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A18055 An ansvvere made by Oliuer Carter, Bacheler of Diuinitie: unto certaine popish questions and demaundes Carter, Oliver, 1540?-1605. 1579 (1579) STC 4697; ESTC S108169 79,017 198

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prison for that he woulde not take vpon him to be supreame heade of the Churche which Hildebrande poysoned sixe Popes was a coniurer and raised vp Diuelles and threwe the Sacrament into the fire Another saith that they were many that both priuatly and openly cursed Pope Hildebrande and said that with his hatred and ambition he troubled the worlde and that vnder the colour of Christ he wrought the feates of Antichrist This was he in whose time Sathan was let loose and when your Churche of Rome might truely be called the seate and harbour of Antichrist the man of sinne which setteth himselfe against God which sitteth in mens consciences is euen that whore which Saint Iohn speaketh of Which shoulde make the nations of the earth drunken with the cuppe of her fornication and hath imbrued her handes in the bloude of Gods Saintes Surely I muste needes say if that these Poten●ates had bene but a litle whitled and ●ot beastly drunke they woulde neuer haue bene so deceiued by Antichriste and receiued the marke of the beast What Lorde King or Emperour woulde haue kissed the Popes foote holden his stir●ope serued him at the table To cōclude besides their wickednes in life as many of them being coniurers adulterets namelie Siluester the seconde whoe gaue him selfe bodie and soule to the Diuell that he might be Pope and Pope Ioane the woman Pope who traueled with Childe as shee was carried on foure mens shoulders about in procession their doctrine is most damnable and repugneth in all poyntes the Gospell of Christe As one saying of Agryppa speaking of the Pope and and Churche of Rome plainely sheweth They commaunde saith he the Angelles they haue power ouer the dead they vse violence against the Scriptures to haue the fulnesse of authoritie The Pope him selfe is become intollerable There was neuer Tyrant like vnto him in pompe and pride The Legates of the Byshoppe of Rome doe so riotte in their the Pope to be Antichrist as Irenaeus a godly father sheweth Antichrist saith he being a runnegate and a theefe yet hee will be woorshipped as a God And being but a bondseruant yet he will be proclaimed and published as a King. Another saith Antichrist shall faigne him selfe to bee holy that hee may deceiue men vnder the colour of holines yea he shall call him selfe God and shal cause him self to be worshipped and shall promise the kingdome of heauen An other saith Whereas he is a damned man and no spirit he pretendeth him selfe to bee a God and whatsoeuer he dooth no man may aske him Domine cur ita facis Sir why doo you so Enter now into your owne conscience examine these sayinges vprightly looke vppon them with a single eye and thē iudge you indifferently And I trust that you will recant according to your promise Papist 8 ITEM I aske what kinde and order of seruice or common prayer what way of ministring the Sacraments your Church had before papistrie as you cal it preuailed in the worlde shewe me one booke or coppie of communion or what else you list that was in english or lacked praying for the departed or inuocation of Saintes in heauen or that wanted oblation or sacrifice or that charged a number to receiue else the Prieste could not consecrate or say Masse receiuing alone or shewe anye note in a communion booke that people should take the sacrament for plaine breade or that they should giue no honour vnto it shewe this booke or anie Church or congregation that euer had ani●●utenticall seruice but ours And I recant Answeare 8 I Shal not neede to stand long in reciting what kind of seruice was vsed before papistrie began verely euen the same which our Sauiour Christ set foorth which is recorded in the foure Euangelists and in the Epistles and writings of the Apostles from which the Apostles the congregations vnto whome they had preached the Gospell departed not one iotte And so the Apostle speaking of the institution of the Lordes Supper saith That thing which I haue receiued of the Lord the same haue I deliuered vnto you As though he should say euen he which ought onely to beare authoritie in the Church hath prescribed a way and orders of celebrating his laste Supper of whiche these are the chiefe partes That the Minister shoulde shewe the Lordes death by preaching his woorde and Gospell by calling vppon the name of the Lorde in prayer in deliuering the bread wine to bee receiued with thankesgeuing that the congregation shoulde for their partes proue and try them selues touching the knowledge of GOD fayth in the mercies of God offered in Christ and true sorrowe and lamentation for their sinnes past endeuouring them selues to leade a new life to shew forth the Lords death in consenting to his woorde and institution It is manifeste that the people to the number of three thousande soules beeing of diuerse countries and nations conuerted vnto the Gospell by Peters preaching continued for so the holie Ghoste speaketh in the Apostles doctrine and felowshippe and breaking of breade and prayers This order of seruice was vsed in all congregations from time to time amongest true Christians and remayned perfect for the space of sixe hundred yeares and odde yea vntill the