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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B11843 The tragedies of tyrantes Exercised vpon the church of God, from the birth of Christ vnto this present yeere. 1572. Containing the causes of them, and the iust vengeance of God vpon the authours. Also some notable comfortes and exhortations to pacience. Written by Henrie Bullinger, and now Englished.; Von der schweren, langwirigen Verfolgung der heiligen Christlichen Kirchen. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1575 (1575) STC 4078; ESTC S106917 68,333 200

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vngodlye séeke to rule There is also very great difference béetwéene the auntient Churche of Rome and the firste Bisshoppes thereof and the Churche of Rome Pope Cardinalles and byshops which be now at this day The antient Byshopes of the Church of Rome whiche lyued and sate there from the yere of Christ 70. vnto y yere 314. and during the time of Constantine the great were in number 32. who wer all faithfull in their callyng profitynge the Churche by teachinge and otheir meanes and for christe and his Gospels sake were martyred and slayne They medled not at all with the ciuill gouerment there was no Court of Rome no senat of scarlet Cardinalles no guarde for the body no other superfluities which now adayes are frequented by Popes Histories of credit do confirme this same such as were not writen in flatterie of the Popes Also the name of Pope at that time was not proper onely to the Bysshoppe of Rome but other Bishoppes also abroade in other Prouinces were called by the same name For Aurelius and Ciprian Byshops of Carthage Ambrose Byshop of Millaine and other Byshops in other places were also called Popes And lykewise Saincte Ierome termeth S. Augustine whiche was Bysshop of Hippo in certen Epistles by the name of Pope For this woorde Papa Pope in the Syracusian tounge signifieth as mutch as this word Pater a Father as Suidas testifieth For it behooueth the Ministers of the church to be faithfull fathers of the people as Sainct Paule writeth Moreouer amonge all the Byshops of Rome from Constantinus the great and Pope Syluester vnto Gregorye the firste which were in number xxxvi ther was not one within compasse of 280. yéeres that vsed y pompe pride maiestie and power which the Popes vse accustomably now now a daies Their aucthoritie was great amonge other Churches and Byshops because for the most parte they were learned and skilfull men neither infected with heresies as some other Byshops in other Churches were but principally because thei were Ministers of the same Churche whiche the Apostles planted at the béeginninge which was therfore called the Apostolick Churche and the Apostolick seate and Sainct Peters Chaer. Howbeit the title and name of the Apostolick seat was not giuen only to the Romane Church but vnto other Churches also namely Ierusalem and Antioche And this woord seate signifieth not a iudgment seat or a princes throne but an ecclesiasticall preachers pulpit So that our forefathers in the ould time termed the aboue named churches Apostolike seates of the Apostolicke doctrine bycause the Apostles taught in those places and from those Apostolick Churches the Apostolick doctrine stretched foorth vnto other Churches aswell farre as nere Wherfore those places in which is not the Apostolick doctrine can not glory of the Apostolick seat although indéed it were ther many hundred yéeres béefore For there is also a seate of the Diuell as Saynt Iohn declareth in the 2. Chapter of the Reuelation But in the time of Pope Gregory the first whiche was within 300. yéeres after the birth of Christe the Church of Rome was so farre from the dominion which now it obtaineth that Gregorye very vehemently with stood Iohn which was bisshop of Constantinople who ambitiously sought to haue cheif place and superioritie in the Church would also bée called vniuersal bysshop Which title notwithstandinge and greater to the bysshops of Rome do vse at this day but Gregorie said that this was a Deuilish pride and the malice of Antichriste Hée that lust let him reade the fourth sixte books of Saint Gregories Epistles touchinge this matter Howbeit not longe after the death of Gregory Bonifacius the 3. vsurped that title which was graunted vnto him by Phocas the emperour a naughtie and wicked man For Otho bysshop of Frisingen a writer of Cronacles in the v. booke and eight Chapter reporteth how Pope Bonifacius the 3. had obtained of Phocas the Emperour that by his aucthoritie power and commaundement the Churche of Rome might bée cauled and also bée indéede the head of all other Churches Beda also writeth the same And Vrspurgensis saith that Rome ought to bée mother of all other Churches Nauclerus writeth that al other Churches in the worlde