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A10957 The English creede consenting vvith the true, auncient, catholique, and apostolique Church in al points, and articles of religion, which euerie Christian is to know and beleeue that would be saued. The second part, in most loyal manner to the glorie of God, credit of our Church, and displaieng of al hæresies, and errors, both olde and newe, contrarie to the faith, subscribed vnto by Thomas Rogers. Allowed by auctoritie.; English creede. Part 2 Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1587 (1587) STC 21227; ESTC S116387 55,407 97

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Baptist. Inioined to preache not in one or a fevve places but ouer the whole vvorlde so were th'apostles but not Iesus Christ. 2 Of men as they be who are sent of men not auctorized thereunto by the vvord of God that to the disquieting of the good estate of Christ his Church such In Th'apostles time vvere the false Apostles In our daies are the S. Augustine saith Al which are thus sent are Liars And their calling is vnlawful Annabaptistes Iesuites Seminarie priests 3 By men so in the primi●lue Church by Th'apostles vvere Pastors and Elders ordained vvho by the same auctoritie ordained other Pastors and teachers VVhence it is that the Church as it hath bine so it shal ●●l th' end of the vvorlde ●e prouided for They who are thus called haue povver neither to vvorke miracles as Th'apostles had no● to preach and minister the Sacraments vvhere theie vvil as Th'apostles might but the●e are tied euerie man to his charge vvhich the●e must faithfullie attende vpon except vrgent occasion do enforce the contrarie The calling of theis men is tearmed à general calling and it is th' ordinarie and in theis daies the lawful calling allowed by the word of God So ●e●●fie with vs the true Churches else-where in the vvorld Confession of Heluet. 1. art 17. Heluet. 2. cap. 18. Bohem. cap. 9 France art 31. Fland. art 31 Ausburg art 1● VVittemb art 20. Sueaue art 13 This truth manie vvaies hath bine resisted For there be which thinke There is no calling but th'extraordinarie and special calling in theis daies Al are to be taken for which are not sacrificing Priestes annointed by the Antichristian Bishops of the Romish lynagogue VVolues Hie●lings Lai-men Intruders That so manie as are sent by the Church are sent of the holie Ghost vvhen vve knovve hovve often times the CHVRCHE sendeth for Laborers idle workmen Frendes enemies Phisitions murtherers True Pastors vvolues and Apostataes Theie maie take the charge of Congregations and yet performe no duetie That no Bishop or Minister should remaine still in one place but vvander An error of the Familie 6 Though it bee in the power of them which haue publique auctoritie in the Church t' appoint Ministers in the Congregation yet maie theie admit neither whom they wil nor as they wil themselues but they are both deliberatelie to chuse and orderlie to cal such as theie haue chosen This made Th'apostles Elders in the primitiue Church Straightlie to charge that suddenlie hands should be laid vpon no man 1. Tim 5. 22. To make special choise oftwaine where of one was to be elected into the place of Iudas Acts. 1. 23. By election to ordaine Elders in euery church and by To commend them to the Lord. Acts. 14 23. Praier Fasting Laieng on of hands 1. Tim. 4 14. to consecrate them To describe who were to be chosen called For theie are to be Men not ●oies VVomen 1. Tim 2. 12. Men of good behauior 1. Tim. 3. 2 c Not incontinent Not giuen to vvine Not strikers Not couerous Not proud 1. Pe● 5. 3. Titus 1 7. Not froward Not i●e●ul No giuers of offence 2. Cor. 6 3. Men of special gifts Apt to teach 1. Tim. 3. 2. Able to exhort Tit 1. 9. VVise to diuide the vvord of God a●ight 2. Tim. 2. 15. Bold to reproue 1. Tim. 5. 21. Tit. 1 9. VVilling to take paines Matt. 9 38. 2. Tim 4 2. VVatchful to ouersee Acts. 20 28. Patient to suffer Acts. 5 41. 