheth first in Capharnaum confirming his doctrine vvith beneficial Miracles to the great admiration of al 35 then also but first retiring into the vvildernes in al the rest of Galilee vvith like miracles verse 1 THE beginning of the Gospel of IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God ✝ verse 2 As it is vvritten in ● Esay the Prophet ' Behold I send mine Angel before thy face vvho shal prepare thy vvay before thee ✝ verse 3 A voice of one crying in the desert Prepare ye the vvay of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 * Iohn vvas in the desert baptizing and preaching the baptisme of penance vnto remission of sinnes ✝ verse 5 And there vvent forth to him al the countrie of Ievvrie and al they of Hierusalem and vvere baptized of him in the riuer of Iordan ● confessing ● their sinnes ✝ verse 6 And Iohn vvas ● clothed vvith camels heare and a girdle of a skinne about his loines and he did eate locustes and vvild honie ✝ verse 7 And he preached saying There commeth a stronger then I after me vvhose latchet of his shoes I am not vvorthie stouping dovvne to vnloose ✝ verse 8 I haue baptized you ● vvith vvater but he shal baptize you vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 9 And it came to passe in those daies came IESVS from Nazareth of Galilee and vvas ″ baptized of Iohn in Iordan ✝ verse 10 And forth vvith comming vp out of the vvater he savv the heauens opened and ● the Spirit as a doue descending and remaining on him ✝ verse 11 And a voice vvas made from heauen Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am vvel pleased ✝ verse 12 And forth vvith * the Spirit droue him out into ● the desert ✝ verse 13 And he vvas in the desert fourtie daies and fourtie nightes and vvas tempted of Satan and he vvas vvith beastes and the Angels ministred to him ✝ verse 14 And * after that Iohn vvas deliuered vp IESVS came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God ✝ verse 15 and saying That the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand be penitent and beleeue the Gospel ✝
much vnfaithfulnes by rules of place to embarte Christ of his wil or wisedom to be in the Sacrament how him self list and on as many altars or places as he liketh We detest for al that the wicked heresie of certaine Protestants holding quite contrarie to the Zuinglians that Christ according to his Humanitie is in euery place where the Diuinitie is which is both against faith and the common rules of nature and diuinitie 21. As my Father As when he gaue them commission to preach and baptize through the world he made mention to his owne power therein so here before he institute the Sacrament of Penance and giue them authoritie to remitte sinnes lest the wicked should aske afterward by what right they do such great functions he sheweth his Fathers commission giuen to him self and then in plaine termes most amply imparteth the same to his Apostle that whosoeuer deny the Apostles their successors the Priests of Gods Church to haue right to remitte sinnes should deny consequently Christ as man to haue authoritie to doe the same 22. He breathed He giueth the Holy Ghost in and by an external signe to his Apostles not visibly and to al such purposes as afterward at whitsuntide but for the grace of the Sacrament of Orders as S. Augustine saith and that none make doubt of the Priests right in remission of sinnes seing the Holy Ghost is purposly giuen them to doe this same In which case if any be yet cōtentious he must deny the Holy Ghost to be God and not to haue power to remitte sinnes It is not absurd saith S. Cyril that they forgiue sinnes vvhich haue the Holy Ghost For vvhen they remitte or reteine the Holy Ghost remitteth reteineth in them and that they doe tvvo vvaies first in Baptisme and then in Penance As S. Ambrose also li. 1 c. 7● de poenitentia restlling the Nouatians a Sect of old Heretikes which pretending Gods glorie as our new Sectaries do denied that Priests could remitte sinnes in the Sacrament of Penance asketh vvhy it should be more dishonour to God or more impossible or inconuenient for men to forgiue sinnes by Penance then by Baptisme seing it is the Holy Ghost that doeth it by the Priests office and ministerie in both 23. Whose sinnes Power to offer Sacrifice which is the principal function and acte of Priesthod was giuen them at the institution of the B. Sacrament the second and next special facultie of Priesthod consisting in remitting sinnes is here bestowed on them And withal the holy Sacrament of Penance implying Contrition Confession and Satisfaction in the Penitent and absolution on the Priests part is instituted for in that that expresse power and commission is giuen to Priests to remitte or reteine al sinnes and in that that Christ promiseth whose sinnes soeuer they forgiue they be of God forgiuen also and vvhose sinne they reteine they be reteined before God it folovveth necessarily that vve be bound to submit our selues to their iudgment for release of our sinnes For this vvonderful povver vvere giuen them in vaine if none vvere bound to seeke for absolution at their handes Neither can any rightly seeke for absolution of them vnles they confesse particularly at least al their mortal offences vvhether they be cōmitted in minde hart vvil and congitation onely or in vvord and vvorke for Gods priests being in this Sacrament of Penauce cōstituted in Christs steede as iudges in causes of our conscience can not rightly rule our cases vvithout ful and exacte cognition and knovvledge of al our sinnes and the necessarie circumstances and differences of the same which can not othervvise be had of them being mortal men then by our simple sincere and distincte vtterance to them of our sinnes vvith humble contrite hart ready to take and to doe penance according to theire iniunction For that authoritie to reteine sinnes consisteth specially in enioyning satisfaction and penitential vvorkes of praying fasting almes and such like Al vvhich Gods ordinance whosoeuer condemneth or contemneth as Heretikes doe or neglecteth as some carelesse Catholikes may perhaps doe let them be assured they can not be saued Neither must any such Christian man pretend or looke to haue his sinnes after Baptisme remitted by God onely without this Sacrament which was the old Heresie of the Nouatians Ambr. li. 1. de po●nit c. 2. Socrat. li. 7 Ec. hist c. 25. more then any may hope to be saued or haue his original or other sinnes before Baptisme forgiuen by God without the same Sacramēt Let no man deceiue himself this is the second table or borde after shipvvrack● as S. Hierom calleth it Whosoeuer take not hold of it shal perish without al doubt because they contemne Gods counsel and order for their saluation And therfore S. Augustine ep 180 ioyning both together saith it is a pitiful case when by the absence of Gods Priests men depart this life aut non regenerati aut ligati that is either not regenerated by Baptisme or fast bound and not absolued by the Sacrament of penance and reconciliation ⸬ because they shal be excluded from eternal life and destruction folovveth them And S. Victor li. 2 de persecut Vandalica telleth the miserable lamētation of the people when their Priests were banished by the Arian Heretikes Who say they shal baptize these infants Who shal minister penāce vnto vs loose vs from the bandes of sinnes c And therfore S. Cyprian very often namely ep 54 calleth it great cruelty such as Priests shal answer for at the later day to suffer any man that is poenitent of his sinnes to depart this life without this reconciliation and absolution because saith he the Lavvmaker him self Christ hath graunted that things bound in earth should also be bound in heauen and that those things might there be loosed vvhich vvere loosed before here in the Church And it is a world to see how the Heretikes wrastle with this so plaine a commission of remitting sinnes referring it to preaching to denouncing Gods threates vpon sinners and to we can not tel what els though to our English Protestants this authoritie seemeth so cleere that in their order of visiting the sicke their Ministers acknowledge chalenge the same vsing a formal absolution according to the Churches order after the special cōfession of the partie But to conclude the matter let euery one that list to see the true meaning of Christs wordes and the Priests great power and dignitie giuen them by the same wordes and other marke wel these wordes of S. Chrysostome For saith he they that dvvel on the earth and conucrsein it to them is commission giuen to dispense those things that are in heauen to them is it giuen to haue the povver vvhich God vvould not to be giuen neither to Angels nor Archangels for neither to them vvas it said whatsoeuer you shal binde in earth
chose Steuen a man ful of faith and of the holy Ghost and Philippe and Próchorus and Nicánor and Timon and Pármenas and Nicolas a stranger of Antioche ✝ verse 6 These they did set in the presence of the Apostles and praying they imposed handes vpon them ✝ verse 7 And the vvord of God increased and the number of the disciples vvas multiplied in Hierusalem excedingly a great multitude also of the priests obeied the faith ✝ verse 8 And Steuen ful of grace and fortitude did great vvonders signes among the people ✝ verse 9 And there arose certaine of that vvhich is called the Synagogue of the Libertines and of the Cyrenians and of the Alexandrians and of them that vvere of Cilicia and Asia disputing vvith Steuen ✝ verse 10 and they could not resist the vvisedom and the Spirit that spake ✝ verse 11 Then they suborned men to say they had heard him speake vvordes of blasphemie against Moyses and God ✝ verse 12 They therfore stirred vp the people and the Auncients and the Scribes and running together they tooke him and brought him into the Councel ✝ verse 13 and they set false vvitnesses that said This man ceaseth not to speake vvordes against the holy place and the Lavv. ✝ verse 14 for vve haue heard him say that this same IESVS of Nazareth shal destroy this place and shal change the traditions vvhich Moyses deliuered vnto vs. ✝ verse 15 And al that sate in the Councel beholding him savv his face as it vvere the face of an Angel ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. Murmuring It commeth of humane infirmitie that in euery Societie of men be it neuer so holy there is some cause giuen or taken by the weake of murmur and difference which must euer be prouided for and staied in the beginning lest it grow to further schisme or sedition And to al such defects the more the Church increaseth in number and diuersitie of men and Prouinces the more it is subiect In al which things the spiritual Magistrates by the Apostles example and authoritie must take orders as time and occasion shal require 3. Seuen men We may not thinke that these Seuen here made Deacons were onely chosen to serue profane tables or dispose of the Churches mere temporalles though by that occasion only they may seeme to some now elected no expresse mention being made of any other function for diuers circumstances of this same place giue euidence and so doth al antiquitie that their Office stood not principally about profane things but about the holy Altar The persons to bē elected must be ful of the Holy Ghost and wisedom they must after publike praier be ordered and consecrated by the Apostles imposition of hands as Bishops and Priests were afterward ordered ep ad Tim where S. Paul also requireth in a maner the same conditions in them as in Bishops Al which would not haue beene prescribed for any secular stewardship Yea straight vpon their Ordering here no doubt by commission of the Apostles which they had not before their election they preached baptized disputed and as it may appeare by the wordes spoken of S. Steuen that he was ful of grace and fortitude they receiued great increase of grace by their Deaconship But S. Ignatius ep 2 ad Tral can best witnes of their Office and the Apostles maner and meaning in such things who writeth thus It behòueth also to please by al meanes the Deacons vvhich are for the ministerie of IESVS CHRIST For they are not seruiteurs of meate and drinke but ministers of the Church of God For vvhat are Deacons but imitatours or folovvers of Christ ministring to the Bishop as Christ to his Father vvorking vnto him a cleane and immaculate worke euen as S. Steuen to S. Iames c. S. Polycarpe hath the like in his epistle ad Philippenses And S. Denys writeth that their Office was about the Altar and putting the holy bread and chalice vpon the same S. Clement also Apost Const li. ● c. 61. that their Office among other things is to assist the Bishops and read the Gospel in the Seruice c. S. Cyprian in diuers places ep 65. ep 49 ad Cornel. calleth Deacons the Churches and the Apostles Ministers and their Office administrationens sacram an holy administration S. Hierom affirmeth in caput 7 Michcae and in episto 85 ad Euagriun● tom 2 Where he checketh some of them for preFerring them selues before Priests and putteth them in remembrance of their first calling that they be as the Leuites were in respect of the Priests of the old Law finally by S. Ambrose li. 1 Off●● c. 41 and Prudentius in Hymno de S. Laurent speaking of S. Laurence the Deacon We may see their Office was most holy See S. Augustine also of the dignitie of Deacons ep 14● ad Valerium Conc. Carthag 4. can 37. 38 39 41. CHAP. VII Ste●●● being permitted to answer beginning at Abraham shevveth that God was with their fathers both in other places and also long before the Temple 4● and that after it vvas built it could not be as they grosly imagined a house for God to dwel in 51 then he inu●igheth against their stifneckednes and telleth them boldly of their traiterous murdering of Christ as their fathers had done his Prophets afore him 54 Whereat they being vvood he seeth heauen open and IESVS therein his Diuine Maiestie 57 Whereat they become more mad so that they stone him to death Saul consenting he commending his soul to IESVS and humbly praying for them verse 1 AND the cheefe priest said Are these things so ✝ verse 2 Vvho said Ye men brethren and fathers heare The God of glorie appeared to our father Abraham vvhen he vvas in Mesopotamia before that he abode in Charan ✝ verse 3 and said to him Goe forth out of thy countrie and out of thy kinred and come into a land that I shal shevv thee ✝ verse 4 Then vvent he forth out of the land of the Chaldees and dvvelt in Charan And from thence after his father vvas dead he translated him into this land vvherein you doe novv dvvel ✝ verse 5 And he gaue him no inheritance in it no not the pase of a foote and he promised to giue it him in possession and to his seede after him vvhen as he had no childe ✝ verse 6 And God spake to him That his seede shal be a sciourner in a strange countrie and they shal subdue them to seruitude and shal euil intreate them fourehundred yeres ✝ verse 7 and the nation vvhich they shal serue vvil I iudge said God and after these things they shal goeforth and shal serue me in this place ✝ verse 8 And he * gaue him the testament of circumcision and so he * begat Isaac and circumcised him the eight day and * Isaac Iacob and * Iacob the tvvelue Patriarches ✝ verse 9 And the Patriarches through
tribunal of Pope Councels Bishops Synodes but eche man to his ovvne phantastical spirit his ovvne sense of Scriptures and his ovvne vvilful obdurate rebellion against Gods Church and his Superiors in the same But here vve see S. Paul and Barnabas men that vvere Apostles and ful of the Spirit of God and the other parties though neuer so much partial to the ceremonies of their Lavv by their former long vse and education therein yet not to stand stifly to their ovvne opinion on either side but to condescend to referre the vvhole controuersie and the determination thereof to the Apostles Priests or Auncients of Hierusalem that is to say to commit the matter to be tried by the heads and Bishops and their determination in Councel This is Gods holy and vvise prouidence among other iudgements in his Church to keepe the Christian people in truth and vnitie and to condemne sectes and false teachers and troublers of the Church By vvhich iudgements and order vvhosoeuer vvil not or dare not be tried in al their doctrine and doings they shevv them selues to mistrust their ovvne cause and to flee from the light and ordinance of God Vvithout vvhich order of appeasing al differences in faith and constructions of the Scriptures the Church had beene more defectual and insufficient then any Commonvvealth or Societie of men in the vvorld none of vvhich euer vvanteth good meanes to decide al discordes and dissension arising among the subiects citizens of the same 6. Apostles and Auncients The Heresies of our Protestants vvhich vvould haue al men to giue voice or to be present in Councels and of others that vvould haue none but the holy or elect to be admitted are refuted by this example vvhere vve see none but Apostles Priests or Ancients assembled to dispute of the matter though many deuout people vvere in the citie the same time Neither did euer any other in the Auncient Councels of the Church assemble to debate and define the matter but such though many other for other causes be euer present Secular men or vvomen be their gifts neuer so great can not be iudges in causes of faith and religion If any thing saith God ●e hard and doubtful thou shalt come to the Priests of the Leuitical stocke and thou shalt folovv their sentence Againe The lippes of the Priest shal keepe knovvledge and the Lavv thou shalt require of his mouth Againe Aske the Lavv of the Priest Much more must vve referre al to our Bishops and Pastors vvhom God hath placed in the regiment of the Church vvith much larger priuilege then euer he did the old Priests ouer the Synagogue to vvhom it is said He that despiseth you despiseth me And it is to be noted that the Bishops so gathered in Councel represent the vvhole Church haue the authoritie of the vvhole Church and the Spirit of God to protect them from error as the vvhole Church SS Paul and Barnabas come hither for the definition of the vvhole Church The sentence of a plenarie or general Councel saith S. Augustine is the consent of the vvhole Church And so it must needes be in the Church because the Magistrates Senate Councel or deputies of al commonvvealthes represent the vvhole body and to haue it othervvise as the Churches Rebels vvish vvere to bring al to hel and horrour and them selues to be perpetually by the seditious and popular persons vpholden against Lavv reason and religion in their vvickednes ● Assembled A Councel vvas called to discusse the matter vvhich Councel vvas the more easily gathered because the Christian Bishops and countries vvere not yet so many but that the principal Gouernours of the Church being not far dispersed and as many learned men as vvere necessarie might be in Hierusalem or easily called thither And it vvas not a Prouincial Councel or Synode only but a general Councel consisting of the cheefe Apostles and Bishops that then vvere though the number vvas nothing so great as aftervvard vsed to assemble vvhen the Church vvas spred into al nations 7. Peter rising vp S. Peter as the head of the Church speaketh first as his Successors haue euer had not only in their personal presence but in their absence by their legates and substitutes the cheefe voice in al Councels general none euer receiued into authoritie and credite in the Church vvithout their Confirmation And therefore the Councels of the Arians and of other Heretikes vvere they neuer so great vvanting the Popes assent assistance or Confirmation did shamfully erre as Ariminense for the Arians and Ephesinum secundum for the Nestorians and such like condemned Assemblies 7. Chose that by my mouth Though Paul vvere called and appointed specially to be the Apostle of the Gentils yet that vvas S. Peters special priuilege by Gods ovvne choise that the first Gentils should be called by his mouth and that he first should vtter to the Church that truth of the admission of the Gentils him self for that he vvas Christes Vicar being notvvithstanding as his Maister vvas Minister Circuncisionis that is Apostle of the Ievves Christ deferring al preeminence vnto him in that point also 1● Iames. S. Iames because he vvas an Apostle and also Bishop of Hierusalem gaue his sentence next for the speache interposed of SS Paul and Barnabas vvas but for their better information in the decision of the matter and for confirmation of S. Peters sentence though they being Apostles and Bishops had voices in the Councel also as many m● had though their sentences be not heare reported And vvhere S. Iames in his speach saith I iudge it is not meant that he gaue the principal definitiue sentence for he as al the rest folovved and allovved the sentēce of S. Peter as it is plaine in the text the vvhole assembly for reuerence of his person and approbation of his sentence holding their peace Al the multitude saith S. Hierom held their peace and into his sentence Iames the Apostle al the Priests did passe together For though S. Iames did particularise certaine points incident to the question debated as of eating strangled meates c. yet the proper controuersie for vvhich the Councel assembled vvas Vvhether the Gentils conuerted vvere bound to obserue the Lavv of Moyses and it vvas concluded that they vvere not bound nor ought not to be charged vvith Moyses Lavv or the Sacraments and ceremonies of the same this is the substance and principal purpose of this Councels decree vvhich doth binde for euer and Peter saith S. Hierom in the same place vvas Prince or author of this decree the matter of fornication and Idolothytes being but incident to the question or resolution and the forbidding of eating strangled and bloud but a temporal prohibition vvhich by the consent of the Church or othervvise aftervvard vvas abrogated the Church of God hauing the true sense of difference of times place persons vvhen and