same was altered by your Popish Cleargie who not being contented with that whiche Chris●e his Apostles and the auncient Doctoures and Fathers of the Churche had sette foorth deuised a newe way of worshipping GOD a new ●order of ministration a straunge and newe ● deuised forme of prayer and so turned all vpside downe But in defence of the truth we may boldely and truely answeare you that we holde and mainteine the same order of seruice the same ministration of Sacramentes the same prayer that the true Apostles and faithfull Christians vsed in all ages And whereas you aske for Bookes in Englishe which were written before Papistrie beganne in which there is no mencion made of praying for the deade of inuocation to saintes of priuate Masse It is plaine that there were sundrie godly bookes of Scripture whiche Dioclesian that wicked Emperour did burne in open markettes whose steppes your Churche of Rome hath followed euermore in suppressing the truth by suche meanes Notwithstanding God be thanked there bee manie volumes exstant writtē both by the auncient and godly fathers of the Church as also in the Saxon tongue in verie old● English of which I haue seene one veri● lately found in a verie olde ruinons wall which forbiddeth prayers for the deade whiche teacheth vs onely to inuocate th● name of God which maketh mention o● no masse but of the communion in bot● kindes and to conclude doeth aduouche i● all pointes the same Sacramentes th● same principles of religion and the same manner of worshipping God that we doe and proueth the same by the scriptures I● appeareth in histories that the Bohemians made peticion vnto the councell holden a● Basill that
whatsoeuer God him selfe can doo For in name you giue him no lesse prerogatiue Dominus Deus noster Papa Our Lord God the Pope We say that wee are iustified freely by Gods speciall grace and mercie offered in Christ and that faith is the instrument to apprehend this our iustification and so saith the Apostle Ye are saued by grace and that through faith not of our selues it is the gift of god not of workes least any man should reioyce And againe Abraham beleeued God and it was coūted to him for righteousnesse You say that we are iustified by our owne works yea and that we haue workes more then wee neede which you call woorkes of supererogation or superfluous woorkes We say that we must confesse our sinnes onely vnto God and so saith Dauid I will confesse euen against mine owne selfe mine vnrighteousnesse vnto the Lorde You say That wee muste confesse our sinnes to the prieste and receiue absolution at his handes And this you call Auricular confession We say that the people of God be they neuer so simple or vnlearned ought to haue the vse of the scriptures of GOD in their knowne tongue and both heare them and reade them So Christ biddeth al men To search the scriptures Dauid sayeth That they are a light to our feete Saint Paule saith That whatsoeuer thinges are written they be written for our learnin and eugery scripture sent from God is profitable to teach to instructe to reprooue and to exhort that the man of God may be perfect prepared to euery good woorke He saith further Let the woord of God dwell in you aboundantly Wherevppon Saint Hierome noteth That euen the Leye peoshoulde reade the Scriptures and teache and admonish one an other Your church saieth That the vnlearned people ought not to haue the Scriptures in their vulgar toung that they are hard and full of difficulties We say that no Images are to bee brought into the Temple of God or to bee woorshipped God hath forbidden it by expresse commaundementes ●oth the making and the woorshipping God curseth ●oth the maker thereof the toole that ●eth it and him also that worshippeth ●t Christ saith Thou shalt woorship the ●ord thy God and him onely shalt thou ●erue The Apostle saith that Idolaters ●all haue no inheritance with Christ and ●ith God. The Angell of God refuseth ● be woorshipped and saith moreouer ●oorship God. You say that images are to bee made at they oughte to bee placed in the tem●es that they are to bee worshipped and that they are the Laie mens bookes yea and that not onely images of Saints departed but also of Christe and of GOD himselfe whiche image of God you set foorth in the similitude of an old aged man hauing a lōg gray beard and a hoare head albeit God hath geuen a straighte charge to the contrarie And Christe saith that no man hath seene God at anie time but the onely begotten sonne of God. Saint Augustine saith That it is abhominable to set anie suche picture in the Churches of Christians If a man had come into anie of your Churches in times past and had vsed your images as Epiphanius a godlie writer did vse the like long sithens you woulde haue cursed him with bell booke and candell and woulde haue burned him to ashes in the ende I will repeate the wordes conteined in an Epistle which Epiphanius did write vnto the Byshoppe of Hierusalem whiche be these I founde saith he a vaile hanging at the entrie of the Churche stained and painted and hauing the Image as it were of Christe or of some Saint for whose picture it was in deede I do not remember Therefore when I sawe the image of a man to hang in the Churche of Christe contrarie to the commaundement of the Scriptures I toare it in sonder and gaue councell to the wardens of the Churche that they should winde and burie some poore bodie in it c. ● beseech you charge