2. Tim. 4 8. Constant to endure al maner of afflictions 2. Cor. 11 23. c. They who are ●o chosen called maie fightlie be numbred among the lavvful ministers On th' other side in an error they remaine vvhich thinke That the due election and calling of Ministers according to the vvorde of God is of no such necessitie to the making of Ministers That women maie bee In vvhich error the Pepuzians vvere Elders Bishops That à special care is not to bee had both of the life and of the learning of men or that vviked men of euil life or ignorant men vvithout learning or Asses of no gifts or loitere●s vvhich do no good or fauourers of superstition vvhich do great hurt are to bee admitted into or maintained in the holie ministerie That they are causes vvhich in deede a● none to keepe men fró the Ecclesiastical function as if men They may not bee priests say the Papists Be maried Haue had certaine wiues Haue not al outvvarde gifts of the bodie thogh endued with heauenlie talents Haue bine baptized of haeretiks c Theis ought not to busie themselues about the word saie the Familists Haue not bine trained vp in the Familie Are not Elders in the Familie of Loue. This do the Churches protestant by their publike Confessions approue Hel. 2. c. 18. Hel. 1. ar 25. Bohem. c. 9. Franc. ar 3. 1. Fland. art 31. Ausb art 14. VVitt. ar 20. Sueau ar 13. 24. ARTICLE Of speaking in the Congregation in such a tongue as the people vnderstand not IT is à thing plainlie repugnant to the worde of God and the custome of the primitiue church to haue publike praier in the church or to minister the Sacraments in à tongue not vnderstanded of the people The Propositions Publique praier and the Sacraments must be ministred in á knowen tongue This article needeth smal proofe For who so is perswaded as al true christians of vnderstanding are that what is done publiklie by á strange language in the Church not vnderstood of the people Profiteth not the Congregation 1. Cor. 14 ver 6. 9. 14. Aedifieth not the weake 1. Cor. 14. ver 4 17 26. Instructeth not th' ignorant 1. Cor. 14. 19. Inflameth not the zeale 1. Co 14. 9. Offendeth the hearers 1. Cor. 14. ver 7. ●1 Abuseth the people 1. Cor. 14. ver 1. 16. Displeaseth God Matth. 15. 8. Bringeth religion into contempt 1. Cor. 14. 23. Easilie wil thinke that where the praiers be said or the Sacraments administred in à tongue not vnderstood of the people there The word of God is not regarded The custome of the primitiue churche is not obserued This article as al true Christians doe beleeue so some by pub Confessions doe graunt Con. of Helnet 2. c. 22. VVittem cap. 27. Ausburg de Misca art 3. Sueaue c. 21. But there is nothing so apparent which hath not by some aduersaries bine denied So contrarie to this article Some as the Marcosians at the ministration of Baptisme haue vsed certaine Hebrue wordes not to aedifie but to terifie and astonishe the mindes of the weake and ignorant people Some theie be the papists wil haue al seruice praiers and Sacraments that throughout the world ministred in an vnknowen tongue And among theis papists There bee which holde that the lesse theie vnderstande the more deuout the people wil be For ignorance is the mother of deuotion There bee which write that praiers not vnderstood of the people are acceptable of Satan I
3. 4. 2. Chron. 14. 3. 34. 2. c. Not bowed vnto idols 1. Kin. 19. 18 2. Chro. 34. 2. Dan. 3. Rom. 11. 4. c. Curseth The images Deu. 7. 25. 27. 15. Iere. 51. vers 47. 51. 10. 11. The image makers Deu. 27. 15. Isa. 44 9. c. The image seruers or vvorshippers Deut. 27. 26. Psal. 97. 7. Isa. 42. 17. 44. 11. Hereunto with vs the Protestant Churches euerie vvhere do subscribe namelie Confes of Helue 2. c 3. 4 Basil. art 10 6. 3. Bohe. c. 3. 17 Franc. art 1. Ausburgh art 1. Sax. art 22 VVit c. 1. 