mutual entercourse that is betvvene the members of Christes mystical body and very ansvverable to Gods iustice * vvhich by supply of the one sort that aboundeth standeth entire in respect of the other sort also that wanteth In vvhich kinde the Apostle confesseth that him self by his suffering and tribulations supplieth the vvantes of such passions as Christ hath to suffer not in his ovvne person but in his body vvhich is his Church Vvherevpon vve inferre most assuredly that the satisfactorie and penal vvorkes of holy Sainctes suffered in this life be communicable and applicable to the vse of other faithful men their fellovv-members in our Lord and to be dispensed according to euery ones necessitie and deseruing by them vvhom Christ hath constituted ouer his familie and hath made the dispensers of his treasures 10. In the person of Christ For that many might of ignorance or pride reproue the practise of Gods Church and her Officers or deny the Apostles authoritie to be so great ouer mens soules as to punish and pardon in this sort S. Paul doth purposely and precisely tell them that he doth giue pardon as Christes Vicar or as bearing his person in this case and therfore that no man may maruel of his povver herein except he thinke that Christes povver authoritie and commission is not sufficient to release temporal punishment due to sinners And this to be the proper meaning of these vvordes In the person of Christ and not as the Protestants vvould haue it the better to auoid the former conclusion of the Apostles giuing indulgence In the face or sight of Christ you may easily vnderstand by the Apostles like insinuation of Christes povver vvhen he committed this offender to Satan affirming that he gaue that sentence in the name and vvith the vertue or povver of our Lord IESVS CHRIST In al vvhich cases the Protestants blindnes is exceding great vvho can not see that this is not the vvay to extol Christes povver to deny it to his Priests seing the Apostle chalengeth it by that that Christ hath such povver that him self doth it in his name vertue and person So novv in this and in no other name giue Popes and Bishops their pardons Vvhich pertaining proprely to releasing onely of temporal punishment due after the sinne and the eternal punishment be forgiuen is not so great a matter as the remission of the sinne it self vvhich yet the Priests * by expresse commission do also remitte 11. Circumuented of Satan Vve may see hereby that the dispensation of such discipline and the releasing of the same be put into the povver and handes of Gods ministers to deale more or lesse rigorously to pardon sooner or later punish longer or shorter vvhile as shal be thought best to their vvisedom for the end of al such correction or pardoning must be the saluation of the parties soul as the Apostle noted 1 Cor. 5 5. Vvhich to some and some certaine times may be better procured by rigour of discipline then by indulgence to some others by leuitie and humane dealing so pardoning of penance is called in old Councels rather then by ouermuch chastisemē● for consideration vvhereof in some ages of the Church much discipline great penance and satisfaction vvas both enioyned and also vvillingly susteined and then vvas the lesse pardoning and fevver indulgences because in that voluntary vse and acceptation of punishment and great zeale and feruor of spirit euery man fulfilled his penanc̄e and fevv asked pardon Novv in the fall of deuotion and lothsomnes that men commonly haue to do great penance though the sinnes be far greater then euer before yet our holy mother the Church knovving vvith the Apostle the cogitations of Satan hovv he vvould in this delicate time driue men either to desperation or to forsake Christ and his Church and al hope of saluation rather then they vvould enter into the course of canonicall discipline enioyneth small penance and seldom vseth extremitie vvith offenders as the holy Bishops of the primitiue Church did but condescending to the vveaknes of her children pardoneth exceding often and much not onely al enioyned penance but also al or great partes of vvhat punishment temporal so euer due or deserued either in this vvorld or in the next As for the Heretikes vvhich neither like the Churches lenitie and pardoning in these daies nor the old rigor of the primitiue Church they be like to the Ievves ● that condemned Iohn the Baptist of austeritie and Christ of to much freedom and libertie not knovving nor liking in deede either Christes ordinance and commission in binding or loosing or his prouidence in the gouernement of the Church 17. Adulterating The Greeke vvord signifieth to make commoditie of the vvord of God as vulgar Vinteners do of their vvine Vvhereby is expressed the peculiar trade of al Heretikes and exceding proper to the Protestants that so corrupt Scriptures by mixture of their ovvne phantasies by false trāslations glosses colorable and pleasant commentaries to deceiue the tast of the simple as tauerners and tapsters do to make their vvines salable by manifold artificial deceites The Apostles contrarievvise as all Catholikes deliuer the Scriptures and vtter the vvord of God sincerely and entirely in the same sense and sort as the fathers left them to the Church interpreting them by the same Spirit by vvhich they vvere vvritten or spoken CHAP. III. Lest the Iudaical false Apostles should obiect againe that he praiseth him self he saith that the Corinthians are his commendation and they in their hartes being iustified by his ministerie he thereof inferreth that the ministers of the nevv Testament are farre more glorious them they of the old 12 and our people more lightened then theirs verse 1 BEGIN we againe to commend our selues or do vve neede as certaine epistles of commendation to you or from you ✝ verse 2 Our epistle you are vvritten in our hartes vvhich is knovven and read of al men ✝ verse 3 being manifested that you are ″ the epistle of Christ ministred by vs vvritten not vvith inke but vvith the Spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in the tables carnall of the hart ✝ verse 4 And such confidence vve haue by Christ God ✝ verse 5 not that vve be sufficient to thinke any thing ″ of our selues as of our selues but our sufficience is of God ✝ verse 6 Vvho also hath made vs meete ministers of the nevv ●estament not in the letter but in the Spirit For ″ the letter killeth but the Spirit quickeneth ✝ verse 7 And if the ministration of death with letters figured in stones vvas in glorie so that the children of Israël could not behold the face of Moyses for the glorie of his countenāce that is made void ✝ verse 8 how shal not the ministration of the Spirit be more in glorie ✝ verse 9 For if the ministratiō of damnation be in glorie
giuen vs ″ vnto edification and not to your destruction I shal not be ashamed ✝ verse 9 But that I may not be thought as it vvere to terrifie you by epistles ✝ verse 10 for his epistles in deede say they are sore and vehement but his bodily presence vveake and his speache contemptible ✝ verse 11 let him this thinke that is such a one that such as vve are in vvord by epistles absent such also vve are in deede present ✝ verse 12 For vve dare not matche or compare our selues vvith certaine that commend them selues but vve measure our selues in our selues and compare our selues to our selues ✝ verse 13 But vve vvil not glorie aboue our measure but according to the measure of the rule vvhich God hath measured to vs a measure to reache euen vnto you ✝ verse 14 For not as though vve reached not vnto you doe vve extend our selues beyond For vve are come as farre as to you in the Gospel of Christ ✝ verse 15 not glorying aboue measure in other mens labours but hauing hope of your faith increasing to be magnified in you according to our rule aboūdantly ✝ verse 16 yea vnto those places that are beyond you to euangelize not in an other mans rule to glorie in those things that are prepared before ✝ verse 17 But he that glorieth let him glorie in our Lord. ✝ verse 18 For not he that commendeth him self the same is approued but vvhom God commendeth ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 4. Vveapons He meaneth the ample spiritual and Apostolical povver giuen by Christ for the punishment of false Apostles Heretikes and rebelles to Gods Church vvho are here noted specially by pride and insolence vvhich is the proper marke of such fellovves to extoll themselues aboue the measure of the science of God vvhich consisteth in humble obedience to the faith and the preachers of the same 6. To reuenge You may see hereby that the spiritual povver of Bishops is not onely in preaching the Gospel and so by persuasion and exhortation onely as some Heretikes hold to remitte or retaine sinnes but that it hath authoritie to punish iudge and condemne Heretikes and other like rebelles vvhich povver * one of the principal rebelles of this time being conuinced by the euidence of the place acknovvledgeth to be grounded vpon Christes vvord Vvhatsoeuer you binde in earth shal be bound in heauen Mat. 18 1● applying also the vvordes spoken to Hieremie c. 1 10. Behold I appoint thee ouer Nations and kingdoms that thou plant plucke vp build and destroy to confirme and explicate the povver Apostolike here alleaged by S. Paul Mary they vvould gladly dravv this povver from the lavvful successors of the Apostles to them selues their ministers and consistories vvhich are nothing els but the shoppes and Councels of sedition and al the conspiracies of this time against the lavvful Princes of the vvorld 8. Vnto edification This great povver of the Churches censures specially of Excommunication as it vvas giuen for the good and saluation of the people so it must not be vsed against the innocent no nor yet vpon Heretikes or other offenders but vvhere and vvhen it may by likelihod benefite either the parties or the people or may be executed vvithout the hurt or perturbation of the vvhole Church as often times it can not be by reason of the multitude of offenders Vvhich caused the Apostle here to signifie that he vvould not vse his vttermost authoritie against the false Apostles vvhich disturbed them till them selues vvere in perfect obedience vnto him lest by punishing the principal offenders a greater disturbance and reuolt might fall among the people if they vvere not before in perfect obedience CHAP. XI He reasoneth the matter vvith the Corinthians vvhy they should preferre the false Apostles before him 16 And because they giue them leaue to bragge and commend themselues and to abuse them so miserably he trusteth they vvil also giue him the hearing 21 and so he beginneth and first sh●vving himself in al Iudaical respectes vvherein onely stood al their boasting to be as they are he addeth aftervvard such a long roll of his sufferings for Christ as is incomparable verse 1 VVould God you could beare some litle of my folly but do ye also support me ✝ verse 2 for I emulate you vvith the emulation of God For I haue despoused you to one man to present you a chaste virgin vnto Christ ✝ verse 3 But I feare lest as the serpent seduced Eue by his subteltie so your senses may be corrupted fall ″ from the simplicitie that is in Christ ✝ verse 4 For if he that commeth preache an other Christ vvhō we haue not preached or you receiue an other-spirit vvhom you haue not receiued or an other Gospel vvhich you haue not receiued you might vvel suffer it ✝ verse 5 For I suppose that I haue done nothing lesse then the great Apostles ✝ verse 6 For although ″ rude in speache yet not in knovvledge but in al things we are made manifest to you ✝ verse 7 Or did I commit a sinne humbling my self that you might be exalted because I euāgelized vnto you the Gospel of God gratis ✝ verse 8 Other churches I spoiled taking a stipend for your ministerie ✝ verse 9 And vvhen I vvas vvith you and had neede I vvas burdenous to none for that vvhich I vvanted the brethren supplied that came from Macedonia in al things I haue kept my self vvithout burden to you and vvil keepe ✝ verse 10 The truth of Christ is in me that this glorying shal not be infringed tovvard me in the countrires of Achaia ✝ verse 11 Vvherfore because I loue you not God doth knovv ✝ verse 12 But that vvhich I doe I vvil also doe that I may cut avvay the occasion of them that desire occasion that in that vvhich they glorie they may be found euen like vs. ✝ verse 13 For such false apostles are craftie vvorkes trāsfiguring them selues into Apostles of Christ ✝ verse 14 And no maruel for Satan him self transfigureth him self into an Angel of light ✝ verse 15 It is no great matter therfore if his ministers be trāsfigured as the ministers of iustice vvhose ende shal be according to their vvorkes ✝ verse 16 Againe I say let no man thinke me to be foolish othervvise take me as foolish that I also may glorie a litle ✝ verse 17 that vvhich I speake I speake not according to God but as it vvere in foolishnes in this substance of glorying ✝ verse 18 Because many glorie according to the flesh I also vvil glorie ✝ verse 19 For you do gladly suffer the foolish vvhereas your selues are vvise ✝ verse 20 For you suffer if a man bring you into seruitude if a man deuoure if a man take if a man be extolled if a man strike you on the face ✝ verse 21 I speake according to dishonour as though vve had been
the king ✝ verse 18 Seruants be subiect in al feare to your maisters not only to the good modest ″ but also to the vvaivvard ✝ verse 19 For this is thanke if for cōscience of God a man sustaine sorovves suffering vniustly ✝ verse 20 For vvhat glorie is it if sinning and buffeted you suffer but if doing vvel you sustaine patiently this is thanke before God ✝ verse 21 For vnto this are you called because Christ also suffred for vs ' leauing you ' an example that you may folovv his steppes ✝ verse 22 vvho did no sinne neither vvas guile found in his mouth ✝ verse 23 vvho vvhen he vvas reuiled did not reuile vvhen he suffred he threatened not but deliuered him self to him that iudged him vniustly ✝ verse 24 vvho him self * bare our sinnes in his body vpon the tree that dead to sinnes we may liue to iustice by vvhose stripes you are healed ✝ verse 25 For you vvere as sheepe straying but you be conuerted novv to the Pastor and Bishop of your soules ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. ● Spiritual hostes Here vve see that as he speaketh of spiritual hostes vvhich euery Christian man offereth so he speaketh not properly of priesthod vvhen he maketh al Priests but of a spiritual priesthod Which spiritual priesthod vvas also in al the Iewes but the priesthod properly so called vvas onely in the sonnes of Aaron and they offered the sacrifices properly so called vvhich none besides might offer 13. Be subiect Not onely our Maister Christ but the Apostles and al Christians vvere euer charged by such as thought to bring them in hatred vvith Princes vvith disobedience to kings and temporal Magistrates therfore both * S. Paul and this Apostle do specially vvarne the faithful that they giue no occasiō by their il demeanure to secular Princes that the Heathen should count them disobedient or seditious vvorkers against the States of the vvorld 13. To euery humans creature So he calleth the temporal Magistrate elected by the people or holding their Souerainty by birth carnal propagation ordained for the vvorldly vvealth peace and prosperitie of the subiects to put a difference betvvixt that humane Superiority and the spiritual Rulers and regiment guiding and gouerning the people to an higher end and instituted by God him self immediatly for Christ did expresly constitute the forme of regiment vsed euer since in the Church He made oue the cheese placing Peter in the Supremacie he called the Apostles and Disciples giuing them their seueral authorities Aftervvared * God guided the lot for choise of S. Marthias in Iudas place and the Holy Ghost expresly and namely seuered and chose Paul and Barnabas vnto their Apostolical function and generally the Apostle faith of al spiritual Rulers The holy Ghost hath placed you to rule the Church of God And although al povver be of God and kings rule by him yet that is no othervvise but by his ordinarie concurrence and prouidence vvhereby he procureth the earthly cōmodity or vvealth of men by maintaining of due superiority and subiection one tovvards an other and by giuing povver to the people and Commonvvealth to choose to them selues some kinde or forme of Regiment vnder vvhich they be content to liue for their preseruation in peace and tranquillity But Spiritual superiority is far more excellent as in more excellent ●ort depending not of mans ordinance election or as this Apostle speaketh creation but of the Holy Ghost vvho is alvvaies resident in the Church vvhich is Christs body mystical and therfore an other manner of Commonwealth then the earthly concurring in singular sort to the creation of al necessarie Officers in the said Church euen to the vvorlds end as S. Paul vvriteth to the Ephesians Lest therfore the people being then in so precise sort alvvaies vvarned of the excellencie of their Spiritual gouernours * and of their obedience tovvard them might neglect their dueties to Temporal Magistrates specially being infidels and many times tyrants and persecutors of the faith as Nero and other vvere then therfore S. Peter here vvarneth them to be subiect for their bodies and goods and other temporal things euen to the vvorldly Princes both infidels and Christians vvhom he calleth humane creatures 13. To the king as excelling Some simple heretikes other also not vnlearned at the begining for lacke of better places vvould haue proued by this that the king vvas head of the Church and aboue al Spiritual rulers and to make it ●ound better that vvay they falsely translated it To the king as to the cheefe head In the Bible of the yere 1562. But it is euident that he calleth the king the precellent or more excellent in respect of his Vicegerents vvhich he calleth Dukes or Gouernours that be at his appointment and not in respect of Popes Bishops or Priests as they haue the rule of mens soules vvho could not in that charge be vnder such kings or Emperours as the Apostle speaketh of no more then the kings or Emperours then could be heads of the Church being Heathen men and no members thereof much lesse the cheefe members See a notable place in S. Ignatius ep ad Smyrnenses vvhere he exhorteth them first to honour God next the Bishop then the king This is an inuincible demōstration that this text maketh not for any spiritual claime of earthly kings because it giueth no more to any Prince then may and ought to be done and graunted to a Heathen Magistrate Neither is there any thing in al the nevv Testament that proueth the Prince to be head or cheefe gouernour of the Church in spiritual or Ecclesiastical causes more then it proueth any heathen Emperour of Rome to haue been for they vvere bound in temporal things to obey the heathen being lavvful kings to be subiect to them euen for conscience to keepe their temporal lavves to pay them tribute to pray for them and to doe al other natural duties and more no scriptures binde vs to doe to Christian kinges 16. Not as hauing There vvere some Libertines in those daies as there be novv that vnder pretence of libertie of the Gospel sought to be free from subiection and lawes of men as now vnder the like vvicked pretence Heretikes refuse to obey their spiritual rulers and to obserue their lawes 18. But also the vvaivvard The Vviclefistes and their folovvers in these daies sometimes to moue the people vnto sedition hold and teach that maisters and magistrates lose their authoritie ouer their seruants and subiects if they be once in deadly sinne and that the people in that case neede not in conscience obey them Vvhich is a pernicious and false doctrine as is plaine by this place vvhere vve be expresly commaunded to obey euen the il-conditioned vvhich must be alvvaies vnderstood if they commaund nothing against God for then this rule is euer to be folovved Vve must obey God