ought to obey the Churche of Rome and the Bishop therof Wherby it may bée easely perceaued how that this decrée of Phocas the Emperour whom all Hystoricians do verie mutch reprooue was no decree or institution of the Apostles made by Peter or Paule The Sea of Rome béeyng exalted after this maner the bishops which consequently ensued began more more to busie and medle themselues with ciuile matters neither sought they only for power and dominion but deuised how they might plucke their necks from the emperours iurisoiction and extol themselues aboue them how they might challenge bryng in subiection vnder them their prouinces peoples and maiestie But in y meane season they quight forgot their submission and duty departing far wide from thence became altogether vnlike vnto y first bishops of Rome At length the matter proceeded so farre that they durst boldly withstande y emperours and rise agaynst them for euen so Gregory the .ij. and Gregory the .iij. Popes of Romes opposed themselues against Leo the .iij. and Constantine the .v. emperours For these calling certen coūsels vnto which there assembled a great numbre of learned men and bishops of Asia Grecia and other regions they argued the controuersie of Images namely whether it were lawfull to haue and to woorship the Images of Christe and the holly saincts in the Churches of the Christians Whereas at that time it was concluded and confirmed out of the holy scriptures and doctrine of the auncient fathers that Images ought not to be worshipped nor to be suffred in churches but to bée taken away whersoeuer they were founde But after that th' emperors had giuen foorth cōmaundment to the Popes and vnto other vnder the Roman Empire that all of them accordyng to the woord of God and the meaning therof discussed in this present coūseil should take downe th'images out of their Churches sutch was the presumption of the Popes that béeyng called to y counsel they neither appered and afterwarde by their owne aucthoritie contrary to the cōmandement of the Emperours they called peculyer Counsels of Italian Byshops wherein they decréede y Images ought bée to retained in churches and more worshipped then euer they had bin before Nether presumed they onely thus farre but withdrue the Emperours subiectes from due obedience towards hym excommuncaityng the Emperours themselues withoute cause raising morouer tumults great feditions wherein the Emperours lieutenantes and debites were slayne as namely Paulus at Rauenna and Mauritius with Adriane his sunne in Campania And by this meanes all dutifull seruice and obedience was denied to the Emperours they were driuen from the gouerment of Italye But by what right the Popes brought these thinges to passe by
their practizes euery man that is indued with common sence and hath any knowledge of iustice mai soone vnderstand Al these things were doone with in 30. yéeres after y yere of our lorde 724 or nere therupon vnto the yéere of our Lorde 754 In the yéere of our Lorde 750. Pope Zacharie the. 1. of that name tooke vpon him tēporall matters began to medle with the ciuill gouerment assisted to depose the king of France frō his crowne and to place another in his rowme For through his help and counsell Hilderik king of France of the antient familie of Merouingi was deposed from y crown and Pipine of the familye of Charles thurst into his place But shortly after this great benifite of the Popes Pipine brought an army of Frenchmē into Italy against Estulphus king of Lumbardy when hauing taken in war the greater parte of the cuntrey hée gaue it for reward vnto pope Steuen the second and then first S. Peter obtained an inheritāce who béefore y time y space of 700. yéeres neuer had any and although y Constantius y emperour sent Embassadours vnto Pipine that hée would not alienate the Prouinces of the Romane Empire yet notwithstanding Steuen the Pope gladlye receiued those Prouinces peopls and ciuill gouerment whiche certenly S. Peter would neuer haue doone forasmuch as hee refused the charge ouer the poore Actes the vi The Popes followinge thereafter immitated the déedes of thē which went before nothinge lyke the déedes of the Apostles For Hadriane the Pope lykewise receiued all those thinges willyngly which Charles surmamed the great King of Fraunce gaue vnto him when he had vanquished and ouercome the Lumbards and taken prisoner Desiderius their king But Leo the third attempted more For he tooke vpon him the aucthoritie ouer all the Empire which then appertayned to the Emperours of Constantinople and crowned Charles Emperour of Rome withoute the knowledge and consent of the lawfull Emperours when as then as Palmerius accompteth the west had lacked their owne Emperour the space of 330. yéeres The yéere of Christe 860. Pope Nicholas the firste ruled the sea of Rome a passinge ambitious man