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A01115 An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reuerend Father, Maister Iohn Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke, for such as either through want of leysure, or abilitie haue not the vse of so necessary an history; Actes and monuments. Abridgments. Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Bright, Timothie, 1550-1615. 1589 (1589) STC 11229; ESTC S102503 593,281 862

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Towneshippe was condemned in sixe score thousand pound The Towne of Bury fined at 120000. poūd to be paide for damages of the house Iohn Berton Alderman with two and thirtie Priestes thirtéene women and one hundreth thirtie and eight others of the same Towne were outlawed of whom certaine confederated priuilie in the night burst to the Abbot of Chemington The Abbat of Cheuington and tooke him and secretelie conueyed him ouer Sea to Dist in Brabant where they kept him in great penurie and miserie till at length being knowen where he was hee was brought home with procession and restored to his house againe Nich. Trimet Flor. hist After Edward the 2. succéeded his sonne Edward 3. K. Edward 3. about the age of 15. and raigned 50. yéeres An. 1344. The clergy of England graunted to the king a tenth for thrée yéeres for the which the king againe in recompence graunted vnto them his charter A charter from the king to the clergy contayning these priuiledges That no Archbishop or Bishop should be arraigned before his iustices Siue ad sectam suam siue partis If the said clarke doo submit and claime his clergie professing himselfe to be a member of the holy Church who so doing shall not bée bound to come to his answere before the Iustices and if it shall be layd vnto them to haue married two wiues or to haue married a widow the Iustices shall haue no power to procéede against them to inquire for the matter so that the cause shall bée reserued to the spirituall court c. About this age as before God raysed vp learned men who layd open the abuses of the Church as Gregorius Arminensis Gregorius Arminensis according to Trithemius who dissented from the Papistes and Sophisters as wée doo in doctrine of Fréewill counting the Papistes and Sophisters in that point worse then the Pelagians Taulerus Taulerus a preacher of Germany in Argentine taught anno 1350. against mens merites and inuocation of Saints and was an enemy to all superstition to whom may be added Franciscus Petrarcha Franciscus Petrarcha of the same age who calleth Rome the whore of Babilon the mother of errour the Temple of Heresie c. and higher in the yéere one thousand thrée hundred and fortie Iohannes de rupe Scissa Iohannes de rupe Scissa was cast in pryson for rebuking the Spiritualtie of their great enormities hée called the Church of Rome the whore of Babylon Rome the whore of Babilon and the Pope the minister of Antichrist and the Cardinals false Prophetes beyng in pryson hée wrote a booke of prophestes touching the affliction that honge ouer the heades of the Spiritualtie calling his Booke Vade mecum in tribulatione Vade mecum in tribulatione About the yéere 1340. in the citie of Herbipone was one named Maister Conradus Hager M. Conradus Hager who is recorded to haue maintained and taught the space of foure and twentie yéeres the Masse to be no manner of Sacrifice for which his doctrine hée was taken and inclosed in pryson Not long after this about the yéere 1350. Gerhardus Rhiddor Gerhardus Rhiddor wrot against the Monkes and Friers a booke intituled Lachrima Ecclesiae Lachryma Ecclesiae About the yéere 1322. liued Michaell Cesenas Michael Cefenas principall of the Grayfriers and Petrus de Corbana of whom writeth Antonius in quarta parte summae and saith they were condemned in the extrauagant of Pope Iohn with one Iohannes de Poliaco Iohannes de Poliaco Their opinions were that Peter was no more the head of the Church then the other Apostles that the Pope hath no authoritie to depose Emperours that Priests are equall in authoritie Michaell wrote against the pryde tyrannie and primacie of the Pope accusing him to be Antichrist and the Church of Rome the whore of Babylon drunken with the bloud of Saints Rome Babylon drunken with the blood of the Saints c. For this cause hée was depriued of his dignitie and condemned of the Pope hée left behind him many followers of whom a great parte were slayne by the pope some were burned as Iohannes de Castilion Iohannes de Castilion and Franciscus de Alcatara Franciscus de Alcatara In extrauag Iohannis 23. With the foresaid Michaell was also condemned Iohannes de Poliaco whose assertions were that euery Pastor in his owne Church ought to suffice to heare confession that pastors and bishops had their authoritie immediatly from Christ and his Apostles and not from the Pope c. After Simon Mepham Archbishop of Canterburie who liued not long succéeded Iohn Stretford after whome came Iohn Offord and liued but ten moneths in whose roome succéeded Thomas and raigned but one yéere Anno 1350. and after him succéeded Simō Iselip Simon Iselip which was made by Pope Clement 6. who sat seuentéene yéeres and