increased by persecution 316 marg Peter Cephas Rocke al one 218 marg 44. 47. 216. Christ by giuing him this name designed him before hand to be the rocke foūdation of his Church ibidem 47. nu 18. p. 79. nu 75. He promiseth to build his Church vpon him that is his person 46. 47. at large He praieth that his faith shal not faile 206. The Church vvas builded vpon him he receiueth the Primacie 279. 516. nu 20. pag. 654. Vpon him not vpon his faith only or confession 45. 46. 47. Peters manifold dignitie preeminence 27. 40. 50. 52. nu 1. p. 94. 128. 131 m. 150. 154. 161 m. 206. nu 31. 224 m. 497. 500. nu 7. p. 278 m. 326. 442. m. S. Paul submitteth his doctrine to his approbation 499. The keies giuen to him what authoritie is signified by them 47. His authoritie to bind and loose 47. He doth practise his primacie 292. 293. 303. marg 337. 499. 501. nu 9. pag. 654. His successors the Bishops of Rome haue the same primacie authoritie 45. nu 17. p. 46. 47. 206. 280. 337. 499. 501. By the Rocke is signified not only Peters person but his Chaire and See the Church of Rome 46. 47. He breaketh the Churches vnitie that forsaketh this See or Chaire 501. 520. Christ is the Rocke foundation and head of the Church on vvay Peter an other way 46. 514. 515. 516. Peters ship signifieth the Church 150. He gouerneth and protecteth the Church continually 304. 668. The Protestants and Puritans disagree about his preeminence or primacie 280 marg They denied it before and now confesse it 280 marg They derogate from Peter as much as is possible 501. Beza thinketh the Greeke text of the scripture falsified in fauour of Peters primacie 27. Their folish argumēts against Peters primacie 312. 421 m. 501. Their impudent assertion that he was neuer at Rome 422. 500. 665. For this purpose only they deny that Babylō signifieth Rome 665. Their wrangling about the time of his being there 665. Their folish and greatest reason against his being there 421 marg 422. He and S. Paul planted the Church at Rome 288. 500. 383 marg 421 mar 370. He wrote from Rome 665. He vvas crucified there 280. A table of S. Peters Actes 374. Pilgrimage pag. 6. 311 marg to the holy land in the primitiue Church 49. to the holy Sepulchre 85. to the memories of Saincts 231. The deuotion of Pilgrimes and the maner of their deuotion in holy places 158. nu 44. pag. 85. See Relikes Pope The succession of Popes is an argument vsed by the Fathers against Heretikes 520. Popes 33 Martyrs pag. 654. and pag. 556. Their roome and dignitie called an Apostleship 520. Their supremacie 280. 515. 572. The practise thereof by S. Leo the great and S. Gregorie the great 280. Hovv they refused the name of vniuersal Bishop 280. The Councel of Chalcedon called the Pope vniuersal Bishop 280. They write them selues Seruos seruorum Dei 280. He is the ministerial head of the Church vnder Christ 515. S. Peters successor 280. 520. Not to communicat vvith him is to be against Christ or vvith Antichrist 33. nu 30. See Antichrist The Pope can not be Antichrist 71. nu 22. 29. pag. 231 marg 554 marg See Antichrist He may erre personally not iudicially 206. 253. 266. nu 13. pag 388 m. p. 502. nu 11. Vve may not respect the Popes person but the priuileges of his office 66. 67. 206. The priuileges and dignities of his office See Roman Church and Peter Praier See Canonical houres Long praier not forbidden pag 16. nu 7. To pray alwaies 190 marg The Churches collectes breife 16. nu 7. Seruice praier in the Latine tōgue much better then in the vulgar 461. at large S. Augustine our Apostle brought vs the seruice in the Latine tongue 461. It vvas alwaies in Latine through out the vvest Church 463. Our people at their first conuersion sang Alleluia not praise ye the Lord. 463. Sursum corda Kyrie eleison ibidem See Masse The peoples priuat praiers in Latine 462. It is not necessarie that they vnderstand either publike or priuate praiers 461. 463. They vnderstand them not being in the English tong neither are they any thing the more edified 461. 463. Their intētion deuotiō is as great acceptable in the one as in the other 462. 463. 43. hu 8. pag. 61. They are edified and take profite of the Priests fūctions though they neither heare nor see what he doth 134. and 135 m. They are taught the meaning of ceremonies and seruice and doe knovv them perfectly in al Cath. countries 461. 462. Latine praiers are and may be translated 462. S. Paules place falsely alleaged against the latin seruice or praier explicated at large and that he speaketh of no such thing much lesse against it 460. 461. 462. 493. An other obiection answered and vvhat it is to pray vvith the lippes only 43. num 8. Faith in praier 643. Vvhat is to pray vvithout intermission 382 marg 551 marg Our Lords praier or the Pater noster 15. 170. It is the first and last in al the Churches praiers and said most often The Aue Maria. See L. our B. Ladie Praier for the dead 361. 480. 687. The Saducees seeme to haue denied it 361. Aërius an old condemned Heretike denied it Other mens praiers intercessions for vs. 150. 420 marg Praying one for an other is of great force 420 marg 543. To pray for our persecutors 209. nu 34. Publike praiers more auailable then priuat pag. 471. The Priests praiers more auailable pag. 610. At the time of praier specially God sendeth comfortable visitations 319 marg Preachers that preach vvel must liue accordingly 104 marg 112 marg 386. marg Catholike preachers in time of persecution vvhat is their comfort 547. Predestination and reprobation declared at large pag. 406. 407. They consist vvith free vvil 370. 403. 406. 407. The mysterie of predestination and reprobatiō is humbly to be reuerēced not curiously searched 402. 403. 407. nu 20. 21. 412. No man must by occasion thereof be reachlesse and desperate in neglecting his saluation 403. 406. 359 marg Good vvorkes must concurre vvith Gods predestination 668. Vvhat and how far we may and should learne herein 403. 412. Heretical and presumptuous bookes of Predestination 407. 412. Priest The name in al languages almost the same 333. heretically changed into Elder ibidem The vvord Senior Auncient in the vulgar Latine translation is alvvaies in the Greeke Presbyter Priest 334 marg 664. 351 marg His office and vocation 609. 610. His dignitie 609. They are called Angels 701. They are coadiutors vvith and vnder Christ and worke in his name 92. 190. 444. 474. 480. 482. 429 marg Their authoritie to remit sinnes 21 24. 53. nu 18. p. 92. 151. 162 m 190. 276. 480. 252 marg The Protestants carpe at this authoritie as the Iewes did at Christ for
but in spirit I beheld the similitudes of the thinges folovving b The I GENERAL VISION of the 7 according to S. Ambrose ⸬ It seemeth not to be Christ him self but an Angel bearing Christes person vsing diuers speaches proper to Christ c podére Sap. 18 24. Esa 41 4. 44 6. ⸬ S. Irenaeus alluding to this saith The Church euery vvhere preacheth the truth and this is the seuenfold candlesticke bearing the light of Christ c. Li. 5. aduers●haer An admonition to the reader concerning the difficultie of this booke Numbers mystical The number of Seuen mystical specially in this booke Grace peace from God the holy Angels God and our Ladie saue vs and the like Hovv al Christians be both kings Priests Difference of holy daies and vvorkedaies Sunday made holiday by the Apostles the Churches authoritie Other feastes ordained by the Church As Saturday was in memorie of the creation so Sunday of Christs resurrection The Church vseth not the Heathenish names of daies but Dies Dominicus feriae Sabbatum God giueth greater grace at holy times of praier fasting Priestly garments The true religiō manifest as the light on a candlesticke Mat. 5. 15 Angels Protectors Bishops Priests are called Angels Malach. 2 7. ⸬ That vvhich before he vvilled him to vvrite to the church he now vvilleth to be vvritten to the Angels or Bishops of the same onely vvhere vve see it is al one to the Church and to the head or gouernour therof ⸬ By this vve see is plainely refuted that vvhich some Heretikes hold that a man once in grace or charitie can neuer fall from it Apoc. 1 17. ⸬ This Church representeth the state of them that are spoiled of their goodes emprisoned manifoldly afflicted for the catholike faith ⸬ The singular revvard of Martyrdom ⸬ The death of the body is the first death the death of the soule the secōd vvhich Martyrs are surest to escape of al men ⸬ The special residence of Satan is vvhere the faithful are persecuted for Christes truth vvhere not to deny the Cath. faith for feare is much here commended Nu. 24 14. 25 2. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calcul●̄ ⸬ None of these are any thing vvorth vvithout the other 3 Reg. 18. 1 Reg. 16. ⸬ Vvho 〈◊〉 nor here that good vvorkes deserue al utiō as il workes damnation and that it is not faith alone that God revvardeth but that faith vvhich vvorketh by charitie Ps 7 10 Ier. 11 20. ` depthes Ps 2 9. ⸬ This great priuilege of Sa●cts riseth of the povver and preeminence of Christ vvhich his father gaue him according to his humanitie and therfore to deny it to Saincts is to deny it to Christ him self Christs care of his Church Special vertues required in a Bishop Sinne is the cause that God taketh the Cath. faith from coūtries Zeale against Heretikes Nicolaites the first Heretikes so called as a paterne of Arians Lutherans and the like peculiar callings Balaam ouercomming Gods people by persuasion of lecherie and bellicheere vvas a type of Heretikes li. 4. Antiq c. 6. 2. Pet. 2 15. Iuda v. 11. Zeale against Heretikes 3 Reg. 18. Achab and Iezabel Free vvil God is not author of euil They that communicate vvith Heretikes shal be dāned vvith them 3 Reg. 19. v. 18. Ro. 11. Saincts also are Patrones not only Angels 1 Thes 5 2. 2 Pet. 3 10. Apo. 16 15. c Such as haue not cōmitted deadly sinne after baptisme ⸬ Note that there is in mā a vvorthinesse of the ioyes of heauen by holy life this is a cōmō speache in holy Scripture that man is worthy of God of heauē of saluatiō Esa 22 22. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ecclesiastici 24 9. 14. Col. 1 15. Prou. 3 12. Heb. 12 6. ⸬ God first calleth vpō man and knocketh at the doore of his hart that is to say offereth his grace and it lieth in man to giue cōsent by free wil holpen also by his grace Doing vvel in respect of revvard Adoration of creatures called Dulia Perseuêrance in good continuing to the end Neuters of indifferents in religion The 2 part first the booke with 7 seales secōdly 7 Angels with trumpets THE 2 VISION In which is represented vnto vs the glorie and maiestie of God in heauen and the incessant honour praises of al Angels and Saincts assisting him Vvhich is resembled in the daily honour done to him by al orders and sortes of holy men in the Church militant also ⸬ These foure beastes and the like described Ezaech 1 by the iudgement of the holy Doctors signifie the 4 Euangelistes and in them al true preachers the man Mathevv the liō Marke the calle Luke the egle Iohn See the causes hereof in the Summe of the 4 Euangelist pag. 1. S. Gregoin 1. Ezech. Es 6 3. The Sanctus thrise repeated THE 3 VISION ⸬ S. Gregorie taketh it to be the booke of holy Scripture li. 4. Dialog c. 42. ⸬ He speaketh not of the damned in Hel of vvhom there could be no question but of the faithful in Abrahams bosome in Purgatorie c So did Iacob Gen. 49. call Christ for his kingly fortitude in subduing the vvorld vnto him Gen. 49 9. b The Epistle vpon al-Hallovves eue ⸬ So Christ is called for that he is the immaculate host or sacrifice for our sinnes ⸬ This maketh against the Caluinistes vvho are not cōtent to say that vve merite not but that Christ merited not for him self Calu. Philip 2. v. 9. 1 Pet. 2. ` kinges The Epistle in a votiue Masse of the holy Angels Dan. 7. 10. ` riches ⸬ Al the said creatures are bound to giue honour not onely to God but to Christ as man and our redeemer so they here doe Apoc. 4 11. The Saincts in heauen offer our praiers to God Spiritual kings and Priests Limbus Patrum and Purgatorie ⸬ This one stole signifieth the glorie or blisse of the soule onely but at the day of iudgement they shal haue it doubled by adding the glorie of their body also c The tribulation that shal fall in the time of Antichrist Os●e 10. Lu. 23 50. Consecration of altars vvith Sainct● relikes Saincts be present at their tombes and relikes The Caluinistes heresie concerning the Saincts consuted by S. Hierom long agoe Apoc. 14. They vnlearnedly accuse S. Hierom a● an Vbiquiste Hovv S. Hierō saith Christ his Saincts are euery vvhere Iob. 1. That Saincts pray for vs S. Hierom proueth against the Heretike Vigilantius Hovv Martyrs crie for reuenge b The Epistle vpon Al hallovves day ⸬ It is an allusion to the signe of the Crosse vvhich the faithful beare in their foreheads to shevv they be not ashamed of Christ S. August tract 43. in Io. c Of al the tribes put together so many 144000. He signifieth by these thousands and the multitude folowing al the elect but the elect of the Ievves to be in a certaine number the elect of
word soundeth for vs Againe was he a Papist in these kinde of wordes onely and was he not in whole sentences as Tibi dabo claues c. Quicquid solueris in terrae erit solutum in coelis and Quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur eis and Tunc reddet vnicuique secundum operasua and Nunquid poterit sides saluare eum Ex operibus iustificatur homo non ex fide tantùm and Nubere volunt damnationem habentes quia primam fidem irritam fecerunt and Mandata eius grauia non sunt and Aspexit in remunerationem Are al these and such like Papistical translations because they are most plaine for the Catholike faith which they call Papistrie Are they not word for word as in the Greeke and the very wordes of the holy Ghost And if in these there be no accusatiō of Papistical partiality vvhy in the other Lastly are the auncient fathers General Councels the Churches of al the west part that vse al these speaches phrases now so many hundred yeres are they al Papistical Be it so and let vs in the name of God folow them speake as they spake translate as they translated interprete as they interpreted because we beleeue as they beleeued And thus far for defense of the old vulgar Latin translation and why we translated it before al others Now of the maner of translating the same IN THIS OVR TRANSLATION because we wish it to be most sincere as becōmeth a Catholike translation and haue endeuoured so to make it we are very precise religious in folowing our copie the old vulgar approued Latin not onely in sense which we hope we alwaies doe but sometime in the very wordes also and phrases which may seeme to the vulgar Reader to common English cares not yet acquainted therewith rudenesse or ignorance but to the discrete Reader that deepely weigheth and considereth the importance of sacred wordes and speaches and how easily the voluntarie Translatour may misse true sense of the Holy Ghost we doubt not but our consideration and doing therein shal seeme reasonable and necessarie yea and that al sortes of Catholike Readers wil in short time thinke that familiar which at the first may seeme strange wil esteeme it more when they shal otherwise be taught to vnderstand it then if it were the common knowen English For example vve translate often thus Amen amen I say vnto you Vvhich as yet seemeth strange but after a while it wil be as familiar as Amen in the end of al praiers and Psalmes and euen as when we end with Amen it soundeth far better then So be it so in the beginning Amen Amen must needes by vse and custom sound far better then Verily verily Vvhich in deede doth not expresse the asseueration and assurance signified in this Hebrue word besides that it is the solemne and vsual word of our Sauiour to expresse a vehement asseueration and therfore is not changed neither in the Syriake nor Greeke nor vulgar Latin Testament but is preserued and vsed of the Euangelistes and Apostles them selues euen as Christ spake it propter sanctiorem authoritatem as S. Augustine saith of this and of Allelu-ia for the more holy and sacred authoritie thereof li. 2. Doct. Christ c. 11. And therfore do we keepe the word Allelu-ia Apoc. 19 as it is both in Greeke and Latin yea and in al the English translations though in their bookes of common praier they translate it Praise ye the Lord. Againe if Hosanna Raca Belial and such like be yet vntranslated in the English Bibles why may not we say Corbana and Parasceue specially when they Englishing this later thus the preparation of the Sabboth put three wordes more into the text then the Greek word doth signifie Mat 27 62. And others saying thus After the day of preparing make a cold translation and short of the sense as if they should trāslate Sabboth the resling for Parasceue is as solemne a word for the Sabboth eue as Sabboth is for the Iewes seuenth day and now among Christians much more solemner taken for Good-friday onely These wordes then we thought it far better to keepe in the text and to tel their signification in the margent or in a table for that purpose then to disgrace bothe the text them with translating them Such are also these wordes The Pasche The feast of Azymes The bread of Proposition Vvhich they translate The Passeouer The feast of svvete bread The shevv bread But if Pentecost Act. 2 be yet vntrāslated in their bibles and seemeth not strange why should not Pasche and Azymes so remaine also being solemne feastes as Pentecost was or why should they English one rather then the other specially whereas Passeouer at the first was as strange as Pasche may seeme now and perhaps as many now vnderstand Pasche as Passemer and as for Azymes when they English it the feast of svveete bread it is a false interpretatiō of the word nothing expresseth that which belongeth to the feast concerning vnleauened bread And as for their terme of shevv bread it is very strange and ridiculous Againe if Proselyte be a receiued word in the English bibles Mat. 23. Act. 2 why may not we be bold to say Neophyte 1 Tim. 3 specially when they translating it into English do falsely expresse the signification of the word thus a yong scholer Vvhereas it is a peculiar word to signifie them that were lately baptized as Catechumenus signifieth the newely instructed in faith not yet baptized who is also yong scholer rather then the other and many that haue been old scholers may be Neophytes by differring baptisme And if Phylacteries be allowed for English Mat. 23 we hope that Didragmes also Prepuce Paraclete and such like wil easily grow to be currant and familiar And in good sooth there is in al these such necessitie that they can not conueniently be translated as when S. Paul saith concisio non circumcisi● how can we but folow his very wordes and allusion And how is it possible to expresse Euangelizo but as vve do Euangelize for Euangelium being the Gospel what is Euangelizo or to Euangelize but to shew the glad tydings of the Gospel of the time of grace of al Christs benefites Al which signification is lost by translating as the English bibles do I bring you good tydings Luc. 2 10. Therfore we say Depositum 2 Tim. 6. and He exinanited him self Philip. 2. and You haue reflorished Philip. 4. and to exhaust Hebr. 9 28 because vve can not possibly attaine to expresse these vvordes fully in English and vve thinke much better that the reader staying at the difficultie of them should take an occasion to looke in the table folovving or othervvise to aske the ful meaning of them then by putting some vsual English vvordes that expresse them not so
all ✝ verse 27 And the lord of that seruant moued vvith pitie dimissed him and the dette he forgaue him ✝ verse 28 And vvhen that seruant vvas gone forth he found one of his felovv-seruants that did ovve him an hundred pence and laying hands vpon him thratled him saying Repay that thou ovvest ✝ verse 29 And his felovv seruant falling dovvne besought him saying Haue patience tovvard me and I vvil repay the all ✝ verse 30 And he vvould not but vvent his vvay and cast him into prison til he repayed the dette ✝ verse 31 And his felovv-seruants seeing vvhat vvas done vvere very sorie and they came and told their lord al that vvas done ✝ verse 32 Then his lord called him and he said vnto him Thou vngratious seruant I forgaue thee al the dette because thou besoughtest me oughtest nor thou therfore also to haue mercie vpon thy felovv-seruant euen as I had mercie vpon thee ✝ verse 33 And his lord being angrie deliuered him to the tormenters vntil he repayed al the dette ✝ verse 34 So also shal my heauenly father doe to you if you forgiue not euery one his brother from your hartes ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVIII 1. Who is the greater The occasion of this question and of thier contention for Superioritie among the rest of their infirmities which they had before the comming of the Holy Ghost was as certaine holy Doctors write vpon emulation toward Peter whom only they saw preferred before the rest in the payment of the tribute by these wordes of our Sauiour Geue it them for me and thee Chrys ho. 59. Hiero. in Mat. Vpon this place 7. Scandals The simple be most annoyed by taking scandal of their preachers Priests and elders il life and great damnation is to the guides of the people whether they be temporal or spiritual but specially to the spiritual if by their il example and slaunderous life the people be scādalized 8. Hand foote eye By these partes of the body so necessarie and profitable for a man is signified that whatsoeuer is neerest and deerest to vs wife children freeudes riches al are to be conte●●ned and forsaken for to saue our soule 10. Their Angels A great dignitie and a maruelous benefite that euery one hath from his Natiuitie an Angel for his custodie and Patronage against the wicked before the face of God Hiero. vpon this place And the thing is so plaine that Caluin dare not deny it and yet he wil needes doubt of it lib. 1. Inst c. 14. sect 1. 17. Not heare the Church Not only Heretikes but any other obstinate offender that wil not be iudged nor ruled by the Church may be excommunicated and so made as an Heathen or Publican was to the Iewes by the discipline of the same casting him our of the felowship of Catholikes Which Excommunication is a greater punishement then if he were executed by sword fire and wild beastes Aug. cont Adu leg li● c. 17. And againe he saith Man is more sharply and pitefully bound by the Churches Keies then with any yron or adamantine manicles or fetters in the world August ibidem 17. Heathen Heretikes therfore because they wil not heare the Church be no better nor no otherwise to be esteemed of Catholikes then heathen men and Publicans were esteemed of Catholikes then heathen men and Publicans were esteemed among the Iewes 18. You shal binde As before he gaue this power of binding and loosing ouer the whole first of al and principally to Peter vpon whom he builded his Church so here not only to Peter and in him to his successors but also to the other Apostles and in them to their successors euery one in their charge Hieron lib. 1. c. 14. aduers Iouin and Epist ad Heliod Cyprian de Vnit. Eccl. nu 3. 18. Shal loose Our Lord geueth no lesse right and authoritie to the Churche to loose then to binde as S. Ambrose writeth against the Nouatians who confessed that the Priests had power to binde but not to loose 20. In the middes of them Not al assemblies may chalenge the presence of Christ but only such as be gathered together in the vnity of the Church and therfore no conuenticles of Heretikes directly gathering against the Churche are warranted by this place Cypr. de vnit Eccles nu 7. 8. 22. Seuentie times seuen There must be no end of forgeuing them that be penitent either in the Sacrament by absolution or one man an other their offenses CHAP. XIX He ansvvereth the tempting Pharisees that the case of a man vvith his vvife shal be as in the first institution it vvas vtterly indissoluble though for one cause he may be diuorced 10 And therevpon to his Disciples he highly commendeth Single life for heaven 13 He vvil haue children came vnto him 16 He shevveth vvhat is to be done to enter into life euerlasting 20 What also for a rich man to be perfect 27 As also vvhat passing revvard they shal haue vvhich follovv that his counsel of perfection 29 yea though it be but in some one peece verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen IESVS had ended these vvordes he departed from Galilee came into the coastes of Ievvrie beyond Iordā ✝ verse 2 and great multitudes folovved him and he cured them there ✝ verse 3 And there came to him the Pharisees tempting him and saying Is it lavvful for a man to dimisse his vvife for euery cause ✝ verse 4 Who ansvvering said to them Haue ye not read that he which did make ' from the beginning made them male and femal And he said ✝ verse 5 For this cause man shal leaue father and mother and shal cleane to his vvife and they tvvo shal be in one flesh ✝ verse 6 Therfore novv they are not tvvo but one flesh That therfore vvhich God hath ioyned together let ″ not man separate ⊢ ✝ verse 7 They say to him why then * did Moyses commaund to giue a bil of diuorce and to dimisse her ✝ verse 8 He saith to them Because Moyses for the hardnes of your hart permitted you to dimisse your vviues but from the beginning it vvas not so ✝ verse 9 And I say to you that * Whosoeuer shal dimisse his vvife ″ but for fornication and shal mary an other doth committe aduoutrie and he that shal mary her that is dimissed committeth aduoutrie ✝ verse 10 His disciples say vnto him If the case of a man vvith his vvife be so it is not expedient to mary ✝ verse 11 Who said to them ″ Not al take this vvord but they to vvhom it is giuen ✝ verse 12 For there are eunuches which vvere borne so frō their mothers vvombe and there are eunuches vvhich were made by men and there are eunuches vvhich haue ″ gelded them selues for the kingdom of heauen ″ He that can take let him take ⊢ ✝ verse 13 Then *