23 Su●a art 22 The Romishe doctrine contrarie to the word of God doth allowe and not onelie allow but publiquelie erect and not onelie erect but adore and not onelie adore images but accursce more than so condemne to the fire as haeretiks such as wil not wor shipp images and th'images too which is most abhominable Of God himselfe euen of god The whole blessed and incom prehensible Trinitie with three faces in one head The Father and that in the likenes of an old man with à long white beard The sonne in the similitude of à man hanging on the Crosce The holie Ghost in the shape of à Doue Of God his creatures Of Angels Alwaies with wings Sometimes with à pare of ballance as S. Michael Of men as of as it were Moses with hornes Th'apostles with trenchers The B. virgine with Haire f●isled Costlie garments Of base thinges Agnus Deis of ware VVafer cakes of flower Crosses of Gold Siluer Stone VVood. Paper c. 5 Of al the erroneous opinions among the papists vvhich are infinite none is more to the illusiō of wel meaning christians than their doctrine concerning worshiping and adoration of the Reliques of Saints A doctrine In the Scripture No where to be found Forbidden Deut. 6 13 Matth. 4 10. In the purer time of the Church no where to be heard In al reformed Churches at this time vtterlie condemned as in part by some testimonies extant euidentlie maie appeare Confes of Hel. 2 c. 5. Hel. 1. art 11. Basil. ar 10. Bohem c. 17. Franc. ar 24. Yet such is the Satanical boldnes of that Antichristian Synagogue that as theie wil delude men with the reliques of Saincts which are not so So likewise theie teach the people which is most abominable to giue diuine adoration honor vnto them Hence Saith one and that in ● general Councel In like ●ort do I worship and honor and salute the R●●ques also of Saincts as of the champions and fighters for Christ as of them who haue obteined fauor from God both to minister remedie to heale diseases to cast-out diuels c. Some do praie vnto S. Benedict whose reliques theie had stolen O Benedict after God our onlie hope leaue vs not orphans who art come hether not through our merits but for the saluation of manie soules Haue some published That the bodies of Saincts and specialie the Reliques of the blessed Martyrs are with al synceritie to be honoured as the members of Christ c. If anie denie this sentence he is to be thought not à Christian but an Eunomian and Vigilautian The Councel of Trent hath decreed that theie are to bee taken for damned which affirme howe worship and honor is not to be giuen vnto the Reliques of Saincts c. Of this preposterous deuotion Theie haue appointed à certaine Seruice for the holie Crosce where-on Christ was hanged Theie haue made à feast for the Speare and Nailes wherewith Christ was launced Theie haue canonized for à Sainct the Chains which bound the Apustle Sainct Peter To saie nothing of the adoration theie giue To the Hair Milk Smock of the B. virgine To the Head Haire Thombe Coate of Iohn Baptist To the Breaches of Ioseph To the Sworde Hand-kirchiefe of S. Paul To the Keies of S. Peter To manie things which of modestie I wil not mention but ouerpasse 6 The Christian exercise of praier is à dutie which may not be securelie omitted or vainlie abused And though manie things in praier be necessarilie to be obserued yet à special point is that in our supplications and praiers we cal onelie vpon God For so to do we are Commanded euen of God himselfe Psal. 50 15. Matth 6 9. Luke 11 2. Allured by manifold Promises of large blessings Psal. 50 15. Matth 7 11. Luke 11 13. 18. 7. Iohn 16 v. 23 24. Examples of godlie men of Patriarchs Abraham Gen. 13 4. Isaak Ge. 26. 25. Iaacob Gen. 32 9 c. Prophets Daniel Dan. 9 16 c. Elias 1. K. 17 ● Ieremie Ier. 14 7. c. Centurions Acts 10 2. Publicans Luke 18 13. Apostles Paul Act. 16 25. and al his Epist Peter c. Acts 1 24. Al the elect in this world Luke 18 7. On th' other side to praie vnto anie creature that dead is beside Iesus Christ. In the Scripture there is no Law to command To prouoke Promise of blessing Example of godlie men or women As the church of God in the pure● times haue so in theis daies the Protestant Churches vtterlie mislike See Confes. of Heluet. 1. art ●1 Heluet. 2 c. 5 23. Basil. art 10. Bohem. c. 2. 17. France art 14. 24. Fland. art 20. Ausburg art 21. VVittem ca. 23. Sueauia art 11. 