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A09827 Fyve homiles of late, made by a ryght good and vertuous clerke, called master Leonarde Pollarde, prebendary of the Cathedrall Churche of Woster, directed and dedicated to the ryght reuerende Father in God Rychard by the permissyon of God bysshoppe of Woster his specyall good Lorde. Vewed, examined, and alowed by the right reuerende Father in God Edmonde byshop of London, within whose diocese they are imprinted. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Pollard, Leonard, d. 1556. 1556 (1556) STC 20091; ESTC S105125 57,542 98

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louest thou me Iohn 21. yea and that thryse at euery aunswere that Peter made affirminge that he loued Chryste he commaundynge that he shulde feede Nowe yf that Chryst dyd specially charge Peter with feedynge yea both the sheepe and also me thynketh that Chryst made Peter his especiall and chiefe shepherde Moreouer in the Actes when Chryste called forth Peter fyrste to Actes 10. preache the gospell to the gentyles dyd it not apere that Peter was the chiefest of the Apostles and that it was done bycause the Apostles and Disciples shulde with the better wyll receaue the gentyles to the felowshyppe of the gospell seinge hym to be made a preacher and a teacher to the gentyles that was chiefest amongst thē Ageyne when the apostles were altogether at the receauynge of the holy ghoste and when the councell of the Apostles was fyrste gethered together at Ierusalem Actes 15. dyd not Peter onely speake and shewe the causes of theyr speakynge with dyuers tounges and of the Abrogacion of the Iewes lawe amongst the gentyles Actes 8. For though Iames dyd afterwardes speake yet he dyd it rather confirmyng that that was propounded by saint Peter then chalengynge any authoritie to hym selfe For he rehersed as a profe therof the tale that saynt Peter tolde which was howe god hadde wrought by hym the conuersion of the Gentyles Actes 8. Howe be it some wyll saye that Peter must nedes therfore be not the thefe bicause that saynt Luke sayth hym and Iohn to haue byn sente into Samarie that by them the Samaritans myght receaue the holy ghost But nowe saye our newe men in as much as they sent Peter and he that is sent must be inferiour to hym that sendeth hym so must Peter be inferiour to the rest of the Apostles beinge sent by thē But here they myght se yf they lyste to marke the vse that is and alwayes hath bin in the Church concerning the sacrament of confirmation which is in dede the geuynge of the holy ghoste that Peter muste therefore be chiefe bycause he was sent to minister this scramente For where haue ye sene good people any prieste inferiour to a byshoppe to minister confirmation vnto your thyldren Then as confirmation belongethe to the thiefest of the priestes so in as much as they sente hym and Iohn to minister it it is euidente that amonge all the residue they were the chiefe And notwithstanding that the residue of the Apostles were present when the sicke persons were led into places to be ouershadowed with theyr shadowes yet doth saynt luke make mentiō of none by name but of Peters shadow the whiche argueth a preheminence to haue bin in Peter aboue al the rest Augustine questi 75. super nonum testamentum Chrisost homile 55 super Mathewe Iorome contra Ioninian liber primo And it apperteyneth playnely by saint Augustin in sundry places of his woorkes and specially by his .75 question that he wryteth vpon the newe testament Also Chrysostome in the .55 homile vpon Mathewe that one fysher man was made capytayne and ruler of the shyppe that shulde be sore tossed but neuer drowned with the blastes of temptacion Also saynte Ierome in his fyrst booke ageynst Ioninian sayth Supra Paetrum fundatur ecclesia licet idipsum in alio loco super omnes Aposto los fiat et cuncti claues regni accipierunt et ex eaquo super eos fortitudo solidatur tamen propterea inter duodecim vnus eligatur vt in capite constituto scisinatis tollatur occasio That is to say The Churche is founded vppon Peter althoughe the same thynge is sayde to be done in another place vpon al the Apostles and al they tooke the keyes of the kingdome and strength is fastened indifferently vpon all yet therfore one must be chosen amongst the .xii. that in the head appoynted the occasion of discorde may be taken away To be briefe it is the opiniō of all the auncient fathers that saynt Peter was the chiefe of the Apostles Wherfore as there was before Chrystes tyme in Christes tyme and also after