of the palsey Sonne ● thy sinnes are forgiuen thee ✝ verse 6 And there vvere certaine of the Scribes sitting there and thinking in their hartes ✝ verse 7 why doth he speake so he blasphemeth * Who can forgiue sinnes but only God ✝ verse 8 Which by and by IESVS knovving in his spirit that they so thought vvithin them selues saith to them why thinke you these things in your hartes ✝ verse 9 Whether is easier to say to the sicke of the palsey Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee or to say Arise take vp thy couche and vvalke ✝ verse 10 But that you may knovv that ● the Sonne of man hath povver ● in earth to forgiue sinnes he saith to the sicke of the palsey ✝ verse 11 I say to thee Arise take vp thy couche and goe into thy house ✝ verse 12 And forthvvith he arose and taking vp his couche vvent his vvay in the sight of al so that al marueled and glorified God saying That vve neuer savv the like ✝ verse 13 And he vvent forth againe to the sea and al the multitude came to him and he taught them ✝ verse 14 And vvhen he passed by * he savv Leui of Alphaeus sitting at the custome place and he saith to him Folovv me And rising vp he folovved him ✝ verse 15 And it came to passe as he sate at meate in his house many Publicans and sinners did sit dovvne together vvith IESVS and his Disciples for they vvere many vvho also folovved him ✝ verse 16 And the Scribes and the Pharisees seeing that he did eate vvith Publicans and Sinners said to his Disciples why doth your Maister eate and drinke vvith Publicans and sinners ✝ verse 17 IESVS hearing this saith to them The vvhole haue not neede of a Physicion but they that are il at ease for I came not to call the iust but sinners ✝ verse 18 And * the disciples of Iohn and the Pharisees did vse to fast and they come and say to him Why do the disciples of Iohn and of the Pharisees fast but thy disciples do not fast ✝ verse 19 And IESVS said to them why can the children of the mariage fast as long as the bridegrome is vvith them So long time as they haue the bridegrome vvith them they can not fast ✝ verse 20 But the daies vvil come vvhen the bridegrome shal be taken avvay from them and then they shal fast in those daies ✝ verse 21 No body sovveth a peece of ravv cloth to an old garment othervvise he taketh avvay the nevv peecing from the old and there is made a greater rent ✝ verse 22 And no body putteth nevv vvine into old bottels othervvise the vvine bursteth the bottels and the vvine vvil be shed and the bottels vvil be lost but nevv vvine must be put into nevv bottels ✝ verse 23 And * it came to passe againe vvhen he vvalked through the corne on the Sabboths and his Disciples began to goe forvvard and to plucke the eares ✝ verse 24 And the Pharisees said to him Behold vvhy do they on the Sabboths that vvhich is not lavvful ✝ verse 25 And he said to them Did you neuer read vvhat Dauid did vvhen he vvas ● in necessitie and him self verse 26 vvas an hungred and they that vvere vvith him hovv * he entred into the house of God vnder Abiathar the high Priest and did eare the loaues of Proposition vvhich it vvas not lavvful to eate * but for the Priests and did giue vnto them vvhich vvere vvith him ✝ verse 27 And he said to them The Sabboth vvas made for man and not man for the Sabboth ✝ verse 28 Therfore the sonne of man is Lord of the Sabboth also ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 4. Vncouered Such diligence ought to be vsed to bring sinners to Christ in his Sacraments as was vsed to procure this man and others by Christ the health of their bodies 5. Sicke of the palsey Such as this man was in body by dissolution of his limmes such also was he in soule by the noisome desires of the world occupying his hart and withdrawing him from al good workes Aug. de Pastor c. 6 to 9. 5. Thy sinnes Hereby it appeareth that Christ healed this sicke man first in his soule before he tooke away his bodily infirmity which may be an instruction for al men in bodily disease first to call for the Sacraments which be medicines of the soule As hereby also may be gathered that many diseases come for sinne and therfore can not be healed til the sinnes be remitted 10. The Sonne of man As Christ proueth vnto them that him self as man and not as God only hath power to remitte sinnes by that in al their sightes he was able to doe miracles and make the sickman sodenly arise so the Apostles hauing power graunted them to doe miracles though they be not God may in like maner haue authority from God to remitte sinnes not as God but as Gods ministers 10. In earth This power that the Sonne of man hath to remitte sinnes in earth was neuer taken from him but dureth still in his Sacraments and ministers by whom he remitteth sinnes in the Church and not in heauen only For concerning sinne there is one court of conscience in earth and an other in heauen and the iudgement in heauen foloweth and approueth this on earth as is plaine by the wordes of our Sauiour to Peter first and then to al the Apostles Whatsoeuer you shal bind vpon earth shal be bound in heauen Whatsoeuer you shal loose vpon earth shal be loosed in heauen wherevpon S. Hierom saith That Priests hauing the keies of the kingdom of heauen iudge after a sort before the day of iudgement And S. Chrysost li. 3 de Sacerd. paul post princip more at large 25. In necessity In necessity many things be done without sinne which els might not be done and so * the very chalices and consecrated iewels and vessels of the Church in cases of necessity are by lawful authority turned to profane vses which otherwise to alienate to a mans priuate commoditie is sacrilege CHAP. III. The blind Pharisees seeking his death for doing good vpon the Sabboths he meekely goeth out of the vvay vvhere the people that flocke vnto him and his Miracles are innumerable 13 Yea to his Tvvelue also hauing neede of moe vvorkmen he geueth povver to vvorke Miracles ●0 He so occupieth him self for soules that his kinne thinke him madde 22 The Scribes of Hierusalem come so farre and yet haue nothing but absurdly to blaspeme his casting out of Diuels to their ovvne damnation ●1 That the Ievves should not after their maner thinke it ynough that he is of their bloud he telleth that such rather are deere to him as keepe Gods commaundements verse 1 AND he entred againe into the Synagogue and there vvas a man there that had a vvithered hand ✝ verse 2 And they
39 And he said to them a similitude also Can the blinde leade the blinde doe not both fal into the ditch ✝ verse 40 The disciple is not aboue his maister but euery one shal be perfect if he be as his maister ✝ verse 41 And vvhy seest thou the mote in thy brothers eie but the beame that is in thine ovvne eie thou considerest not ✝ verse 42 Or hovv canst thou say to thy brother Brother let me cast out the more out of thine eie thy self not seeing the beame in thine ovvne eie Hypocrite cast first the beame out of thine ovvne eie and then shalt thou see clerely to take forth the more out of thy brothers eie ⊢ ✝ verse 43 For there is no good tree that yeldeth euil fruites nor euil tree that yeldeth good fruite ✝ verse 44 For euery tree is knovven by his fruite For neither doe they gather figges of thornes neither of a bush doe they gather the grape ✝ verse 45 The good man of the good treasure of his hart bringeth forth good and the euil man of the il treasure bringeth forth euil for of the aboūdance of the hart the mouth speaketh ✝ verse 46 And vvhy cal you me Lord Lord and doe not the things vvhich I say ✝ verse 47 Euery one that commeth to me and heareth my vvords and doeth them I vvil shevv you to vvhom he is like ✝ verse 48 He is like to a man building a house that digged deepe and laid the foundation vpon a rocke And vvhen an inundation rose the riuer bette against that house and it could not moue it for it vvas founded vpon a rocke ✝ verse 49 But he that heareth and doeth not is like to a man building his house vpon the earth vvithout a foundation against the vvhich the riuer did beate and incontinent it fell and the ruine of that house vvas great ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. Neither this haue you read The Scribes and pharisees boasted most of their knovvledge of the Scriptures but our Sauiour often shevveth their great ignorance Euen so the Heretikes that novv a daies vaunt most of the Scriptures and of their vnderstanding of them may soone be proued to vnderstand litle or nothing 9. Saue a soule Hereby it seemeth that Christ as at other times lightly alvvaies did not only heale this man in body but of some correspondent disease in his soule 12. The vvholenight Our Sauiour instantly prayed alone in the mount vvithout doore al night long as a preparation to the designement of his Apostles the day after to giue example to the Church of praying instantly vvhen priests are to be ordered and a lesson to vs al vvhat vve should doe for our ovvne necessities vvhen Christ did so for other mens 13. Vvhom he named Apostles Here it is to be noted against our Aduersaries that deceitfully measure to the simple the vvhole nature and qualitie of certaine sacred functions by the primitiue signification and compasse of the names or vvordes vvhereby they be called vvith vvhom as a Priest is but an elder and a Bishop a vvatchman or Superintendent so an Apostle is nothing but a Legate or Messenger and therfore as they argue * can make no Lawes nor prescribe or teach any thing not expressed in his mandatum Know therfore against such deceiuers that such things are not to be ruled by the vulgar signification of the word or calling but by vse and application of the holy writers and in this point by Christs ovvne expresse imposition And so this vvord Apostle is a calling of Office gouernement authoritie and most high dignitie giuen by our Maister specially to the College of the Tvvelue whom he endued aboue that vvhich the vulgar etymologie of their name requireth vvith povver to bind and loose to punish and pardō to teach and rule his Church Out of vvhich roome and dignitie vvhich is called in the Psalme and in the actes a Bishoprike vvhen Iudas sel Mathias vvas chosen to supply it and vvas numbered among the rest vvho vvere as founders or foundations of our religion as the Apostle termeth them Therfore to that college this name agreeth by special imposition and prerogatiue though aftervvard it vvas by vse of the Scriptures extended to S. Paul and S. Barnabas and sometimes to the Apostles successors as also by the like vse of Scriptures to the first conuerters of countreis to the saith or their coadiutors in that function In vvhich sense S. Paul chalengeth to be the Corinthians Apostle and nameth Epaphroditus the Philippians Apostle as vve call S. Gregorie his Disciple S. Augustin our Apostles of England In al vvhich taking it euer signifieth dignitie regiment Paternitie Principalitie and Primacie in the Church of God according to S. Paul 1. Cor. 12 He hath placed in his Church first in deede Apostles c. whereby vve may see that S. Peters dignitie vvas a vvonderful eminent Prerogatiue and Soueraintie when he vvas the head not only of other Christian men but the head of al Apostles yea euen of the College of the Tvvelue And if our Aduersaties list to haue learned any profitable lesson by the vvord Apostle more profitably and truely they might haue gathered that Christ called these his principal officers Apostles or Sent him self also specially and aboue al other being Missus that is Sent and called also Apostle in the Scriptures to vvarne vs by the nature of the vvord that none are true Apostles Pastors or Preachers that are not specially sent and called or that can not shevv by vvhom they be sent and that al Heretikes therfore be rather Apostates then Apostles for that they be not sent nor duely called nor chosen to preach 14. Simon Peter in the numbering of the Apostles alvvaies first named and preferred before Andrevv his elder brother and senior by calling See Annotat. Mt. 10 2. 23. Be glad The common miseries that fall to the true preachers and other Catholike men for Christs sake as pouertie famin mourning and persecutions be in deede the greatest blessings that can be and are meritorious of the revvard of heauen Contrarievvise al the felicities of this vvorld vvithout Christ are in deede nothing but vvo and the enterance to euerlasting miserie 26. Shal blesse you This vvo pertaineth to the Heretikes of our daies that delight to haue the peoples praises and blessings and shoutes preaching pleasant things of purpose to their itching eares as did the False-Prophets vvhen they vvere magnified and commended therfore of the carnal Ievves 35 Land hoping nothing In that vve may here seeme to be moued to lend to those vvhom vve thinke not able nor like euer to repay againe it must be holder for a counsel rather then a commaundement except the case of necessitie but it may be taken rather for a precept vvherein vsurie that is to say the expectation not of the money lent but of vantage
this is desert ✝ verse 27 And rising he vvent And behold a man of Aethiopia an eunuch of great authoritie vnder Candace the Queene of the Aethiopians vvho vvas ouer al her treasures vvas come to Hierusalem to adore ✝ verse 28 and he vvas returning and sitting vpon his chariot and reading Esay the prophet ✝ verse 29 And the Spirit said to Philippe Goe neere and ioyne thy self to this same chariot ✝ verse 30 And Philippe running therevnto heard him reading Esay the prophet and he said Trovvest thou that thou vnderstādest the things vvhich thou readest ✝ verse 31 Vvho said And hovv can I vnlesse some man shevv me he desired Philippe that he vvould come vp and sit vvith him ✝ verse 32 And the place of the scripture vvhich he did reade vvas this As a sheepe to slaughter vvas he led and as a lambe before his shearer vvithout voice so did he not open his mouth ✝ verse 33 In humilitie his iudgement vvas taken avvay His generation vvho shal declare for from the earth shal his life be taken ✝ verse 34 And the ●●nuch ansvvering Philip said I beseeche thee of vvhom doth the Prophet speake this of him self or of some other ✝ verse 35 And Philip opening his mouth and beginning from this scripture euangelized vnto him IESVS ✝ verse 36 And as they vvent by the vvay they came to a certaine vvater and the eunuch said Lo vvater vvho ' doth let me to be baptized ✝ verse 37 And Philip said If thou beleeue vvith al thy hart thou maiest And he ansvvering said I beleeue that IESVS CHRIST is the sonne of God ✝ verse 38 And he commaunded the chariot to stay and both vvent dovvne into the vvater Philip and the Eunuch and ″ he baptized him ✝ verse 39 And when they vvere come vp out of the vvater the Spirit of our Lord tooke avvay Philip and the eunuch savv him no more And he vvent on his vvay reioycing ✝ verse 40 But Philip vvas found in Azótus passing through he euangelized to al the cities til he came to Caesaréa ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VIII 2. Deu●us men As here great deuotion vvas vsed in burying his body so aftervvard at the Inuention Translation thereof And the miracles vvrought by the same and at euery litle memorie of the same vvere infinite as S. Augustine vvitnesseth li. 〈◊〉 de Ciuil Dei c. ● Sermon de S. Steph. 〈◊〉 10. 14. Sent Peter Some Protestants vse this place to proue S. Peter not to be head of the Apostles because he and S. Iohn were sent by the Tvvelue by vvhich reason they might as vvel conclude that he vvas not equal to the rest for commonly the Maister sendeth the man and the Superior the inferior vvhen the vvord of Sending is exactly vsed But it is not alvvaies so taken in the Scriptures for then could not the Sonne be sent by the Father not the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Sonne nor othervvise in cōmon vse of the vvorld seing the inferior or equal may in●ea●e his frend or Superior to doe his busines for him and specially a body Politike or a Corporation may by election or othervvise choose their Head and send him so may the Citizens send their Maior to the Prince or Parliament though he be the head of the citie because he may be more fitte to doe their busines also the Superior or equal may be sent by his ovvne consent or desire Lastly the College of the Apostles comprising Peter vvith the rest as euery such Body implieth both the head and the members vvas greater then Peter their head alone as the Prince and Parliament is greater then the Prince alone And so Peter might be sent as by authoritie of the vvhole College notvvithstanding he vvere the head of the same 17. Did they impose If this Philip had been ● an Apostle saith S. Bede he might haue imposed his handes that they might haue receiued the Holy Ghost but this none can doe sauing Bishops For though Priests may baptize and anoint the Baptized also vvith Chrisme consecrated by a Bishop yet he can not signe his forehead vvith the same holy oile because that belongeth only to Bishops vvhen they giue the holy Ghost to the Baptized So saith he touching the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8 Act. This imposition therfore of hands together vvith the praiers here specified vvhich no doubt vvere the very same that the Church yet vseth to that purpose vvas the ministration of the Sacrament of Confirmation Whereof S. Cyptian saith thus They that in Samaria vvere baptized of Philip because they had lavvful and Ecclesiastical Baptisme ought not to be baptized any more but only that vvhich vvanted vvas done by Peter and Iohn to vvit that by praier made for them and imposition of handes the Holy Ghost might be povvred vpon them Vvhich novv also is done vvith vs that they vvhich in the Church are baptized be by the Rulers of the Church offered and by our praier and imposition of hand receiue the Holy Ghost and be signed vvith our Lordes seale So S. Cyprian But the Heretikes obiect that yet here is no mention of oile To vvhom vve say that many things vvere done and said in the administration of this and other Sacraments and al instituted by Christ him self and deliuered to the Church by the Apostles vvhich are not particularly vvritten by the Euangelists or any other in the Scripture among vvhich this is euident by al antiquitie and most general practise of the Church to be one S. Denys saith The Priests did present the baptized to the Bishop that he might signe them diuino d●ifico vnguento vvith the diuine and deifical ointment And againe Aduentum S. Spiritus consummans inunctio largitur the inunction consummating giueth the comming of the Holy Ghost Tertullian de resur carn nu 7 li. 1 adu Marcio speaketh of this Cōfirmation by Chrisme thus The flesh is anointed that the soul may be consecrated the flesh is signed that the soul may be sensed the flesh by imposition of hand is shadovved that the soul by the Spirit may be illuminated S. Cyprian likevvise ep 70. nu 2. He must also be anointed that is baptized vvith the oile sanctified on the Altar And ep 72 see also ep 73. nu 3 he expresly calleth it a Sacrament ioyning it vvith Baptisme as Melchiades doth ep ad omnes Hispania● Episcopos nu 2. to 1 Con● shevving the difference betvvixt it and Baptisme S. Augustine also cont lit Petil. li. 2. c. 104. The Sacrament of Chrisme in the kind of visible seales is sacred and holy euen as Baptisme it self Vve omit S. Cyril mystag 3. S. Ambrose li. 3 de Sacram. c. 2. de ijs qui mysterijs initiantur c. 7. S. Leo ep 88. the aūcient Councels also of Laodicea can 48. Carthage 3 can 39. and Arausicanum 4 can 1. and others And S. Clement Apost