the Priestes of that place that they commaunde that suche ●ailes as be contrarie to our religion be ●o more hanged vp in the Churche of Christe it behoueth your reuerence to ●aue care hereof that this superstition ●nmeete for the Church of Christ and ●nmeete for the people which be committed vnto you be remoued I might ●ande long in displaying and manifesting ●he erroures superstitious trifles of your Churche of Rome not onelie in secrete ●ractises and deuises moste expressely a●ainst God and his truth but also euen in matters of faith and in the principles of ●rue religion how farre you disagree from Christe and his Gospell and from all ●odlie writers of auncient time But these ●ay serue for a taste sauing that I will ●peake one worde of your Popes greate ●hallenge We say that all men of what calling soeuer they bee oughte to yeeld their obedience vnto suche as are in aucthoritie Christ our Sauiour paied tribute he sayed Giue vnto Caesar that whiche is due vnto Caesar Saint Paule sayeth Let euery soule be subiect vnto the higher powers for there is no power but of GOD whosoeuer therefore resisteth the power resisteth th' ordinaūce of god Saint Chrisostome vpon these wordes saieth Although thou be an Apostle although thou be an Euangelist although thou be a Prophete or whosoeuer thou arte for this subiection doth not ouerthrowe godlinesse and he doeth not say simplie let him obey but let him be subiect And Theophilacte writing vpon the same place sayeth That the Apostle teacheth al men whether he be a priest or Monke or Apostle that he be subiect vnto Princes Your Churche doeth challenge this aucthoritie from Peter to be aboue Kinges and Emperoures which also you say Peter receiued from Christe For these be the verie words of Pope Nicholas Christ saieth he hath giuen to blessed Peter the righte as well of the ●orldly as also of the heauenly Em●yre Wherevpon you grounde these ar●ments The Sonne is higher and grea●r then the Moone Therefore the ●ope is higher and greater then the ●mperour The soule is aboue the bo●e therefore the pope is aboue the ●mperour Thus you take vpon you not ●elie to haue the superioritie ouer Em●erours but also to put them forth of their ●ates and to remoue the Empire at your ●easure And thus did Pope Adrian write ●to Frederike the Emperour My seate ●saith he is in the citie of Rome The ●mperoures seate is at Acon in Arden which is a Forest in Fraunce Whatso●uer the Emperour hath hee hath it of ●s as pope Zacharias trāslated the Em●ire from Graecia into Germany So ●ay we againe translate the same from ●e Germanes to the Greekes Behold ● is in our power to bestowe the Em●ire vpon whom we liste But note how ●he writinges of Saint Peter doe agree ●ith this proud popish stile Submit your ●elues saith Peter vnto all manner or●inaunces of man for the Lords sake Whether it be vnto
priuiledge I am sure you will say that you receiued it of Peter the Apostle of Christ because that herevpon you doe ground all your church and religion For that as you say Peter being the cheefe and head of the Apostles hauing the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen cōmitted vnto him being Bishop of Rome it commeth by discent and orderly succession vnto all the Bishops of Rome But this your supposition I vtterly denie that either Peter was the cheife of the Apostles or that the keyes were solely and only giuen vnto him by Christ or that Peter euer was at Rome That Peter was not the heade of the Apostles it is playne by the testimonie of S. Paule who saith That he which was mightie by Peter in the Apostolike ouer the circumcision was also mightie by him towardes the Gentils And againe he saith when Iames Cephas and Iohn knewe of the grace that was giuen vnto me whiche are compted to be pillers they gaue to me to Barnabas the right hands of felowship that we should preach vnto the Gentils they to the circumcision And your ordinarie glose vpon this word saith That Paule did not learne of others as of his superiours but did conferre with them as with his friendes and equals When the. 2. sonnes of Zebede desired to be exalted and that the other tenne disdayned therefore at them our Sauiour Christ called them all before him saying Ye knowe that the Lordes of the Gentils haue dominion ouer them that they be great exercise auctoritie ouer thē but it shall not bee so among you but whosoeuer will be great among you let him bee your seruant and whosoeuer will be chiefe among you let him bee your minister When the Apostles disputed by the way for superioritie our Sauiour Christe saide If anie man desire to be firste or chiefe the same shal be last of all and seruaunt vnto all And oftentimes the Apostle Paule calleth all the Apostles Fellowe laborers Workers together and Companions That godly father Cyprian sayth Peter was euen the same that the other Apostles were indued with like fellowshippe both in honour and also in dignitie And Chrisostome writinge vppon the Epistle to the Galathians saieth Paule had no neede of Peter neither did he lacke his consent but was his fellowe companion in honour Nowe for the keyes you say that Christ gaue them onely vnto Peter When he said Vnto thee will I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen First you must vnderstande that the keyes of which our sauiour Christ heare maketh mencion are the worde and scriptures of God And so Saint Chrisostome doeth expounde these words saying