hym a chiefe and one aboue al the residue so hath it continued vnto this miserable tyme and bycause that it is not nowe so therfore are these miseries fallen vppon vs that be wherefore seinge we ought to haue a heade and stande as muche neede of a heade as euer dyd they all good men must thynke it of necessitie that a heade we must haue Vnto this then it is requyred to knowe where this head shuld be who he is that we may knowe hym and so consequently obey as it is holsome for vs to do without all doubte good Chrysten people his place is the see of Rome the byshop of that sea hath always bin ought nowe by Gods word to be the head of al byshops For as he that succedeth the kynge by ryght ought of ryght to be kynge So he that doth ryghtuously succede saynt Peter beinge the chiefe of all the Apostles ought of ryght to be the chiefe of byshoppes Ageyne god hath not appoynted eyther to Peter or to any other lyke authoritie as Peter had not for his owne commoditie or profyte but for the edifyenge of the Church wherfore seinge the Churche remayned after Peter so muste the same authoritie that Peter hadde styll remayne in the Church and it must also be knowē to be in the Church But such authoritie may only be knowē to remayne in the bishop of Rome being successor to saint Peter or els it must be vncerteyne yf any other shulde haue it and so consequently vnprofytable wherefore it must nedes be that it remayneth in him Ageyne we say that ageinst the commynge of our sauyour Chryste God had made Rome the heade of the worlde in all temporalties Luke 2. vndoubtedly as it is to be thought bycause that by Christ it shulde be made a heade of spiritualties In the region of Iury thoughe there were manye cities yet was there one especially chosen to God and that was Ierusalem to be theyr chiefe citie And nowe when the Churche was to be spredde through the worlde he hath chosen Rome as it is to be thought to be aboue the residue which appeareth by two causes The fyrst is that of al the great sees that be in the world it hath alwayes byn moste free and pure from heresie God alwayes haue defended the same where all the residue as Ierusalem Antyoche Ephesus and the other Apostolyke Churches are destroyed and this onely doth styll remayne and is by God defended The thyrde cause may be added that all good Chrysten men haue euermore taken it to be the heade as it maye apere by the decree of Constantine that moste godly and Christian Emperour Prefa cōstantine Nice which is sette before the councell of Nyce wherein he confesseth the see of Rome to be the chiefest see and Siluester to be the chiefest byshop It apereth also to haue byn obserued
a man amongst other Angels or mē yea but then we must marke howe his workes doth teache hym and what workes dothe teache hym for certeyne it is that not his myracles or strange workes doth teach hym onely for then he shuld be taught but at certeyne tymes And besyde that to the deuyl wyl worke miracles But chiefely he is made knowen vnto vs by his ordinary workes for those can not the deuyll so sone counterfeite as he may myracles and they be more generall also and can the better by that meanes teache hym And if ye wyll learne what these be and howe they do teache aske of the husbande man and of the Princes howe and of whome the one getteth his corne the other the victory of his enemyes and they wyll aunswere that they both hath these that is theyr corne and theyr victory of god And lykewyse for the maner howe god doth gyue them Pri●●● querite regunum Math. 7. the husbande wyll say that god gyueth it by tyllage the Prince wyll say that by the helpe of his army And for these purposes do they fyrst begyn theyr busynes with prayer that god wolde prosper them and then they vse gods ordynary appoynted meane bycause they wyll not tempt hym and yet do they referre the successe of theyr labour yf they prosper to hym and not to them selues Euen so deare brethrene hath god appoynted his ordynarye workes in his Churche whereby we that be faythfull ought to knowe hym as for example He teacheth but yet he doth it by the meane of the preacher he wassheth but he dothe it by the sacramente of babtisme he feedeth you with his owne blessed body and blood but he doth it by the most blessed sacrament of the aulter and so he doth purge and dyght you from your sinnes but lykewyse he doth it by the sacrament of penaunce and marke I pray you and ye shall not onely se hym in this sacramente but you shall here hym saye vnto you thy sinnes are forgeuen thee O what a comfort is this to a