and Icónium and persvvading the multitudes and * stoning Paul they drevv him out of the citie thinking him to be dead ✝ verse 19 But the disciples compassing him round about he rising vp entred into the citie and the next day he vvent forth vvith Barnabas vnto Derbè ✝ verse 20 And vvhen they had euangelized to that citie and had taught many they returned to Lystra and Icónium and to Antioche ✝ verse 21 confirming the hartes of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that by many tribulations vve must enter into the kingdom of God ✝ verse 22 And vvhen they ″ had ordained to them ″ Priests in euery Church and had praied vvith fastings they commended them to our Lord in vvhom they beleeued ✝ verse 23 And passing through Pisidia they came into Pamphylia ✝ verse 24 and speaking the vvord of our Lord in Pergé they vvent dovvne into Attalia ✝ verse 25 and from thēce they sailed to Antioche * vvhence they had been deliuered to the grace of God vnto the vvorke vvhich they accomplished ✝ verse 26 And vvhen they vvere come and ●ad assembled the Church they reported vvhat great things God had done vvith them that he had opened a doore of faith to the Gentils ✝ verse 27 And they abode no litle time vvith the disciples ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 12. They vvould sacrifice This loe is the diuine vvorship consisting in external sacrifice and in acknovvledging the parties vvorshipped to be gods vvhich * may be done to no man nor creature and therfore the Apostles refuse it vvith al possible diligence and al the Angels and Saincts in heauen refuse that adoration by sacrifice The Catholike Church suffereth no Priest nor other so to vvorship any Sainct in heauen or earth She hath but one external Sacrifice vvhich is in the holy Masse of Christs body and bloud that she offereth to God alone and neither to Peter nor to Paul saith S. Augustine though the Priest that sacrificeth standeth ouer their bodies and offereth in their memories But other kindes of honours and dueties inferior vvithout al comparison hovv great so euer they be to this vve do as the Scriptures and Nature teache vs to al Superiors in heauen and earth according to the degrees of grace honour and blessednes that God hath called them vnto from our B. Ladie Christs ovvne mother to the lest seruant he hath in the vvorld for vvhich the Heretikes vvould neuer accuse Christian people of Idolatrie if they had either grace learning faith or natural affection ●● Had ordained The Heretikes to make the vvorld beleeue that al Priests ought to be chosen by the voices of the people and that they neede no other Ordering or Consecration by Bishops pressing the pro●ane vse of the * Greeke vvord more then the very natural signification requireth and Ecclesiastical vse beareth translate thus Ordained by election Vvhereas in deede this vvord in Scripture signifieth Ordering by imposition of hands as is plaine by other vvordes equiualent Act. 6 13. 1 Tim. 4. ● 2 Tim. 1. Vvhere the Ordering of Deacons Priests and others is called * Imposition of hands not of the people but of the Apostles And this to be the Ecclesiastical vse of the vvord appeareth by S. Hierom saying as is before alleaged that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i● the Ordering of Clerkes or Clergie men by praier of voice and imposition of hand ●● Priests Euen so here also as before fleing from the proper apt knovven vvord vvhich is most precisely correspondent to the very Greeke in our tongue and al nations they translate for Priest Elder that is for a calling of Office a vvord of age for a terme of art and by consent of al the Church and Apostolike authoritie and Fathers appropriated to holy Order a vulgar common and profane terme Vvith as litle grace as if they should translate Pontificem a bridgemaker the Maior of London the Bigger of London And thus you see vvithin three vvordes compasse they flee guilefully from the Latin to the Greeke and againe guilefully from the Greeke to the vulgar English Such corruption of Scriptures their hatred of Priesthod driueth them vnto If they had translated it so vvhen the Scriptures vvere first vvritten at vvhich time the vvord vvas but nevvly receiued into the special and Ecclesiastical signification and vvhen it vvas yet taken sometimes in common profane sort as 1 Tim. 5. or there only vvhere our aūcient Latin version turneth Presbyter into Senior because the vvord vvas not yet vvholy and only appropriated to holy Orders as aftervvard by vse of many hundred yeres it vvas and is their dealing might haue had some colour of honest●e and plainesse vvhich novv can not be but of plaine falshod and corruption and that of further purpose then the simple can see Vvhich is to take avvay the office of Sacrificing and other functions of Priests proper in the nevv Testamēt to such as the Apostles often and the posteritle in maner altogether call Priests Presbyteros Vvhich vvord doth so certainely imply the authoritie of sacrificing that it is by vse made also the onely English of Sacerdos the Aduersaries them selues as vvel as vve so translating it in al the old and nevv Testament though they can not be ignorant that Priest commeth of Presbyter and not of Sacerdos and that antiquitie for no other cause applied the signification of Presbyter to Sacerdos but to shevv that Presbyter is in the nevv Lavv that vvhich Sacerdos vvas in the old the Apostles abstaining from this and other like old names at the first and rather vsing the vvordes Bishops Pastors and Priests because they might be distinguished from the Gouernours and sacrificers of Aarons order vvho as yet in the Apostles time did their old functions still in the Temple And this to be true and that to be a Priest is to be a man appointed to sacrifice the Heretikes them selues calling Sacerdos alvvaies a Priest must needes be driuen to confesse Although their folly is therein notorious to apply vvillngly the vvord Priest to Sacerdos and to take it from Presbyter vvhereof it is properly deriued not only in English but in other languages both french and Italian Vvhich is to take avvay the name that the Apostles and fathers gaue to the Priests of the Church to giue it vvholy onely to the order of Aaron vvhich neuer had it before our Priesthod began Neuer did there Heretikes stand so much vpon doubtful deriuations and descant of vvordes as these Protestants do and yet neuer men behaued them selues more fondly in the same as vvhosoeuer marketh the distinction of their Elders Ministers Deacons and such like shal perceiue CHAP. XV. Some of those Ievves also that vvere Christians do fall and are authors of the Heresie of Iudaizing 2 They referre the matter to Councel 7 Wherein after great disputation Peter striking the stroke
is taken Act. 21 and from the Tribune Lysias deliuered to Felix the Gouernour Act. 23 and by him left to Festus Act. 24. he appealeth to Caesar Act. 25 and so is SENT TO ROME Act. 27 vvhere he arriueth Act. 28. Neronis Natiuit Ascen   2 58 25 At Rome he remaineth in free prison tvvo yere Act. 28. and then is deliuered 2 Tim. 4.       After his deliuerie he preached in sundrie countries of the vvest namely in Spaine Hiero. in Cataloge Epiph. Hares 27. Him self vvriteth that he purposed so to doe Ro. 15.       In his Epistle to the Philippians c. ● he minded to vis●e the Churches of Asia vvhich also he did Genebrard in Chron.       He vvriteth last of al his second Epistle to Timothee a litle before his death 2 Tim. 4. being novv the second time apprehended and in bandes at Rome Theodoret. 14 70 37 He vvas beheaded at Rome the same day that Peter vvas crucified S. Ambros ser 〈◊〉 68. S Maximus OF THE OTHER APOSTLES THE Actes of the rest of the tvvelue Apostles be not much vvritten of in this booke but as * other Eccles●●stical writers do te●tifie they preached specially in these nations as folovveth Andrevv in A●haia Iohn in Asia Philip in Pbrygia Iames in Ievvrie Bartholomevv in Scythia Thomas in India Matthevv in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadd●us in Mesopotamia the other Iames in Spaine Matthias in Palestine So distributing them selues through out the vvorld to gather one Catholike Church of al Nations according as Christ gaue them commission Mat. 28 19 and as it vvas prophecied of them before Psal 18. Their sound is gone forth into euery countrie and their wordes into the endes of the whole world But before they departed one from an other the time vvhereof is not certainely knovven * al Tvvelue assembling together ful of the Holy Ghost eche laying dovvne his sentence agreed vpon tvvelue principal articles of the Christian faith and appointed them for a rule to al beleeuers Vvhich is therfore called and is THE APOSTLES CREDE Not vvritten in paper as the Scripture but from the Apostles deliuered by tradition Ruff. Hiero. locis citatis Vvhich as of old Hiero. cont Lucifer so at this day al solemnely professe in their Baptisme either by them selues or by others and al that be of age and capacitie are bound to know and beleeue euery article of the ●ame Vvhich are these that folovv THE APOSTLES CREDE or SYMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie creator of heauen and earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord. 3 Vvho vvas conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin MARIE 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into Hel. 5 The third day be rose againe from death 6 Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hād of God the Father almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of saincts 10 Forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLES IN GENERAL AFTER the Gospels vvhich is a storie of Christ himselfe and after the Actes of the Apostles Vvhich is a storie of Christes Church novv folovv the Epistles of the Apostles vvhich they vvrote of such matters as they had then occasion to vvrite of For being the founders and the Doctors of the Church they did in their time as the Doctors that succeeded them did after them vvho from the beginning vnto this day haue vvritten Epistles Bookes against heresies euer as they arose and of al other Ecclesiastical matters as they had occasion ministred vnto them Of vvhich their doing the Apostles first gaue here the ensample as also S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles led the vvay to al the writers of the Ecclesiastical Historie after him For al though there be no comparison betvvene them for authoritie for asmuch as these are Cannonical Scripture and so are not any vvritings of their successors yet the occasions and matters as I haue said are like Most of these Epistles are S. Paules Epistles the rest are called * Catholicae Epistolae the Epistles Catholike For S. Paul vvriteth not any Epistle to al hovvbeit euery one of them is for al the Church but some to particular Churches of the Gentils as to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians some to particular persons as to Timothee to Tite vvho vvere Bishops among the Gentiles to vvit of Ephesus and of Crete and to Philémon and then one to the Hebrevves vvho vvere the Ievves of Hierusalem and Iurie But the Epistles of the other Apostles that is of S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude are not so intituled to any one Church or person except S. Iohns tvvo later short Epistles vvhich yet might not be separated from his first because they vvere al of one Author and therefore they are termed Catholike that is vniuersal For so vvriteth S. Iames To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion greeting and S. Peter in his first Epistle thus To the elect strāgers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia in his second thus To them that haue obteined equal faith vvith vs. likevvise S. Iude To them that are in God the father beloued and in Iesus Christ preserued and called S. Iohns first is vvithout title Novv for the occasions of their vvriting vvhereby vve shal perceiue the matters or arguments that they handle it must be remembred as the Storie of that time in the Actes of the Apostles doth at large declare that the Church then beginning vvas planted by the Apostles not onely in the Ievves but also in the Gentiles yea and specially in the Gentiles Vvhich thing offended the Ievves many waies For they could not abide to see so much as their owne Countrie to receiue him for CHRIST vvhom they had reiected and crucified much lesse to see them preach him to the Gentiles also that offended euen those Ievves also that beleeued him to be Christ Hovvbeit such of them as vvere Catholikes and therefore not obstinat vvere satisfied vvhen they vnderstood by the Apostles that it vvas Gods pleasure as Act. 11. vve reade But others of the became heretikes preached to the Christian Gentiles that it vvas necessary for them to receiue also the Ievves religion Of such vve reade Act. 15. Vnles you be circumcised you can not be saued And as these did so preach against the truth so did the vnchristened Ievves not onely them selues persecute but also stirre vp the Idolatrous Gentiles euery vvhere to persecute the Christians by such obstinacie prouoking God to reprobate theire Nation vvhich yet they thought vnpossible to be done because they vvere the seede of Abraham and
verse 12 that is to say to be comforted together in you by that vvhich is cōmon to vs both your faith and mine ✝ verse 13 And I vvil not haue you ignorant brethren that I haue often purposed to come vnto you and haue been staied hitherto that I may haue some fruite in you as also in the other Gentiles ✝ verse 14 To the Greekes and the Barbarous to the vvise and the vnvvise I am detter ✝ verse 15 so as much as is in me I am ready ″ to euangelize to you also that are at Rome ✝ verse 16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel For it is the povver of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth to the Ievve first and to the Greeke ✝ verse 17 For the iustice of God is reuealed therein by faith into faith as it is vvritten And the iust ″ liueth by faith ✝ verse 18 For the vvrath of God from heauen ″ is reuealed vpon al impietie and iniustice of those men that deteine the vertitie of God in iniustice ✝ verse 19 because that of God vvhich is knovvē is manifest in them For God hath manifested it vnto them ✝ verse 20 For his inuisible things from the creation of the vvorld are seen being vnderstoode by those things that are made his eternal povver also Diuinitie so that they are inexcusable ✝ verse 21 Because vvhereas they knevve God they haue not glorified him as God or giuē thankes but are become vaine in their cogitations and their folish hart hath been darkened ✝ verse 22 for saying them selues to be vvise they became fooles ✝ verse 23 And they changed the glorie of the incorruptible God into a similitude of the image of a corruptible man and of foules and foure-footed beastes and of them that creepe ✝ verse 24 For the vvhich cause God hath deliuered them vp vnto the desires of their hart into vncleannesse for to abuse their owne bodies among them selues ignominiously ✝ verse 25 vvho haue changed the veritie of God into lying and haue vvorshipped serued the creature rather then the creator vvho is blessed for euer Amen ✝ verse 26 Therfore ″ God hath deliuered them into passions of ignominie For their vvomen haue changed the natural vse into that vse that is contrarie to nature ✝ verse 27 And in like maner the men also leauing the natural vse of the vvoman haue burned in their desires one tovvard an other men vpon men vvorking turpitude the revvard of their errour vvhich they should receauing in themselues ✝ verse 28 And as they liked not to haue God in knovvledge God deliuered them vp into a reprobate sense to doe those things that are not conuenient ✝ verse 29 replenished vvith al iniquitie malice fornication auarice vvickednes ful of enuie murder contention guile malignitie vvhisperers ✝ verse 30 detractours odible to God contumelious proude hautie inuentours of euil things disobedient to parents ✝ verse 31 folish dissolute vvithout affection vvithout fidelitie vvithout mercie ✝ verse 32 Who vvhereas they knevv the iustice of God did not vnderstand that they vvhich doe such things are ″ vvorthie of death not only they that doe them but they also that consent to the doers ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 7. Grace to you and peace It is a kind of blessing rather then a prophane salutation proper to the Apostles of greater vertue then the benedictions of the fathers in the old Testament The holy fathers of the Church seemed to absteine from it for their reuerence to the Apostles * The Manichees August cont ep fund● c. 5. ● and other Heretikes as also these of our time because they vvould be counted Apostles often vse it ● Your faith venoumed The holy Doctors vpon these vvordes of the Apostle and specially by our Maisters promis * made to Peter that his faith should not faile giue great testimonie for the prouidence of God in the preseruation of the Romane faith S. Cyprian thus ep 55. nu 6. They are so bold to cary letters from prophan● Schismatikes to the chaire of Peter and the principal Church vvhence Priestly vnitie rose not considering the Romanes to be them vvhose faith the Apostle being the commender vvas praised to vvhom misbel●●●● can not haue accesse So. S. Hierom Apolog. adu Ru●● li. 3 c. 4. to 2. Knovv you that the Romane faith commended by the Apostles mouth vvil receiue no such dec●ites nor can be possibly changed though an Angel taught othervvise being fensed by S. Paules authoritie Againe ep 63 ad Par●mach Ocean●m c. 4. to 2. Whatsoeuer thou be that auouchest nevv sectes I pray 〈◊〉 haue respect to the Romans ●●res spare the faith which was praised by the Apostles voice And in an other place Wilye knovv ô Paula and Eusto●hium hovv the Apostle hath noted euery prouince vvith their proprieties the faith of the people of Ro●● is pr●ised Where is there so g●ea●concourse to Churches and Martyrs s●pul●hres Where soundeth Amen like thunder from heauen or vvhere are the temples void of Idols so shaken as there Not that the Romanes haue an other faith then the rest of the Christian Churches but that there is in them more deuotion and simplicitie of faith In an other place the same holy Doctor signifieth that it is al one to say the Romane faith and the Catholike Apolog. 1 adu Ruff. c. 1. So doth S. Cyprian ep 〈◊〉 num 1. ad Antonianum and S. Ambrose de ●bitu fratris in med Vvherevpon this vvord Romane is added to Catholike in many countries vvhere Sectes do abound for the better distinction of true beleeuers from Heretikes vvhich in al ages did hate and abhorre the Romane faith and Church as al malefactors do their Iudges and correctors 9. Serue in spirit Diuerse Heretikes vvhen they heare that God is a spirit and must be serued and ado●ed in spirit imagine that he must be honoured only invvardly vvithout ceremonies and external vvorkes vvhich you see is othervvise for that the Apostle serued God in spirit by preaching the Gospel To serue God then in spirit is to serue him vvith faith hope and charitie and vvith al vvorkes proceding of them as to serue him carnally is vvith vvorkes external vvithout the said internal vertues 9. A memorie of you A great example of charitie for al men specially for Prelates and Pastors not only to preach but to pray continually for the conuersion of people to Christes faith Vvhich the Apostle did for them vvhom he neuer knevv in respect of Gods honour only and the zeale of soules 15. To euang●liza The Gospel is not only the life of our Sauiour vvritten by the foure Euangelistes nor only that vvhich is vvritten in the nevv Testamēt but theis vvhole course of preaching and teaching the faith Vvhich faith commeth ordinarily of preaching and hearing and not of vvriting or reading And therfore S. Paul thought not him self discharged by