21. Therefore the Romish doctrine that Saints at to be praied vnto their dailic praieng as occasiō serueth vnto S. Agatha for fore breasts S. Benedict for poisoning S. Clare for fore eies S. Damian for phisick S. Erasmus for health in th'intrals S. Feriol for Geese S. Giles for ba●●ennes of women S. Hubbert for dogs S. Iob for the poxe S. Katherin for knowledge S. Loy for horses S. Margaret for women in ●●●uel S. Nicholas for children S. Otilia for the head S. Petronil for th'ague S. Quintin for the cough S. Ruffine for madnes S. Sebastian for the plague S. Thomas of Canturburie for sinners S. Valentine for the falling sicknes S. VVinefield for virginitie S. ✚ or Crosce for al things It is Vaine Not warrātable by the worde of god Repugnant to the holie Scripture 23. ARTICLE Of Ministring in the Congregation IT is not lawful 1 for anie man to take vpon him th' office of publike preaching 3 or ministring the Sacraments in the Congregation 2 before hee be lawfullie called and sent t' execute the same 4 And those wee ought to iudge lawfullie called and sent which be 6 chosen and called to this worke 5 by men who haue publike auctoritie giuen vnto them in the congregation to cal and sende Ministers into the Lordes vine-yard The Propositions 1 None publiquelie maie preach but such as are auctorized thereunto 2 Theie must not be silent who by office are bound to preach 3 The Sacraments maie not bee administred in the Congregation but by a lawful Minister 4 There is a lawful Ministerie in the Church 5 Theie are lawful Ministers which be ordained by Men lawfullie appointed to
the calling and sending-forth of Ministers 6 Before Ministers are to be ordained theie are to be chosen and called 1 Manie are the duties enioined to euerie christian yet so is it ordained by the wisedome of God that none should as gouerne in the Cōmon-weale so teach publiquelie in the Church but such as lawfully be called and sent to execute the same This By the Scripture is apparent where The godlie are commanded to preach before theie would speake so was The wiked are blamed for preaching before theie were sent Iere. 14 14. 23 21. 27 15. 29 9. Samuel 1. Sam. 3 4 c. Ieremie Iere. 1. 4. c. Ezekiel Ezek. 2. 3 c. Iohn Baptist. Iohn 1. 6. Iesus Christ who as he was sent Ioh. 20 21 so did he to preach send The 12. Apostles Mat. 10. 5 c. Mat. 28 19. c. Iohn 20 21. The 70. disciples Luke 10. 1. A commaundement is giuen vs to praie the Lord of the haruest that he would send-forth laborers into his haruest Matth. 9. 38. VVe do read that God hath ordained some in the Church to be 1. Cor. 12 28. Apostles Prophets Teachers VVorkers of miracles c. Christ ascended gaue some Ephes. 4 11. Prophets Euangelists Pastors Teachers By the publique Confession of manie Churches reformed is granted as Confes. of Heluet. 2. c. 18. Bohem. c. 9. France art 31. Fland. art 31. Ausb art 14. VVittem art 20. Sueaui art 13. VVherebie we signifie our selues to be aduersaries To all such as to their power do seeke th'abolishing of publique preaching as do subtile Papists and worldlie men To al such as publishe how the worde is not taught by the holie Scriptures and Sermons but onelie by the reuelation of the Spirit so did Muncer To al such as runne before theie be sent as do manie Anabaptists Schismatikes to carie disciples after them To al such as hold how theie which are able to teach and instruct the people maie and must so do and that not priuatlie but publiquelie though theie be not ordinarilie called and sent thereunto The doctrine of R. H. 2 As publiquelie to preach before men are sent is à gre●uous fault so not to preach being sent is as great a sinne Hereunto ●eare witnes In the Scripture Iesus Christ whose wordes are theis Surelie I must also preach the kingdome of God to other cities for therefore am I sent Luke 4. 43. Peter and Iohn who being charged to speake no more in the name of Iesus said VVe cannot but speake that which we haue heard and sene Act. 4. 17. c. S. Paul For he writeth Necessitie is laid vpon me and wo is vnto me if I preach not the Gospel For if I do it willinglie I haue à reward but if I do it against my will yet the dispensation is committed vnto me 1. Cor. 9. v. 16 17. Th'apostles For though theie were beaten for so doing yet ceassed theie not to teach and preach Iesus Christ. Act. 5. 42. The godlie Churches at this present in the vvorld Confes. Heluet. 2. c. 18. Heluet. 