builded Canterbury Colledge in Oxforde Canterbury Colledge in Oxford which Simon Iselip succéeded the Bishoppe of Ely named Simon Langham who within two yéeres was made Cardinall In whose steade Pope Vrban the 5. ordeyned William Witlesey Bishop of Worcester to be archbishop of Canterbury ann 1366. In which yéere William Bishoppe of Winchester The new Colledge in Oxford founded the new Colledge in Oxford In the order of Popes next vnto Clement the sixt ann 1353. succéeded pope Innocent the sixt In the first yéere of which Pope two Friers Minors or Franciscans P. Innocent 6. were put to death at Auinion for certaine opinions that séemed to the Pope and his Cardinals erroneous whose names were one Iohannes Rochetailada or Hayabalus who béeyng a Frier minorite beganne first in time of Pope Clement the sixt Anno 1345. to preach that the Church of Rome was the whore of Babylon Rome the whore of Babylon and the Pope with his Cardinalles to be very Antichrist c. In the meane time of his accusation it happened that a certaine priest comming before the Pope cast the Popes bull downe before his féete saying Loe heere take the Bull vnto you for it doeth me no good at all I haue laboured nowe these thrée yéeres with it and yet cannot get my right The pope hearing this caused the poore Priest to bée scourged and imprisoned with the Frier Of Fryer Rachetailada Froyssard maketh mention in his first volume chap. 211. and sayth that Pope Innocent the sixt helde him in prison in the Castle of Baignour for shewing that manie thinges shoulde fall on the Prelates of the Churche for greate superfluitie and pride then vsed amongest them About the same time happened a contention betwéene the Frenche Prelates and the Friers of Paris Contention betwixt the French prelates and the Friers because they preached and hearde Confessions and after much adoo in fine the matter comming vnto open disputation it was concluded by maister Giles one of the Augustine Friers that after his iudgement the Prelates were more on the
Canterburie he pulled down builded a new He sate ninetéene yéeres and being not so fauoured of William Rufus he died for sorrow Lanfranke dieth for sorow After Pope Alexander followed Pope Hildebrand surnamed Gregorie the 7. an 1074. He was a sorcerer Pope Hildebrand a sorcerer first began to spurne against the Emperours who before time confirmed the Popes and called Councels but this Pope trusting vpon the Normans that then ruffled in Apulia Calabria and Campania trusting also vpon the power of Machtilda a stout woman there about Rome and partly bearing himselfe bold for the discord that then was among the Germanes Hildebrand contemneth the Emperour Both the swordes Pope can not erre first contemned the authoritie of the Emp. vanted he had both swords committed vnto him of Christ Wherevpon he chalenged the dominion both of the East West churches boasted he could not erre and that he had receiued of Christ Peter power to bind loose he decréed against married priestes whose wiues in these daies were called Presbiteresse Presbiteresse forbidding men to salute them to talke with them or to kéepe cōpany with them and to this end among others he wrote letters to Otho B. of Constance cōcerning this matter who resisted the pope herein The coūcell of Hildebrand against maried priests was holdē at Rome Councell against marriage of priests The clergy of Fraunce also withstood it alledging that decrée to be against Gods lawes The decree against marriage resisted and the law of nature The Germain ministers did also mightily withstand the same so that the archb of Mentz in a councell vrging the matter with the popes legate called Curiensis hardly escaped with their liues so the councell brake vp By this schisme A schisme it folowed that the churches after that in choosing their priests would not send them to the bishops to be confirmed but did elect thē within themselues so put them in their office without all knowledge of the bishops who were determined to admit no priests but such as were to take an oth of perpetuall singlenes and so first came vp the profession of single priesthood Hildebrand a villanous pope This Hildebrand was a most wicked reprobate monster a sorcerer a necromancer an old cōpanion of Siluester Theophilactus Laurentius coniurers Benno cardinall of Rome setteth out many of his villanous acts Assoone as pope Alexāder was dead who died somewhat before night the same day contrary to the canons he was chosen pope of the Laymen but the Cardinals subscribed not to his electiō For by the Canons vnder paine of cursing none should bée chosen vnder 3. daies after the burial of his predecess None chosen Pope vnder 3. daies after his predecessors buriall He also put the Cardinals from his councel and society so that none could beare witnes of his life faith and doctrine wheras the Canons command that in euery place where the Pope is should be with him 3. Cardinals being priests and 2. deacons because of his ecclesiastical testimony He excommunicated the Emperor The Pope excōmunicateth the Emperour being in no synode solemnly accused before whereto none of the cardinals would subscribe Assoon as he had rose out of his