the Clergie how to minister them or giue any mā right to rule preach or execute any spiritual function as vnder her and by her authoritie no creature being able to impart that vvhereof it self is incapable both by nature and Scriptures This Regiment is expresly giuen to the Apostles Bishopes and Prelates they onely haue authoritie to bind and loose Mat. 18 they onely are set by the Holy Ghost to gouerne the Church Act. 20 they onely haue cure of our soules directly and must make account to God for the same Hebr. 13. CHAP. XV. He proueth the Resurrection of the dead by the Resurrection of Christ and vvith many other arguments and 3● ansvvereth also obiections made against it 49 And then exhorteth in respect of it vnto good life verse 1 AND I do you to vnderstand brethren the Gospel vvhich I preached to you which also you receiued in the vvhich also you stand ✝ verse 2 by the vvhich also you are saued after vvhat maner I preached vnto you if you keepe it vnlesse you haue beleeued in vaine ✝ verse 3 For I deliuered vnto you first of al vvhich I also receiued that Christ died for our sinnes * according to the Scriptures ✝ verse 4 and that he vvas buried and that he rose againe the third day * according to the scriptures ✝ verse 5 and that he vvas * seen of Cephas and after that of the eleuen ✝ verse 6 Then vvas he seen of moe thē fiue hundred brethren together of vvhich many remaine vntil this present some are a sleepe ✝ verse 7 Moreouer he vvas seen of Iames then of al the Apostles ✝ verse 8 And last of al as it vvere of an abortiue * he vvas seen also of me ✝ verse 9 For I am the least of the Apostles vvho am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I persesecuted the Church of God ✝ verse 10 But by the grace of God I am that vvhich I am his grace in me hath not been void ⊢ but I haue laboured more aboundantly then al they yet not I but the grace of God ″ vvith me ✝ verse 11 For vvhether I or they so vve preach and so you haue beleeued ✝ verse 12 But if Christ be preached that he is risen againe from the dead hovv doe certaine among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead ✝ verse 13 And if there be no resurrection of the dead neither is Christ risen againe ✝ verse 14 And if Christ be not risen againe then vaine is our preaching vaine also is your faith ✝ verse 15 and vve are found also false witnesses of God because vve haue giuen testimonie against God that he hath raised vp Christ vvhom he hath not raised vp if the dead rise not againe ✝ verse 16 For if the dead rise not againe neither is Christ risen againe ✝ verse 17 And if Christ be not risen againe vaine is your faith for yet you are in your sinnes ✝ verse 18 Then they also that are a sleepe in Christ are perished ✝ verse 19 If in this life onely vve be hoping in Christ vve are more miserable then al men ✝ verse 20 But novv Christ is risen againe from the dead the * first fruites of them that sleepe ✝ verse 21 for * by a man death and by a man the resurrection of the dead ✝ verse 22 And as in Adam al die so also in Christ al shal be made aliue ✝ verse 23 But * euery one in his ovvne order the first fruites Christ then they that are of Christ that beleeued in his comming ✝ verse 24 Then the ende vvhen he shal haue deliuered the kingdom to God and the Father vvhen he shal haue abolished al principalitie and authoritie and povver ✝ verse 25 And he must reigne Vntil he put al his enemies vnder his feete ✝ verse 26 And the enemie death shal be destroied last For he hath subdued al things vnder his feete And vvhereas he saith ✝ verse 27 Al things are subdued to him Vndoubtedly except him that subdued al things vnto him ✝ verse 28 And vvhen al things shal be subdued to him then the Sonne also him self shal be subiect to him that subdued al things vnto him that God may be al in al. ✝ verse 29 Otherwise what shal they do that are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not againe at al ✝ verse 30 vvhy also are they baptized for them vvhy also are vve in danger euery houre ✝ verse 31 I die daily by your glorie brethren vvhich I haue in Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 32 If according to man I fought vvith beastes at Ephesus vvhat doth it profit me if the dead rise not againe Let vs eate and drinke for to morovv vve shal die ✝ verse 33 Be not seduced Euil communications corrupt good maners ✝ verse 34 Avvake ye iust and sinne not for some haue not the knovvledge of God I speake to your shame ✝ verse 35 But some man saith Hovv doe the dead rise againe and vvith vvhat maner of body shal they come ✝ verse 36 Foole that vvhich thou sovvest is not quickened vnlesse it die first ✝ verse 37 And that vvhich thou sovvest not the body that shal be doest thou sovv but bare graine to vvit of vvheate or of some of the rest ✝ verse 38 And God giueth it a body as he vvil and to euery seede his proper body ✝ verse 39 Not al flesh is the same flesh but one of men an other of beastes an other of birdes an other of fishes ✝ verse 40 And bodies celestial and bodies terrestrial but one glorie of the celestial and an other of the terrestrial ✝ verse 41 One glorie of the sunne an other glorie of the moone and an other glorie of the starres For starre differeth from starre in glorie ✝ verse 42 so also the resurrection of the dead It is sovven in corruption it shal rise in incorruptiō ✝ verse 43 It is sovvē in dishonour it shal rise in glorie It is sovven in infirmitie it shal rise in povver ✝ verse 44 It is sovven a natural body it shal rise a spiritual body If there be a natural body there is also a spiritual ✝ verse 45 as it is vvritten The first man Adam vvas made into a liuing soul the last Adam into a quickening spirit ✝ verse 46 Yet that is not first vvhich is spiritual but that vvhich is natural aftervvard that vvhich is spiritual ✝ verse 47 The first man of earth earthly the second man from heauen heauenly ✝ verse 48 Such as is the earthly such also are the earthly and such as the heauenly such also are the heauenly ✝ verse 49 Therfore as vve haue borne the image of the earthly let vs beare also the image of the heauenly ✝ verse 50 This I say brethren that flesh and bloud can not possesse
you ✝ verse 21 lest againe vvhen I come God humble me among you I mourne many of them that sinned before haue not done penāce for the vncleannes fornication and incontinencie that they haue committed ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 1. Visions S. Cyprian ep 69. nu 4. complaineth that the Aduersaries of Gods Church and Priestes giue no credit to visions but their incredulitie is much more in our daies that condemne al such reuelations though they be reported and recorded for most certaine of holy S. Gregorie S. Bede or vvho els so euer Yea they are so vvicked in this case that the vision vvhich the holy author of the booke of Mathabees * calleth fide dignum vv●rthy of credit is one cause vvhy they deny the vvhole booke to be Canonical and as vvel might they for this vision deny al S. Paules Epistles and for the like the Actes of the Apostles Act. 9. 10. 11. 12. 27 and the Gospel it self Mat. 1 20. 2 13 19. 11. Aboue measure Apostles Though al vvere in that they vvere Apostles of one and the same order yet ye may see that some had maruelous great preeminence and priuilege aboue others in the same office specially S. Peter and S. Iohn vvhom S. Paul often calleth great Apostles aboue measue or passing Apostles ●l epille●s c. 2 Cor. 11 5. 12 11. Gal. 2 9. 12. In signes Miracles be necessarie and be great signes of truth vvhen it is first nevvly taught And therfore let al Catholike men hol● fast that faith vvhich vvas first preached and confirmed by miracles as in England by S Augustine and in other nations by other holy Apostolike men And let the Heretikes that preach extraordinarily nevvly and othervvise then vve receiued at our first conuersion shevv their calling and doctrine by miracles or els let them be taken for false Apostles as they be CHAP. XIII He driueth into them the feare of excommunication to the end that they doing penance beforehand he may not be compelled to vse his authoritie vvhen he commeth and as he hath threatened 11 And so vvith a general exhortation he endeth verse 1 LO this the third time I come vnto you * In the mouth of tvvo or three vvitnesses shal euery vvord stand ✝ verse 2 I foretold and doe foretel as present and novv absent to them that sinned before and al the rest that if I come againe I vvil not spare ✝ verse 3 Seeke you an experiment of him that speaketh in me Christ vvho in you is not vveake but is mightie in you ✝ verse 4 For although he vvas crucified of infirmitie yet he liueth by the povver of God For vve also are vveake in him but vve shal liue vvith him by the povver of God on you ✝ verse 5 ″ Trie your ovvne selues if you be in the faith proue ye your selues Knovv you not your selues that Christ IESVS is in you vnlesse perhaps you be reprobates ✝ verse 6 But I hope you knovv ' that vve are not reprobates ✝ verse 7 And vve pray God that you doe no euil not that vve may appeare approued but that you may doe that vvhich is good and vve be as reprobates ✝ verse 8 For vve can not any thing against the truth but for the truth ✝ verse 9 For vve reioyce for that vve are vveake you are mightie This also vve pray for your consummation ✝ verse 10 Therfore these things I vvrite absent that being present I may not deale hardly according to the povver vvhich our Lord hath giuen me vnto edification and not vnto destruction ✝ verse 11 For the rest brethren reioyce be perfect take exhortation be of one minde haue peace and the God of peace of loue shal be vvith you ✝ verse 12 Salute one an other in a * holy kisse Al the saincts salute you ✝ verse 13 The grace of our Lord IESVS Christ and the charitie of God and the communication of the holy Ghost be vvith you all Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 5. Trie your selues The Heretikes argue herevpō that euery man may knovv him self certainely to be in grace vvhere the Apostle speaketh expresly and onely of faith the act vvhereof a man may knovv and feele to be in him self because it is an act of vnderstanding though he can not be assured that he hath his sinnes remitted and that he is in al pointes in state of grace and saluation because euery man that is of the Catholike faith is not alvvaies of good life agreable therevnto nor the actes of our vvil so subiect to vnderstanding that vve can knovv certainely vvhether vve be good or euil See S. Augustine ●● 7 de perfect iustitia c. 15. Li. de Cor. et grat c. 13. S. Thomas 1. 2 q. 112. art 5. ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO THE GALATIANS THAT this Epistle may seeme to be the first that S. Paul vvrote vvas declared in the Argument of the Epistle to the Romanes notvvithstanding that in the second chapter it is euidēs to haue bene vvritten 14 yeres at the least after his Conuersion and as it is said from Ephesus belike at that time of his being there vvhich is mentioned Act. 18. The occasion of it vvere such False apostles as vve reade of Act. 15. Et quidam descendentes c. And certaine comming dovvne from Ievvrie taught the brethren that is the Christian Gentiles at Antioche that vnles you be circumcised according to the manner of Moyses you can not be saued Such commers also to the Galatians vvhom S. Paul had conuerted Act. 16 as him self mentioneth Gal. 1. and 4. did seduce them saying that al the other Apostles to vvhom they should rather harken then to Paul vvho came they knevv not from vvhence did vse Circumcision yea and that Paul himself vvhen he came among them durst do none other And to vvinne them more easily they did not lay on them the burden of the vvhole Lavv but of Circumcision only Against these deceiuers S. Paul declareth that he receiued his Apostleship and learned the Gospel that he preacheth of Christ him self after hi● Resurrection and that the other Apostles although he learned nothing of them receiued him into their societie and allovved vvel of his preaching to the Gentiles though themselues being Ievves and liuing among the Ievves had not yet left the ceremonies of the Lavv hovvbeit they did not put in them any hope of iustification but in Christ alone vvithout them He declareth moreouer that the said False apostles belyed him in saying that he also preached Circumcision sometimes Againe that they themselues in preaching no more but Circumcision did against the nature of Circumcision because it is a profession to obserue the vvhole Lavv finally vvhatsoeuer they pretended that in deede they did it onely to please the Ievves of vvhom othervvise they should be persecuted So that in this Epistle he handleth the same matter vvhich in
his humanity but for that his petigree is not set out in the Genesis as the genealogie of other Patriarches is but is sodenly induced in the holy historie no mention made of his stocke tribe beginning or ending and therfore in that case also resembling in a sort the sonne of God vvhose generation vvas extraordinarie miraculous and ineffable according to both his natures lacking a father in the one and a mother in the other his person hauing neither beginning nor ending and his kingdom and Priesthod specially in him self and in the Church being eternall both in respect of the time past and the time to come as the said Doctor in the same epistle vvriteth 4. Behold To proue that Christes Priesthod far passeth the Priesthod of Aaron and the Priesthod of the nevv Testament the Priesthod of the old lavv and consequently that the sacrifice of our Sauiour and the sacrifice of the Church doth much excel the sacrifices of Moyses lavv he disputeth pro●oundly of the preeminences of Melchisedec aboue the great Patriarch Abraham vvho vvas father of the Leuites 4. Tithes The first preeminence that Abraham paied tithes and that of the best and most cheefe things that he had vnto Melchisedec as a duety and homage not for him self onely in person but for Leui vvho yet vvas not borne and so for the vvhole Priesthod of Leuies stocke acknovvledging thereby Melchisedec not onely to be a Priest but his Priest and Superior and so of al the Leuitical order And it is here to be obserued that vvhereas in the 14 of Genesis vvhence this holy narration is taken both in the Hebrue and in the 70 it standeth indifferent or doubtfull vvhether Melchisedec paied tithes to Abraham or tooke tithes of him the Apostle here putteth al out of controuersie plainely declaring that Abraham paid tithes to the other at the inferiour to his Priest and Superior And touching paiment of tithes it is a natural duety that men ovve to God in al lavves and to be giuen to his Priests in his behalfe for their honour and liuelihod Iacob promised or vovved to pay them Gen. 28. Moyses appointed them Leuit. 27. Num. 18. Deut. 12. 14. 26. Christ confirmeth that duety Mat. 23 and Abraham specially here giueth them to Melchisedec plainely thereby approuing them or their equiualent to be due to Christ and the Priesthod of the nevv Testament much more then either in the lavv of Moyses or in the lavv of Nature Of vvhich tithes due to the Clergie of Chrises Church see S. Cyprian ep 66. S. Hierom ep 1 c. 7. and ep 2 c. 5. to Hellodorus and Nepolianus S. Augustine ser 119 de tempore 7. Is blessed of the better The second preeminence is that Melchisedec did blesse Abraham vvhich vve see here S. Paul maketh a great and soueraine holy thing grounding our Sauiours prerogatiue aboue the vvhole order of Aaron therein and vve see that in this sort it is the proper act of Prieshod ● and that vvithout al controuersie as the Apostle saith he is greater in dignitie that hath authority to blesse then the person that hath not and therfore the Priests vocation to be in this behalfe far aboue any earthly king vvho hath not povver to giue benediction in this sacred maner neither to man nor other creature As here Melchisedec so Christ blessed much more and so haue the Bishops of his Church done and do Vvhich no man can maruel that our forefathers haue so highly esteemed and sought for if he marke the vvonderful mysterie and grace thereof here expressed 〈…〉 also vvhich here taketh blossing of Melchisedec him self though in an inferior sort blessed his sonnes as the other Patriarches did and fathers do their children by that example 11. If consummation The principal proposition of the vvhole epistle and al the Apostle discourse is inserted grounded vpon the former prerogatiues of Melchisedec aboue Abraham and Leul that is that the end perfection accomplishment and consummation of al mans dueties and debtes to God by the general redemption satisfaction full price and perfect ransom of al mankind vvas not atchieued by any or al the Priests of Aarons order not by any sacrifice or act of that Priesthod or of al the lavv of Moyses vvhich vvas grounded vpon the Leuitical Priesthod but by Christ and his Priesthod vvhich is of the order and rite of Melchisedec 11. What necessitie This disputation of the preeminence of Christes Priesthod aboue the Leuitical order is against the erroneous persuasion of the Ievves that thought their lavv Priesthod and sacrifices to be euerlasting and to be sufficient in them selues vvithout any other Priest then Aaron and his successors and vvithout al relation to Christes Passion or any other redemption or remission then that vvhich their Leuitical offices did procure not knovving that they vvere all figures of Christes death and to be ended and accomplished in the same Vvhich point vvell vnderstood and kept in mind vvill cleere the vvhole controuersie betvvixt the Catholikes and Protestants concerning the sacrifice of the Church for the scope of the Apostles disputation being to auouch the dignity preeminence necessitie and eternal fruite and effect of Christes Passion he had not to treate at all of the other vvhich is a sacrifice depending of his Passion specially vvriting to the Hebrues that vvere to be instructed and reformed first touching the sacrifice of the Crosse before they could fruitfully heare any thing of the other though in couert and by most euident sequele of disputation the learned and faithfull may easily perceiue vvherevpon the said Sacrifice of the Church vvhich is the Masse is grounded And therfore S. Hierom saith ep 126 that al these commendations of Melchisedec are in the type of Christ euius profectus Ecclesiae sacramenta sunt 12. Translated Note vvel this place and you shal perceiue thereby that euery lavvful forme and manner of lavv state or gouernement of Gods people dependeth on Priesthod riseth standeth falleth or altereth vvith the Priesthod In the lavv of Nature the state of the people hanged on one kind of Priesthod in the lavv of Moyses of an other in the state of Christianity of an other and therfore in the former sentence the Apostle said that the Ievvish people or Commonvvealth had their lavv vnder the Leuitical Priesthod and the Greeke more properly expresseth the matter that they vvere legitimated that is to say made a lavvful people or communitie vnder God by the Priesthod for there is no iust nor lavvful Commonvvealth in the vvorld that is not made legal and Gods peculiar and distinguished from vnlavvful Commonvveales that hold of false goddes or of none at al by Priesthod Vvherevpon it is cleere that the nevv lavv and al Christian peoples holding of the same is made lavvful by the Priesthod of the nevv Testament and that the Protestants shamefully are deceiued and deceiue others that vvould haue Christian Commonvveales to lacke