Clauis est scientia scripturarum per quam aperiturianua veritatis The keye is the knowledge of the holy scriptures by the which the gate of the trueth is opened And these keyes were not proper to Peter but common to all For Saint Augustine saith That when Christ did saie vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen he meant his whole church An other saith The keye beareres are the ministers of Gods word vnto whome is committed the teaching of the word and the interpretation of the Scriptures An other sayth This saying vnto thee I will giue the keyes of the kingdome of Heauen is common also vnto other the words which followe as spoken vnto Peter are common to all Thus you may see that Peter neither hath any diuinitie aboue the rest neither the keyes which be the scriptures do belonge more vnto him then to the other Apostles and faithfull ministers of Gods church Nowe to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome It appeareth euidently that our sauiour Christ gaue Peter and the rest a charge to tarry at Hierusalem after his ascention who continued there preaching the Gospel insomuch that he conuerted at one sermon three thousande soules Hee is put in prison and beinge deliuered was charged not to speak any more in the name of Iesus Notwithstandinge he with the rest did preach still and being put in prison againe was deliuered by an Angell who setteth open the prison doores The Apostle Peter with his fellowes cease not to preach both dayly in the temple and also in priuate houses Paule is conuerted the first yeare after Christes ascention receiueth the holy Ghost yet he remaineth at Damascus and in the coūtreis adioyning for the space of three yeares after his conuersion in the fourthe yeare he cometh to Hierusalem to see Peter where he aboade with him fifteene dayes Peter then goeth to Ioppa where he healeth Aeneas which had kept his bedde èight yeares and was sicke of the palsie he rayseth Tabitha from death Hee is sent for vnto Caesarea where he conuerteth Cornelius Peter returneth to Hierusalem where hauing some contention with them of the circumcision he sheweth the cause why he went vnto the Gentills Peter is put in prison againe by Herodes commaundement and sleeping betwene two souldiers bound with two chaines the Angel smot him on the side and the chaines fel of and he was brought forth of prison and entred into the citie the iron gate opened to them by it owne accorde and they came to Maries house Shortly after he goeth againe to Caesaria where he abideth I shewed before that in the fourth yeare after Paules conuersion he came to Hierusalem to see Peter Then fourteene yeares after that he cometh to Hierusalem againe where the Apostles helde a Councell together where Peter was present where Iames Peter and Iohn gaue vnto Paule and Barnabas the right hands of felloweshippe that they shoulde preache vnto the Gentills And Peter and his fellowes vnto the Iewes For Paule had saide before that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision which were the Gentilles was committed to him as the Gospell ouer the Circumcision which were in the Iewes was committed vnto Peter Then Paule goeth vnto Antioche Whether Peter after a short time did also come whome Paule rebuked before all men because he caused the Gentills to liue after the manner of the Iewes These thinges should be done about nineteene yeares after Paule his conuersion in which time it is manifest that Peter had not bene at Rome Whereby they bee deceaued whiche affirme that Peter was Bishop of Rome fiue and twentie yeares for that nowe he should haue bene in the middest of his Bishoprike and that he could not after this time be fiue and twentie yeares there it is most plaine for that he liued in all after Christes ascention but three and thirtie yeares But nowe to proceede to my purpose that is to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome by such coniecturall argumentes as will hardly by the Scriptures bee disproued About two and twentie yeares after Paule his conuersion vnderstanding that Claudius the Emperour had commaunded all the Iewes to depart from Rome he
the authoritie of the Romaine church and of the Bishop of Rome is greater then the authoritie of Gods word An other saith That this is the iudgment of all them that thinke lightly that ground the authhoritie and vnderstanding of the Scriptures in the allowance of the Church and not conrariwise ●lay the foundation of the church in the authoritie of the scriptures There be no cōmaundemēts of Christ but such only as bee taken so and holden by the Church Therefore the scriptures followe the Church but contrariewise the Church followeth not the Scriptures An other saith That the Apostles haue written certaine things not that their said writings should rule our faith or religion but rather that they should bee vnder and be ruled by our faith the scriptures are dumbe iudges the scriptures are like a nose of waxe I might alledge many authorities out of your owne writers which go about to extoll your church of Rome aboue God and his holy worde ●ut these may perswade all men which be not wilfully blinded how arrogantly and Luciferlike you do preferre your Church both contrarie to the manifest expresse woorde of God and also to the opinion iudgement of the Godly learned fathers whose authorities I haue cited But let the indifferent reader iudge whether our church which groundeth