papal seate to excommunicate the Emperor it being made a little before with bigge timber sodainly rent and shiuered in pieces He appointed one to lay great stones ouer the Church roofe of S. Maries in the mount Auentine whether the Emperor was wont to go to prayer to the end by throwing thē downe the vault he might slay the Emperour at his praiers The pope practiseth to kill the Emperour while he prayeth Which while the hireling was doing by remouing a stone it broke the plank wheron it lay and the hireling standing thereon both fell downe together and so he was with the same stone dashed in pieces Also enquiring of the Sacrament of the altar an answere as an oracle against the Emperor because it wold giue no answer Hildebrand asketh counsell of the host and casteth it in the fire because it would not answere he threw it into the fire and burned it contrarie to the perswasion of the Cardinals His villanies were infinite in so much that diuers of the colledges of the Church of Rome refused to communicate with him He perswaded the Emperour to depose those Bishoppes that came in by Simony which he did without delay after Hildebrand restored the same againe to procure their friendships vnto himselfe and to make the Emperour odious vnto them and after much vexing of him caused him by force and violence to accuse himselfe at Canusium in his presence who had excommunicated him The Emperour comming on his bare féete The Emperor barefoot to the Pope clothed in thinne garments in the sharpe Winter was there thrée daies made a spectacle to the world and a iest to Hildebrand Too long it were to declare all the detestable acts of this Hildebrand About what time Hildebrand was made Pope Henricus 4. the Emperor was encombred with warres in Germany by Otho duke of Saxons Now vpon the point hereof Hildebr cursed al those that being lay mē gaue any spiritual promotiōs or receiued any at their hands her by thinking to wring al authority frō temporal men and to take it to the spiritualty and sent for the Emperor now busie in warres to appeare at the Councel of Laterane in Rome Where the emperor could not being busie in his warres appeare The Pope threatneth he would excommunicate him A popish interpretation of symony except he would abiure simonie as they called it do penance he called symonie giuing taking spiritual liuings at lay mens hāds he would also depose him from his regal dignity The Emp. being moued with the arrogancy of the Pope called a councel at Wormes in which al the Bish of the whole empire of Germany cōcluded vpon the deposing of Hildebrād A terrible pope and sent Roulandus a priest of Parmen with the sentence who there denounced the same Hildebrand tickled with the sentence first condemneth it in his Councell of Laterane with excommunication Secondly depriueth Sigfridus archbishop of Mentz of all his dignities with all the prelates priests that tooke the Emperours part Thirdly he accuseth Henricus the Emperor himselfe depriuing him of his kingdome and regall possession and releaseth his subiectes of their oath made vnto him The Emp. fain to yeeld to the Pope The Princes of Germany tooke this occasion to rebell againe and concluded to elect another Emperour and to fall from Henrie vnlesse the Pope would come into Germany he there content to submit himselfe so obtain his pardon Wherto the Emp. seing no other way with an oath agréed whervpon the Bishop of Triers was sent Ambassadour to intreate the Pope to come into Germany whereto he yéelded and in his way when he came to Vercellos the bishop of that
succéeded Felix Felix in the first yéere of Probus the Emperour about the yéere 280. who gouerned that Church 5. yéeres and died as Platina saith a martyr After him followed Entuchianus Entuchianus and then Gaius Gaius both martyrs as the histories of some doe record About the time of these Bishoppes Theodorus Bishop of Neocesarea liued otherwise called Gregorius magnus Gregor magn whom Nicephorus calleth the worker of miracles After the captiuity of Valerian with whom he reigned 7. yéeres he ruled the monarchy alone about 9. yéeres with some peace to the Church After Galienus succéeded Claudius Claudius a quiet Emperour although Vincentius saith he moued persecution vnder whō he maketh mention of 262 martirs 262. martyrs that should suffer This Claudius raigned but 2. yéers after whom came Quintilianus Quintilianus his brother a quiet Prince who continued but seuētéen dayes and had his successor Aurelianus Aurelianus vnder whom was moued the ninth Persecution The ninth Persecution The tyrant terrified THis Aurelianus rather intended then mooued persecution for as the edict was a subscribing with his hande hée was terrified with lightening and not long after about the fifth or sixth yeere of his reigne hee was slaine betwixt Bizans and Heraclea Anno 278. Vincentius and Orosius notwithstanding reckon vp a great Catalogue of martirs which shoulde suffer vnder him in France and Italie Amnis Next vnto Aurelianus succeeded Publius Annius Tacitus Tacitus who reigned but sixe moneths after him succéeded his brother Florianus Florianus who reigned but thréescore daies And after him succéeded M. Aurelius Aurel. Probus surnamed Probus vnder whom was moued no persecution and after he had reigned sixe yéeres foure moneth by reason he kept his souldiers occupied where no occasion of war was offred he was slaine Anno 284. Next him succéeded Carus Carus with his two sonnes Carinus Carinus and Numerianus Numerianus who continued but 3. yeres Of these Numerianus killed Cerillus Cerillus martyred because hee would not suffer him to enter into the congregation of the Christians hee beeing their bishop This Numerianus was slaine of his father in law Aper After these succéeded Dioclesian Dioclesian in whose time till the 19. 