first effect of this Sacrament is to saue the soule by giuing grace and comfort to vvithstand the terrours and tentations of the enemie going about specially in that extremitie of death to driue men to desperation or distresse of minde and other damnable inconueniences the vvhich effect is signified in the matter of this Sacrament specially 15. Shal lift him vp Vvhen it shal be good for the saluation of the partie or agreable to Gods honour this Sacramēt restoreth also a man to bodily health againe as experience oftē teacheth vs. Vvhich yet is not done by vvay of miracle to make the partie sodenly vvhole but by Gods ordinarie prouidence and vse of second causes vvhich othervvise should not haue had that effect but for the said Sacrament This is the second effect 15. They shal be remitted him Vvhat sinnes soeuer remaine vnremitted they shal in this Sacrament and by the grace thereof be remitted if the persons vvorthely receiue it this is the third effect S. Chrysostom of this effect saith thus They speaking of Priests do not onely remit sinnes in baptisme but aftervvard also according to the saying of S. Iames. If any be sicke let him bring in the Priests c. Li. 3 de Sacerd. prope initiū Let the Protestāts marke that he calleth Presbyter●s sacerdotes that is Priests and maketh them the onely ministers of this Sacrament and not elders or other lay men By al vvhich you see this Sacrament of al other to be maru●lous plainely set forth by the Apostle Onely sicke men and as the Greeke vvord giueth men very vveake must receiue it onely Priests must be the ministers of it the matter of it is holy oile the forme is praier in such sort as vve see novv vsed the effects be as is aforesaid Yet this so plaine a matter and so profitable a Sacrament the enemie by Heretikes vvould vvholy abolish 16. Confesse therfore It is not certaine that he speaketh here of sacramental Confession yet the circumstance of the letter vvel beareth it and very probable it is that he meaneth of it and Origen doth so expound it ho. 2 in Leuit. Venerable Bede vvriteth thus In this sentence saith he there must be this discretion that our daily and litle sinnes vve confesse one to an other vnto our equals and beleeue to be saued by their daily praier but the vncleannes of the greater leprosie let vs according to the lavv open to the Priest and at his pleasure in vvhat maner and hovv long time he shal commaund let vs be careful to be purified But the Protestants fleing from the very vvord confession in despite of the Sacrament translate thus Acknovvledge your faultes one to an other They do not vvel like to haue in one sentence Priests praying ouer the sicke anoiling them forgiuing them their sinnes confession and the like 17. He praied The Scriptures to vvhich the Apostle alludeth make no mētion of Elias praier therfore he knevv it by tradition or reuelation Vvhereby vve see that many things vnvvritten be of equal truth vvith the things vvritten 20. Maketh to be conuerted Here vve see the great revvard of such as seeke to conuert Heretikes or other sinners from errour and vvickednes and hovv necessarie an office it is specially for a Priest 20. Shal saue Vve see it derogateth not from God to attribute our saluation to any man or Angel in heauen or earth as to the vvorkers thereof vnder God by their praiers preaching correction counsel or othervvise Yet the Heretikes are so folish and captious in this kinde that they can not heare patiently that our B. Lady or others should be counted meanes or vvorkers of our saluation THE ARGVMENT OF BOTH THE EPISTLES OF S. PETER THE FIRST AND THE SECOND OF S. Peter vve reade at large both in the Gospels and in the Actes of the Apostles and namely that Christ designed him and also made him his vica● as S. Mathevv for that cause in the catalogue of the Apostles calleth him Primus the first and all antiquitie Princeps Apostolorum the Prince of the Apostles and that he accordingly executed that office after Christes departure plating the Church first among the Ievves in Hierusalem and in al that countrey and coastes about as Christ also him self before had preached to the Ievves alone But preaching at length to the Gentiles also according to Christes commission Mat. 28. v. 19. and being novv come to Rome the head citie of the Gentiles from thence he vvriteth this Epistle to his Christian Ievves hauing care of them in his absence no lesse then vvhen he vvas present and not to the Ievves that vvere at home belike because they had S. Iames or his successor S. Simon Cleoph● resident vvith them but * to them that vvere dispersed in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia and Bithynia And that he vvriteth it from Rome him self signifieth saying The Church that is in Babylon saluteth you Vvhere by Babylon he meaneth Rome as al antiquitie doth interpret him not that he so calleth the Church of Rome but the heathen state of the Romane empire vvhich then and 300 yeres after vnto the conuersion of Constantinus the Emperour did persecute the elect Church of Rome in so much that the first 33 Bishops thereof vnto S. Siluester vvere al Martyrs For the matter vvhereof he vvriteth him self doth signifie it in these vvordes This loe the second Epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich Epistles I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde that you may be mindeful of those vvordes c. So he saith there of both together And againe of the first to the same purpose in an other place I haue breefely vvritten beseeching and testifying that this is the true grace of God vvherein you stand For there vvere at that time certaine Seducers as S. August also hath told vs vvho vvent about to teach Onely faith as though good vvorkes vvere not necessarie nor meritorious there vvere also great persecutions to compel them vvith terrour to denie Christ al his religiō He therfore exhorteth thē accordingly neither for persecution neither by seduction to forsake it though in the first his exhortation is more principally against persecution and in the second more principally against seduction The first epistle is noted to be very like to S. Paules epistle to the Ephesians in vvordes also and so thicke of Scriptures as though he spake nothing els The time vvhen the first vvas vvritten is vncertaine the second vvas vvrittē a litle before his death as is gathered by his vvordes in the same c. 1. v. 14. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. He comforteth them in their persecutions being novv by Baptisme made the children of God vvith the hope of their heauenly exh●ritance 6 shevving hovv meritorious it is for them to be so constant in faith 10 and confirming them therein vvith the authoritie of the Prophets and of the
vpon Seuens seuen Churches seuen Angels seuen starres seuen spirites seuen candlestickes seuen lampes seuen trumpets seuen vial● seuen horne● of the Lambe seuen hilles seuen thunders seuen heades of the Dragon signifying the Di●el seuen of the beast that is Antichrist seuen of the beast that the harlot rid vpon finally the number also of the visions is specially marked to be seuen in this booke and euery time that this number is vsed in this prophecie it hath a mysterie a more large meaning then the nature of that number is precisely and vulgarly taken for As vvhen he vvriteth to seuen Churches it is to be vnderstood of al the Churches in the vvorld as the seuen Angels for al the Angels or gouernours of the vvhole Catholike Church and so forth in the rest because the number of Seuen hath the perfection of vniuersalitie in it as S. Augustine saith li. 5 qu●st in Deuter. q. 42. 4. From the 7 spirites The Holy Ghost may be here meant and so called for his seuen fold giftes and graces as some expositours thinke but it seemeth more probable that he speaketh of the holy Augels by comparing this to the like in the 5 Chapter folovving vvhere he seemeth to call these the seuen spirites sent into al the vvorld as S. Paul to the Hebrues c. 1. 14 speaketh of Angels and so the Protestants take it in their cōmentaries vvhich vve note because therevpon they must needes confesse that the Apostle here giueth or vvisheth grace and peace not from God onely but also from his Angels though that benediction commeth one vvay of God and an other vvay of his Angels or Sainctes being but his creatures And so they may learne that the faithful often loyning in one speache God and our Lady our Lord and any of his Saincts to helpe vs or blesse vs is not superstitious but an Apostolical speache and so the Patriarch said Gen. 48. v. 16. The Angel that deliuereth me from al euils blesse these children See the Annot. Act. 25 28. 6. A kingdom and Priests As al that truely serue God and haue the dominion and superioritie ouer their concupiscences and vvhatsoeuer vvould induce them to sinne be kings so al that employ their vvorkes and them selues to serue God offer al their actions as an acceptable sacrifice to him be priests Neuerthelesse as if any man vvould therevpon affirme that there ought to be no other earthly povvers or kings to gouerne in vvorldly affaires ouer Christians be vvere a seditious Heretike euen so are they that vpon this or the like places vvhere al Christians be called priests in a spiritual sort vvould therfore inferre that euery one is in proper signification a Priest or that al be Priests alike or that there ought to be none but such spiritual priests for it is the seditious voice of Corè saying to Moyses and Aaron Let it suffi●● you that al the multitude is of holy ones and the Lord is in the●● Vvhy are you extolled ouer the people of the Lord Num. 16. 10. On the Dominical day Many notable pointes may be marked here first that euen in the Apostles time there vvere daies deputed to the seruice of God and so made holy and different though not by nature yet by vse and benediction from other profane or as vve call them vvorke-daies Secondly that the Apostles and faithful abrogated the Sabboth vvhich vvas the seuenth day and made holy day for it the next day folovving being the eight day in count from the creation and that vvithout al Scriptures or cōmaundement of Christ that vve reade of yea vvhich is more not onely othervvise then vvas by the Lavv obserued but plainely othervvise then vvas prescribed by God him self in the second commaundement yea and othervvise then he ordained in the first creatiō vvhen he sanctified precisely the Sabboth day not the day folovving Such great povver did Christ leaue to his Church and for such causes gaue he the holy Ghost to be resident in it to guide it into al truthes euen such as in the Scriptures are not expressed And if the Church had authoritie inspiration from God to make Sunday being a vvorke-day before an euerlasting holy day and the Saturday that before vvas holy day novv a common vvorkeday vvhy may not the same Church prescribe appoint the other holy feasts of Easter Vvhitsuntide Christmas and the rest for the same vvarrant she hath for the one that she hath for the other Thirdly it is to be noted that the cause of this change vvas for that novv vve Christians esteeming more our redemption then our first creation haue the holy day vvhich vvas before for the remembrance of Gods accomplishment of the creation of things novv for the memorie of the accomplishment of our redemption Vvhich therfore is kept vpon that day on vvhich our Lord rose from life to death vvhich vvas the day after the Sabboth being called by the Ievves vna or prima Sabbathi the first of or after the Sabboth Mat 28. Act. 10. 1 Cor. 16. Fourthly it is to be marked that this holy day by the Apostles tradition also vvas named Domini●●● die● our Lordes day or the Dominike vvhich is also an old Ecclesiastical vvord in our language for the name Sunday is a heathenish calling as al other of the vveeke daies be in our lāguage some imposed after the names of planets as in the Romans time some by the name of certaine Idols that the Saxons did vvorship to vvhich they dedicated their daies before they vvere Christians Vvhich names the Church vseth not but hath appointed to call the first day the Dominike after the Apostle here the other by the name of Feries vntil the last of the vveeke vvhich she calleth by the old name Sabboth because that vvas of God and not by imposition of the heathen See the marginal Annotation Luc. 24 1. Lastly obserue that God reuealeth such great things to Prophets rather vpon holy daies and in times of contemplation sacrifice and praier then on other profaue daies and therfore as S. Peter Act. 10 had a reuelation at the six houre of praier and Zacharie Luc. 1 at the houre of incense and Cornelius Act. 10 vvhen he vvas at his praiers the ninthe houre so here S. Iohn noteth that he had al these maruelous visions vpon a Sunday 13. Vested in a Priestly garment He appeared in a long garment or vestment proper vnto Priests for so the vvord poderes doth signifie as Sap. 18 24 and that vvas most agreable for him that represented the person of Christ the high Priest and appeared to Iohn being a most holy Priest and vvho is specially noted in the Ecclesiastical historie for his Priestly garment called pé●alon or lamina Euseb li. 3 hist Eccl. c. 25. li. 5 c. 23. 20. The seuen starres The Bishops are the starres of the Church as the Churches them selues are the golden
ASSVMPTION of our Lady Gosp 168. S. Bartholomew Ep. 456. vers 26 to the 30. Gosp 152. S. Levvis king of France Gosp 193. The Decoll of S. Iohn Bapt. Gosp 101. The NATIVITIS of our Lady Gosp 3. HOLY ROODE day in September or the Exaltation of the holy CROSSE Ep. 528. Gosp 255. S. Matthevves eue Gosp 149. S. Matthevves day Gosp 22. Michelmas day Ep. 698. Gosp 50. S. Francis Ep. 511 Gosp 29. S. Dionysius Areopagita Ep. 343. Gosp 152. as vpon Alhalovves eue S. Luke Ep. 484. Gosp 166. SS Simon and Iude Ep. 518. Gosp 262. Alhalovves eue Ep. 708. Gosp 152. ALHALOVVES day Ep. 712. Gosp 11. Al-●oules day Ep. 466. Gosp 230. S. Martin Gosp 171. verse 33 to the 37. S. Clement Ep. 531. Gosp 70. S. Catharine Gosp 71. verse 1 to the 14. vvhich is the Gospel for holy virgins For Saincts generally and in common Apostles eue gosp 262. For a Martyr that is a Bishop Ep. 469. 642. gosp 181. and 45. For a Martyr that is no Bishop Epistle as vpon S. Georges day gosp 62. For one Martyr Ep. 641. 662. gosp 254. and 262. For many Martyrs Ep. 393. 400. 481. 626. 632. 655. 713. 734. Gosp 11. 29. 68. 152. 172. 199. 265. For a Cōfessor that is a Bishop Ep. 608. 615. 636. Gosp 70. 72. 123. 171. For a Confessor that is no Bishop Ep. 432 and 531. Gosp 175. 193. 254. For holy Abbots Gosp 54. For holy Virgins Martyrs Gosp 36. 71. For holy Virgins not Martyrs Ep. 438. 488. vers 17 to the 3 of the chapter following Gosp as for holy Virgins Martyrs For other holy vvomen not Virgins Gosp 36. For holy Vvidovves Ep. 578. Gosp as for holy vvomen not virgins The DEDICATION of a Church or CHVRCH HOLYDAY Ep. 741. Gosp 195. IN votiue Masses that is such as are said according to mens deuotion for diuers peculiar causes Of the B. Trinitie Ep. 493. Gosp 263. Of the holy Ghost Ep. 311. Gosp 260. Of the Passion of our Lord Gosp 272. Of the holy Crosse Ep. 528. Gosp 56. Of our B. Ladie Ep. 598. Gosp 135. 140. 171. 272. Of the holy Angels Ep. 708. Gosp 218. Of the blessed Apostles Peter Paule Ep. 301. Gosp 54. For any necessitie Gosp 117. For remission of sinnes Ep. 398. Gosp 170. For choosing of the Pope Epist 607. Gosp 260. Vpon the Popes creation coronation day Ep. 655. Gosp 44. Against schisme or for any necessitie of the Church Ep. 518. Gosp 266. Against the Paganes Gosp 170. In time of warre Gosp 68. For peace Gosp 275. vers 19 to the 24. Against the plague Gosp 147. as vpon Saturday in whitsun weeke For the sicke Ep. 651. Gosp 20. For Mariage Ep. 521. Gosp 53. In Masses of Requiem Epist 466. 550. 725. Gosp 230. 234. 235. 251. AN AMPLE AND PARTICVLAR TABLE DIRECTING THE READER TO AL CATHOLIKE truthes deduced out of the holy Scriptures and impugned by the Aduersaries A ABSOLVTION of a Priest The excellencie of this power aboue the power of Angels Princes 47. 277. Vvhat is to loose and binde 47. Abstinence See Fasting Adoration of God Latrîa and adoration of creatures Dulia pag. 11. nu 11. pa. 321. nu 25. pa. 332. nu 12. p. 633. nu 21. Adoratiō of the Arke Crucifixe Images Relikes and the like pag. 633. nu 21. of Angels Saincts and holy persons pag. 706. 737 at large 744 marg S. Iohns adoring of the Angel explicated 736. 737. Vvhat is to adore in spirit truth 218. Reuerence to holy persons euen to the kissing of their feete 300. Alleluia 735 and 736 at large Not to be translated ibid. The song both of the Chruch militant and triūphant ibid. 734 marg A word of maruelous ioy and so vsed in the Churches seruice euen in the primitiue Church 736. Sung in our countrie at our first conuersiō ib. Sung in al Christian Natiōs ib. The Protestants had rather say Praise ye the Lord. ib. In translating sixe Psalmes they haue lest it out nine times ibidem Almes redeeme sinnes c. pa. 143. marg 173. nu 41. They procure vs patrones in heauen pag. 186. nu 9. release of paines after our death 317 marg increase grace 486 marg Great Almes-men happie pag. 353. nu 35. pa. 486. nu 6. 174 marg 317 marg Almes and hospitalitie to Preists and other holy men 28. 163. marg 186. 485. 486. 487. 511. 534. 588. 637. to Catholike prisoners 341 marg 600 m. See Vvorkes The more able the greater must our almes be 121 marg Vvhen a man is bound to giue almes 681 marg Altars pag. 638. nu 10. Altars sanctified by the sacrifice of Christs body pag. 67. Altar vvhy called table sometime pa. 638. Dedication or consecration of altars vvith Saincts Relikes 711. Amen amen doubled vvhat it signifieth pa. 244. nu 34. Amen not to be translated ib. 234 marg 735. 736. Angels Protectors of men pag. 52. nu 10. pag. 326. nu 15. 679. of countries 701. of Chruches ibidem The Protestants also hold this against the Puritanes 679. They helpe vs. pag. 604. marg 541. S. Paules place of the religiō of Angels explicated pag. 14. nu 18. Praying to Angels ibid. Peace from God and the holy Angels 700. Nine orders of Angels pag. 514. nu 21. S. Michael patrone of the Church 721. fighting vvith the dragon ibid. Anoiling See E. Entrem● V●cti● Antichrist pag. 556. 557. 558. 718. 723 at large vvhy so called pa. 558. He shal be one singular man 556. nu 3. p. 724. He shal come neere the vvorldes end 557. nu 4. His reigne three yeres and a halfe p. 71. nu 22. 29. 123 marg 718 marg 711 marg 740. He shal abolish the Masse p. 558. suffer no worship but of him self only p. 557. nu 4. Al framing letters to expnesse his name vncertaine 724. Heretikes his forerunners specially these of our daies pa. 556. 558. 722 marg 723. 741. The apostasie of him his from the Cath. Church p. 556. His persecution of the same 720 marg 721. 723. 741. His attempts to dravv from the true faith 721. Many Antichristes 556. The Pope can not be Antichrist p. 554 marg pa. 557. p. 231 marg 721 marg 724. 740. The Protestants make S. Leo and S. Gregorie furtherers of Antichrist pa. 557. They place Antichrist in the See of Rome in S. Paules daies p. 557. 240 marg Not to be vvith the See of Rome is to be with Antichrist p. 323. 556. nu 3. Apostles their name dignitie authoritie pag. 154. nu 13. p. 37. nu 11. p. 53. nu 18. p. 488. Their number of Tvvelue mystical p. 94. nu 14. p. 290 marg Some of them more principal Apostles p. 492. The actes of SS Peter and Paul in two seueral tables 374. 375. They left their vviues p. 21. nu 14. p. 55 marg 191 marg p. 148. nu 38. So did S. Philip the Deacon 354 marg See Priests They vovved pouertie 55. nu 27.
9. ⸬ By this we see that this miracle was not onely maruelous and beneficial to the blinde but also significatiue of taking away spiritual blindnesse External ceremonies Heretical trāslation Casting out of the Synagogue The Churches Excōmunicatiō See in the Annot Mat. 18 17. The Heretikes ridiculous Excommunicatiō Num. 16. The Gospel vpō Tuesday in whitson weeke ⸬ The theefe is the Heretike specially any other that vnlawfully breake in vpō the sheepe to kil destroy them by false doctrine and otherwise ⸬ That is the fashion of Iewrie other countries signifying that the shepheard or Pastor must teach the sheepe and not they him The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after Easter and for S. Thomas of Canterburie Decemb. 29. Esa 40 11. Ezec. 34 23. ⸬ Christes death was so necessarie for the flocke that when he might haue escaped he voluntarily offered him self to death for his flocke c He meaneth the Church of the Gentils Ezec. 37 24. Esa 53 7. 1 Mach. 4 56. 59 The Gospel vpō Wenesday in Passion weeke An other reading is My father that hath giuen me c. c vnum Ps 81 6. Arch-heretikes specially are the theeues that clime in an other way not by the doore Whē the Pastor must tarie or may flee Iudas Machabaeus Dedication of Churches * 2 Macha 12. Christs essence diuine nature of the Father Caluins autotheisme The Gospel vpō Friday in the 4 weeke of Lent Lu. 7 37 Mat 26 7. Mar. 14 3. Io. 12 3. c de dormitione somni The Gospel in a Masse for the dead vpon the day of the burial or deposition Io. 9 6. ⸬ S. Cyril li. 76. vlt. in Io. and S. August Tract 49 in Io. apply this to the Apostles and Priests authoritie of absoluing sinners affirming Christ to reuiue none frō sinne but in the Church and by the Priests ministerie The Gospel vpō friday in Passion vveeke ⸬ All men but specially Natiōs must take hee-de that vvhiles to saue their temporal state they forsake God they lose not both as the Iewes did Aug. tract 49 in Io. The priuilege of the office order though in a wicked person Lu. 22 23. The 4 part THE 4 Pasche holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem Mt. 26 6. Mar. 14 3. The Gospel vp●̄ Munday in Holy weeke PALME SVNDAY eue ⸬ Of this womans extraordinarie offices of deuotion how acceptable they were to Christ see the Annot. Mt. 26. ⸬ The deuout offices of balming and anointing the dead bodies of the faithful are here also allowed ⸬ Not in visible and mortal cōdition to receiue almes of you or such like offices for supply of my necessities The Gospel vpō Saturday in Passion weeke PALME SVNDAY * Mt. 21 7. Mr. 11 7. Lu. 19 35. Ps 117 26. Zach. 9 9. ⸬ We may see there is a great differēce where a man pray or adore at home or ī the Church holy places when the Gentils also came of deuotion a pilgrimage to the Temple in Hierusalem b The Gospel for S. Ignatius Febr. 1. And for a martyr that is no Bishop as namely S. Laurence Aug. 10. The Gospel vpō Holy roode day Septemb. 14. in latin Exaltatio S. Cruci● Io. 3 14. Es 53 1. ⸬ If any man aske saith S. Augustine why they could not beleeue I answer roūdly because they would not Tract 13. in Io. See the meanīg of this speach Annot. Mat. 18. 15. Mar. 4 12. Esa 6 9. Mt. 13 14. Mr. 4 12. Lu 8 〈◊〉 Act. 28 27. ⸬ This is the case of many principal men in such countries where heresie hath the vpperhand who know and beleeue the Catholike faith but making cholse rather to keepe mans fauour thē Gods they dare not confesse the same Such may pray that God and the world agree together for els it is seen whose part they wil take Church ornaments Toleration of the euill The Gospel vpō Maūdy thursday at Masse and at the washing of feete Mt. 26 1 Mr. 14 1. Luc. 22 1. ⸬ By supper he meaneth the eating of the Paschal lambe for the institution of the B. Sacrament was after this MAVNDY THVRSDAY Ps 40 10. Mat. 26 18. Mar. 14 16. Luc. 22 21. ⸬ Christ had some prouision before hand giuen him by the Collections of the faithful which was vsed both in his owne necessities bestowed vpon the poore Io. 7 34. 1 Io. 3 23. Mt. 26 35. Mr. 14 29. Lu. 22 33. Puritie required to the receiuing of the B. Sacrament Venial sinnes taken avvay by sacred ceremonies Ambr. Bern. locis cita●is The Church defineth which are Sacraments and which not c. The Gospel vpō SS Philip and Iacobs day Maij. 1. ⸬ These mansiōs signifie differences of glorie in heauen Hiero. li. ● adu Iouin ` doe knovv The Gospel in a votiue Masse for the election of the Pope vpon whitsun eue ⸬ It is then possible both to loue Christ and to keepe his cōmaundements c Paraclete by interpretation is either a comforter or an aduocate and therfore to trāslate it by any one of them only is ꝑhaps to abridge the sense of this place ` shal knovv The Gospel vpō whitsunday And in a Votiue Masse of the holy Ghost ⸬ See the Annot vpō the 16 Chap. vs 12 13. li. de Babyla mart ●o 5. We may and must easely beleeue the miracles of Saincts of their relikes whē Christ him self foretelleth they shal doe such wonderful things * Act. 5 15 19 1● * See Annot Mat. 1● ●0 The Heretikes as faithles ī this point as the old Pagans The HOLY GHOST is promised to the CHVRCH for euer The Spirit of truth shal assist the CHVRCH alvvaies The Arians alleage as plaine Scriptures as the Protestāts The Gospel for one Martyr ⸬ Christ hath some branches in his body mystical that be fruitles therfore il liuers also may be members of Christ the Church ⸬ Man may cōtinually increase in iustice and sanctification so long as he liueth ⸬ S. Augustine expoundeth it of the Sacramētal word of Baptisme and not as Heretikes do of preaching onely Tract 80. in Io. ⸬ If a Schismatike pray neuer so much he is not heard because he remayneth not in the body of Christ Io. 13 34 The Gospel vpō S. Barnabees day and on the eue of an Apostle The Gospel vpō SS Simon and Iudes day Io. 13 16 Mt. 10 24. Lu. 6 40. ⸬ He foresheweth that many wil not obey the Churches wordes no maruel because they cōtemned Christes owne precepts The Gospel vpō Sunday after the Ascension and in a Votiue of the B. Trinitie Ps 24 19. Act. 2 1. No man sure of perseuêrance Not onely faith ⸬ The Heretikes translate Excommunicate you See what corruption this is and the reason thereof Annot. c. 9 22. The Gospel vpō the 4 Sunday after Easter ⸬ If he shal teach al truth that for euer as before c. 14. 16 how is it possible that the Church