sinner to here god say vnto hym thy sinnes be forgeuen thee Howe comfortable a voyce is this voyce to a troubled conscience howe sure may we be that our sowles be healed from sinne when we shall heare this greate physytion of our sowles god almyghty thus to speke vnto vs who beinge deseased in his sowle wyll not make spede to heare this voyce Nay but ye wyll saye yf we myght heare god so say Iohn 20. it were much more comfortable then all this is but who euer harde hym so to say in the sacrament Mary euen thou man that askeste this question and euery faythfull and true penitente person For dost not thou reade in the .xx. Chapiter of saint Iohn that Chryste saythe to his priestes that whose sinnes the prieste forgeueth he doth forgyue them and the sinnes that be not forgyuen by the priestes are not forgyuen by him Se nowe I pray you good Christen men and women and ye do not here god sayinge to you that your sinnes be forgyuen you when ye heare the priest say that by the authoritie whiche God hath gyuen vnto hym to absolute you he doth absolute you ye here that god doth gyue to hym authoritie and ye heare him say that accordynge to the authoritie he doth absolue or lose you from your sinnes Do not you then here God say vnto you by hym that your sinnes be forgeuen you Is not the priest Gods messenger vnto you Do ye not reade or here redde his cōmission when ye eyther rede or here redde this text of Gods worde whose sinnes ye do forgyue are forgyuen and whose sinnes ye do not forgyue are not forgiuen Wherin then can you doubt but that your sinnes be forgyuen Verely in nothynge excepte it be in your selues that is bycause you your selues be not sory for them or wyll not confesse them or do feyne and pretende a penitentnesse then in very dede ye may well doubt yf ye thus do not for wante that is eyther of Gods parte or of the priestes For yf there be any doubt at all it must be of your selues whether ye be worthy to receaue the benefite of the sacrament of penaunce or nay be ye therefore sure of your selues and then shall ye haue no cause to doubt but that ye be restored to grace ageyne hearynge hym thus to say Further when ye reade in the olde lawe Leui. 5. that the people when they had offended in breakynge of Gods ordinaunce came to the priestes and confessed theyr faultes uppon the heades of a shepe or such lyke the which the priests dyd offer vp for theyr sinnes what other can it signifie but that we shulde confesse our selues to the priest and ley our hand that is stay our selues vpon our lambes heade that is the deitie of Chryst gods lambe whom vnder the fourmes of breade and wyne the priest doth offer for our sinnes Iohan. 1. Leuiti 14 Math. 8. Luke 17. When we rede also that the Israelites were bydden to shewe the sores of theyr bodyes to the priest and that our sauyour dyd bydde those that he had healed of the leprosy to go and shewe them selues to the priest are ye not taught therby that we Chrysten men shulde open the sores of our sowles to the sight and knowledge of the priest And the priest is apoynted of god to deserue the sores of mens fowles as the priestes amongst the Iewes dyd the sores of the bodye Do ye thynke that these figures had not the truth signified by them Math. 3. The Pharyseyes when they came to be baptised of saynt Iohn and dyd confesse theyr faultes hauinge no such warrandes by god as our priestes haue wolde not they rather haue come yf they had in mo●ed therto by promesse as we be be you not worse as god forbyd you shulde be so euyll then these wycked Pharyses were Iaco. 5. Saynt Iames byddeth that we ●●ulde confesse our fautes one to another the which saynt 〈…〉 must be vnderstande that we shulde confesse oure lesse offences to our brethren and the greater to the prieste And se I pray you howe conuenient it is thus to do bicause the priest is of greater auctoritie to forgiue sinnes then other men be For he is first the minister of god ordeyned for that purpose and hath the promesse whiche other haue not Ageyne he is the commen magestrates or officer of the Churche by the vertue whereof lyke as his prayer is the prayer of the whole Churche so is his absolution or pardon the absolution of the whole Church wherefore we beinge absolued by hym are made to be at peace both with god and with al good men so that good men wyll remytte offences when the parties with whom they were offended are confessed If I shuld resyte what the aunciēt fathers haue taught concerninge oure confession to a prieste it wolde be to longe Origene homile 2. super Leui Augustine