19. yeeres quiet in the church yéere of his reign the Church was quiet the whole time of the quietnes of the Church might séeme to continue about 44. 44. yeres quiet The Church groweth yéeres In which time the Church grew mightily and the chiefe of them were in fauour with the Emperour as Dorotheus and Gorgoneus and diuers mo Church dissolute The Church hauing now obtained peace outwardly beganne to be deuided with controuersies and to waxe wantō with their peace Large temples builded which was so great multituds so increased that then they began to builde large churches for their congregatiōs The x. persetion but their dissolutenes brought on them the 10 persecution which although it passed through the hands of diuerse tyrants yet it beareth the name of Dioclesian The tenth Persecution THis Dioclesian flue Aper who flue Numerianus and in the first beginning of his raigne chose for his Colleague Maximianus Maximianus surnamed Herculeus father to Maxentius which two also chose two other to them Galerius and Constantius whom they called Cesars Cesars Dioclesian all the while he abstained from persecuting obtained diuerse victories wherewith beyng puffed vp he would néeds after a solemne triumph be woorshipped as a God saying he was brother to the sunne and moone Dioclesian would be worshipped as a God Churches burned Scriptures destroyed and would néeds inioyn that people to kisse his féete and in the 19. yere of his raigne hee mooued persecution In the moneth of March when the feast of Easter was nigh at hande hée commaunded all the Churches of the Christians to bee destroied and the scriptures to be burned and put of from magistracie all such as were Christians and constrained all with torments to offer to Idols At the first comming of the cruel edicts into Nicomedia after the Proclamation made was set vp there ran a Christian a noble man borne openly rent and tare it in pieces notwithstanding two of the Emperors were then in the citie for which act he was put to most bitter death These Tyrants parted the execution of their crueltie among them Dioclesian in the East Maximianus in the west Dioclesian began first in his owne Campe with the Christian Souldiers willing such as would not agrée to him to lay away their weapōs and geue ouer their charges which they did willingly At Tyre in Phenicia Miracle there were certaine Christians geuen to the beares most cruel wilde beastes preserued miraculously from hurt although they were kept hungrie for the purpose and raged against those that brought the christians and those they could catch they deuoured but the Christians were beheaded with the sword after throwne into the sea At that time was martyred the B. of Sidon But Siluanus Siluanus the bishop of Gazensis with 39. other were slaine in the mettall mines of Phenicia Then also was Pamphilius Pamphilus an elder of Casarea the glory of that congregation martyred of whom Eusebius hath written in a seuerall booke In Syria all the teachers bishops Elders and Deacons were committed to pryson Tirannion Tyrannion was made meat for the fishes of the sea and Arnobius Arnobius a very good phisition was slaine with brickbats Some to auoyd sacrificing to idols drowned themselues as two maides in Antioch Two maides of Antioch of a worshipful parentage Siluanus Siluanus the Bishop of Emissa together with certaine others was throwne to wilde beasts In Mesopotamia the Christians were hanged by the féete and choaked with a smoake of small fire with diuers other torments In Cappadocia the martyrs had their legs broken There were also martyrs in Tarsus of Cilicia Tharatus Tharatus Probus Probus and Andronicus Andronicus But the martyrs of Pontus suffered most grieuous torments and so outragious was the beginning of the persecution in Nichodemia Bithinia that he refrayned not from the slaughter of Emperors children nor the chéefest Princes of his Court whom not long before he had estéemed as his owne children Among whom was Peter of the household Peter of the Houshold who after diuers cruell torments as whipping to the bones and powdering with salt vinager was rosted with a soft fire which Dorotheus Dorotheus and Gorgonius Gorgonius séeing reprooued the Emperour and confessed themselues to be Christians Wherefore notwtstanding they were in great authoritie vnder him they were almost tormented as Peter was and after strangled Afterward Anthonius Anthonius Bishoppe of Nicomedia and a great companie of Martirs with him were beheaded And so was Lucianus Lucianus the Elder of the Congregation at Antioch after hee had made