revvardes in heauē are different according to the same Merces 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Tim. 5 18. Apoc. ●2 12. Mat. 16 27. Ro. 22 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Building of gold or stubble Our vvorkes shal be manifested by fire Vvhat is signified by the day of our Lord. Calu. in hunc locum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tvvo fires after this life one eternal the other temporal that is the purging or amending fire Purgatorie fire passeth al the paines of this life The Epistle vpon the 4 Sunday of Aduent ⸬ Loe vvhen he named him self and Apollo Cephas he meāt other seditious and factious preachers vvhose names he spared a The Epistle vpon S. Iames day Iul. 25. b The Epistle for a Confessor that is not a Bishop c So may S. Augustine our Apostle say to vs English men No man sure of grace or iustification Spiritual power to punish or pardon The second part of the Epistle of the incestuous fornicator lavving before Infidels Leu. 18 8. 20 11 ⸬ Christian men should be sorovvful to see greuous offences borne vvithal and ought zelously to seeke the offenders punishment by excōmunication The Epistle vpon Easter day c Either this Epistle in the vvordes before or some other c A notorious wilful corruption in the bible 1562 translating in the verse before Idolaters and here vvorshipper of images the Apostles vvord being one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Idolater The authoritie of Ecclesiastical censures is in the Clergie only and is executed in the name of Christ The terrible sentence of excōmunication Act. 5. locis 〈◊〉 Puritie in receiuing the B. Sacrament Exo. 1●5 Vve are boūd to auoid not al sinners but the excommunicate only them except in certaine cases ⸬ The faithful iudge and giue sentence vvith God at the later day specially the Apostles and the perfect Christiās that haue forsaken al for Christs sake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c For this the English bible 1562 falsely translateth vvorshippers of images Gen. 2 24. ⸬ Fornication is not onely enemy to the soule but wasteth weakeneth corrupteth and defileth the body more properly and directly then any other sinnes doe Going to law before heathen or heretical iudges Going to lavv not for biddē but to agree othervvise better The 3. part Of Mariage and continencie c debitū reddat ⸬ If the lay man can not pray vnles he abstaine from his vvife the Priest that alwaies must offer sacrifices and alvvaies pray must therfore alvvaies be free from matrimonie Hiero. li. 1 c. 1● aduer Iouin ` to fasting praier ⸬ Before he treated of the continencie of such as vvere married novv he giueth lessons for the vnmarried also c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mt. 5 32 19 9. Mr. 10 9. Lu. 16 18. c libertus ⸬ You must not serue men so that you obey please them more then God The Epistle for holy Virgins not Martyrs ` one brethren ⸬ Virginitie counseled as the better Mariage not forbidden because it is no sinne Ro. 7 2. c The state of vvidovvhod more blessed then the state of matrimonie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Apostle biddeth not al to marie but to keepe their vviues before maried Continence in maried folkes for praier sake Perpetual continencie euen in maried folkes better then carnal copulation Who are boūd to liue continently and that God giueth this gift to al that aske it * See S. Augustine li. ● c. 19. 20. de Adult Coniug to 4. The Apostle permitteth mariage to them that be free not to vovved persons Theodore● in hunc locum After diuorce not to marie The Apostles precepts Hovv the infidel or infidels childe are sāctified by the Christian Hiero. li. 1. c. 5 aduers Iouin The differēce of counsels precepts A professed virgin may not marrie Virginitie counseled as more meritorious The continencie of married folke Their perpetual continencie best Virginitie preferred and vvhy Vvhy continencie is required in the clergie The 4 part Of meates sacrificed to Idols ⸬ Knowledge vvithout charitie pusseth vp in pride and profiteth nothing at al. vvhē it is ioyned vvith charitie then it edifieth Aug. li. 9 ciu Dei c. 20. Ro. 14 15 Ro. 14 21. No meates vncleane Giuing of scandal reprehended The Heretikes ridiculously apply S. Paules wordes agaīst the Churches fastes and abstinence Going to the Communion vvhat a sinne in Catholikes ⸬ He nameth Cephas that is Peter to proue his purpose by the example of the cheefe and Prince of the Apostles S. Ambro. S. Chrys Oecum vpon this place Deu. 25 4. ⸬ In that coūtrie they did tread out their corne vvith oxen as vve do thresh it out Deu. 18 1. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c The English bible 1562 here and in the next chapter saith thrise for altar temple most falsely heretically against holy altars vvhich about the time of that translation were digged dovvne in England ⸬ Not by fiction or simulation but by compassion of the infirmities of al sortes Aug. ep 9. The Epistle vpon the Sunday of Septuagesme The Heretikes fond pretense of Gods honour Heretical trāslation new Test 1580. Mat. 27 55. Pastors and preachers due Vvorke of supererogation Doing vvel in respect of reward Running for the game Penance meritorious Aug. apud Pet. Lomb. in hunc locum S. Paul had not the Protestants securitie of saluation Exo. 13 21. Nu. 8 18 Exo. 14 22. Exo. 16 15. Exo. 17 6. Nu. 20 10. Nu. 26 63. The Epistle vpon the 9 Sunday after Pentecost Nu. 11 4 Exo. 32 6. Nu. 25 1 Nu. 21 5 Nu. 11 23. 14 37. ⸬ It is profitable to al or in a maner to al for to keepe them in humilitie not to knovv vvhat they shal be● saith S. Augustine Vvhich maketh agaist the vaine securitie of the protestants ` Tentation hath not apprthended c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ps 23 1. The old figures of our Sacraments Vve receiue greater benefites by our Sacraments thē the Iewes did by theirs Calu. in hunc 〈◊〉 The Apostle and auncient fathers speake couertly of the B. Sacrament The Apostles blessed the Chalice so consecrated Calix 〈◊〉 benedicimus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Our vniting to Christ by the B. Sacrament Our vnion among our selues by the B. Sacrament Participation in Sacrament or sacrifice shevveth of vvhat societie vve are The sacrifice of the altar is proued by the Apostles comparison with the sacrifices of Iewes and Gentils It is proued to be a sacrifice out of the fathers * Cypr. Iustin Irenae infra * Malac. 1 11. The fathers called this sacrifice the MASSE * Ambros ep 〈◊〉 The distinctiō of Christian Catholikes frō the rest is by not communicating with thē specially in their sacrifices and at the Communion table The heretikes Communiō is the very table and cup of Diuels 3. reg 12. Tob. 1. 3. reg 〈◊〉 Hovv by participatiō with idolaters idolatrie is committed How to auoid scandal in things indifferent The. 5.
is import the absence of his true body and substance Gen. 2 7 ⸬ Flesh and bloud signifie not here the substance of those things but the corrupt qualitie incident to them in this life by the fall of Adam b The Epistle vpō Al-soules day Ap. 8 2. 11 15. Os 13 14. Free vvil vvith grace Heret translation Fasting is meritorious The 8 part Of the contributions ⸬ That is Sūday Hiero. q. 4. Hedibiae So quickly did the Christians keepe Sunday holiday and assembled to Diuine Seruice on the same ⸬ The Heretikes other nevv fangled striue among them selues vvhether Pentecost signifie here the terme of fiftie daies or els the Ievves holy day so called But it cōmeth not to their mindes that it is most like to be the feast of whitsontide kept instituted euē thē by the Apostles as appeareth by the Fathers Se● S. Aug. ep 119 c. 15 16. Ambr. in c. 17. Luca. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c See Ro. 16 16. c That is our Lord is come Hiero. ep 173. Therfore anathema to al that loue him not or beleue not Th●●phyla vpon this place c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Cor. 11. 2. Gal. 2. 1. The Epistle for a Martyr that is a Bishop c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Al our afflictions be Christs afflictions for the coniunction betwene the head body Merite and satisfaction Vvorldly men feele not the comfort of afflicted Catholikes Intercessiō of Saincts or holy men for vs no derogation to Christ Hiero. cōt Vigil Publike praiers fastes Their glorie in heauen that conuert other The Protestants inconstancie in chāging their writings translations seruice bookes c. Eph. 4 3● The indeleble character of Baptisme Cōfirmatiō Holy Orders See Conc. Tarraco to ● Concil The Caluinistes vvil be subiect to no tribunal in earth for trial of their religiō Tyrannical dominiō is forbid in Prelates not Ecclesiastical Soueraintie for examination of faith or maners 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 3 9. 1 Cor. 4 15. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Though he did great Penance saith Theodorete yet he calleth this pardoning 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a grace because his sinne vvas greater then his penance The Apostle excommunicateth enioyneth penance and afterward pardoneth absolueth 1. Cor. ● 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pardon or remission of penance enioyned Penance and satisfaction euidently proued against the Protestants Ioel. 2 12. Mt. 3. et 4 Act. 2 et 26. Zeale against the excommunicate The Apostle chalengeth their obediēce to his Ecclesiastical authoritie The authoritie of Indulgences vvhervpō it is groūded Mat. 18 18. Cypria ep 13. 14. 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See Theodoret in hūe loc Vvhat is a pardon or indulgence Io. 8 11. Cypr. locis citatu Indulgences or pardons in the primitiue Church 2 Cor. 8. Col. 1 24. Al pardon and remission is in the vertue and name of Christ Heretical trāslation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 5 4. Io. 20 2● Al binding loosing must be vsed to the parties saluation Conc. Nic. can 12. The great penance of the primitiue Church Ancyran can 2 5. Vvhy more pardons and Indulgences now then in old time Mat. 11 18. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Heretikes corrupting of the Scripture The Epistle vpon the 12 Sunday after Pe●tecost Exo. 34 33. 10. 4 24 The Apostles vvrote the Gospel in mens hartes much more then in paper Scripture written and Tradition vnwritten God grace free will both must cōcurre The letter killeth both Ievv and Heretike The preeminence of the new Testamēt Sacraments c. The heretikes more blinde in not seing the Church then the Iewes in not seing Christ Aug. in Psal 10. Con● ● True Christiā libertie ● Pet. 2 1● The Epistle for S. Athanasius Mai. Io. c aporiamur See S. Ambr. Theoph. Ps 115 10. b corrumpitur The English Bible 1577 doth falsely translate prepareth c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretikes corrupters of Gods word Catholike Doctors right handlers therof See Ir●● li. 1. c. 1. in 2 ad Rom. ● Tim. 2. Tribulations meritorious of glorie Aug. in ps 93. prope finem ⸬ This place proueth that the Saincts departed novv since Christ sleepe not til the day of iudgement and that they be not holden in any seueral place of rest from the fruition of God til the resurrection of their bodies but that they be present vvith God in their soules Ro. 14 10. Esa 43. 19. Apoc 21 5. c That is to say a sacrifice and an host for sinne See the last annot of this chapter The obiection against praiers for the dead ansvvered by S. Augustine Vvorkes meritorious and demeritorious Bishops and Priests vnder Christ ministers of our reconciliatiō Gods iustice wherewith he maketh vs iust c. Io. 3 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Epistle vpon the first Sunday of Lent Es 49 8 The Epistle for many Martyrs ⸬ S. Augustine in ps 113 gathereth hereby that the Apostles did vovv pouertie ⸬ It is not lawful for Catholikes to marie vvith Heretikes or Infidels See S. Hierom. cont I●uinian li. 1. Conc. Laod. ● 10 31. Leu. 26 11. Es 52 11 Hier. 31 1. Gods Ministers are his coadiutors 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods grace forceth no mā against his vvil Voluntarie penance Not to communicate with Heretikes in any acte of religion Num 16 26. ⸬ Contrition or sorovvful lamenting of our oftenses is the cause of saluation Not onely faith then saueth as the Heretikes affirme Contr●tion for a mans sinne vvorketh saluatiō * To. 2. in assert art 6. ● Leone d●nuiat ⸬ The principal respecte next after God is to be had of our maisters in religion in al temporal and spiritual dueties The Epistle for S. Paulinus Iun. 2● Exo. 16 28. The Epistle vpon S. Lukes day Octob. 18. Ro. 12 17. Temporal benefites vpon spiritual persons One may satisfie and supererogate for an other c That is in this matter of almes Chrys Theophyl The Epistle for S. Laurence Aug. 10 Eccles 35 11. Ps 111 9 ⸬ The fruite of almes is the encrease of grace in al iustice and good workes to life euerlasting God giuing these things for revvard recompense of charitable workes which therfore be called the seed or meritorious cause of these spiritual fruites Procters for Catholike prisoners Cheereful giuing The greater almes the greater merite and revvard Almes redoūd to Gods honour c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ier. 9 23 Punishing of Heretikes Their pride The spiritual povver of Bishops against Heretikes Caluin vpon this place Heretical Cōsistories Ecclesiastical censures namely Excommunication whē where to be executed ⸬ The Apostles and their successors did despouse the people vvhom they conuerted to Christ in al puritie Chastitie of truth and vvholy vndefiled and void of errour and heresie Gen. 3 4 ⸬ The note of a false teacher to come ●hat is vvithout lavvful calling or
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy bread August ep 31. 34 35. 36. The signe of the crosse vsed in blessing The Churches exorcismes Luc. ● Holy vvater The force of sanctified creatures The holy land Relikes theodoret li. 36. 3. The crosse The name of IESVS Remission of venial sinnes annexed to halovved creatures Ia. c. 5. S. Gregorie The difference betvvene the Churches exorcismes other coniurations Grace giuen in the Sacramēt of Orders Consecratiō of Priests by imposition of handes In Esa c. 58. Holy Orders a Sacrament Conc. Carth 4 c. 3. Beza in cap. 6. Act. Men also are called sauiours vvithout derogatiō to Christ The Epistle for holy vvidovves ⸬ Because of this continual praier vvhich standeth not vvith cōiugal carnal actes of matrimonie as the Apostle signifieth 1 Cor. 7 5 therfore vvere these vvidovves to liue in the state of perpetual continencie c Double honour and liuelihod due to good Priestes Deu. 25. 1. Cor. 9. Mat. 10 10. ⸬ Here the Apostle vvil not haue euery light felovv to be heard against a priest so S. Augustin for the like reuerence of priesthod admonisheth P●̄carius that in no vvise he admitte any testimonies or accusations of Heretikes against a Catholike priest ep 212. ⸬ Bishops must haue great care that they giue not orders to any that is not wel tried for his faith learning and good behauiour Ambr. in hunc loc Luc. c. 2 37. widowhod widowes called Diaconissa their office These widowes must haue had but one husbād wherof many Catholike cōclusiōs are deduced C. 3 2. Beza vpon this place The Caluinists most absurd exposition of the Apostles wordes Their blasphemie against the plaine text * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The very vvil to breake the vovv of chastitie is damnable * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Breaking of their first faith is by the consent of a antiquitie vvhē they bre●ke their vovv of chastitie Why this vow is called faith or fidelitie Vvhy the first faith The heretikes exposition of this first faith impossible against the text S. Paul meaneth not that vvidovves professed should marie * othervvise Ag●ruchia ep 11. It is better for the frailer sort that are in danger of falling to marie rather then to vow Yong vvomen may be professed taken into religion To marie after the vovv of Chastitie is to goe after Satan 1 Cor. 7. The heretikes only remedie against concupiscence is mariage The vow of chastitie lawful possible to be kept more grateful to God Iouinians heresie in this point cōdemned of old is called of the Protestants Gods vvord Many good vvorthie Bishops that haue not the gift of preaching and teaching c See the an̄o●ation before cap. 1 3. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b The epistle for S. Alexius ●ul 17. Iob 1 21. Mat. 6 25. ⸬ As in the 1. chap. lacke of faith and good conscience so here couetousnes or desire of these temporal things in the end of this chap. presumption and boasting of knowledge are causes of falling from the faith heresie often being the punishmēt of former sinner b The epistle for S. Timothee Ian. 24. Io. 18 37 Apoc. 17 14. 19 16. Io. 1 18. ⸬ Almes deedes and good workes laide for a foūdatiō and ground to attaine euerlasting life So say the doctors vpō this place c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Chrysostom Depositum is the Catholike truth descending from the Apostles by succession of Bishops euen vnto the end The Protestāts can shew no such depositum Prophane nouelties of vvordes how to be tried and examined Catholike termes not expresly in the Scriptures but in sense are no such nouelties of vvordes Heretical nouelties of vvordes * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Protestāts prophane nouelties of vvordes Catholikes must abhorre from heretical phrases and vvordes ● Ps 132. Heretikes arrogate knowledge falsely so called ⸬ Here againe it is plaine that holy Orders giue grace that euen by and in the external ceremonie of imposing the Bishops hands And it is a maner of speach specially vsed in this Apostle and S. Luke that Orders giue grace to the ordered that to take orders or authoritie to minister Sacramēts or preach is to be giuen or deliuered to Gods grace Act. 14 25. Tit. 3 5. Tit. 1 ● 1 Timo. 2 7. c Faith and loue coupled commonly together in this Apostles vvritings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 4 19. ⸬ Vvhat a happie meritorious thīg it is to relieue the afflicted for religiō not to be ashamed of their disgrace yrōs or what miseries so euer A great blessing to haue Catholike progenitors and very cōmendable to cleaue fast to their faith Apol. cōt Ruff. li. 1. c. 8. The peoples speaches of their fathers faith is very Christian and laudable Deut. 32. Ps 43. * Act. 24. 2 Cor. 11. Al our good deedes are laid vp vvith God to be revvarded We must speake in Catholike termes after a certaine rule of faith and forme of vvordes Relieuers of Cath. prisoners ⸬ Marke here that the elect though sure of saluation yet are saued by meanes of their preachers teachers as also by their ovvne endeuours Mat. 10 Ro. 3 3. c See the Annotatiō before 1 Tim. 6. v. 20. Tit. 3 9. ⸬ Conuersion from sinne and heresie is the gift of God and of his special grace yet here vve see good exhortations and praier and such other helpes of man be profitable therevnto Vvhich could not be if vve had not free vvill Vvhat secular affaires do not agree nor cōsist vvith spiritual mens function Hovv spiritual men may serue secular Princes deale in ciuil causes in vit 8. Ambr. Bern. Catholikes only right hādlers of the Scripture 2 Cor. 2 4. Heretical bookes and sermōs are to be auoided Who are out of the Church or vvithin it Free vvil 1 Timot. 4 1. ⸬ That those Magicians vvhich resisted Moyses were thus called it is not written in al the old Testamēt therfore it came to the Apostles knowledge by tradition as the Church novv hath the names of the 3 kings of the penitēt theefe of the souldiar that pearced Christes side on the Crosse and of the like Exo. 7. ⸬ In al danger and diuersitie of false sectes S. Paules admonition is euer to abide in that vvas first taught deliuered neuer to giue ouer our old faith for a new fansie This is it which before he calleth depositum 1. Tim. 6. and 2. Tim. 1. 2. Pet. 1 21. Women easily seduced by heresie The folly of Heretikes in time appeareth Persecution The great profit of reading the Scriptures The Heretikes folish argumēt Al Scripture is profitable ergo only Scripture is necessarie sufficient The Epistle for holy Doctors and for S. Dominike August 4. ⸬ The martyrdom of saincts is so acceptable to God that it is counted as it vvere a sacrifice in his sight and therfore hath many effectes both in the partie that suffereth it