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authority_n apostle_n church_n minister_n 2,916 5 6.7721 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12685 The su[m] of diuinitie drawn out of the holy scripture very necessary, not only for curates [et] yong studentes in diuinitie: but also for al christen men and women what soeuer age they be of. Drawn out of Latine into Englyshe by Robert Hutten.; Margarita theologica. English. Spangenberg, Johann.; Hutton, Robert, d. 1568.; Turner, William, d. 1568. 1548 (1548) STC 23004; ESTC S126460 78,484 290

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The sū of diuinitie drawen out of the holy scripture very necessary not onlye for Curates yong ●●udentes in diuinitie but also for al christen men and women what so euer age they be of ☞ Drawen out of Latine into Englyshe by Robert Hutten ☞ ☜ ¶ Anno. 1548. Vvilliam Turner to the Reader AFter that my scholer sūtime and seruaunte Robert huttē had traunslated thys boke oute of latyne into Englyshe he mystrustynge hys owne Iudgement to be suffycyent to iudge whether the cōpiler of this boke had in his writing done al thinges according to the veine of holy scripture offered the boke vnto me that I should examen it wyth the touchestone of the scripture whyche thynge I haue done as diligentelye as the tyme that I had to spare would suffer me The boke I dare saye is godlye and full of holsome doctrine and is veri necessary for all studētes of diuinitie for curates for yong children and for al them that haue anye rule ouer anye greate houshoulde ye may haue bokes that shall promise more thē this doeth but none that intreateth of thys kynde of matter that performeth more then thys doth It hath not so many newe frēch englyshe blossomes as many bokes haue but better fruyte then thys hath I thinke ye shal finde either none that writteth of thys argumēt or else very few This trālatour hath applied hym selfe as much as he cā to find out the moste playn vsed wordes that be in englād that men of all shyres of Englād maye the more eassy perceiue the meanynge of the boke Some nowe a dayes more sekyng their owne glorye then the profyte of the readers write so frenche Englishe and so latine that no man excepte he be both a latine man a french man and also an englyshe man shal be able to vnderstande their writinge whose example I woulde disswade all men to folowe For the people if they shoulde haue any profyte by such mennes laboures had nede of two dictionaries euer by thē one in french and an other in englysh Whych thyng because it is to tedious it would plucke back all men from the redynge of suche good and christen bokes as they do translate But thys boke is boeth playne in sentence and easy in style and nothynge swarueinge from the comon speache Therefore reade and examyne it wyth the word of God as far as it doeth agree wyth the scripture alow it and no farther The Table of the places contayned in thys boke OF a pastour his office Of the lawe power Of the gospell Of promises Of synne Of Iustification Of good workes Of repentaunce Of absolution Of fayeth Of God Of the creation Of fre wyll Of predestination Of the differēce betwen the olde and newe testament Of the abrogation of saintes the lawe Of the Christiā libertie Of counsels Of reuenginge Of pouertye Of chaystiye Of the church Of Ecclesiasticall Of offēsions Of Sacramentes Of the Baptising of chylder Of the supper of the lord Of sacrifices Of the crosse and aduersityes Of humilitie Of humiliacion Of praier Of the Lords prayer Of the offyce of rulars Of matrimonie Of Imitatiō of Of Buriall Of the risyge agayne of the dead Of the ende of the world Of euerlastynge lyfe ☞ ☜ ¶ What is a pastoure of the church HE is a personne whych is called Lawfullye by the authoritye and commaūdemente of God vnto the Cure of soules of the congregation whyche is commytted vnto hym to teache the doctryne of the gospell vnto it and minister the sacramentes ☞ What is the office of a pastoure ¶ It is to rule and gouerne fayethfullye the churche whyche is commytted vnto hys charge wyth the ministringe of the word and sacramentes and to holde oute and expell false doctrine and offēsions Of this office commaundeth Paulus Act. xx Take hede to youre selfe and the whole stocke wher in the holi gost hath set you to fede the churche of God ☞ What is required in a pastoure that he be apt ☞ Fyrste of all that he haue vocacion and commaundement Secondarily that he be ryghtly instituted in the doctrine of the Gospell and knowe a certayne forme of christen doctryne out of the holye scripture that he maye teache and set forth it purelye sincerlye and euidentlye Lyke as Paule commaundeth a byshoppe to be Didactum that is to saye apte to teache and he commaundeth Timotheus to holde a certayne forme of holsume doctryne Thirdly that in teachynge he gyue credence and wysdome and knowledge accordynge vnto the doctryne of Paule to deuide perfectly the doctrine of godlynes And that in settynge forth the doctryne he wysely shewe the differences and endes betwene the Gospell and other doctrynes and learnedly knowe to confirme the articles and sum of the doctryne and to cōfute false opinions and doctrines whyche be vncleane in comparison to the worde of God Also ▪ that in gouerning and rullynge of consciences he gyue all cure and dylygence that they whyche be ignoraunte be instytute that he teache and delyuer them whyche be doubtfull from errours that he confirme them whyche be weake and correct and cal backe thē whyche do erre that he rebuke and chastice thē whiche be synners and that he comforth them which be affrayde and in aduersity Fourthelye that he rule the people in his liuynge with example of hys fayeth and good worckes Lyke as Paulle commaundeth Timothe Be thou an example to the fayethfull c. And Peter Be ye examples vnto the congregation ❧ What is lawfull vocacion ¶ It is when one is admytted vnto the office of a pastour by the authoritie and commaundement of God ☞ Howe is vocation ¶ Ther be to kindes of vocation One is immediatly of God This is properly the maner of chosinge prophetes and Apostles whereof Paule speaketh that he was not called of men nor yet by mē The other is of God as by gods commaundemente but yet by men lyke as they were whiche the scripture calleth the sons and disciples of prophetes whyche were instituted and learned of the prophetes to the intente they shoulde be apte to teache So were Byshoppes Pastoures of churches ordeyned by the apostles and afterwardes by ministers chosen and ordeyned bi the church Therfore thys is also a lawefull vocation and very godly when the seruice of the word is cōmitted to one by the authoritye of the churche or of them to whome the church cōmitteth iudgment ☞ Is it not lawfull to desire the office of a pastour ☞ I answere Ther is difference betwene peticion or axynge and ambition For ambition is plainly forbydden ☞ What is peticion ¶ It is when one proferreth hys diligence and laboure vnto the churche but so that fre iudgement be left vnto them which haue knowledge whether he be apte or no. Therefore he whyche desireth it so doth not ambiciously couet but signifyeth only hys wyll that if he be called of the churche and iudged to be able he wyll not refuse to take vpon hym