1. art 15. Bohem. c. 9. France art 25. Ausburge art 7. VVittemb art 20. Sueau● art 13. This condemneth al such as take vpon them the office of publique preaching without performance of the same either through Ignorance that theie can not VVorldly busines that they maie not Negligence that theie wil not Feare of troubles that theie dare not Preach the word of God 3. To minister the Sacramēts in the Cōgregation euerie man maie not presume but theie are so to do as be lawfullie called sent for that purpose Heb. 5 4. as they be whose office publiquelie is to teach instruct the people of God For so we maie read In the Scripture that the preachers of the word are to be the ministers of the Sacraments For both Christ by his auctoritie did command his disciples as to preach so to Baptize Matth. 28 19. Celebrate the Lord his supper Luke 22 19. 1. Cor. 11 ● 24 25. Th'apostles other ministers in the purest times whome the godlie ministers in theis d●ies do succeed did not ●nclie preach but also Baptize Act. 2. 38 c Act. 8. v. 12 13. Act. 9 47. Act 16 v. 31. c. Iohn 1 25. 1. Cor. 1 14. c. Minister the Supper of the Lord Act. 20 7. 1. Cor. 10 16. In the Christian Confessions of the Churches reformed Confes. Heluet. 2. c. 18. Bohem. c. 9. France ar 25. 31 Ausb art 7. VVittē art 20. S●●●ia art 13. In saieng that none maie minister the Sacraments in the Congregation before he be lawfullie called and sent to execute the same the meaning is not as I take it that priuatelie in houses either lawful ministers vpon iust occasio 〈…〉 〈…〉 aie not or others not of the ministrie vpon anie occasion in the peace of the Church maie administer the Sacraments For though it be lawful for almen in their places to teach to exhort to reprehend to praie and that continuallie and in al places yet maie none minister the Sacraments but such as are publiquelie auctorized so to do The contrarie where of neither by anie commandement from God no● example in Th'apostles time can be shewen Hereby we declare our selues not to fauor th' opinion that Publiquelie some maie minister the Sacramēts which are not meerlie and ful ministers of the word Sacraments Priuatelie the Sacrament of baptisme maie be ministred by anie man yea by women if necessitie ●o vrge 4 God for the gathering or erecting to himselfe á Church out of mankinde and for the wel-gouerning of the same hath from time to time vsed yea doth also and to th' ende of the worlde wil vse the ministerie of men lawfullie called there-vnto by men A trueth most euident In the holy Scripture Mark 16. 15 Ephes 4. 11. 1. Cor. 12. 21 Matt. 28. 20 Iohn 14. 16. In the sound Confessions of the pure● Churches of this time Confes. Heluet. 1. art 15. Heluet. 2. ca 18. Bohem. c. 8. 9. 14. France art 25. 29. 30. 31 Fland. art 30. 31. Ausburgh art 7. Sax. art 11. VVittem art ●0 Sueaue art 13. 15. This proposition I had ouerpassed in silence had I not read in á certaine booke that in theis daies No Ministers haue the Pertaining to á Minister 〈…〉 ng Sending Auctoritie It wil hardlie be sound in al the world that anie Minister Lawfull●e called Is Shalbe 5 S. Paule in the beginning of his Epistle vnto the Galathians giueth vs to obserue the diuers sending-forth of men into the holie Ministerie whereof some are sent 1 By god For by God the Father Iesus Christ Iohn 20. 21. Iohn Baptiste Iohn 1. 6. God the Sonne in his state Mortal the 〈◊〉 Apostles Math 10. 5. 28. 19. Glorious immortal S. Paule Act. 9. v. 3. 15. VVere called and sent This calling is special extraordinarie And thei so called were Adorned with the gift of miracles as wer I. Christ his Apostles but not Iohn
11 True it is that euerie one which receaueth the Sacraments receiueth not therewithal the things signified by the Sacraments that is Forgiuing of sinnes or other spiritual graces freelie for Christ his sake For we do find that Some do receiue the Sacraments and the things signified by the Sacraments So did Cornelius receiue the Sacrament of Baptisme Acts. 10 47. The Lords Supper The good disciples The godlie Corinthians Some receiue the Sacraments but not the things signified by the Sacraments So receiued Simon Magus baptisme Acts. 8 13. Iudas the L. Supper Iohn 13. 