institutinge sundry thinges not appertayning to the gouerment of the Church but to confirmation and establishinge of the popishe tyrany First that no prince no not the emperour himselfe should bée present in the counseiles of the Clergie Also that no lay man should set in iudgment ouer a clarke or ecclesiasticall person Moreouer that the Popes decrées and sentences ought to bée iudged by no man yea that the Pope is subiect vnto no ciuile power bicause he is god Reade Antoninus Titul xvi Paragra 9. and likewise in the decrées in the 76. and. 28 ▪ distinction Afterward in the yéere of Christ 962. the Popes of Rome grue vnto so great power that when Otho the. 1. emperour of that name came vnto Rome hée must néedes take an othe vnto Pope Iohn the xii that hée would defende the inheritance of Peter c. Reade the. 63. distinction which béeginneth Tibi Domine Ioanni But in the yéere after the birth of our Lord sauiour Christ 1000. the tyranny of Popes against y emperours brak foorth into light for casting away their yoke from their neckes they béegan fréely to bear rule at their owne plesure nothinge regardynge any Magistrate yea bringynge Princes kynges and Emperours into subiection vnder them and compellyng to obey them or otherwise through deceit and couen bryngynge them to the bent of their bow For I pray you what horrible tragedies and turmoiles did pope Gregory the seuenth stirre vp against Henrie the fourth For not only hée excommunicated him and intreated him most disdainfully but also discharginge his subiectes princes and nobles that were vnder the empire from their othe and allegeance raised a sedition against him causing an infinitie deale of blood to bée shead Who so is disposed let him reade this most cruell and strange historie in the yéearlye recordes of Ihon Auentine and in other historicians Pope vrbane the .ii. which succéeded Gregorie in the sea of Rome his verie true and vndoubted Disciple in the Claromont counsell was causer of the most cruell warre which the Christians made against the Sarracens wherof we haue spoken béefore Béesides hee prouoked Conrade the prince of Italye to rebell against his father the emperour Henrye the fourth which was a deede altogither against nature Likewise Paschalis the .ii. egged the sunne Henrye the v. against his father Henrye the fourth and thrise accursed him tausinge the bysshoppes of Ments and Coleine wourmes in his palace of Ingelheim by force to turne him out of his imperiall ornamentes disgrading the good ould emperour and adorninge therwith his sunne Henrye the fifte If anye man can bée delighted herewith let him read this wofull historye in his Saxonie of Albertus Crantius the fir●● booke the xx chapter The same Paschalis was troublesom also vnto the emperour Henrye the fift and was the cause of mutch bloodshead and all only for the donation and gift as they call them of certein ecclesiasticall benefices and prefermentes which vnto that time the emperour had alwayes and now the Pope went about forcibly to take them away But that which hée could not bringe to passe the same afterward Calixtus the. 2 assaid nether relented vntill hée had taken away from the emperour the same right of donation of spirituall prefermentes Wherof Abbas Vrspurgensis hath writen diligently These thinges were doone in the yéere of our lord God 1122. But the Popes of Rome were not contented with this but the later sorte haue insued the trade of their predicessours touching wickednes and mischeif in persecutinge the emperours For afterward they béecame gréeuous vnto them neuer makinge an ende of cursing seditions warres and perpetuall fraud and deceipt vntill at length they had oppressed the wéerie emperours and exalted their seate aboue theirs placinge themselues in power and superioritie aboue all other Who so desireth to haue a sounde and perfect knowledge of these matters let him reade the storye of Fridericus Barbarossa and those thinges which the Popes Adrian the fourth and Alexander the thirde practized against him of which the later most presumptiously trode vpon the Emperours necke with his foote Also what Caelestinus the fourth wrought against Henry the first Let him also there béeholde with what arrogancie pride and insolencie Pope Innocentius the third a loftie and bould Preist vsed against Philip the Emperour But specially let it bée well considered what the popes Honorius y third Gregorie the .ix. and Innocentius the. 4 committed wickedly and deceiptfully against Fridericke the seconde a notable and most excellent Emperour a man indued with most singular giftes whom most vnworthely and reprochfully they troubled afflicted as they did likewise his sunne Conradus the fourth emperour of that name These contentions persecutions and most cruell and perpetuall warres béetwéene the Popes and the emperours continued