her selfe wholy onely vpon the heauenly Scriptures and submitteth her selfe to the spirit of God as the true interpreter of the same hearkeneth onely vnto the voyce of her Pastor Christ and acknowlegeth him onely to bee her heade according as we are taught by the scriptures be the true Church of God the Catholik Apostolike church or your church of Rome which innketh her selfe equal with god vsurpeth authoritie aboue his most holy woord will not haue Christ but the Pope her heade which wil be iudge in all causes whether Christ will or no which mainteineth no not in one point the Apostolike doctrine and faith but doeth persecute euen vnto death the true professors of the same Whereas you doo aske Howe our Church can be one For that as you say it is deuided into so many sectes I haue shewed before that we doo not disagree now at this day in matters of faith and true religion as your Church of Rome dooth in matters of great weight and importance It hath beene a vulgar and common prouerbe of long time vsed that the Diuell will haue his Chappell near● Gods Church Among the olde Prophets was some one Balaam or other In the small number which accompanied our Sauiour Christ was one Iudas many carnal Capernaites which sought rather their belly then the aduauncement of Gods truth which pretended a zeale and followed Christ yet depended vppon olde customes and ceremoniall traditions and helde other fond opinions Among the true Apostles were false Apostles which though not altogether yet in some parte preached either circumcision or iustification by woorkes repugnant to the doctrine of the true Apostles as you doo Our Sauiour truely prophesied That there shoulde arise false Christes and false Prophets Saint Paule saith yet in an other sence There must be heresies euē among you that they which are approoued among you might bee knowne By which he noteth that Gods Church is not onely subiect to striffe and dissention as touching orders and maners but also to heresies as touching doctrine We doo not stand so stifely vppon our reputation but doe confesse that as we are men so we may erre But wee trye our iudgementes and opinions by the touchstone of Gods woord not respecting the person but the doctrine which we allow of so farre as the holy scriptures do approoue the same in which is no errour at all We doe not denie but that there may be amongest vs some carnall fleshly Gospellers some Epicures and Athistes some giuen to mainteine vnprofitable and straunge opinions as there are in your Church of Rome The like there were in the Apostles time some which helde of Paule some of Apollo some of Peter yea some which seemed to haue beene of the number of the faithfull because they occupied a place in the Church of whom the Apostle speaketh saying Babes it is the last time and as you haue hearde that Antichrist shall come euen nowe are there many Antichristes whereby we knowe that it is the last time they went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs they would haue continued with vs. It is manifest that in the primitiue church therewere false brethrē which were cloaked with the name of Christianitie Arrius that damnable heretik the fauourers of his sect which deny Christ to be God bosted thēselues That they only were Catholikes and called others which mainteined the truth against them sometimes Ambrosians and sometimes Athanasians as you doo call vs nowe Lutherans nowe Caluinists nowe Zwinglians Ebion that Heretike who affirmed Christ to be onely man and saith that the obseruation of the Lawe was very necessarie to saluation would needes be called a Christian All other heretikes which were many in the florishing time of the church as appeareth by the stories bragged that they held the true faith that they were the true Church Shal we therfore cōclude say that the Prophets the Apostles the godly Christians and fathers of the primitiue Church were not of the true Church of God for that in their times there were manie sectes which couered them selues with the cloake collour of true religion Saint Paule forseing through Gods spirite what woulde come gaue this watchworde to the Colosians To beware least that anie shoulde goe about to spoyle them through phylosophie and vaine deceit through the traditions of men acording to the rudimēts of the world and not after Christ He also forwarneth the Thessalonians that Antichrist the sonne of perdicion shall sitt as God in the temple of God shewing him selfe to be God. It is wonderfull to see howe you are blinded seing you stumble at a strawe and doe leape ouer a bloke You strain at a gnat and doe swallow a Camel You see a moath in another mans eye and perceiue not the beame which is in your owne eye You are most giltie your selues in that which you would haue to be a notorious crime in others For you agree not in the principall poyntes of religion as I haue noted before but in that you demaūd Whether our Churche was euer of that maiestie that it might require the obedience of all nations or gather generall councelles and howe the titles which you set foorth by name can bee applied to our Church I saie that our Church hath and doth enioy such priuiledges and preheminence as is limited vnto hir by the worde of God Neuerthelesse we doe not challenge anie such authoritie to the obedience of all nations vnto our Church but doe pray in the name of Christ vnto the Lorde of Heauen and earth to poure forth the