26. So receiue the 1. Cor. 11 27. c. Atheists Libertines Impenitent persons Some receiue not the Sacraments and yet are partakers of the thing signified by the Sacraments Such à communicant vvas the theefe vpon the Crosse Luke 23 v. 43. 44 This maketh vs to conceiue vvell Of those men and vvomen vvhich vvold and cannot communicate with the godlie Of the children of Christian parents vvhich die afore theie be baptized Furthermore it is appatent hovv Saluation is promised to thē vvhich are baptized yet not simply but if theie do beleeue Mar. ●6 16. VVhosoeuer shal eat the bread or drinke the cup of the Lord vnvvorthilie shal be giltie of the bodie and bloud of Christ. 1. Cor. 11 27 The same do the god lie Churches in their Cōfes testifie vnto the vvorld Confes. Heluet ● c 19. 21 Heluet 1 ar ●0 Basil ar 5. 6 Boem c. 11. 13. Fran. ar 34. 36. 37 Flan. art 33 35. Ausb art 3. 13. Sax. art 13 14. VVit c. 10. Suea c. 17. The Papists therefore be in à vvrong opinion vvhich deliuer that The Sacraments are not onelie seales but causes of grace The Sacraments giue grace euen because theie be deliuered and receiued ex opere operato That is à cause of vnvvorthie receiuing the Sacraments vvhich in deed is none as if a man or vvoman do communicate before he haue made à ful confession of al his sinnes vvith their circumstances vnto à Priest The lacke of à true and liuelie faith is not à cause vvhich in deed is the greatest cause in th' elder sort of vnvvorthie receiuing the Sacraments 26. ARTICLE Of th'un vvorthines of the Ministers which hinder not th' effect of the Sacraments ALthough in the visible Church the euil be euer mingled with the good and sometime the euil haue chiefe auctoritie in the ministration of the worde and Sacramentes yet for asmuch as theie doe not the same in their owne name but in Christes and doe minister by his commission and auctoritie 1we maie vse their ministerie both in bering the word of God in the receiuing the Sacraments Neither is th' effect of Christes ordinance taken awaie by their wikednes nor the grace of Gods gifts diminished from such as by faith and rightlie doe receiue the Sacraments ministred vnto them which are effectual because of Christes institution and promise although theie be ministred by euilmen 2Neuerthelesse it appertaineth to the Discipline of the Church that inquirie be made of euil Ministers and that theie be accused by those that haue knowledge of their offences and finallie being founde guiltie by iuste iudgement be deposed The Propositions 1 Th' effect of the worde and Sacramentes is not hindered by the badnesse of the Ministers 2 Euil Ministers are to be searched out conuicted and deposed but orderlie and by the Discipline of the Church 1 Of the ministers ecclesiastical the church is to conceaue Not too sinisterlie as though their vnworthines could make the word and Sacraments the lesce effectual to such as vvorthelie do heare and receaue them Not too high lie as if the dignitie of their calling vvere cause good enough that what thei do or saie ex officio take happie effects This by The scripture is autorized which teacheth vs that euen The wiked Are to be heard The scribes and Pharises sitting in Moses chaire Math. 23. 1. Preaching Christe though through enuie strife and contention Phil ● 15. Maie minister the Sacraments as did th'ordinari Iewish Priests and of them verie manie moste wikced both afore and vvhen Christe came into the world The beste are but The ministers of God 1. Cor. 4. 1. Gods laborers 1. Cor. 39. The purer churches of our time is abundantlie testified Confes. Heluet. 1. art 15. 20. 22. Heluet. 2. c. 18. 19. 20. 21. Bohem. c. 11. 12. Franc. ar 26. 28. 34. 36 38. Fland. art 33. 34. 35. Ausburg art 8. Saxon. art 11. 13. VVittem art 32 Sueau art 13. Neither is hee whosoeuer that planteth anie thing neither he that watereth but god that giueth the increase saieth S. Paul 1. Cor 3. 7. And à signe of à good spirit it is to regarde not so much who speketh or ministreth as what is vttered and offered from God The due consideration heereof vvill both settle vs the more deeplie in the truth make vs the more earnestlie to abhorre th' unsound opinions Of the VVho taught that the Sacraments are holie vvhen theie be administred by holy men not els Donatists Pe●lians Of Th'anabaptists which wil not haue the people to vse the ministrie of euill ministers Thinke the seruice of wiked ministers vnprofitable and not effectual Of R. H. publishing that it is the calling or dutie of euery Christian not to communicate where there is a blinde dumme ministerie Of the Papists For who seeth not that theie tie the graces of God to the worthines of persons when theie deliuer that Some sacraments Bishops and non els as Confirmation and orders must minister From som sinnes the Priest from some the Bishop and from some the Pope onelie must absolue Hee which entereth into holie wedlock being afore in orders turneth backe after Satan and becommeth an Apostata 2 Though vvee hold that the ministerie of vviked ministers is not vtterlie to bee condemned yet thinke vve not that in the Church of God theie must alvvaies bee suffered For theie are Th'euil and vnprofitable seruaunts Math. 25. 26. Theis vvhich offend Math. 18. 8. Th'unfauorie salt Math. 5. 13. VVhich are carefullie to bee seene vnto and if admonitions vvill not serue deposed yet orderlie and by the discipline of the Church For that God vvhich appointed à gouernment for the ciuil state hath giuen auctoritie also to his Church to punishe offenders according to the qualitie of their offence And so vvee maie read In the worde of God Math. 18. v. 17. ●8 1. Cor. 5. 4. c. In the confessions of our neighbour churches Confes Hel. 2. c. 18. Bohem. c. 9. Sax. art 11. Sueau art 13 Then haue not as R H. writeth the people of God in euerie congregation auctoritie To depose vn●cet Ministers To punish offenders against the word of God 27 ARTICLE Of Baptisme BAptisme is 1 not onelie à signe of profession and marke of difference wherebie Christian men are discerned from other that be not Christened 2 but it is also à signe of regeneration or newe birth wherebie as by
maie punish Christian men with death for heinous and grieuous offences 7It is lawful for Christian men at the commandement of the Magistrate to weare weapons and serue in the warres The Propositions 1 The Queenes Maiest hath the chiefe power in this realme of Eng. and other her dominions 2 The Queenes Maiestie hath the chiefe gouernement of al states Ecclesiastical and ciuil in al causes within her dominions 3 The ciuil Magistrate maie not execute th'ecclesiastical duties of preaching and of ministring the Sacraments 4 The ciuil Magistrate is to restraine with the material sword and to punish malefactors whosoeuer theie bee 5 The Bishop of Rome hath no iurisdiction in this Realme of England 6 By the lawes of this Realme Christian men for hainous and greuous offences maie be put to death 7 It is lawful for Christian men at the commaundement of the Magistrate to weare wepons and serue in the wars ● Diuers sundrie bee the forms of cōmon weales and magistracie For some where Manie the●e of th●n seriot people bear the swaie as in à Democratie A sevve and that of chois and the best mē do gouerne as in an Aristocratie One man or woman hath the prae●minence as in à Monarchie Such is the gouernement of this realme at this present VVhat soeuer the state be the worde of God ●ea cheth vs that There is no power but of God The powers that be are ordained of god Vvhosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God Rom. 13. v. 12. VVe must Be subiect and obedient to the principalities and powers sit 3 ● Submitt our selues vnto al manner ordinance of man for the Lordes ●ake 1. Pet. 2. 13. Praie for kings and for al that be in auctoritie 1. Tim. 2. v. 1. 2. Giue to all men their dutie Rom 13. 7. Tribute to whom tribute Custom to whom custome Feare to whom feare Honor to whom honor is due But of the regiment of Kings and Queenes special mention is made By the prophet ●saie saying chap. 49. ●3 Kings shal be thi nowri shing Fathers Quee nes shal bee thie nurces By Saincte Paule who exhorteth that supplications and praiers bee made for Kinges 1. Tim 2. 1 c. By Peter For hee calleth the King the Superior or him that hath the chiefe power as our Queene Elizabeth hath in he● dominions 1. Pet. 2. 13. Of this iudgement al●o be other Christian Churches Confes of Helue ● art 26. Heluet. 2 cap. 30. Basil. art 7. Bohem. ca. 16. and in the conclus Fland. art 36. Ausburg art 16. 17. Saxon. art 23 Sueau in the perorat whereby thei with vs and we with them do condemne th'opinions Of the Manichies Fra●ricel lians Flagelli●eries whiche altogither simplie condemne Magistracie Of the dreamers which Despise gouernement Speake euil of them which are in auctoritie Of Th'anabaptists that holde howe Christians are not to be magistrats Of al thē which dreame or disalowe the Regiment of women 2 VVe ascribe that vnto our Queene by this proposition which is giuen to euerie king and Queene in their dominions by the vvorde of God as appeareth In that theie are Fortitles Gratious Lords Luke 22 25. Rom. 13. ver 3 4. Princes The Ministers of God The nurses of the Church Isa. 49 23. Gods Psal. 82 1. For auctoritie the chiefe 1. Pet. 2. 13. which moueth Saint Paule t'exhort that supplieations c be made for al men but first for Kings as for the chiefe 1. Tim. 2 1. By the comaundement of God vnto al states and callings without exception Let euerie soule be subiect to the higher power c. Rom. 13 1. c. Submit your selues c. vvhether it be to the King as vnto the superior or vnto gouernors that are sent of him c. 1. Pet. 2. v. 13 14. By the famous examples Of the high Priest Aaron who calleth Moses his Lord. Exod. 32 22. Abimelech which termed Saul his Lord. 1. Sam. 22 12. Of Iosaphat who appointed Iudges Leuits and Priests 2. Chro. 19 5. c. Of Ezechias He sent to al Israel and Iudah that theie should come to the house of the Lord at Ierusalem to keepe the Passeouer c. a. Chro. 31. 2. He appointed the courses of Priests Leuits by their turnes 2. Chro. 31 2. He commanded The Priests the sons of Aaron to offer sacrifice c. they obeid him 2. ch 23 21 Al the cōgregation to bring offrings they brought them 2. Chro. ●9 31. The same do the churchesreformed attribute to Christian magistrats Confes. of Helue 1. art 26. Heluet. 2 cap. 30. Basil. art 7. Bohem. ca. 16. Fland. art 36. Ausburg art 16. 17. Saxon. art 23. Sueaue in the Perorat This being so hovve dare the papists as they do saie that The kings excellencie of power is in respect of the Nobilitie and laie Magistrates vnder him and not in respect of Popes Bishops or Priests as they haue rule of soules Kings princes bee 〈…〉 neuer so great must bee subiect to some Bishop Priest Praelate The whole Clergie ought to bee free from paieng tribute No man is to bee subiect to his temporal Prince superior in matters of religion or regiment of his soule but in such things onelie as concerne the publike peace policie The Papists now in Englang bee dulie discharged from subiection and the Prince from dominion by the soueraignt auctoritie of the common pastor of Religion whiche is the Pope 3 K. Ezechias saide vnto the Priestes and Leuites of his time My sonnes be not deceaued for the Lorde hath chosen you to stand before him to serue him and to be his Ministers and to burne incense 2 Chron. 29. 1● So do we saie The Lord hath appointed à companie to teach the people to celebrat the Sacramentes to handle the keis of the coelestial kingdom in somuch that he that shall praesume to doe theis things not called there unto and that lavvfullie though he be à King hee maie feare that punishment vvhich ●el vpon Vzzah 2. Chro. 26. 19 Notvvithstanding Kinges Queenes Princes in their places maie yea and must as occasiion serueth VVith K. Salomon Build an house for the Lord ● Chron. 1. 1 Set the courses of the Priests to their offices c. ● Chron. 8 14. VVith K. Ezekiah 2. kin 8. 4. Breake th images Cut down the groues Take avvaie the hie places ● C●h 31 v. 2 4. Appoint the courses of the Priests and Leuites Inioine al the people to minister sustenāce for the Priests and Leuites Thus did Ezechiah throughout al Iudah and did wel and vprightlie and trulie before the L. his God 2. Chro. 31. 20 VVith K. Iosiah Put-downe and burne the horses of the Sunne 2. Kin. 23. 11 Breake-dovrne the houses of the Sodomites 2 King 23. 7. Purge Iudah and Ierusalem 2. Chron. 34 3 from the Hie places Groues Karued images Moltē images c. Appoint the Priestes to their charges c. 2 Chro. 35. 2. Compel al that are